Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Jul 4, 2006


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

Ok this story is set in the Ultimate X-Men Universe, though as it progresses there will be subtle differences, such as the continued of sentinels, where none are in use in the graphic novel. The X-Men team members might not correlate to the current rosters. The main team of X-Men at the beginning of my story will consist of Professor Xavier, Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Poitr 'Peter' Rasputin (Colossus), Marian (Rogue), Ororo Munroe (Storm), James 'Logan' Howlett (Wolverine) and Elliot Boggs (Magician). Also Allison 'Ali' Blaire (Dazzler)(Currently in a coma) and Warren Worthington III (Angel) (Actting as a spy for Xavier in the Academy of Tomorrow) will also be considered members of the X-men.

Chapter 1 I walked down the wood clad corridor out into the main hall, I stood on the balcony looking out of the large glass windows over the grounds. All of a sudden there was a noise right behind me `Bamph' I span round to see something terrifying behind me. It was blue with pointed ears, on each of its hands it had 3 fingers. I could see its yellow eyes. I stumbled back, falling over the railing dropping down to the floor below me, I span in mid air to try and stop myself from doing too much damage. However, I saw something even more surprising, a hulking man covered in a silver metal grabbed me in his hands. His hands were not cold like I thought they would be, he held me by my waist. "Are you ok friend that could have been a nasty fall." The blue thing looked down over the balcony, the metal person looked up then back at me, his deep blue eyes looking into mine. "I see you've met Kurt, he can be a little bit frightening but he is only a mutant like the rest of us. My name is Piotr Rasputin, but you can call me Pete." "Erm, Pete can you please put me down now." He looked at me and then at the ground. "Sorry" He placed me down on the ground. Kurt walked down the stairs and over to me. I realised that I had been stupid, I mean I was in an institute that looked after mutants and taught them control, which was why I was here. I had no where left to go, I had been taken into captivity by Lord Magick, I had been in his dungeon for almost 2 months until I had been rescued by the X-Men. Before then I had lived on the streets and under an assumed name in New York. "I'm sorry I scared you I didn't mean to I was just on my way to breakfast." "It's Fine I was just shocked to see you appear out of nowhere, and I don't mean to be rude, but your appearance freaked me out a little." "I know I'm sorry" Kurt walked off towards down a corridor, leaving me and Pete alone, I turned round and watched just as Pete began to turn back, he shrank down to six foot four and the metal disappeared from his skin as it returned to normal flesh. He was very muscular almost every muscle was clear through his white wife beater top. His arms were large and heavily defined, however, not that big that the veins were clear on his arms. He had a handsome face, with a smile to melt over. His accent was beautiful, it was American, but it had a slight Russian twang to it. Looking down his body to his black jogging bottoms it was apparent that he had muscular legs, and the package was impressive. I took the best glance I could without making it obvious that I was checking him out. He was gorgeous. "Oh My." He looked at me, with those big blue eyes of his. "What is it?" He cocked his head slightly at me. With a kind of quizzical look on his face. He really did have the cutest smile, it flashed the smallest amount of white teeth. "Nothing I just thought that your metal skin was your usual form" "Oh, no I only turn into my organic steel form when I get shocked, and seeing somebody falling off the balcony is a little bit shocking." He smiled and I felt like I was melting away right there on the spot. "Where you going to breakfast? By the way what's your name I never got round to asking you what to call you." "Oh, sorry that was rather rude of me, I'm Sam, Sam Kilgrave, and to answer you, yes I was trying to find something to eat I arrived here last night and was unconscious, I woke up in a room and came looking for Professor Xavier." "Well how about I show you where to find something to eat, usually the Professor eats with us in the morning." He led me down a corridor, he had his arm over my shoulders, I loved the warmth of his touch, it seeped through me and I knew I already was falling for him. I snatched a brief glance at him, I knew I wouldn't be able to tell him how I felt. We entered through a door and I was confronted with a strange sight. There was a large table with all sorts of food on it. Around the table were different people. Some of them I knew from when they had saved me from the dungeon, I had managed to stay conscious on their plane for about 50 minutes before I passed out on

There was Jean Grey who had managed to break me out of the magical bonds that had kept me in Lord Magick's dungeon. Her long red hair was not tied back today as it had been when she rescued me in her X-Man Uniform. Sat next to her was Cyclops wearing a pair of red sun-glasses, I didn't know why it was a miserable day outside. I guess it was a sort of fashion statement, god men could be idiots at times. Professor Xavier was sat at the head of the table, with Storm and Wolverine and Beast down one side, there was a man with wings, and several normal looking people sat around the table. There was also Kurt sat their, I took a seat and Pete sat next to me. The Professor coughed and everybody looked to him. "Everybody please can I have your attention, as you can see we have a new member of the institute. His name is Sam Kilgrave and he will be with us, now I know some of you are already familiar with him so please give him a hand around the school and help him out."

Everybody said hello and introduced themselves, it was overwhelming, I just sat their in silence and just ate my food, and Pete eat in silence as well. After I finished I stood up and walked out of the Room, Pete followed me out. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted a tour of the Mansion." "Yeah sure" For the next hour Pete showed me round the school and told me about each of the rooms, we ended up outside my door. "Well this is my stop thanks for the tour Pete it meant a lot I feel a bit weird been here, like I'm out of place." "Don't worry I felt like that at first, but people here are real friendly and you'll feel at home in no time at all I promise. Now I got to go out for a bit if you like I will come round and get you when its time for diner" "That would be nice thanks" He walked away and gave me a perfect view of his muscled bum, I shut the door and looked across my room, it was bare I had no possessions or even any clothes other then what I was wearing. I sat on my bed and thought of Pete. He was so nice and kind, I knew I was falling for him, a tear slipped down my cheek. I would never be able to do anything with him.

Colossus<<< I walked down the corridor away from Sam's room, he had been so nice, timid but he had opened up on the tour. He was innocent and naive, I don't think he knew that I had been testing him out. I had been slightly coming on to him, trying to get any vibes from him. As I neared my door I saw Jean coming out of her room. "Pete wait up" She jogged over to me "Pete don't say anything just listen to me. Tell him how you feel, just be open and honest" With that she walked off down the corridor. For a while I wondered why she would tell me to do this. I mean he would hate me, but I knew deep down that she was right, even though I knew we could only be friends. He would have to know I was gay.

Sam<<< I had sat in my room looking at what few possessions it offered me, there were a few books left on the shelves and I had started reading them when I heard a knock on the door. "Come In" I looked over to the door and saw Jean walk in. "Hi, Sam I was wondering if you fancied going to the mall today and having a bit of a shopping spree, we need to get you some clothes and things to make your room a bit more like its yours. After all this is your home now, it needs to be somewhere you want to be." "Ok but I don't have any money, erm, before you found me I lived on the streets making a life for myself by stealing what I could and selling it off, all the money I had is gone now, Lord Magick took it from me." "Don't worry about that I have the mansions account and permission to use it from the Professor, so we can go crazy. I hope you can put up with a few hours of shopping, it will be just you and me I'm afraid today." "I'd love to go shopping with you, I don't care how long it takes its not like I have anything better to do with my day." "I'm sorry to be so outwards but I have to ask, you see I'm telepathic so I get vibes from people and I wanted to know are you gay, I thought I felt something between you and Peter" I was a little taken aback "Yes I am Gay, and what do you mean something between me and Peter, How about you tell me what you mean" "Sam, just talk to Colossus ok now let's go shopping" We spent the rest of the day shopping in Bayview Mall, I bought enough clothes to fill the wardrobe of any out and proud gay man, with shoes galore but of course. I bought posters for the wall and stuff for the room, Jean had left me sitting drinking a mocha chino in Starbucks. She came back with a box under her arm. "For you" I opened the box and found a Laptop, a brand new, top of the line, lap top computers. I was shocked. "I think you will find one of these useful"

We got back and dropped the shopping back at my room, I had started hanging my clothes up and putting them away, when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find Pete stood out side looking a bit frightened. "Hey, it's a bit early for diner isn't it" "Can I come in I need to talk to you for a minute, its important" He looked uncomfortable even been around me, I could feel the blood drain out of face. The only thought that was running through my head was `He Knows' I watched him walk in and sit on my bed. "I need to tell you something, you might want to sit down for this one" He didn't look me in the eye once while he talked to me. "Sam, I'm gay, I need you to know that. That and I think I'm falling for you. Please don't hate me for it, I can't help it, it's just. I don't know you're so cool and innocent, and you make me smile. Please just don't hate me, I know that you must be freaked and won't want me near you. I'm sorry I'll leave now." He got up and started heading for the door. I jumped up from the bed and grabbed hold of him pulling him into a long kiss.

OK well thats Chapter 1 for you please let me know what you all think at domatheangelofdeath@hotmail.com constructive critisims are always welcome and compliments make me feel good, which is always good. Ok well thats me signing off.

Next: Chapter 2

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