Umm Whatever

By moc.loa@527meihK

Published on Aug 20, 2000


"Umm... Whatever!" -- Chapter Six

By, Khiem Vo

Okay, so like, I'm finally done with this chapter! =) Yay... Took forever! Like, school just started, right? So I'm gonna try to work out some kinda schedule so that I can write more. It's like, I'm sitting in English class and all these ideas are flowin' thru my brain and stuff...

I wanna give props to all the readers! =) Y'all cool. Y'all is!!! =) hehe. It's cause y'all write to me that I keep this goin'...

Hey To Gabby, Fred, Mica, Kyle (a total inspiration), Ted, and like... all y'all folks that IM me and stuff. Thank you. =) Y'all the coolest bunch of folks. Gawd, I'm soundin' more like a hick every day! =)

E-Mail! I wanna hear from ya. Tell me where to go from here. Cause like, I don't start writin' till I get e-mail. Just e-mail me! It's not that hard. It's pretty easy. Just type in my addy And then say "You are the bestest writer in the world" That's all I wanna hear =P hehe...

Disclaimer and stuff: Don't drink and drive, cause you'll get lost and then run out of gas and then, have to sell your body to dirty old truck driver just to get to the nearest town! And even then, there ain't no telephone so you have to just deal!!!! =) I've warned ya, now go read!

Chapter Six....

"I've turned into a bulimic slut." I said, sitting beside the toilet. In less than twenty-four hours, I've puked twice already. It wasn't like I did it on purpose. It was kinda more like induced or something like that. But still. I'm skinny enough as it is! Okay, wait... let's go back a bit. I'm too ahead...


I was just having some fun and trying to act all famous and stuff. That's what I thought famous people did. I thought they sat boiling in their tubs all day and drank expensive champagne and talked on the phone. So that's why I was drinking champagne and pretending to be some famous movie star.

I guess I was kinda drunk. Well, not really. Just buzzed. But ya know, they're right. Champagne does make you feel all sexy and stuff. Even though I had to hold my nose when I drank it, I was feeling really turned on and stuff. And then Lance came in, ya know. And maybe I was just thinking with the wrong head or something but I just couldn't help myself.

So I jumped him right there. I was all flirting with him and stuff. I sounded stupid too! Trying to sound all seductive and shit. But it just turned out to sound like I had a nasal problem or something. But one thing led to another and I was sucking his face and molesting his body.

Next thing ya know, we're drowning in water!


Now, the setting was really romantic. But then, there's nothing romantic about choking on a gallon of bubbles and soap. I don't know about everyone else, but kissing underwater is just not worth it. Well I don't think it's really called kissing cause the only thing i was doing was drinking bath water. Lance was about to pull me off him and stood up. I was just sitting there coughing out as much water as I could.

"God Khiem! Look what you did! Shit!!" He said, throwing his hands up in anger. "What is up with you? I just don't understand you sometimes, I mean, I try but I just never seem to be able to." Lance climbed out of the tub and got some towels. I just sat there, staring at him.

"Why are you drinking anyways? I know you like being a rebel and stuff but this is going a little too far. I thought you'd know better than this." He walked over to the champagne bottle, picked it up and emptied it in the sink.

"I'm gonna go change. Be ready when I come back." He said, unbuttoning his shirt while he sloshed his way out the door. I just sat there thinking. Lance just yelled at me! He yelled at me! He's never ever raised his voice at me like that. I know what I did was stupid. Well, duh. But then he yelled at me and he was all so bossy and stuff.

I made my way over to the sink and just stared at myself in the mirror. I wasn't happy anymore. The drunken spell or whatever had already passed and I just felt shitty and crappy and stuff. I felt like crying or something. I don't know why. Was it because I made Lance mad at me and stuff? Or was it because I just felt like it? I don't know. But I wasn't that happy little carefree kid no more.

I wrapped the robe around my waist and began wiping my face. I was tearing up. I haven't really cried in a long time. Well, not that long. But it just seemed like things were just so stupid right now.

"Are you ready?" Lance said from the doorway. I looked over at him, snifflin'. He was wearing a different suit now. Still looked good as always, of course. He always does.

"No. You have no right." I said, looking away. I was crying again and I didn't want him to see me. But it was kinda pointless since I was snifflin' a lot.

"Have no right to what?" He said, gently placing his hand on my shoulder. I was crying and mad at him.

"You aren't my dad. Even my dad can't tell me what to do! I don't like it when you yell. And I feel shitty that I mad you mad." I said, wiping my face with the sleeves.

"Is that why you're crying?"

"No! I don't know why! It's just all of a sudden I'm feeling so crappy and like such a loser. Like, nothing! I am nothing! Cause you're right." I said, whining.

"About what?"

"Like, how I'm just too much sometimes. And I'm not worth all the trouble I cause and stuff." I was kinda ranting and just babbling. And my stomach wasn't feeling too good either. But that wasn't my main concern. I was still facing the other way. Lance came closer and put his arms around me, locking it in front. I stuggles to get loose but he just held me tighter.

"Khiem. I'm sorry." He whispered, rocking me back and forth. "I didn't mean to yell at you and all. I just got hot tempered or something. And no you are so worth it, okay? You aren't a loser or anything. I'd do anything and put up with everything that you do. Believe me. Okay?" Lance said. He rested his chin on my shoulder. I looked up into the mirrors. My eyes were kinda water and poofy. Lance was smiling gently at me.

"I just want you to look at yourself. You are worth it, dude. Totally! You are the coolest person in the world." Lance made me smile, and I just forgot why I cried at that moment. I laughed.

"I know... Thank you. You're the bestest friend I could ever have." I smiled at him in the mirror. It was a good way to patch up a fight, I guess. But he didn't have that smile on his face after I said best friend... But he wasn't sad or anything... at least I don't think so. He's just weird. Lance and I just stood there for a moment, still swaying back and forth. Which wasn't a good idea.

"Lance. Stop." I said, trying to steady myself.

"What?" He asked, lifting his head up.

"I'm getting sea sick!" I said, running to the toilet and barfing. I could hear Lance's eww's and ugh's behind me. After finally finishing my puking, Lance brought me a cup of water to rinse my mouth.

"I've become a bulimic slut." I said, trying to get up. "That feels so much better. I'm never drinking champagne again! Ugh!" I shivered. The thought of more alcohol just make me want to puke again.

"Bulimic? Slut you are. Bulimic you ain't. Now go get dressed. I'm gonna call the guys. They've been waiting for like, ten minutes downstairs." So Lance went to use the phone while I went to get dressed.

"You aren't wearing that are you?" Lance asked. He looked me up and down and frowned. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I liked what I was wearing. Shopping in LA thrift stores a few days ago, I found the coolest clothes! But Jack told me not to buy too much stuff cause then I'd clog the buses with clothes and stuff. "There is nothing wrong with what I'm wearing." I said, spinning around for him. "Umm... okay." He said, standing up. My outfit wasn't that bad. Okay, so the shirt was different. But it's nothing the guys wouldn't wear. "You weren't even born when those came out, dude." "It's... gonna come back. I just know it." I was wearing a bright orange tuxedo shirt. You know, the kind with the ruffles and stuff. And I was wearing black baggy slacks and some tap shoes. "Can you believe I bought this shirt for only ten dollars? And these shoes. They're really really old and the man at the store said they belonged to Gene Kelly or something." "Khiem... I doubt... nevermind. Let's just go." Lance said, holding the door open. I gave him a big smile and squeezed his butt on the way out. He just kicked me and handed me my jacket. It was just me and Lance in the elevator. "What did the guys say?" I asked, striking mere conversation. "Just complaining really. They're all hungry." He said, "As usual... Umm... Lance. About tonight and stuff... like..." I didn't know what to really say. "It's okay, dude. You were just on a high. Don't worry about it." He said. I looked at him, wanting to say something but he did instead. "And I won't say anything to anyone about it. Especially JC." I smiled at him and gave him a big hug. "Thanks, dude. And I'm sorry about the suit. I'll just have to take you shopping, won't I?" I gave him an evil grin. "It'll be so much fun. We can go like, tomorrow or something. We'll like, make a day of it and stuff. Go to like, the Statue of Liberty and like, at night, take a carriage ride into Central Park and get mugged at stuff." I laughed. "That sounds like fun. I'll look at the schedule and stuff." He said. The elevator opened and we walked to the big-ass limo. "Finally! We're starvin'." Justin said as the doors opened. I smiled and waved at everyone and stepped inside. "I'm blind! I'm blind!" Joey yelled, shielding his eyes from me. I just punched him in his belly and sat down next to JC. He was wearing Armani cologne and just smelled so wonderful. He looked at me and smiled and I sorta blushed and looked away. Lance sat down of my other side and we were off to some fancy restaurant. I was thinking back, ya know. About today and JC and all. He never really came out and said that he liked me or anything like that, did he. And I think that's sorta the reason he was in my room before. So I was confused about 'us'. Or if there was gonna be an 'us', ya know? I'd like there to be an 'us'. But it's totally in his hands. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy. There was endless chattering going on and I just felt really plastered and stuff. I didn't feel like taking and stuff and I just sat there, staring at all the cool gadgets inside the limo. "Can we go to a club or something tonight?" I asked Josh quietly. He looked over at me and smiled. I love his smile. So... different. "I'll see. Jack wouldn't be too fond of it. But what the hell, right? You got us to get you in and stuff." He said, messing up my already messed up hair. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "... I'll be right back with the wine list." The waiter said, after seating us and stuff. I was next to JC and Justin was on my other side this time. Lance was in front of me though and I kept making weird faces at him, trying to make him laugh. "Umm... JC. What are you gonna have?" I asked him, looking over at his menu. There were some really weird names and stuff on this menu. I'm thinking it's French. I took French, but I just didn't remember much of it. "Don't know what to get, huh." JC poked me with his elbow. I just laughed and squirmed in my chair. "Well. Like, I did take French. But I wasn't any good at it. But like, all these words are so weird and stuff. I just want a hamburger or something." I said, scanning the menu. "Khiem. It's a French restaurant! You gotta try something unique. Something Frenchy." Jack said from across the table. "Umm... okay. I'll have whatever JC has." I said, turning the page to the dessert section. Yum! "I feel like a tart." The guys all snickered at my comment. "What'd I say?" I asked. "Nothing. Just order away, kiddo." Chris said. Why were we here? This fancy restaurant and stuff. I mean, I know the guys would have rather gone to something more casual. I then noticed two empty chairs next to Jack. "Are we expectin' visitors or something, Jack?" I asked him. "We're strikin' a deal with some folks. Very important so behave yourself, alright?" Jack warned me. "Of course I will. I'll be a complete angel. I'll sit here and just eat my French stuff. And like, be all polite and shit... Opps. I mean, and stuff." Jack glared at me, but went on to look at the menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey, JC." I leaned over and whispered to him. The important people had came and our food was brought out and Jack and stuff was in the middle of talking some important stuff... but I had something really really very important to ask. "Hmm?" He said, still looking at the 'important' people. "Like, are these snails?" I asked, poking the black thingy with my fork. He just nodded. "Hey, JC?" I asked again. "Hmm?" "How am I supposed to eat it? And why are there only four of them? How am I supposed to be full?" I asked him in a hushed voice. He shhh'd me and continued listening to the 'important' people. Ugh! I'm important to, ya know? I wanted attention! But I promised Jack that I'd behave and let him do his business. Eating snails is a challenge, let me tell ya. I was sitting there for like, five minutes, just poking and prodding that bitchy snail but it wouldn't come out. And I was getting hungry. Joey would look over at me often and just smile, obviously amused by my actions. I looked over at JC and he was doing okay. It seemed so easy to him. So I tried to copy what he did but still, that snail stayed the same. I had an idea. I mean, duh! Why hadn't I thought of this before? It was a much easier and fun way of eating stupid little slimy thingies. All I had to do was suck it out! It was that simple. Just put it to my mouth and inhale it! So I picked one up, and gently sucked it. I could tell that it was coming loose, but I needed more pressure. So I sucked a little harder and harder still. Lance looked at me as if I had gone mad, but everyone else just ignored me. I was so determined to get that snail out! I wanted it so badly! Even though I never tasted a snail, I wanted to eat it so much. I guess I was making more noise than I thought. Soon, everyone was looking at me and Jack was giving me the evil eye again. I sighed and slouched in my chair. I would have said something. A sorry or something but I didn't feel like it. Dinner was boring. Even if it was 'N Sync. Like, Lance and JC was so caught up in the business talk that they ignored me. I mean, I sat by JC for a reason, ya know? And Chris and Joey sat on the other end of the table, away from me. So I had to talk to Justin, who seemed to be more interested in his food, than with what was going on. At least me and him had something in common. "Justin. I'm a nerd. Show me how to eat these stupid animals, please?" I asked him, holding a snail in the palm of my hand. He giggled at me and with one simple gesture, pulled the green slimy thing out with the pick and handed it to me. I just stared at him in awe. He was a god to me now. A... a... a snail god. "Wow, dude. That was awesome." "I know. I'm a natural at this. Go on, try it. I'm telling ya, it's an acquired taste." So I put the whole long slimy green thing in my mouth... and chewed... and chewed... and then chewed some more. "I... I can't swallow, dude." I said, with my mouth full of snails. "It's too chewy." My jaw was aching now. All this chewing and for what? It was like chewing gum. But at least gum tastes better. I can't even blow bubbles with this. "Dude! Close your mouth! That's freakin' gross." Justin said, looking away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So... can I look at the dessert menu?" I asked the waiter, while he cleared the table. I gave up on the snails and just decided to fill myself up on ice cream and cake and tarts. "I want this... and this... and umm... this too." I said, pointing to the pretty pictures in the menu. "You're gonna get fatter than Joey, Khiem." Chris warned. Everyone got a good laugh, although I didn't think that was really funny or anything. "I'm not fat... I'm just big boned and stuff." Joey responded. He was THAT fat... just fat. "Don't jinx me!..." So we spend the dinner talking about my fatnesshood and stuff. And I still ate all my dessert and half of JC's. The 'important' people had already left, making Jack pay the bill. But I think Jack would've paid the bill anyways. "They made you pay, Jack. Just left like that!" I said. "I remember you saying they invited us. Not the other way around. Well like, if you invite someone, you gotta pay, dude. It's like, total polite etiquette and stuff, ya know?" "It's okay. Dude, chill." JC said, patting my thigh. Kinda too close for comfort cause I was like, getting kinda... aroused and stuff. I blushed and put the napkin over my lap. I looked at JC and he winked at me, which made me even more red. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fast Forward..... Okay, so like, we left the restaurant and like, headed home and stuff. I sat next to JC again and he was extremely close to me. Like, totally squishing me. I wanted to talk to him so badly, but like, not in front of all these folks. So we got back to the hotel and like, went up to the suite and just chilled for a while. We were watching a movie and I feel asleep on the couch. "Khiem..." JC whispered and shook me gently. I woke up and looked at him thru blurry eyes. "Hi." I said, yawning. "Hey." He said, smiling. He ran his hand through my hair and down my cheek. "Can I talk to you?" "Sure, dude. What's up?" I said, snuggling into the blanket. "Privately. Let's go for a swim." He said, pulling me up to my feet. I stumbled for a bit but followed him to my room. He was already in his shorts and undershirt. So I went through my luggage and found my suit and changed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Wow! This pool is huge! And heated!!!!" I said, echoing through the empty place. It was an indoor pool and there was no one at all! I ran for the edge and threw my shirt off and jumped in. "Aren't you coming in?" I asked him. He stood at the edge and just looked down at me. "Come on! It feels wonderful! Don't just stand there and stare!" I laughed. "I like the view from up here." He said, and I blushed. I splashed him and swam away. "Hey!" He yelled, and jumped in after me. We horsed around and he tried to drown me and I tried to kill him and stuff. It was fun, just messing around. I got tired after awhile and climbed up and laid down next to the edge. "Tired." I said, breathing kinda hard. He just stayed in the pool, splashing water over my stomach for awhile. "You wanted to talk to me?" I asked him, looking up at the glass roof. "Yeah. I did." He said. "I wanted to talk to you too." I said, feeling kinda... scared. "About?" "Just stuff... the thingy on the bus." I said, turning my head to look at him. "Me too. Look..." JC said, sighing. "Like, I was confused and stuff. But then, Lance totally told me to go for it. He said he knew and like, thought it'd be great." I said, "What'd be great?" "Me and You." I said before I could think. I started blushing and looked away. He didn't speak for awhile, but I heard him come out of the water. He sat with his legs dangling in the pool. "I'd like that." He said. I smiled, so so widely. "So what are you trying to say, mister?" I smiled at him. "Just this..." He leaned over me and kissed me on the lips... It was so good! Yummy! I was like... wow... He was dripping all over me and his skin was sooo smooth and stuff. I wanted more, but he lifted back up. "Wow..." I sighed at him. He just smiled. "So that's a yes?" He said. "Yeah... it's a yes." I said, pushing him into the water. We started chasing each other around and messing around and making a huge mess. He cornered me near the deep end and kissed me again. He wasn't pushy, not tongue or anything. I wanted tongue, but I let him have his way. =( "So we're going out or whatever, right?" I smiled. "Yep. We're like, a couple." He said. "This is sooo cool, JC!! Like, we can do stuff together and stuff! I'm so excited! You're my first boyfriend!!!" I was all happy and way hyper. "First, huh. Well, gotta make it special, don't I?" He smiled. "So... umm... what now?" I asked. "Anything... he said, his fingers touching my cheek. "Oh! How about SEX?????!!!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be Continued and stuff... =)

Next: Chapter 7

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