Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge

By Alex O'donnell

Published on Oct 28, 2011


All the usual disclaimers apply:

*This story is a work of fiction and is not intended to depict any living person.

*Do not read this story if you live in an area where it is illegal to do so.

This story is partially inspired by a really good story a few years back on Nifty.org ("American Teen Muscle Challenge"), along with several current reality TV series, and my own vivid imagination.

My thanks to Andrew and Bryan for the positive readers' feedback so far.


"We'll be right back after a word from our sponsors," the announcer said, and I groaned.

I'd been watching this incredibly sexy (and somewhat obscene) television show for the past half hour. It was called the "Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge", and it starred four gorgeous muscled studs as the competitors: Peter Cox, a handsome brunette muscular male model; Rod Dixon, a blonde muscle hunk; Jack Offerman, a tall, hunky red-headed bodybuilder; and Dick Hardman, a stacked muscle god with a shaved head. Each of the four men was wearing a low cut string tank top and matching posing trunks, except for Dick, who had opted to compete shirtless, wearing just a skimpy pair of gold posing trunks as he ran around the studio. Each of the four men had run an obstacle course, and their sweaty, hunky bodies glistened under the show's hot studio lights.

Now I waited impatiently for the program to start again. Stupid commercials.

Finally, the Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge came back on.

"Welcome back to the second half of our premiere episode of season three's The Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge", stated one of the hosts, the darkly handsome Alex. "Only two of our competitors, Jack Offerman and Dick Hardman, successfully completed the last stage; that will put the other two competitors, Peter Cox and Rod Dixon, at a distinct disadvantage."

"That's right, Alex," agreed Scott, the equally handsome blond co-host. "But for now, let's continue the competition. The next phase of the contest is the 50-meter freestyle swim. Each of our four competitors will dive into our competition-sized swimming pool and will then proceed to swim his laps using his own preferred style of swimming. The first man to finish his laps will earn 20 points. The second will earn 10, the third five, and the fourth just 2.5 points."

"Will the competitors please take your positions at poolside," Alex stated. The four muscled men walked around the stage to the right-hand side of the sound stage, where there was a pool.

Peter pulled off his blue tank top, and Rod and Jack then followed suit. Several female audience members squealed as the men's gorgeously sexy, sweaty upper bodies were revealed (at home, I almost squealed, too). Peter had the darkest tan and the most sculpted abs and upper obliques; Rod had very well-developed lower obliques; Jack had the thickest biceps, triceps, delts, and an incredibly thick, corded neck; Dick had beefy, striated pecs. He also had the best overall lower body, with massive tear-drop shaped quads and thickly muscled calves. It was hard to tell which one was my favorite. Their nearly entirely bare bodies glisted under the studio lights.

The four competitors had reached the poolside, and it was only then that I realized that it was intended that these men would just swim in their posing trunks rather than in standard speedos. What the...? Before I knew it, they bent down and a whistle blew, and all four of them plunged into the water as the freestyle began.

"And Dixon's off to a very good start, already three or four feet in front of the other competitors," Alex stated. "It's a bit hard to tell, but it looks as though Offerman is in second so far."

"These men have just finished a grueling obstacle course that pushed their upper bodies to the absolute limit, Alex," Scott continued. "Now the muscles of their upper body are being challenged again. This competition is brutal. It's hard to even imagine what is going through these men's minds as they compete against one another under such difficult conditions."

"That's really what this competition is all about, Scott: seperating the boys from the men and determining who will become the Ultimate Muscle Hunk."

"Dixon's finished the first lap, now, with Cox and Offerman close behind. Trailing behind them is Hardman, who, with the bulkiest frame, probably has a distinct disadvantage."

"That's right, Scott," Alex agreed. "Hardman weighs in at 225 pounds during contest season. Those pounds add up, even in the water. Hardman's large, thick pectoral muscles could actually be a disadvantage in a medium where any drag in the water causes delays."

"Hardman continuing to slowing down as the other three vie for the number one spot."

As the swimmers powered through the last lap, Peter pulled out in front; he was the first to tap the wall. The audience cheered loudly as the whistle shrieked. Rod came in second, followed by Jack, and, much later, Dick. Then... oh my god!

As the competitors pulled themselves out of the water, I nearly re-spunked my jeans. Their skimpy posing trunks, now sopping wet, clung to the men's genitals like a second skin. The trunks weren't meant to be worn wet. You could clearly see the outlines of their dicks and balls as they rose from the water. Peter's and Rod's blue and red posing trunks left little to the imagination.

They were, however, totally modest when compared to Jack's white posing trunks, which were now nearly completely see-through. As he pulled himself out of the water, I could see his large dick: even through the material, I could see he had a fat, long, circumsized cock and hefty, large balls. There was no evidence of hair, so he must have shaved his cock and balls some time before the competition. His dick looked to be about six inches long, soft. It was... completely obscene. Not for the first time, I wondered how they could show this on national TV, even on cable. Nothing was blurred out, and no attempt was made to cut away to a different angle or go to another camera. I really couldn't believe what I was watching.

As the co-hosts walked up to the three competitors and began chatting with them about the race, I marvelled at these men's immodesty. Rod had wrapped a white towel around his midsection, but Peter and Jack made no attempt at covering up their hunky, wet bodies. Peter even adjusted himself, briefly grabbing his "junk" to adjust its position in his wet posing trunks.

A part of me was outraged that they could show this sleazy type of stuff on TV, that the rules had become so lax that almost nothing was taboo anymore. The rest of me watched in fascination, my eyes glued to the screen as these hunks strutted around in next to nothing.

Peter had been talking to the hosts about his win, but I had missed most of his speech since my eyes and mind were still wandering elsewhere. Mostly over their luscious, muscled bodies and wet packages.

From behind them, Dick pulled himself up out of the water. His gold trunks, not really designed for water use, had slipped down, and the back of his posing trunks had slipped down off his ass, revealing his firm, amazing butt cheeks. After he pulled himself out of the water, he rather slowly and casually pulled the back of his skimpy posing trunks back up over his butt. The studio audience was cheering, enjoying this erotic display of muscle.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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