Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Jul 20, 2006


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

Ok this story is set in the Ultimate X-Men Universe, though as it progresses there will be subtle differences, such as the continued of sentinels, where none are in use in the graphic novel. The X-Men team members might not correlate to the current rosters. The main team of X-Men at the beginning of my story will consist of Professor Xavier, Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Poitr 'Peter' Rasputin (Colossus), Marian (Rogue), Ororo Munroe (Storm), James 'Logan' Howlett (Wolverine) and Elliot Boggs (Magician). Also Allison 'Ali' Blaire (Dazzler)(Currently in a coma) and Warren Worthington III (Angel) (Actting as a spy for Xavier in the Academy of Tomorrow) will also be considered members of the X-men.

Chapter 7

He just looked into my eyes and smiled, then kissed me. He got out of bed and I saw his arse, it was perfect. He went into a pocket of his trousers and brought out some lube and a condom. "You came equipped" "I got these from Jean, I was going to leave them in my room tomorrow so that I had them for when I finally got the bottle to ask you to have sex with me." He got back into the bed with me. I grabbed the condom and tore open the packet, I rolled it down his dick and then grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed out some of the gel and rubbed it all over his dick, with the little bit left on my hands I lubed up my hole. I laid back on the bed and Peter got into position, when I felt the tip of his dick press against my hole. I brought my legs onto his shoulders. He slowly began pushing into me, the lube had made it easier but it still felt like I was going to be torn open by him. I gasped out in pain. "Are you ok do you want me to stop" "No, just go slowly" He continued to slide in, the pain slowly diminished as he carried on. When he was all the way in, he began to slowly pull out. When all that was left in me was the very tip of his penis he pushed back in again. It hurt less each time he pushed back into me. Soon his thrusting was becoming much more rapid, his body was soon becoming slick with sweat. He was moaning as he pushed in, so was I every time he pushed back in I would moan in pleasure, the pain now completely gone. He began to get faster and faster and I knew he was going to cum any minute, he thrust three more times before he came inside me. I felt him pull completely out of me and the next thing I knew he had collapsed on the bed next to me. I reached over and pulled him close and kissed him. "Peter I love you so much" "Love you too sexy" He reached over and turned off the light, then pushed up right into me, then wrapped his arms around me, I settled in and fell to sleep feeling the warmth of his body.

I woke up and found my that Peter was no asleep on his back and my head was resting on his chest, I could hear him breathing and his heart beating, it was comforting. I glanced over to the clock it was coming up to eight I twisted slowly and began to suck on his nipple, one of my hands was gently stroking in a circular pattern across his abs. he yawned and slowly his eyes opened and looked down to me "Morning sleepy head, we've got an hour before we have that training in the danger room and I'm hungry and need a shower." He jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of boxers and I grabbed a pair out of my chest of drawers. We walked to the bathroom and got washed, we shared the shower cubicle and washed each other, kissing under the warm water was very erotic, but we didn't really have the time to indulge. We jumped out and went back to my room. We got dressed into our uniforms and went to the kitchen. Jean and Scott were sat at the table eating toast with honey. There was a small stack of pancakes and I grabbed a plate and shoved a few on. I went through the veritable buffet and put some rashers of bacon on my plate, Peter had the same and we sat and ate. "Sam it's your first day isn't it I forgot that. Your first session with Wolverine, your going to remember this one, He's tough and will really put you through your paces. Its no powers so get ready for physical combat." "Thanks Jean make me feel better on my first day, though I'm not worried, I have some training from the military and S.H.I.E.L.D." We sat and gossiped, Peter and Scott talked amongst themselves. When it was five to we ran down to the danger room. We were the last to turn up. Wolverine waited until we were in line before he started the lesson. "Right now we're all here, I can begin. Now go to your sparring partner and I want to see you using the skills I've taught you. Newbie, you're with me. You've no doubt had basic hand to hand training so I you should be able to work with me, I will take it easy on you" I walked up to him, I noticed a lack of fighting between the others, as far as I could see they were all watching me and Wolverine. We bowed and began, I took up my fighting position. My left leg straight in front of me, with my right leg bent the knee at a right angle to my hip, my left hand straight out in front of me, my right arm straight up. "I'm impressed, you know more then you let on" He came at my, I brought my right leg up into a roundhouse and kicked him across the face. From his movement pattern I had figured his fighting style was about the strength of the attack, with some martial arts techniques involved. I adjusted my stance, and they way I would fight. To counteract I would use the Mantis Style I had created that used my natural agility and flexibility from my dance and gymnastics to create a fast style. Wolverine staggered back I ran at him and did a forwards flip over him. In mid air I put my right hand on his shoulder and held myself up. Flipping over I landed facing his back, before he could spin round I had jabbed with both fists into his spine. He collapsed forwards. He stood up and faced me. I readied myself for another attack. He bowed and I knew that our sparring was over. "Impressive newbie, what style of fighting is that I've never seen it before." "It's called Mantis Style Karate. I developed it myself it's a mixture of gymnastics, Karate, dance, Jujitsu, Ninjitsu and Tai-Chi I developed it to deal with people with greater physical strength then myself, by using their momentum against them." Ok well you can help me teach or you can go and have this period free, you don't need any further training. The others heard that and I swear I heard Jean moan. I walked out of the danger room, and up the stairs, towards the library. I knocked on the door. "Come in Samiel, have a seat." I walked in and sat on the sofa, the professor looked at me. "Now you came to speak to me, please go ahead" "I was wondering if you had heard anything from S.H.I.E.L.D yet in regards to my estate." "Yes I have, I received a special delivery from them earlier this morning I was going to discuss it after our lessons. Considering you're here and not down in the danger room then I guess you have surpassed Wolverines expectations and he has dismissed you." He handed me a briefcase that had been under his wheelchair. I opened it and sat in silence as I read through the files. There were papers and documents about businesses. I read through the files, there were reports on businesses and a long letter from my grandfather addressed to me. I opened it and sat in silence.

Dear Samiel

As I write you this I wonder if it well ever be seen by your eyes. I have to tell you this, I have left your parents with nothing in the event of my death. The fact that your mother hates me for been a mutant is the main reason. I have left you everything I have, all the estates, all the money and all my possessions are yours to do with as you wish. If you are reading it then I have died before you turned 18, oh I wish I could have seen you when you came of age. I hope my visions of you that I saw were true. I hope you have found my old friend Charles Xavier, and found someone you can be happy with. If I haven't played a part in your life then I am truly sorry, I wanted to be there to see you develop your powers. You have been blessed with a great power, I want you to use it for the betterment of mutants. If you have not already found Professor Xavier then I suggest you do so immediately and ask to join him. This is the only thing that I ask you do for me. The Brotherhood must be fought at all costs Destiny has seen much as have I and her path will lead to horrors for all people human and mutant. I leave one other thing to you, it is a gift for your 18th birthday, go to the international bank in Zurich and ask to get into box 181014 remember the poem that I taught your mother and use what it tells you is the most important thing in life as the password.

Know I love you dearly Samiel Grandad

I don't know I couldn't actually remember what he looked like at all, other then I photos I had managed to get. But I cried, in front of the professor. "He said that he knew you" "Your grandfather was a mutant with precognitive powers as well as a very powerful telepath and telekinetic, he went by the codename Fate. He saw many possible futures as did Irene Walker, the precognitive known as Destiny. However, she chose the same path as Magneto. Your grandfather helped me with funding before he died and his money bought the grounds and the mansion itself. That's why I felt like I had to rescue you when I discovered your whereabouts. He was a good man, I miss him dearly. Now I presume that you have all the papers you need as well as all your papers as a citizen as well as legal ID, healthcare and so on." I took out my ID, official driver's license, several different credit cards and healthcare card. I put them in my pocket and took the letter. "Professor can I ask a favour please" "Anything you need all you have to do is ask." "I need to go to Zurich, as soon as possible, now I have a passport and ID I can leave anyway I want to. My grandfather said he had left me something that I would need and should have. I want to go collect, but I will need 2 day off from school to collect it. Is that ok." "How about I let you go in the Blackbird, you will get there in about 6-7 hours and you can spend the night and travel back tomorrow. Jean will fly you down and I imagine you'll want Peter to go with you. I will tell them to go and get packed. You go and get what you need to take with you, then come down here" I ran up to my room and grabbed some clothes and my wash bag and packed it into a backpack, I took of my uniform and packed that as well, changed into regular clothes and walked back to the library. "Sam, what would you like to do with the papers, will you take them with you or do you want me to lock them in the vault." "I want to take a few of them with me, I have to read through some of them. The others can you lock up for me." I passed him the suitcase, as Jean and Peter walked in behind me. I turned up and put the papers into my bag and walked over to them. We headed down to the hanger and dropped our bags in the hold before taking a seat, we hit the skies and flew into the skies. I was sat next to Peter reading the papers and trying to find out what I actually owned and where it was. Peter was sat listening to music on his ipod. I went over to the onboard and went to the internet phone and opened a communications channel to one of the foundations that researched mutants with powers and mutations that made them stand-out. I was met by a young scientist by the name of Dr Haller. "You must be Mr Kilgrave, we have been informed of your inheritance and you are now in charge there are many things we need to discuss to get you up to date." "Please, you have been in charge for a long time, and personally ran the Hardimann Foundation, I wish to leave it in your care. However, you will find that you have been given a grant of 250 million and given a new location from which to work and house the people who need you help. It is much more secure however it will need development. That is what the grant is for, your work is very important to me. Please get in touch with me and give me regular updates every week on the progress of your participants. This is my address samiel_dantalion_kilgrave@xavier_institute.org please could you also send me an electric copy of your patient and participant database so I can familiarise myself with each one of them. I hope that is acceptable." "Understood sir, we will begin the transfer to our new location as soon as possible." "Will you place all items from the new location that you do not use into storage please." "We will" I cut the connection and hacked into the HSBC and transferred the money into the Hardimann Foundations account. I turned off the computer and went and sat next to Peter. He looked at me and I smiled as he held my hand. Jean turned round from the console. "We're now on auto-pilot, estimated time of arrival five and a half hours, so you fancy playing cards" We proceeded to talk, read, play cards, listen to music and gossip until we landed just outside of Zurich, we got into the pre loaded Porsche and drove into town. We found the bank and walked in. I walked to the man on the desk. "How may I help?" "I would like to open box number 181014, it should be under the name of Erik Johannes Vandermell." "Very good sir, please follow me, you guests may wait in the lounge for you to open the box." "No they are coming in with me." We walked into a large plush looking room with a sofa a table and a large conveyor belt. The clerk typed in a code and a moment later a box appeared on the conveyor belt. On the top of the large metal case was a key pad with numbers and letters. "You get one guess, if it is wrong then the box will be deactivated for 50 years, no one will have access to it, until the 50 years have expired it's a safety measure placed on certain accounts. This is one of those accounts. Now I shall leave, please return to the foyer when you are done." He left the room and closed the doors. I walked over to the case. Peter spoke out to me "Do you know the password?" "My grandad said to remember a poem my mother sang to me as a child what it told me is the most important thing in life is the password to this box. The poem went: Whatever the future may hold, Know this one thing you are told. The spark is bright when held tight. But burns with pure light, When allowed to run free. Might is not always right Sometimes purity is the only way To achieve your goals Virtue is what separates us >From those we appose So heed well this verse And follow down the path."

Peter looked confused by the poem. "I don't get it, I can't tell what the password is" He stood next to me, as did Jean as I typed in the password on the screen and I saw the realisation dawn on their face as I typed in the six letters of the password. VIRTUE. The box opened and I looked inside there was a crystal and a note. I opened the note.


Only you could remember the poem, I taught it to your mother as a little girl. The crystal before you was made by the Sorcerer Supreme for you and when you activate it will open the rest of your powers. For your own good, we placed limitations on them to keep you safe. They would slowly breakdown as you grew older. This gemstone when you use your powers on it will open all the doors and give you the hidden knowledge I placed inside you. Use your powers wisely my child I love you Grandad

I took the gem and placed it and the note in my pocket. "Come on you two we best find a nice hotel to spend the night in, then were off boozing on me this time" Jean and Peter walked behind me. We looked around and found a posh looking hotel, I walked up to the clerk on the desk and he looked up at me. The hotel was called the Trastrama. "How may I help you? This is a very exclusive hotel, if you're looking for a more affordable hotel there are some I could suggest." "Can I please book the Presidential Suite and the Honeymoon Suite, for just the one night thank you." I placed my gold credit card down on the desk, the clerk looked at me then at it and swiped it, when it accepted he charged us and gave us our keys. I gave Jean the Presidential Suite Key, we walked to the lift and went up to the 5th floor. When the lift doors closed Jean finally spoke out loud. "You didn't have to do this, we could have got regular rooms. I mean the presidential suite for me, that's a bit much." Peter jumped in "The honeymoon Suite, in a place like this even for one night must have been expensive" I just looked at them both. "Yeah it was $1000 each plus you can order room service and use anything in the rooms it's billed directly to my account. I have all this money, I intend on using it to treat my best friends. Get into your rooms drop your stuff off were going shopping. I'm getting Jean the best dress I can find, and you babe are going to be wearing an Armani suit when we go out, plus all the accessories, watches, glasses, jewellery to go with limo to take us to the poshest placed in town. NO ARGUMENTS." Jeans suite was one side of the corridor and ours was the other. Jean walked off quietly and Peter walked behind me into our suite. However, as soon as we walked into the palatial room it changed. "This is amazing." It had its own huge marble bathroom. There was huge living area and through 2 huge doors was a massive bed room with an emperor size bed decked out in the finest bedding imaginable. The room living room was decorated gold and yellows and was classy and sophisticated. The bathroom was white and marble, and the bedroom was reds and purples. It was beautiful. Peter grabbed hold of me and kissed me "I love you but you didn't need to do this for me" "I wanted to, I wanted us to have a romantic getaway." "Are you sure you want to buy us all this stuff for tonight, I could quite happily stay in." "Nice try. We are going shopping, then we are off for a meal, and then out into the classiest nightclub money can buy."

OK well thats Chapter 7 for you please let me know what you all think at domatheangelofdeath@hotmail.com constructive critisims are always welcome and compliments make me feel good, which is always good. Ok well thats me signing off.

Next: Chapter 8

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