Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Jul 12, 2006


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

Ok this story is set in the Ultimate X-Men Universe, though as it progresses there will be subtle differences, such as the continued of sentinels, where none are in use in the graphic novel. The X-Men team members might not correlate to the current rosters. The main team of X-Men at the beginning of my story will consist of Professor Xavier, Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Poitr 'Peter' Rasputin (Colossus), Marian (Rogue), Ororo Munroe (Storm), James 'Logan' Howlett (Wolverine) and Elliot Boggs (Magician). Also Allison 'Ali' Blaire (Dazzler)(Currently in a coma) and Warren Worthington III (Angel) (Actting as a spy for Xavier in the Academy of Tomorrow) will also be considered members of the X-men.

Chapter 3 We went down the corridor and into a lift behind a panel of wooden cladding. We entered near to the dining room. Everybody was sat around the table with the food in the middle, some of them had already started. The head of the table was free, which was I guessed reserved for the Professor. I saw a free chair in between Peter and Jean so I took it. Pete looked at me and smiled, Jean just winked told you it would work out fine Jean projected her to thoughts into my head. I used the ethereal energy and projected back. thanks Jean I know I should believe what you say, but still I sometimes bought all but what the thoughts in my head say. Pete broke down the mental conversation. "So did you accept" The whole table looked up from their meal and stared directly at me. I should have figured that they would know what the Professor had been to talk to me about. "Yeah come on Sam did you join us or not" Jean said, somehow I think she already new the answer. It was the Professor that answered the question for me. "Please I would like to introduce the newest member of the senior X-Men Team, Samiel Kilgrave. Codename Archmage." Some of the others looked shocked, Jean and Pete just looked pleased. That was all I cared about, they were the only ones who seemed to have tried to get to know me. Pete a little more on the physical side. I felt Pete's hand grab mine and hold it firmly under the table, he lifted it up from under the table and put it down on the top of the table. I noticed that a few of the people had noted what he did. I could have sworn that I saw a distained look come over Kurt's face. Wolverine smiled I think. Kurt stood up and spoke. "How come he as the most recent person to join us becomes a senior member, when some of us have been here much longer are still considered junior. I don't think it's fair." "Ah, you bring up a good point mister Wagner. However, Sam has had extensive training in covert operations and Black-Ops from both the N.I.D and S.H.I.E.L.D. respectively. Also Mr Kilgrave has shown a great deal of self-control and I have seen him in the field take out 10 sentinels alone and unaided. This is why I have allowed him to become a senior member, because his contributions and skills are useful and will only further strengthen the team. I did not do this to cause any resentment from the junior members." Kurt sat back down, a look of clear disappointment and resentment on his face. Cyclops was the first person to break the awkward silence. "Welcome to the team. My names Scott Summers the codenames Cyclops, my power is my eyes project optic blasts, I act as the field commander of the X-Men." Jean was the next to do the role call. "My codenames Marvel Girl, I'm telekinetic and telepathic. I'm the unofficial second in command" Next was Peter. "My codenames Colossus, I can turn into a 500 pound organic steel, I have increased strength and near invulnerability while in my steel form." Next was a young man with blonde hair. "My names Bobby Drake, my codenames Iceman and I'm cryokinetic" Next was a stunning African American looking lady, with long white hair. "My names Ororo Munroe, my codenames Storm. I'm atmokinetic" One of the older looking members was next he had long shaggy hair and a slight beard. He looked strong and slightly dangerous. I already knew he was Wolverine I had previously read his S.H.I.E.L.D. file. "My names Logan, codename Wolverine, I have enhanced healing and senses, an Adamantium skeleton and claws." "Well Sam that's the introductions from the senior members of the team, which you will be working with on missions." Wolverine interrupted the professor. "If you hurt my friend Pete over there then expect my claws to have something to say to your heart, bub." Pete blushed as Wolverine gave his little speech. Jean just rolled her eyes. And I saw and heard Scott sigh. "Well that's quite enough of that Logan, Sam please meet the junior members of the team." "Hey, the names Elliot Boggs codename Magician, I can manipulate reality around me, and I pray to god I get moved up to a senior member as soon as possible." "The names Kitty Pryde, codename Shadowcat and I have the ability to phase through objects." "Hey, my names Marian codename Rogue and I can absorb mutant powers through skin to skin contact. I can also charge objects with kinetic energy and make them explode" "I'm Kurt Wagner codename Nightcrawler. I can teleport and have increased agility." With the introductions complete we continued to have our meal.

The Professor looked at me and nodded. "Please would you introduce yourself and give us a brief rundown of your powers." "My name is Samiel Kilgrave, but everybody just calls me Sam. My codename is Archmage, newest member of the senior team of the X-men. My mutant power is my mind is connected to ethereal energy, which allows me to manipulate the world around me and further a field through the use of ethereal energy. It is the same energy that sorcerers use to perform magic. Although I have a greater degree of control and need no spells to perform magic, my power is far more refined. The more powerful and the more warping or the material world the more energy I have to use. When I am using my power my eyes glow blue, and if the energy is taxing my hair, which is cyan coloured naturally will lengthen at an accelerated rate. To regain my energies I go into a form of regenerative coma, my mind enters the ethereal plane and I become connected to everything, everywhere. My body is protected while in the coma by an impenetrable field. " With the introductions done we carried on eating, the people around me were gossiping and talking about battles and simulations that I didn't have a clue about. I just sat there in silence. Peter looked over at me. "Sam, can I talk to you when we're done eating here." "Of course you can, I was hoping to spend some time with you tonight." He just smiled. Jean looked at me. He likes you, he wants you. Ah, Jean I see you got changed, see now imagine what would have happened if you came down and looked unfashionable, everybody would think your getting old and out of touch with the times. Oh behave I'm only 19 same as your boyfriend over their. You're a cradle robber. By all of a year if that. What's wrong anyway you seem quiet, and I know that's not like you, you gabby mo I just don't know much about what's there on about so I'm keeping quiet, it will all change when they get onto a subject I like, you just watch She smirked and carried on eating. When we had all finished we left, I grabbed Pete by the hand and dragged him with me to my room. When we were safely inside and the door locked, I turned round and looked at him. "You wanted to talk so spill it, and then I can get right down to kissing you some more." "Do you want to go on an official date with me, I asked the Professor if we could leave the grounds tonight and go to a club in town. He agreed so long as we wear our suits under our clothes." "Won't we sweat to death in them, oh and by the way that's a yes if you didn't pick up on that." "Yeah I did, and no we wont there thermo-regulating so we wont get any hotter then we are now." "What time are you picking me up then Mr Rasputin?" "How about 9, I will have to beg Jean to drop us off at the club, but she will relish the chance to drive somewhere." "Erm, one thing where is the nearest bathroom." "Just go to the end of this corridor and you will find it on your left." He came over gave me a quick kiss then left. I got ready and had a shower and waited. There was a knock on the door at 5 to 9. I opened the door and out in the corridor were Peter and Jean. Peter looked so fine in a tight black t-shirt that showed off every muscle in his body and a pair of jeans, which showed of a mighty fine package. Jean was in a short skirt and top that showed of her perfect mid-riff. "Sorry, to impose but I want to come along, I feel like going out clubbing tonight so I can watch and make sure that Mr Rasputin treats my little friend properly, plus have a good time with you two." Peter blushed again, I loved it when he does that he looks so cute. "Ok, no problem Jean you're driving us down there after all, so its no problem, plus I might need back-up, I mean how good a dancer is Peter anyway." He looked down at his shoes. "I can't dance, and wont try too either you would just be ashamed of me." "Ah, well Jean you got yourself a deal. Now can someone tell me where we are going?" "Well there's a club in town called Queens' it's the gay bar, so we're going there it's a good night especially on a Saturday. Is that ok?" "Yeah ok let's go, lead the way." We got down to the front doors and into the car parked out on the drive. Peter and I sat in the back of the car and he held my hand. His grip was firm but gentle, we parked and walked down a street. There was a giant warehouse, with a neon sign saying that it was Queens' there was still a queue and we waited. "Boys, you best get your ID out ready they check everybody." Peter looked a bit worried. "Jean, none of us are actually old enough to get in, I've only been 20 for a month, and how are we going to get in if we get asked for ID." She just smiled and laughed. "Leave that to me, I will make it look like our cards say 21." "Shit you two I've just realised I have no money at all. I'm not going to be able to get in or get a drink." Peter looked at me "You're on a date on my request, which means I pay for you." "No I can't let you do that, it's not fair" "No arguments, you're my date and its my right to pay for you. So shut up and wait to get in." I didn't argue with him after that. We queued for half an hour until we reached the door. A bouncer walked over to us, looked me and Jean and seemed to almost ignore Peter. "Can I see your ID please?" We flashed our ID's, I looked to Jean and saw her wink. She was doing just as she promised she had changed what he saw, so that to him our ID's said 21. "Go on in" We walked into the club. It was so weird inside. It was a converted warehouse. There was a large seating area at the back of the building. Along one side was a large bar, at the other end there was a raised stage and on top of that was the DJ's deck. We went over to the bar, Pete got a bottle of beer, while Jean and I tried to look a little classier and had a Cosmopolitan each. I lent into Peter and whispered into his ears "Come dance with me" He looked back at me and then hung his head slightly "I can't dance, and don't really enjoy trying. So how about I watch you and Jean dance for a bit and if it's not to late when we get back to the mansion we can watch a movie and see where we go." "I like that idea, so long as we watch a movie in my room. I like you better there" He looked at me, leant forward and kissed me quickly. "it's a deal now go and have a good time dancing, I'm happy to sit here and have a few drinks and watch the fittest guy in the bar dance with his friend." "Wow, where is he I need to go meet this hot guy and his friend. I think I might try and get in his pants" "You tease, now take Jean and have a dance" Jean and I danced for an hour or so, all the time I was glancing over to keep checking and seeing if Pete was ok, there were a lot of men checking him out and I did feel partially jealous but at the same time good. Don't worry about him, and don't be jealous he has been watching you all night long doesn't make it any easier Jean I feel like I've abandoned him, and its not like he couldn't get any man in here tonight. He's fine and a good looker With his eye on you. Now a slow song is coming up next and I've just seen a friend so go grab him and drag him on the dance floor and make him dance with you. With that Jean walked off, true to her word the next song was a slow one. I ran over to Peter and grabbed him, he looked a bit shocked I pulled him onto the dance floor. "No, I can't dance" "It's not a dance ,it's a slow dance just trust me on this" I backed into him, so that my back was pressed onto his chest. I grabbed his left arm and put in on my waist and put his right hand over my heart. He seemed a little bit awkward with the whole situation but, I took the lead and showed him the way. When the song ended I turned round and kissed him. "See was that really that bad, I even gave you a treat at the end to really make it worth your while." We went back over to the bar and Pete got me a vodka and coke. "I'm going to find Jean I think she's out somewhere on the dance floor, are you ok or do you want to come with me." "No I will wait for you here. I think if you want to watch a movie tonight then we best be heading home." I smiled and walked off into the crowd, I saw Jean with some guy so I came over and started dancing with her. Holding my drink in my hand as I danced, I felt someone put a hand on my hip. As I turned I hoped it was Pete but I was wrong it was some guy, with greasy long black hair. I turned away and looked back to Jean, she looked at me and lifted her eyebrows. He grabbed me again. "Hey how about you dance with me I wont hurt you" I drank down the last of my drink. "No, I don't think so my boyfriends sat over by the bar I'm now going to go and get him and then I am going home with him, good bye" I walked away and started feeling very strange like I was incredibly drunk all of a sudden, as I neared the bar I grabbed onto the nearest pillar. It was then that the guy came back. "Let's get you home, I'll take good care of you." I opened my mind and just hoped that Jean would hear my call. Jean help, I think I've been spiked The creepy guy grabbed hold of my arm and started dragging me towards the door, my head rolled to the side and I saw Peter and Jean running towards me.

Colossus<<< I was sat at the bar, enjoying the scene and watching all the people dancing, when I heard a voice, directly in my head. I knew the voice it was Jean. Peter, somebody's spiked Sam, he's near the door hurry someone is trying to take him outside hurry up. I got up faster then I knew I could and dashed towards the door, I saw him halfway across the club been led by some guy towards the door, Jean came up beside me. And we ran towards him. "Hey get your greasy paws off my boyfriend." The slime ball looked up and nearly shat himself, he let go of Sam and ran out of the door as fast as he could. I grabbed hold of Sam before he touched the ground. I picked him up in my arms. His eyes flickered open and were glowing bright blue. It was then in that moment when all the lights in the club blew out and the music cut out. His eyes closed and he went limp in my arms. I turned to Jean. "We have to get him back to the mansion now, something's wrong" She lead me out of the door, the bouncer looked at me. "He was spiked we need to get him back to our home." Jean ran round and brought the car. I got in the back with Sam, Jean drove us back to the mansion as fast as she could. I presume that she had made telepathic contact with the Professor because when we arrived back at just gone 1 he was waiting for us with Storm. We went down into the medical bay in the sub-basement and I laid Sam out on the table, I stood back and allowed Jean and the Professor to do their work. They scanned him with several different, Jean levitated a syringe to her and tried to inject it into Sam's arm. The needle bent as she tried to force it into his skin. She looked over to the Professor, and he looked back at Sam. "What's wrong with him sir?" He came over to me. "Well, he was spiked and now he seems to be a regenerative coma. We don't know how long it will last, I suggest that you all get some rest and the computers will monitor him and alert me as soon as he wakes up." "Professor if it all the same with you I would like to stay with him until he wakes up" "If that's what you I wish to do Piotr then go a head" "I wish to do the same sir" "Ok Jean well good night" He left the room. And I sat down on a chair next to Sam, Jean sat next to me and took my hand. We began our vigil. Jean left at about half three in the morning, to sleep in her bed.

OK well thats Chapter 3 for you please let me know what you all think at domatheangelofdeath@hotmail.com constructive critisims are always welcome and compliments make me feel good, which is always good. Ok well thats me signing off.

Next: Chapter 4

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