Ultimate X Team

By Story Master

Published on Feb 17, 2011


Thank you for clicking on my story and giving it a read if you like it please email me at storymaster480@yahoo.com and if you don't feel free to tell me what you do not like about the story. Lastly if you have any ideas about how to make the story better go ahead and contact me and I will see about adding your idea. I do respond to every email but understand it might not be the same day that you send it.

A little background about the Ultimate X-Team this story is set in modern times but is not based on today's time. What I mean is the storyline is based on what would happen if mutants really existed and shared the world with humans. The characters in the story that I do not create come from Marvel and DC Comics.

As always any copyrighted materials belong to their original owners and I make no claim on the material. I also make no claim as to the true sexuality or characteristics of the characters in this story. If it is illegal in your area to read this type of story then you should follow the law and not read the story. If you have an Act with homosexual activities then you also shouldn't read the story.

"Spoken words"

(Inner thoughts)

Act 1 Scene 1

"K.J. wake up."

"..." pretending not to hear him mom as he pulls the sheet over his head.

"Konrad get out of bed," as she gently shakes him awake.

"Huh," mumbles Konrad as he turns over away from the voice of his mother.

"Konrad Jacopo you stop playing around," states his mom in a no nonsense tone as she grabs the sheet. "I know you are up." Pulling off the sheet to make her point.

K.J. quickly yanks the sheet back out of his mom's grasp before more than his chest and abs are exposed. "Mom," exclaims K.J. "I don't have any clothes on!" Now sitting up in bed he glares at her while adjusting the sheet to hide his obvious morning wood.

"Konrad, I am your mother." Sighing as she says, "I have already seen you without your clothes on." Smiling at the ridiculousness of her son being embarrassed.

"I'm not a kid anymore," trying not to yell from being caught wanking off again. "Besides this is my room. Ever hear of knocking first."

"Konrad believe me I know you are not a kid anymore. There's evidence on your sheets that prove that."

"Mom, jeez!" trying not to check the sheet to see if anything was on it from last night.

Continuing as if K.J. hadn't even spoken, "Then there's the times when you come home passed out or trashed. Who do you think takes care of you?"

"Yes, mother!" exclaims K.J. as he has already grown tired of this lecture.

Continuing without a pause, "Do you even know the things I have to do for you?" Not waiting for the answer, "Konrad I have to help you to the bathroom ...

Interrupting her, "Okay mom!"

Speaking louder to drown out K.J.'s protest, "and make sure you go in the toilet and not all over the place."

"Mom okay please!" not wanting to hear about how his mom touched him.

"Konrad I have had to undress you and ...

"Okay mom stop okay I get it." Placing his hand over his ears to show that he is not listening anymore.

Talking louder to be sure she is heard, "wash you so you do not go to bed smelling like beer and vomit. To be embarrassed about a morning erection ...

Taking his hands off his ears as he states, "Mom, mom stop okay, okay. I get it, okay. I'll get up!"

"Konrad get up and take your shower then and be quick about it or we will be late," as she stands there waiting for him to do as he is told.

"Mother why don't you leave so I can get up?" asks K.J. not wanting to actually leave bed.

"Konrad a morning erection is normal compared to me washing you and you having an ..."

At this K.J. jumps out of bed, "Oh my god!" using the sheet to cover himself. "Happy mom I'm up! Jeez I'm glad I was passed out during all of this. Some things are not meant to be known."

"K.J. go take a shower and make it quick. Or I'll tell you plenty of things that are not meant to be known like ..."

As K.J. runs to the bathroom he shouts, "You are impossible sometimes, mom!"

Act 1 Scene 2

(Why does she have to call me Konrad? It sounds like some Nazi Russian Soviet name.) Thinks K.J. as he drops the sheet that was covering him. (Why not an American name? And why does she have to tell me about how she takes care of me when I'm passed out!) As he moves his hair out of his eyes so he can get a better look at himself in the bathroom mirror. (Sometimes I think I should cut this hair, I mean it is down to my shoulders now. But it took so long to grow it and how many guys have long wavy black hair.) Absently playing with his hair he begins to look over his athletically toned smooth body. (But seriously I do not want to know my mom saw me nude! I'm 18 now and that is just creepy. Besides moms shouldn't see their kids' hard-ons.) Turning to the side to get a better look at his dick he starts to remember how he measured it on his birthday. (Seven and a half inches long not bad but I wish it was just a little longer. At least 8 would have been nice. It's not like I'm asking to be thinker, a 6 inch circumference is fine. Just a lil more in length is all I'm asking.) Without much thought he has been stroking to watch how his foreskin moves along the shaft.

Interrupting his thoughts he hears his mom opening the door as he jumps into the shower rushing to turn on the water.

"Konrad do you need help turning on the water? Has it been that long since you have taken a shower?"

(Fuck, mom) "No I'm fine I was just using the bathroom, jeez, some privacy please. I'll make it quick, okay!" as he finally takes the piss that he was holding (Damn that feels good)

"Don't forget to flush the toilet!" as she closes the door to leave.

(Fuck, mom I don't want to go to the damn doctor again for some stupid check-up. If they don't find anything the first time that should be the end of it.) While he is taking his shower and being sure to wash everywhere. (Fuck every time they want to draw blood and not just one but two from each fuckin arm. Then there's the shit about sticking your dick with a long as fuck Q-tip. That shit hurts like hell going in then is a killer coming back out.) Stick his finger in his asshole. (Fuck at least they could have good looking doctors since they feel me up every time I'm there. I mean I'm nice enough to make sure that everything is washed well. The least they could do is give me some eye candy.)

Turning off the water he grabs his towel and starts to dry off hoping that he is found negative again. (Fuck why the hell are there mutants. I mean isn't bad enough that I'm gay and the world is not exactly 100% accepting! If I had to be a mutant to then that would be two things against me.) Hearing a knock on the door. "Yes mom I'm done just toweling off."

"I already put your clothes on the bed K.J. so hurry up and come down stairs so we can get going."

(Fuck stop going through my shit!) "Yes mother!" (Why the hell can't I have a fucking lock on my doors! Just some privacy would be fucking nice.)

Getting out of the shower K.J. hangs the towel up to dry and starts to brush his teeth. (Fuck I'll just have to go through this for a few more years then puberty is over. With all the technology in the world you would think that there was something to stop mutations. Just pop a pill and bam no mutation just go live your life worry free. With my luck it'll be a fucking needled that is big as fuck and has to be taken every mother fucking year. Damn I hate needles.)

K.J. finishes brushing his teeth and walks out of the bathroom to check out what clothes his mom decided to allow him to wear with her. (Fuck you have got to be kidding this outfit doesn't even go together. Damn it if I don't wear it I'm going to hear it all the way to the fucking doctor. Damn it mom why the hell do you do this shit to me.) Quickly putting on the clothes he goes to the dresser to look for some chains to add to the outfit. (At least I'm going to have a bracelet, chain and maybe a pair of ear rings to go with this.

"Konrad are you intentionally trying to make us late?"

(Shit) feeling his heart jump to his throat and grabbing the dresser in panic. (Fucking knock)

"Konrad are you trying to make us late?"

Act 1 Scene 3

"Konrad Jacopo?" says a middle aged Hispanic nurse with short black hair.

"K.J.?" nudges Mrs. Jacopo, "Wake up! It's your turn."

"Huh, Wha?" states a startled K.J. trying to remember what is happening.

Impatiently the nurse shouts, "Jacopo, Konrad."

"Konrad what time did you go to sleep last night?" shaking her son to get his attention. Getting up herself to let the nurse know that they are still there and not to skip them.

Slowly opening his eyes K.J. begins to remember where he is ass he looks around the doctor's office. (Fuck this place filled up. Why the fuck not just reschedule to never?) "Sorry mom I'm up," as he focuses on the glaring look that is looking down at him. (Shit please don't start on me like this morning being embarrassed in front of people I fucking don't even know is not something I want to deal with) while smiling his best smile at his mom as hurry tries to hurry to get up on shaky legs.

Catching her son, "K.J. what am I going to with you?" sighing, "Just lean on me," as she chuckles at her on little joke. Lean On Me being one of her favorite movies.

With his mom steadying him, K.J.'s asleep legs slowly come back to life as they make their way over to the nurse's station K.J. notices the nurse has grown quite impatient as she is now drumming the desk with her fingernails.

"Please go through those doors and a nurse will meet you and take you to a room, thank you." Through clenched teeth. "Mam you can't go through the doors your son will just have to figure out how to help himself!"

K.J. quickly turns his head and mouths fuck off not wanting to get slapped by his mom who hates cussing and hates females to be disrespected.

"Well K.J. I'll be out here waiting." Letting go of K.J. she heads back over to their seats.

(Just fuckin great I was hoping to have her there when the needle came. Fucking bitch of a nurse, not letting my mom come with me. Damn it I don't want to get stuck!)

"Konrad Jacopo would you please go through the doors!, says the nurse load enough for the waiting room to here. But softly just load enough for him and a few nurse' by her to hear. "Or do you need you mommy to hold your lil baby hand!"

"Fu..." K.J. starts to say but then notices his mom's worried look out of the corner of his eye and bites his tongue. Looking at his mom who is now walking back over to him. "Don't worry mom I'll be right back it's no big deal," with more courage than he felt. He then turns to walk through the door and using his right hand so his mom can't see it he flicks off the nurse as he walks through.

"It's about time Konrad," says an elderly white nurse. "You're making everyone wait on you. People have things they want to do, you know!"

"Fucking sorry alright shit" states K.J. beginning to get angry. (You're not that fucking nurse but fuck it.) "Listen you ...." Before he has a chance to get going.

"Hey K.J.!" yells a young male nurse happily as he notices K.J.

Startled K.J. looks past the nurse in front of him to the guy coming up the hall. (No one calls me K.J. here, no one ever calls me K.J. here! But damn he's hot! He can call me what the fuck ever he wants!) The nurse is saying something to him but all K.J. can think of is the gorgeous guy coming towards him. (God damn he is muscular just look how the scrubs are stretching) looking from the face to the chest to the arms to the waist. (Damn he has some nice thick legs and holy shit that's his dick. His fucking dick I can see it through the fabric! Holy shit is it hard for me or is it just that big! Jesus if you are really real just please let it be hard for me! Some hunk is hot for ...)

Interrupting K.J.'s thoughts, "Earth to K.J., earth to K.J. come in K.J. Are you there KJ.?" Kids the male nurse.

"Huh?" coming out of his fantasy. "Wha?"

"I was just saying that I would be your nurse for the day. I mean if that's alright with you?"

(Alright? Alright fuck yeah that would be awesome. Wait where the fuck is the old hag? Shit how long have I been staring at his cock? Fuck did he notice that all I'm doing is staring at it?)


"Shit sorry," mumbles an embarrassed K.J. as he looks up into the brown eyes of the most gorgeous light colored black guy he has ever met.

Confused, "Sorry? You don't want me to be your nurse?"

"No, no, no," stammers K.J. (Shit what the fuck is wrong with me? All I can thing about is you fucking me right here right now!)

Act 1 Scene 4

"I'm sorry when you didn't say anything I thought you didn't mind," states the nurse apologetically.

(Shit I meant No that's fine. Fuck I was just trying to sound cool.)

"I'll go and get Liz," as he turns to go.

"Y-y-yes," KJ is able to manage before realizing that the nurse is leaving. (Oh fuck what did I just say yes to? Fuck wasn't the question, `Be your nurse?'?) Watching the nurse walk away something snaps in KJ. He lunges forward almost tackling the nurse in his attempt to stop him. (What the fuck am I doing? Damn he's solid.) Notes KJ as he presses himself against the nurse' back and wraps his arms around the rock hard abs.

(Huh?) as he steadies himself against the sudden weight on his back

(Oh shit I'm groping him. I just ... fuck, fuck, fuck.)

Turning to see who or what is all over him, "KJ, what's the matter with you?"

Quickly releasing the nurse (I just ... oh shit ... I just. Fuck this; I gotta get out of here!) KJ turns to run not caring about anything other than getting far away.

"Wait!" as he grabs KJ's hand before KJ was able to build up speed and easily using it to pull KJ into him.

(Shit) Looking up into the nurse' eyes "I just ..." KJ starts trying to break free of the grasp and starts pushing against the nurse' chest.

In a stern voice "Calm down," as he grasps KJ in a bear hug with his free arm to stop KJ from trying to run away. "Calm down."

"Fuck let me go" shouts KJ as he continues trying to free himself (I have to get away) "Please" he starts to beg.

Softening his grip as he thinks KJ is calming down, "It's going to be o..."

Realizing that he was able to get a arm free he swings with all his might hitting the startled nurse square in the jaw. (Fuck ... I didn't mean ...)

The nurse although shocked by KJ's actions quickly takes his right hand and in an upwards motion hits KJ's left arm over his head as he ducks down to the right sliding his left along KJ's waist as he does so.

(What the fuck!) as he tries to understand the nurse's movements that now has the nurse on his left side. Not sure what is happening but knowing that both arms are free now he makes a dash to get away.

KJ's attempt at to get away again allowed the nurse to get directly behind him. Before KJ is able to take a second step the nurse places him in a full nelson and lifts him off his feet. "Don't worry I can handle this. Just a scared patient, security is not needed." Knowing that the normal procedure in this matter especially considering KJ's actions would be to have security handle it.

(Security!?!) (Oh shit, fuck) "Fuck let me go, let me the fuck go" as he is carried into a room. (Shit, security. Fuck I got to get free) kicking his heels into the nurse but not doing much damage since he is still in the air.

Growing annoyed with KJ and needing to talk to the staff and possibly security now the nurse slams KJ onto the patient's bed. "Calm down KJ!" the nurse shouts into KJ's right ear having to lean over him to do so.

Feeling that his feet are now on the ground KJ kicks the heel of his shoe as hard as he can against the nurse' shin. (Fuck that I wanted you to fuck me, not rape me) as he feels the nurse' dick press his ass.

"Ow" slamming his pelvis into KJ's in order to keep KJ from delivering another kick.

"Fuck that's my dick," as his hard dick is bent from the force of hitting the side of the bed. "That fucking hurt!" Not able to kick or use his arms KJ is reduced to just trying to swarm and rock his body hitting the nurse with his butt.

The nurse slams his pelvis into KJ again as he tries to place all his weight on KJ to gain control without hurting him.

"Fuuuck," screams KJ in pain. "That's my dick you bitch, let me fucking go!" trying again to get the powerful nurse off of him.

"Calm down KJ" as the nurse slams into KJ again this time being able to get his weight on KJ.

"Ooowwwww, pleeaasse," pleadingly as his dick is being crushed against the bed. "pleeaasse, oowwww, pleeaasse,fuuck, owww god"

"Are you going to calm down?" through breaths from the effort of holding down KJ

"Fuck yes, pleeeaase, pleeeaase" the pain being too much to argue any longer. "Pleease, yeees, owww, pleeeaasse"

Act 1 Scene 5

"All this because you don't want to be near a needle?" asks the nurse now that KJ is calmed down. "Where is your mom at least she could talk to you?"

Still pinned to the bed KJ tries to move his head so he can look at the nurse. "She can't come since I'm 18 now."

"Oh, well how about you act like an adult then?" letting KJ go as he gets up to leave. "It's not like you are a kid anymore.

"Wait what do you mean? How do you know me?" asks KJ as he gets up on the bed. (Did I meet this guy at a party of something and was too drunk to remember? That would suck!)

"You really don't remember!" states the nurse disappointed. "Well I guess with all the crying and screaming you really just blocked out the memory."

"..." (Just fucking great he remembers me as some cry baby)

"Look I have to talk to the staff and head off the security but real quick I held you down the last time you were here a couple of years ago. My name is Craig." He explains quickly as he walks out the door. "Just stay here KJ and don't leave. This is going to take a while to explain but hopefully we can still just treat you here instead of sending you off."

(Craig??? Nope doesn't ring a bell but I kinda remember being held in place by something strong.) placing his back against the wall KJ begins watching the door. (If security comes in here I'll ... well I'm not too sure what the fuck I can do. But shit Craig remembers me as some fucking kid. At least he's a really nice guy and didn't beat the shit out of me. If he's going to talk to them then I should be ok because well fuck I don't know but he said he'd take care of it so I will be okay.)

Laying down KJ begins to think about the ordeal with Craig. (He really could have done anything he wanted to me. That's kinda kinky now that it's over. Fuck it would have been awesome if he wanted to just take me right here.) Without thinking about it KJ begins to feel his hard dick through his pants. (I'm 7.5 and he's fucking definitely way bigger than me. Like 9 or 10 and shit is it think to get fucked by that would damn that would be so fucking hot.) He begins squeezing his ass thinking about how it would feel to have something so long and think inside of his tight virgin hole as he begins to twist his left nipple. (He said it'll be awhile so ...)

KJ slowly slides his hand down his pants to begin playing with his foreskin. Feeling his index finger to tease his head as he feels the precum start to squirt out. (Fuck this feels good. If only I had a banana or something to push into me.) In slow intricate movements he glides the precum over his glands just lightly touching them enjoying the great sensations that such a light touch causes. (Craig said it's be awhile so if I'm quick it'll be cool.) as he uses his other hand to unbutton his jeans to give his hand better access to his raging dick. Now using his thumb and middle finger along with the index he starts to rub his head again. Being sure to gather the constant pool of precum and spread it over his head.

(Oh yes Craig yes unzip my pants) now kicking off his shoes and using his toes to pull off his socks. (Yeah I don't need these pants on they'll just get in the way baby. Yeah just go ahead and slide them off of me.) closing his eyes as he now moves his left hand down and begins to stroke his dick. Placing his right hand on his boxer briefs where his head is. (Craig yes please rub my head just like that through the fabric. Fuck yeah that feel awesome I love the way the fabric and jiz rub over it) KJ's toes begin to curl and relax as the pleasure slowly builds. Then he begins to poke his dick through the slit so his right hand can move over his head as the precum oozes out of it making a great lube.

(You want to fuck me with that big cock of yours? Yeah, okay but be gently it's my first time.) ripping the fabric off as quick as he can KJ takes a glob of his precum and smears it over his asshole. Then takes some more to get two fingers nice and lubed. (Craig yeah, yeah please enter me. Yeah I feel it yeah slowly fuck me. Keep stroking my rod like that yes fuck I'm so fucking close.) his legs start to tremble uncontrollably as he nears and he begins to pant as he begins to stroke himself harder and faster. Jamming his fingers into his tight hole pocking his prostate on each stroke causes his to arch his back in ecstasy.

"KJ good news ..." starts Craig as he walks in to the room but stops short when he lays eyes on KJ's activity "What the fuck!"

Startled KJ opens his eyes "Craig, oh fuck"


"Oh shit, Craig. Oh oh shit, oh shit, shit shit. I'm gonna cum" (Fuck no, no don't, fuck stop) but regardless KJ can't stop his right hand from pumping his ass as he stares at Craig who is staring at him. (Fuck god please, I'm cumming!)

Craig watches as KJ's body becomes stiff with his back arched and mouth gaped open as streams of cum start shooting into the side of his face.

"Oh, oh oh, oh fuck" (God oh oh please, fuck fuck please, oh shiiit make this a ... fuck fuck dream)

All Craig can do is watch as KJ's body starts to relax from the orgasm and collapses on the bed. Staring at those eyes that are staring back at him as the cum begins to drip into the open mouth without an attempt to wipe it away.

Next: Chapter 2

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