Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Jul 14, 2006


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

Ok this story is set in the Ultimate X-Men Universe, though as it progresses there will be subtle differences, such as the continued of sentinels, where none are in use in the graphic novel. The X-Men team members might not correlate to the current rosters. The main team of X-Men at the beginning of my story will consist of Professor Xavier, Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Poitr 'Peter' Rasputin (Colossus), Marian (Rogue), Ororo Munroe (Storm), James 'Logan' Howlett (Wolverine) and Elliot Boggs (Magician). Also Allison 'Ali' Blaire (Dazzler)(Currently in a coma) and Warren Worthington III (Angel) (Actting as a spy for Xavier in the Academy of Tomorrow) will also be considered members of the X-men.

Chapter 4 >>>Sam<<< I woke up and looked over to see Peter sleeping in a chair. I was looked around me to try and work out where I was, it seemed like a medical wing of some sort, I was presuming it was inside the mansion. It was confirmed when the Professor through the door. "Ah, your awake good, how do you feel." "I'm fine, just a little confused, the last thing I remember was been in the club and dancing with Jean, the rest is a blur, then I woke up in this room. What actually happened. " "Well it seems that you had your drink spiked by someone in the club, most probably the guy who tried to drag you out with him, you managed to get a message psychically to Jean who relayed it Piotr, he ran and scared the man away. You apparently caused an electrical surge in the club when you were spiked. However, no one has put it down to mutants its just considered a power surge in the system. They then brought you straight back here, where you have been in a regenerative coma for 4 hours. Its just past 5 in the morning, I suggest you go and get some sleep in your room. And wake Mr Rasputin up I doubt he wants to sleep in here, he's been watching you all night." With that the professor spun round and left the room. I walked over to Pete and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up in a half asleep state, when he saw me his eyes snapped open. He jumped up out of his seat and grabbed me into a hug. I looked up into those piercing blue eyes. He lent forward and kissed me. Pulled back and just stared at me for a few seconds. "You had me so worried, are you alright what happened with you. Jean said she couldn't reach your mind, or even sense its presence." "I was in a regenerative coma, I'm fine just exhausted. Will you walk me back to my room, I don't want to walk on my own." "Of course come on let's get you to bed." We walked up through the mansion and out into the main entrance room. I looked out of the massive glass windows and saw the light coming up, it was nearly sunrise. "Can we stop for a moment, I want to watch the sun rise, just for a moment." I turned to him and wrapped my arms around him and placed my head on his shoulders, he placed his hands on my hips. We watched the sun rise and he kissed me, it was so romantic. He picked me up and carried me to my room, he put me down and I opened the door with my key. I walked in and he followed and shut the door behind him. He came up behind me, and began to undress me, soon I was stood with my back towards him in only my X-men uniform, and he took the zip and unzipped me. He took off my suit and left me in my boxers. I turned round and began to try and peel of his black t-shirt. "No, you need to go to bed and get some sleep" "I thought that was what we were doing Pete" "I can hardly get undressed in here and then go to my room, now can I that doesn't make much sense. Now get in bed then I will leave you to sleep." "Pete, please don't leave me not tonight. I don't feel safe, but when your with me I do, can you just stay here for tonight." He looked at me. "Do you have any spare bedding I sleep on the floor." "No you wont." I peeled of his shirt, he seemed a little hesitant, I went for the belt on his jeans and he flinched. I kissed him and let his jeans drop, he stood in his boxers and socks. He had apparently already kicked his shoes off long before I woke up. I grabbed hold of his hand, and pulled him towards the bed. With a flick of my wrist the door locked, he looked very hesitant. "What's wrong Pete?" "It's just I've never well slept with anyone, at all and I mean we have only known each other for so short a period, that I don't know if going for sex is too much too soon. I don't mean to insult you, its just I don't think I'm ready to have sex not just yet" "Pete, I'm not asking you to have sex with me, I just don't want to be alone tonight. But if you want to go to your room I can completely understand." "You really just want me to sleep in the bed with you" "Really" He followed me and got into bed next to me. I laid there and felt him wrap his hand round my waist. I flicked my wrist again and the curtains closed. I fell asleep wrapped in his arms. When I woke up I looked at the clock on my table it said it was 10.30, I moved slowly and rolled over to see Pete still asleep next to me. I crept out of the bed and over to the table, I turned on my laptop and waited for it to start up. I logged onto the intranet for the institute and looked for Jean on the messenger service. I saw that she was online.

Computer Conversation Archmage: Hey Jean U There Marvel Girl: Yeah, it's good to see your awake, how you feel this morning. Archmage: little rough to be honest but its ok, I was wondering what happens on a Sunday around here. Marvel Girl: Well we mainly sit around and watch TV, I'm going down to watch some Charmed then Will & Grace, you fancy joining me and Pete. He loves Will & Grace it's his favourite. Plus he will be happy to see you up and about. I will go get him on the way to your room. Archmage: No need, come to mine he's with me. Give us like 10 mins yeah Marvel Girl: Ok, so you slept with him, Uhhh what's he like. Give me all the gossip. Archmage: we didn't sleep together in that respect, he just crashed in my room, coz I didn't want to sleep alone, after the Professor told me had happened I didn't feel safe alone ok. Marvel Girl: YEAH WHATEVER Archmage: 10 mins Marvel Girl: Ok

I turned off the computer and walked over to Pete. I laid down next to him, he woke up as soon as I let my hand wander down his chest. He yawned and looked over to me. He smiled and I saw his pearly teeth, I think my heart actually skipped a beat when he did that. "Hey you feel better now Sam" I leant in and kissed him. "Still a bit rough from last night but apart from a slight headache much better. Now get up and get dressed Jean will be here soon, we're off to watch some Will & Grace I hear its your favourite" He looked panicked and jumped up out of the bed, he started grabbing his clothes. "What's wrong Pete, calm down, she already knows you're here. There's nothing to worry about." "How does she know?" "I told her when she said she would get you from your room, what was I supposed to do ." "She'll think we slept together and I know I'm out but I don't want them to know my private business. I just don't want people knowing my private business. Plus I don't have anything to wear in here, all I have is what I wore last night to the club." I walked over to my closet and grabbed two pairs of sweat pants and two really big hockey shirts. I threw Pete one pair of sweats and a hockey shirt. "You can use these, I use them as PJ's I'm sure they will fit you to they should big enough" He put them on, the shirt was big enough for him, although it did show of his pec's. The sweats were fine and showed of his arse when he turned round. He looked at me and laughed. "What are you laughing at." "Nothing its just the shirt kind of looks like it is a dress, it goes down to just above your knee's. It just looks kind of funny is all, now come over here, I want to show you something." I walked over to him. He grabbed me and lifted me up slightly so that we were the same height. He leant in and kissed me, his hand was slightly squeezing my arse. When he finally finished the kiss, he lowered me slowly to the ground and just held onto my hand. "What did you want to show me" "Just how much I like you. Sam can I ask you a question, its kind of big" "You can ask me anything you want" "Do you believe in love at first sight" "Yes, why do you ask" "Because I do believe in it, and I have to tell you something. So just hear me out ok. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you falling towards me. That second when I looked into your eyes I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. I just mean that I want to say three words to you. I love you"

To be honest I was a little taken a back he said it so suddenly I paused for a second to try and find the perfect answer. He was looking at me and when I paused he looked a little sad. "I do believe in love at first sight, because the moment I looked into those eyes of yours, I knew I was in love with you, I knew that I wanted you so badly. I do love you Peter with all my heart." He grabbed me and pulled me tight, we kissed again. This time though I could feel his passion. His hand was beginning to lift my shirt up, and mine were apparently starting to pull down his sweats, when we were rudely interrupted by a knock at the door. We instantly broke the kiss and walked to the door, Jean was smiling as we walked out. She hugged me and grabbed hold of mine and Peter's hand. "I could feel you two half way down the corridor. What did you tell each other that made you each that happy." "We told each other that we loved each other from the moment we met one another." "So you two are now officially going out and are boyfriends then" Peter took this question. "Yeah it does" We walked down to the Rec room, where some of the X-men were already sat on the sofas. Rogue, was sat with Bobby. Jean went and sat with Scott and I sat with Peter, Ororo was sat on the same sofa as us. Jean grabbed the remote and turned on the TV and flicked through to Charmed. As it began I lent into Peter, who held onto my hand. We watched 2 episodes and during the breaks people would chat. While we waited for Will and Grace, the group got to talking about the lessons we would have tomorrow. Rogue sat and moaned first about our first two periods. "I cant believe on a Monday first thing we have 2 hours of danger room training in martial arts and self-defence with Wolverine. You always end up sore and knackered by the end, he pushes us so hard. Its torture. Then I have to go and study English and Physics with the Professor. Its like on Mondays he wants us to wear out our body and then our minds." I looked over to Peter. "I enjoy the training regime, it's the Physics and English that I find harder." Rogue shook her head. "That's because you're like so strong that it doesn't affect you that much, you weight train most days anyway. Hell lets be honest Pete, the only reason you're here now rather then in the danger room training with Wolverine is because you wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend." He blushed, then suddenly the look in his eye changed. "Yeah well is there anything wrong with spending some time with my boyfriend." "No, I wasn't saying it like that, that's not what I meant" I could tell there might be a small argument if it was left to escalate. So I jumped into the fray to break it up, before I caused any more damage "Yeah, so that's why he's watching Will & Grace, with me. Then I'm going to go and do some training with Peter. I used to be work out everyday when I worked as part of S.H.I.E.L.D." They all looked over at me. Bobby was the first to speak. "What exactly did you do for them, I mean if your allowed to speak abut it." "Bobby, I don't have any loyalties to them any longer. They abandoned me when I was captured they did nothing to try and rescue me. I used to work as an assassin and bounty hunter for S.H.I.E.L.D. collected or deactivated the targets that they set to me." Most of them looked shocked. Bobby stammered "You killed people" "Yeah I did, they were usually terrorists and people who were criminals. I never killed anyone if I could safely capture them and bring them back. I only killed 3 targets. One of them was a mutant telekinetic who was going to detonate 3 bombs in the US senate. One was a murderer who had managed to avoid been captured by the police. He tried to stab me and I threw him off with a wave of ethereal energy and he went through a window and fell 4 floors. The last one was a mercenary, who got a grenade thrown by one of his fellow merc's in his face." There was a quiet through the room, Jean had muted the TV for the adverts, but the program had started a bit ago. I stood up and walked to the window, Peter came up behind me and hugged me, for several minutes I stood there. Jean I presume to try and lighten the mood had put the sound on the TV. It was then my worst fear was seen. A black car came down the drive. I knew straight away from the markings and the model that it was a S.H.I.E.L.D. car. I watched as it got to the front door, a man with a black eye patch got out of the back seat. General Nick Fury, head of S.H.I.E.L.D. my former boss, what was he doing here. I watched as he walked up the stairs and met with Professor Xavier. "Peter let go of me please, I have to go deal with something. ALONE" I turned round and walked out. I didn't care about the eyes, the only thing that I did care about was Peter, and I would have to explain to him later. Right now I had to confront Fury. I stormed through the halls to the front door. I walked out into the large entrance room, looked and saw them still out on the veranda. I stormed through the entrance and threw open the door. "Fury, what the hell. How dare you even show your face around here." He looked shocked to see me. "Phantasm, you were believed to be dead. How come you didn't inform me you had rescued him Charles." The professor was obviously thrown, I don't think he had expected me to be seen. I didn't care I had to finish what I started. "Fury, don't even think about it. I'm and X-man now, my days working for you are over. So don't try it on with me. I suggest you remove me from your records." Fury looked like a statue. "You don't have any options, you will return to S.H.I.E.L.D. with me, you work for us. You have been the property of the US government, from the moment you killed your parents in Time Square. Now get in the car, that's an order." That was it he had pissed me off for the last time. I hurled a wave of ethereal energy that sent him flying he landed on the gravel next to the car. He just stared at me. "How dare you attack a superior officer, Phantasm" "You no longer have any control over me. I was under your orders to enter that fortress, you told me Lord Magick, was alone. You ordered me to terminate him with no discretion. You knew very well that he had over 40 mutants working for him. You sent me in to die, you wanted rid of me. Don't lie, I can ask the professor to read your mind and find out the truth." The professor for the first time since I had arrived spoke. "There's no need Sam. I know it's true, Fury gave it away when you said it. I suggest that you release him from the governments control and allow him full citizenship again Fury, or I will refuse to help S.H.I.E.L.D. , deal with its little problem." For the first time I saw fury look phased. He actually didn't know what to do. I held back a laugh. "Fine. Samiel Kilgrave you are here by released from military service." "Fury, make sure that I get what you promised me in return for my services. I want my families' funds back under control by tomorrow, with all the money accounted for. Or else I will hunt you down and shut S.H.I.E.L.D. down. You know that I could do it if I really wanted to." "By tomorrow morning you will have all your money and estate back under your control." I ran off back through the halls. Past the living room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw everybody looking at me. I just ran on to my room, I landed on my bed and just broke down I was crying my eyes out and I dint know why, or for how long. The next thing I knew Jean and Peter were on my bed hugging me. I buried my face into Peter's chest and continued to sob away. Jean leaned into me. When I finally stopped crying I pulled away from Peter. "I'm sorry for been so silly I don't know why I'm crying. I'm finally free of the government and can have control of my own life." Jean was the first to speak. "It's ok, I think I will leave you to have some time with your boyfriend" I really didn't want her to go. "No Jean stay, please. You and Peter are the best friends I have ever had. Stay I need to tell both of you my past, how I was brought up. Who I used to be and how I became a tool of the government."

OK well thats Chapter 4 for you please let me know what you all think at domatheangelofdeath@hotmail.com constructive critisims are always welcome and compliments make me feel good, which is always good. Ok well thats me signing off.

Next: Chapter 5

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