Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Jul 18, 2006


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

Ok this story is set in the Ultimate X-Men Universe, though as it progresses there will be subtle differences, such as the continued of sentinels, where none are in use in the graphic novel. The X-Men team members might not correlate to the current rosters. The main team of X-Men at the beginning of my story will consist of Professor Xavier, Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Poitr 'Peter' Rasputin (Colossus), Marian (Rogue), Ororo Munroe (Storm), James 'Logan' Howlett (Wolverine) and Elliot Boggs (Magician). Also Allison 'Ali' Blaire (Dazzler)(Currently in a coma) and Warren Worthington III (Angel) (Actting as a spy for Xavier in the Academy of Tomorrow) will also be considered members of the X-men.

Chapter 6 We walked down the stairs to the sub-basement and into the danger room. We walked into the changing room and grabbed a training suit and entered the danger room. As we walked through the door way we were confronted by a nightmare. It was New York City, however it was war torn and damaged, many of the buildings were on fire, there were bodies littered everywhere. We could hear heavy footsteps coming closer to us. "Peter, what the hell is this, I thought we were training" "This is how we train, the danger room is an advanced holographic terrain simulator, and I think I know which scenario this is. Sentinel attack scenario 4 it's the hardest scenario Beast made, and I'm guessing Wolverine is in here attacking. You've seen Sentinels before right" "Yes I know them and I have fought them before. Now I know what's going on lets get crushing us some giant tin cans." Peter just smiled and turned into his steel form. His size increased and he seemed to gain a lot of muscle mass. I began to focus the ethereal energy into myself, it filled every molecule of my body. The energy now in my body made me stronger, faster and made my skin into a relatively resistant material. We stood looking for them. Then all of a sudden I saw something, no not a something it was a someone flying through the air, it was Wolverine. I stretched out with a field of ethereal energy and brought him down to the ground safely. He was covered in scratches, which were already healing. He opened his eyes "Ahh, I see I have finally have some company, I've managed to take out 5 Sentinels. There are 9 more and there ... here" He looked up and we saw 3 sentinels coming towards us. I let go of him and ran at the first Sentinel Peter seemed to be going at another one. I jumped up and landed on its shoulder. I focused some ethereal energy into a sword, I cut off its head with one swing of my sword, I jumped from the falling Sentinel onto the other. I saw as I landed. Pete was under its foot, for a moment I thought he was going to be crushed. It lurched and I saw Peter throw it onto the floor, he ran up it and started pummelling its chest before it had time to get back up. I jumped up on top of the last Sentinels head and rammed the sword straight down through its head and into its body. I jumped down and landed next to Wolverine and Pete. "Impressive skills you got there newbie." "Yeah well that's what you get for been an Omega Level mutant. Well that's what S.H.I.E.L.D told me any way. Apparently they had me rated and ranked and my powers are that of an Omega Level. Because I can rearrange matter at a sub-molecular level with my power, as far as they knew only telekinetic's could attain sub-molecular matter control. However my power gives me the ability to mimic most Psionic abilities. Telekinesis is easy and elemental control is relatively simple. Look watch this" I span round and channelled my energy and threw a bolt of over 200,000 watts of energy in the form of a lightening bolt at a Sentinel that had just rounded the corner of the building behind me. It melted right through its outer armour, as it came in contact with the circuitry that ran the machine, it overloaded every system. The sentinel staggered and collapsed into the building smashing a huge chunk out of it as it fell to the ground. Peter just looked at me and laughed. "Looks like we need to work on this program, 14 sentinels isn't enough he could take them out alone." "Actually 10 and I'd be worn out, I haven't ever had to push my powers like some of you have, and I don't use them as often, either so I haven't achieved anything near my potential. That's part of why I'm glad to be here I finally get to learn what my potential is. As well as train myself so I can condition my body to use more of my powers without weakening myself as rapidly." "So your this powerful mutant, who has great potential but never trained himself to use it." "Yeah I trained myself and was trained to use it to enhance my black and covert operations tactics, I can become stronger and faster or invisible or jump or stick to ceilings for a very long time, but hurling lightening or using the energy to manipulate things. Such as saving flying team members or hurling generals onto their arses takes it out of me." I want to show you the best my powers can do, I suggest you leave I don't want you to be hurt. Wolverine spoke out loud, seemingly to nothing. "Computer reveal the exit" Behind us the door appeared, I watched as they left and shut the door. I waited until I heard them on the intercom. "Sam its Logan, we're in the control room, show us what you got." I began focusing all the power I could, all around me ethereal energy began flowing, it shone bright blue, I began levitating higher, until I was floating high above the city. The remaining Sentinels took off and flew up to me, they began firing their energy beams at me, they didn't even dent the field of ethereal energy around me. when I was sure I had enough I threw it outwards. It expanded and eradicated everything in a half kilometre field around me. when it was spent the simulation ended and I dropped to the floor. I landed and walked out of the door. Peter was on the other side, I walked out and stumbled. He grabbed me and I used him as a support. "Are you ok, you look pale" "I'm fine babe, just worn out. That took a lot out of me, I'll be better in a few moments." We walked slowly over to the control room, Wolverine clapped as I came in. "Impressive newbie, that was good. You managed to destroy all the Sentinels left as well as about 20 city blocks. I'm guessing that would have been about two to three thousand people dead." "Yeah well it was only a demonstration, now I'm going to be in a coma for about 6-7 hours to regain the energy I used in the simulation" Pete looked worried "Are you going to pass out now." "Hardly Hun, I'll go into one when we go to bed." Wolverine looked at us. I realised what I said, I hadn't meant it like that it was a slip of the tongue. "When you to go to bed. Does that mean you two sleep together now." Pete looked down to the floor as he replied "Yeah it does, is that all right by you" "I think you deserve to be happy, and if the newbie here makes you happy then I'm happy for ya. Not that you need my blessing, its not like I'm you father." He smiled and looked at Logan "Well you have been like a brother to me, so you blessing means a lot to me" I jumped in "To both of us, I know that you mean a lot to Peter so it means a lot to me that you think I'm good enough to date him." For the first time I saw Logan smile. It was kind of scary as he showed of his fierce looking fangs. Peter started leading me out of the control room and back to the main part of the mansion. As we walked up the stairs I felt my strength returning but carried on supporting myself on him because I wasn't going to complain about his hand around my waist. We got upstairs and went to Peter's room, it was pretty plain, and he had some weights in his room. He walked me over to the bed and sat me down, I laid down on the bed, he snuggled into me and I moved and put my head on his chest. We just sat there for a while, soaking in each other, I got up and crawled up to his mouth and kissed him. "Were you serious earlier, I hadn't meant it like that, I meant when i went to bed" "Well yeah, I slept so well and so peacefully last night when I slept in your bed. I mean if you want me to sleep there. If you want to sleep alone I can understand that. I mean if you think we are moving to fast then tell me to slow down." I just leant in and kissed him he put one hand on the other side of me and before I knew what was happening he was on top of me kissing me. This time I was the one who wanted him. My hands started lifting up his shirt. I had just halfway to taking his shirt off, when Elliot Boggs walked in. He looked over then almost jumped out of the room, he spoke to us from the hallway. "Sorry, god I'm so sorry I should have knocked first and waited for you to answer, I'm so sorry god I will come back later." I had rapidly put Peter's shirt back in place. And he had lifted himself off of me so that we were both sat on the bed. Peter looked at me before he shouted out loud "Its fine Elliot, come in." Elliot walked back in and it was obvious that he was blushing. "The professor asked me to get you two, we're all about to have Sunday diner. So hurry up we're starved." "Ok Elliot we'll be there in a minute." He ran out of the room as fast as possible, I looked at Peter and we burst out laughing. "Pete babe that was so wrong but so funny" "We best get dressed, hurry up and come back here when your dressed" I ran back to my room and quickly got out of thee training uniform and into some casual clothes I ran back to Pete's room he was already outside and we walked arm in arm to eat.

Several Hours Later In The War Room<<< Most of the senior team was sat around the circular table, notably missing where Archmage and Colossus. There was silence until Professor X spoke. "I called you here to discuss something I consider very important and potentially threatening to the school. I'm referring to Samiel Kilgrave. He has shown a great deal of talent and is useful however, recent evidence has to be taken into consideration. He has revealed that he is an Omega Level mutant, the same as Jean. I do not hold this against him , it is not anything he is accountable for. However, I have to show you all a recording taken today in the danger room." He played the recording of the battle with the sentinels. The room looked shocked, all that is apart from Jean who looked slightly annoyed. The professor continued. "Computer estimate the number of death that an explosion like that would have caused if the field had been populated." The robotic voice answered. "Estimated at 2500-3200 deaths." "Now I want you to think about what he could do if the Brotherhood got to him, he would be the ultimate terrorist weapon, a living weapon capable of killing over 3000 in a single attack. It is a concern I have, that he might pose a risk if he was to be captured." Jean stood up obviously angry "I noticed how you didn't inform Colossus about this meeting" the debate that the professor had started had become something of an argument between Jean and the professor." "I thought his emotional attachment might compromise the situation" "Yes, well we are talking about him behind his back and you're worried about his power. you have the power to control minds we could sit here and complain about your powers. He cannot help what gift he was given, neither can I for that matter. He has a great potential and a good heart, he will not become a stooge of the Brotherhood. He is an X-man through and through, he has had a bad past, worked for the government and done many things but we have offered him a new chance at a better life." "I understand Jean I just wanted to know if you all felt comfortable with him been a member of the team. I wasn't suggesting kicking him out or even stopping him from using his power. I merely wanted to know if you all felt that you could trust him with your lives in the field. Before I invite him on our next mission, because this mission will be one of our hardest yet. I have every member of my team's safety to consider" Jean had clamed down a lot, at first she thought that he had been suggesting kicking him out. Which wouldn't have been like the Professor at all, but with his last speech she realised that she had been wrong. "Sorry Professor I was wrong to shout at you like that" "It's fine Jean I understand why you acted the way you did and I wasn't as clear with my reasoning for you to understand, however I must ask all of you do you trust him enough to allow him to undertake this mission with you, you will need to work together and trust one another with your lives." Jean was the first to answer. "I do" Wolverine leant back in his chair. "Me too, the newbie has skill and better control then I had for a long time" Cyclops nodded his approval, Iceman and Storm both nodded. Jean watched the facial expression of the professor very closely. She seemed pleased with the result.

Sam's Room<<< I lay on the bed watching a film, it was almost midnight. I was getting tired, but didn't feel like sleeping. After diner I had managed to spend a little bit of time with Peter, however, he said he had to go and finish off an essay, and that he would be back later. That had been almost 3 hours ago.

Now all the doubts came back to bite me in the ass. What if he didn't like me, just like another gay guy he could be with at the institute. What if he thought we were moving to fast? What if he feared me, or hates me for what I had been. I just fell back on the bed and cried. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, the room went dark. I just sat there and cried for I don't know how long. When I finally regained control of my feeling, I just got undressed in the dark and crawled into the bed. I laid there and it just felt huge, I know it was a double but it just seemed bigger without him in the bed. I laid there in the dark for I don't know how long until I heard a tapping on the door. I walked over in my boxers and opened it. Pete stood there, dressed in pyjamas in one hand was a bundle of clothes. "Sorry it took longer to finish the essay then I thought it would. Do you still want me to sleep here, or do you want to sleep alone" "I thought that you weren't coming here" He just grabbed me and picked me, bringing my head to the same level as his, lent forward and kissed me. "I'm not leaving you anytime I can see" I just kissed him again. He closed the door and locked it, I concentrated and the lamp next to my bed turned on. Pete carried me to the bed and we collapsed, I pulled his top of to reveal his beautiful body, my hands travelled down and I started to pull his PJ bottoms of, as well as his boxers in one go. It revealed his penis, for the first time to me. it was already hard, then again so was mine. 8 inches of meat and it was a decent thickness. The kissing got more passionate, I started to head down his body, kissing his neck and then down to his nipples, he moaned slightly as I sucked on them, his hips bucked slightly each time, making his groin rub up against mine, one of his hands was reaching down and started tugging at my boxers. I went down and I pulled his hand away, I reached his penis and placed my mouth gently over the head. He moaned and I took it as a sign that he was enjoying it. I enveloped as much as I could in my mouth and allowed my tongue to start licking round the shaft, his moans became more frequent. I began moving up and down the shaft, my hand was playing with his balls. His hips were bucking, I knew that he was starting to get close to coming. He managed to throw a few words. "Oh, god it feels so good." I carried on and he just went wild, his hips were bucking and he was moaning really loudly. I felt him shudder and felt it as his cum filled my mouth, I swallowed it down. then slowly let his dick out of my mouth. I went back to the top of the bed and laid down next to him looking him in the eyes. His breathing was heavy. "Sam, that's the first time I've ever had sex in anyway. Apart from when I gave you head." "I want you, so badly right now" "You want to have sex with me" "Yes I want to feel you in me, I want you to be the one I lose my virginity too." He lent forward and kissed me.

OK well thats Chapter 6 for you please let me know what you all think at domatheangelofdeath@hotmail.com constructive critisims are always welcome and compliments make me feel good, which is always good. Ok well thats me signing off.

Next: Chapter 7

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