Ultimate X Team

By Story Master

Published on Apr 11, 2011


Thank you for clicking on my story and giving it a read if you like it please email me at storymaster480@yahoo.com and if you don't feel free to tell me what you do not like about the story. Lastly if you have any ideas about how to make the story better go ahead and contact me and I will see about adding your ideas. I do respond to every email but understand it might not be the same day that you send it.

A little background about the Ultimate X-Team this story is set in modern times but is not based on today's time. What I mean is the storyline is based on what would happen if mutants really existed and shared the world with humans. The characters in the story that I do not create come from Marvel and DC Comics.

As always any copyrighted materials belong to their original owners and I make no claim on the material. I also make no claim as to the true sexuality or characteristics of the characters in this story. If it is illegal in your area to read this type of story then you should follow the law and not read the story. If you have an Act with homosexual activities then you also shouldn't read the story.

"Spoken words"

(Inner thoughts)

Act 2 Scene 1

(How the fuck did all of this happen! Everything is such a blur) thinks KJ as he is trying to piece together the last few hours events. (I'm in a van going to someplace called the Xavier Institute. The captain or whatever said that it was a place for mutants and something. Fuck this is unreal.)

"Don't worry just relax there's nothing that you can do right now but ride it out," states one of the soldiers that is currently guarding KJ noticing the down cast look.

Looking up at the soldier that is sitting to his right. (He's not much older than me. How did he end up in a squad like this? If the situation was different I'd attempt to ask you out. Your curly locks are so cute and the light blond highlights really brings out your smile. But to say don't worry so easily is fucking easy for you to say. You're not the one that is being taken against his will) "thanks" is all KJ is able to get out with a forced small. (At least you are nice and helped stop the other four fucks from kicking the shit out of me.)

"Don't talk to the prisoner," states the person that KJ has determined to be the leader in a gruff voice. "He could be a telepath or something of that nature." KJ noticed before that this guy has a gruesome scar across his left eye that left him blind. When he was first put in the back of the van he noticed that the guy had other scars on his face and neck.

Glancing quickly at the other soldiers trying to avert their eyes KJ realizes that they are all intense and ready for action. (Fuck I'm not a fucking mutant, shit if I was don't you think I'd have done something!) Not knowing what to do KJ goes back to staring at the ground or more specifically the chains around his ankles. (Damn I wish they didn't handcuff my hands behind me.)

Closing his eyes KJ tries to think back to the events that led him to this point.


Moments pass as KJ stares at Craig not knowing what to do or to say. The cum that was dripping into his mouth has long since stopped but the sweet salty taste still lingers. (Oh my god what the fuck do I do?)

Craig starts to slowly walk over to KJ and is about to say something but his tongue is unable to move. (KJ really has grown-up into an amazing little twink) Without trying to hide it Craig begins to look over the boy that has matured into the hot body that is lying before him. (He is so vulnerable and yet looking at him now with his toned body I can't help but want to fuck him.)

As Craig walks towards him KJ feels his heart beating faster (Fuck, fuck, fuck.) Just now becoming conscious that he is still holding his soft dick he turns over. (Fuck please just go away. Pretend that you didn't see anything!)

When Craig is next to the bed he places his right hand on KJ's shoulder and softly sits on the bed stroking KJ's back. "It's okay KJ, everyone masturbates it just something that guys do." Craig states soothingly as he looks at KJ's bubble butt.

"Yeah but in a fucking doctor's office!" says KJ ashamed and embarrassed at being caught.

"Yes even in a doctor's office. I know that people have gotten off in the rooms and storage area. You are definitely not the first one." As he starts to give KJ a shoulder massage to help he relax.

(Oh fuck that feels good, he has strong fucking hands) feeling the pressure that Craig is able to squeeze into his shoulders. "Have you ever ... you know, here?"

(Have I? Fuck you are noisy!) "Yeah like I said you are not the first," turning KJ over to face him and tell him to his face, "KJ it's not a big deal, things happen. And you have to learn to deal with it."

(Fuck I'm fucking crying shit) looking away from Craig's face refusing to show his tears (Holy shit ... is that a wet spot!) noticing a spot on Craig's scrubs (Oh fuck that is a spot ... does Craig like me!)

"KJ you're an adult now you really should try to start to act like one." (Because you damn well look like one, if you weren't a patient ...)

(He has to feel something his rod is hard as fuck!) staring at the imprint of Craig's (Fuck I want to touch it so bad) taking his hand off of his own soft dick and quickly touching Craig's (Shit he is so much thicker than me) slowly rubbing and squeezing it through the fabric

(Damn that feels good, yeah we ... shit what the fuck) "KJ stop we can't do this!" jumping up to get away. (Fuck what was I thinking?)

"What why I know you want it?" (Fuck your cock is begging me to touch it and get it off)

Just then the door opens, "Alright let's get this started KJ."

Craig quickly states over his shoulder, "Sorry Dr. Specter KJ is having a little problem putting on the patient gown. I'm trying to calm him down some still."

"KJ, damn it every fucking visit!" states Dr. Specter clearly upset that KJ is not ready to be examined. "Craig do what you can please to get him ready I'll be back I have other patients to tend to not just this one." As he leaves "Also can you get started so we can get this over with as quickly as possible."

Act 2 Scene 2

"Jacopo," states the lead guard to KJ as the van starts to slow down. "Jacopo." he repeats again after not getting a response.

The guard to KJ's right lightly nudges KJ to help get him awake.

"Huh," as he opens his eyes KJ notices that he is leaning on something.

"Jacopo!," raising his voice as he attempts to control himself from striking the prisoner.

"Wha?" barely registering his name as he starts to push off of the thing he is leaning on. (Where the fuck am I?) Not sure what is happening KJ realizes that he is not leaning but laying on something.

"Jacopo," not bothering to confirm if KJ is fully awake now. "We are arriving at our destination."

At destination the memories of the last few hours comes rushing back to KJ. (Shit, I must have fallen asleep.) With a start KJ jumps off of the lap that he has been laying on. (Fuck how long have I been laying on his dick.) "I'm ..." before KJ can say sorry to the soldier he feels a sharp pain at his side as he doubles over in pain unable to catch his breath.

"Jesus, Graham you didn't have to hit him so hard," KJ hears the guard on his right saying.

As KJ starts coughing trying to catch his breath he hears the guards on the left respond. "Fuck you, Sabel. The mutant made a threatening move. It was clear. Shit it was clear right Serge?"

"Graham you're a piece of shit. The kid's been asleep most of this time. Fuck if he is a mutant he's harmless."

"Bullshit he made a threatening move. Damn it you should be thanking me for saving your fucking life."

"You moron if the kid could fight he'd done it before now."

"What did you get attached to the mouth on your dick Sabel?" laughing

"Ugh" exclaims KJ as he feels himself being stepped on.

"Sit down Sabel," barks Serge. "That's an order." (Fucking idiots). Looking at Graham, "Think before you hit prisoners."

KJ feels himself being lifted up.

"Are ya'll just going to leave him on the floor to puke his guts out?"

KJ turns his head to see that it is the person next to Serge.

"Jacopo don't look at me unless you really want to puke."

The cold, calm unemotional way this man says it sends chills down KJ's spine. Quickly turning his head the man drops KJ back into his seat. "Graham if you are so concerned about the prisoner attacking why didn't you buckle him in? That is your job as the first one to enter the van!"

"Specialist it's not much point in doing it now. The van just stopped." Looking at KJ, "No sudden moves." Then opening the door, "Everyone out."

Act 2 Scene 3

"Sergeant Erstan it is good to see you again." (Why are you here?)

"Mr. Summers there is no need for pleasantries," states Serge. (Cyclops, why would they send you on a pick-up?)

"I'm not being pleasant," states Mr. Summers. "If I was being pleasant I'd have asked how you are." (This is not going to be easy.)

"I'm fine, thank you for asking," Serge says without much emotion. "Now that that is over let's get to business." (Why is Professor Xavier sending his Delta?)

"Fine with me, if you would be so kind as to handover your prisoner." (Just hand the kid over.)

"Gladly but I am not sure that you will find a use for him." (Did the paper work get switched?)

"I read the report." (Like I don't know that)

"Exactly. He is not suited for your institution." (Why not just turn down the applicant?)

"The Xavier Institute will make that determination." (As in the Professor.)

"Well you read the report." (Does Professor Xavier know something?)

"Yes I read it." (I turned it down.)

"Then you know that a nurse not a doctor made the recommendation." (The doctor had made his recommendation.)

"I read the report." (What are you fishing for?)

"As you said, you read the report." (What is about this kid?)

"Are you going to release your prisoner to the Xavier Institute?" (Let's get to the point.)

"I am under orders to do that." (But orders can be broken.)

"Are you going to release the prisoner, was the question." (Release the kid and we can all go home.)

"I have my orders." (Don't think you can just take him.)

"Are you going to follow them?" (Follow your orders soldier.)

"I've been thinking that over ever since I accepted them." (Either the kid is special or ... or what?)

"And your decision?" (Just follow orders.)

"I'm wondering why the Xavier Institute wants a mutant that is incapable ..." (There has to be something that I don't see.)

"As a soldier are you paid to wonder?" (This is about our pay grades.)

"Actually my rank does grant that. If I feel the need I can change my orders." (If and that is a big if, I believe that is cause.)

"Do you feel the need?" (I don't have answers.)

"Why did you not reject the applicant based on the report?" (Did you reject it and get overridden?)

"You know I could force you to hand him over." (The Professor wants the kid and I will make sure he gets him.)

"Is that a threat?" (Are you seriously going to fight over this mutant?)

"Not a threat, just a statement of fact. You are illegally holding and detaining a citizen. You are withholding a mutant from the agency charged with accommodating him." (Well Serge, are you willing to fight over him?)

"Force stand down. Prisoner Konrad Jacopo you are hereby released to the custody of the Xavier Institute. Mr. Summers you would do well of not making enemies of the government." (This is not over.)

Act 2 Scene 4

Watching the military convoy leave, "So, now what?" (Am I your prisoner to?)

"K.J. I know you've been through a lot. If I can I want to help you." (I'm not sure if I can.)

"Well Mr. Summers help me by letting me see my mom." (That's all the help I want.)

"That I can't do." (Sorry but for now you are a prisoner.)

"So I'm your prisoner now!" (Fuck you!)

"Yes you are a prisoner. But you are free to move around freely and do what you please." (Mostly and within limits).

"Sounds like prison." (What the fuck. I haven't done anything.)

"Only if you make it that way. Think of it as a boarding school or summer camp." (Just you can't leave until we say you can.)

"What if I don't want to go?" (Like I really have a chose.)

"You don't have a chose." (But I doubt you'll be there long based on the file.)

"Okay you are by yourself, right?" (Maybe I can just run away.)

"Yes but if you try anything I will have to shoot you." (Kid don't be stupid. I'm trying to be nice here.)

"Whatever you don't have a gun." (Besides you can't hurt me. The military bitches were rough but didn't do anything permanent.) K.J. turns to run as fast as he can towards the gates of the airport. (If I can just make the gates and get lost how could he find me.)

(Just try to think KJ, I'm not running after you. Think so I don't have to shoot you. The Professor would not be happy about me attacking an applicant.)

Looking over his shoulder (What you can't run? That's fucking awesome I'm too ...) "Argh" Before KJ can finish his thoughts of escape something slams into his back knocking him off his feet. (Shit that hurt.) Getting back up to run again something else slams into his back, knocking him back down. (Ow fuck, what the hell.) This time KJ doesn't even try to stand instead he just sprints launching himself from the ground.

(You are one stubborn kid. Don't want to but you are not giving me a chose.) Cyclops unleashes a stronger blast at KJ. This one knocks him off his feet but this time he lands several feet from the impact. (Stay down) As KJ stumbles to get up he is hit again with as much force as the last one. Cyclops watches as KJ flies through the air twisting in midair as he lands hard on the cement. (Just stay down KJ). As KJ lays motionless on the airport runway Cyclops starts walking towards him.

(Fucking bitch. What the fuck. I have to get up.) Through the pain that is coursing through every fiber of his body KJ slowly tries to get his hands under himself. (Asshole why the hell you shoot me!) KJ finds the strength to push himself up enough to his knees. (I'm getting away)

(KJ I don't know what power you have but you have tremendous heart.) The next blast strikes KJ with enough force to have him roll repeatedly along the ground. (Your heart is going to get you seriously hurt) Cyclopes starts unleashing blast after blast into KJ at the original intensity to pin KJ down as he walks over to him.

(Oh god please just stop) as KJ curls into a ball in a futile attempt to protect himself. (I give shit stop please)

Stopping as he nears KJ, Cyclopes can't help but feel sorry for KJ as he looks down and sees him crying in pain. (Sorry KJ but you have to come with me for your own life.) "Are you done running?"

KJ hears a voice and realizes that the sharp pain from the constant hits has stopped leaving just the aching pain of being hit so often. He tries to speak but words don't come out.

Cyclopes kneels done near KJ's head, "Are you done running now?"

Through tears KJ sees Cyclopes concerned face which was so stern just minutes ago. (Is that a fucking tear? You shoot me and you have the nerve to fucking cry!)

Placing his hand on KJ's head (Good you are conscious) as he notices KJ's eyes focus on him more. "No more running okay."

KJ just nods his head being too weak to speak.

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