Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge

By Alex O'donnell

Published on Apr 18, 2012


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My thanks to the many guys who wrote encouraging letters after the last installment: Cliff, Kyle, Guido, G-Monk, Mark, Kermit, Manfred, Jean Pierre, Chris and JY. Your suggestions are hot, and your enthusiasm and encouragement is appreciated.

The Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge, Part 17

"We're back," Alex said, smiling hunkily at the camera. "Let's bring out our other two contestants. Jack Offerman and Dick Hardman, come on out here!"

The studio audience cheered as Jack and Dick came out on stage. The men looked to be in peak physical condition: they looked amazing. First onto the stage was Jack. He'd obviously put on a few more pounds during the week, all of it muscle. The hunky hunk positively oozed testosterone. Every inch of his shredded, ripped body made me drool. From his thick, corded neck to his massive calves, he was one hot package. He was almost certainly taking steroids, but I didn't care: this massive dude was one beefy, succulent muscle-god.

Jack sauntered toward Center Stage, casually walking to the hosts as the audience cheered. He obviously craved the attention, his hunky, muscle-covered body the attention of thousands of screaming fans in the audience... and millions of viewers at home.

Jack was naked, his giant hard-on sticking nearly straight up in the air as he walked to the middle of the stage. As he walked past Camera One, he flexed his massive pecs and at the same time flexed his rigid prick so it stood up against his ripped, over-developed abdominals. The camera captured it all for the audience, and a second camera zoomed in from the left to record the scene from the side.

Jack pulled a Most Muscular, then a Side Bicep Pose as the cameras panned across his sculpted, rugged physique, his long, fat cock bobbing a bit as he transitioned between poses.

Jack's pecs were in great condition: as good as Dennis Wolf's; his lats and delts were as thick as Evan Centopani's; his abs were as defined as Lee Labrada's. He was in peak competition form, every part of his body sculpted like some huge muscle god's.

Jack finally reached the area where Rod and the two hosts were standing; the cameras then switched to Dick.

Dick looked like some freaky muscle morph that you see on faked muscle morph Internet sites. Seriously. His massive pecs were like giant plates of steel, as big as Jean Pierre Fux's at his biggest. His quads looked like Dorian Yates' at his peak. From his freshly-shaved head down to his freaky, mind-blowing calves, Dick was one hot musclestud.

There was one muscle, however, which drew my attention-- and the studio audience's-- more than any other: Dick's giant cock, which had to be ten inches long, judging by the massive erection he was sporting. His giant prick stood at attention, its impressive length and girth only outdone by Dick's amazing control of said organ: he flexed it as he walked, thumping it up against his abs as he approached the group at center stage.

It was an awesome sight: Dick's giant boner, with its thick shaft, plum-sized head, and his low-hanging balls, completed the package. Here was a true muscle god, and judging by the cocky expression on his darkly handsome face, he knew it.

As he reached the group at center stage, Dick pulled a Double Biceps, showing off his massive biceps and triceps and flexing his washboard abs. This guy was perfection! Every muscle was in peak condition. He turned to the side and pulled a Side Chest, his big cock now shown in profile. Dick smiled for the cameras as they captured his sexy pose. One camera zoomed in on his huge prick as Dick reached down and fondled himself lewdly, playing with himself. He stroked his boner, running his hand up and down the shaft, then rubbing his cockhead.

"Jack, Dick, welcome back to the show," Alex said. "It looks like both of you have made tremendous muscle gains during the week. How did your personal trainers motivate you for these results?"

Jack replied first. "As you know, Willy focused on positive reinforcement. He gave me blowjobs every time I did especially well. That way, I had motivation to work harder. The results speak for themselves, I think." He flexed his biceps and abs as the studio audience cheered.

Alex then moved the mic to Dick.

"Drill Seargeant trains me constantly. I work from sun-up to sundown. I work in the gym, I work in the field. He doesn't allow any breaks, not even for water. If I ever stop training, Drill Seargeant hits me with his belt. If I even think about stopping, Drill Seargeant belts me. He sometimes belts my backside, but usually he belts the backs of my legs because he knows it gets my immediate attention. He says if we don't make more progress soon, he's going to have to switch to something more heavy-duty than the belt."

"His methods may seem pretty harsh, but it's hard to argue with the results," Alex laughed. "Flex those monster guns!"

Dick assumed a Double Biceps pose, flexing his big, sexy guns for the cameras. The camera zoomed wide to show his entire muscular frame. Every muscle was vascular, huge, and well-defined.

"Alright, during the last commercial break, we chose two members of the studio audience to come up on stage and get these guys' measurements," Alex said. "Guys, come on up!"

Two lucky members of the studio audience came up on stage; as they reached the hosts, Scott handed them measuring tapes. Alex explained that the show needed accurate measures of both men's "charm". Yes, that was the word he used.

The first guy walked up to Jack. He looked young: maybe eighteen or twenty. He was obviously in awe of the big stud standing naked and hard in front of him. Jack held out his right hand, and they shook hands. Then Jack put his arms behind his back and sort of leaned back, giving the guy full access to his big, beefy cock.

The guy -- whose name was Steve, as we later learned-- began measuring Jack's dick awkwardly, as anyone would. Here he was measuring a perfect stranger's giant erect penis in front of millions of people, a huge studio audience, and a television crew. Yet he clearly started getting into it after a while. He measured around Jack's cockhead first, getting the circumference and shouting out the number for the studio audience: 4.8 inches.

Jack leaned back a bit more, giving Steve more room to measure his big prick.

Steve then measured Jack's cockshaft, first measuring the top side (which was 8.5 inches) and then the bottom side (which was an inch longer). Then Alex instructed him to get the girth of the shaft. Steve measured and got just over 4.5 inches.

"Now, Steve, as we know, a man's measurements down below can get a little bigger right before orgasm," Alex said. "As our viewers are aware, this program strives for accuracy. To obtain a fully accurate set of measurements, I'm going to have to ask you, as we did with Rod, to please stimulate our man Jack here to the fullest extent so we can get fully accurate measurements."

Steve nodded and smiled, obviously in heaven. He turned back around and began fondling Jack's big prick, first gently massaging the shaft, then running his hand up and down the cock, from the head of the cock all the way down to the base. With his other hand, Steve massaged Jack's big nuts, playing with his low-hanging nut sack.

Steve continued to fondle Jack's cock slowly for several minutes, taking his time and really working on giving Jack an extended foreplay session. Then, from his pocket he pulled out a feather (the studio audience cheered when they realized what it was) and began running it up and down Jack's veiny, rigid shaft. Jack groaned as the feather was applied to his dickshaft, and groaned even more loudly as Steve massaged his cockhead with the feather. Steve rubbed it all over the glans, then moved to the frenulum, the triangle of skin in the front. He was obviously teasing a very sensitive area, judging from the gasps this elicited from Jack.

Jack sucked in his breath and then moaned loudly as Steve teased his cockhead with the feather. "Unnnnnnngggggghhh..." he groan. "Yeah.... work that fuckin' feather."

As Steve worked the feather with his one hand, he was using the other to deliver a slow massage to Jack's cock and balls. He rubbed Jack's ballsack, playing with the hefty, low-hanging testes, then moved back up to the shaft again, stroking it and rubbing it. The studio audience was chanting "Faster, faster," so Steve obliged, increasing his pace as the audience cheered.

Then Steve stopped masturbating Jack to get a fresh set of measurements. He re-measured everything, and reported a 5-inch circumference around the head, 8.75 inches across the top, 9.6 inches measured from the bottom, and 4.8 inches around the middle of the shaft.

Steve went back to fondling Jack's big prick, first slowly running the feather up and down Jack's prick, then slowly building to jacking on Jack's cock. He ran the feather lightly across the head, then ran it down, over, and across the long shaft. After teasing for a while, he started jacking Jack's giant, rigid boner again. However, after just a few minutes, he stopped and began re-measuring. He repeated this process several more times. This guy was thorough!

Time after time Steve repeated the procedure: feather, nut rub, shaft massage, slow build-up... and then he would measure. After seven or eight times, you could see how frustrated Jack was. After the tenth time, you could see it was almost unbearable. Jack's face contorted as he was brought almost to climax, only to be teased some more.

Steve was obviously an experienced cock-tease, and he continued the torture, slowly building up the pressure and then bringing Jack back down to earth. He did this an eleventh time, and then a twelfth. I wondered how much longer Jack could go on like this!

"Steve, finish this poor man off!" Alex urged. The studio audience went wild, chanting, "Fin-ish him! Fin-ish him!"

Steve obliged, changing from a slow massage technique to a fast-paced, full-on j/o session. It took only a minute of this technique to send Jack over the edge, as his cock finally exploded, sending massive creamy streams of cum shooting into the air. "FUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!" Jack yelled, as his cock continued to explode. Volley after volley of cum shot out, coating Steve's hand and wrist, and Jack's abs and cock in sperm.

The cum continued to pour out as Steve wound down the jack-off session. Jack had built up a huge load, and it took a while for the cum to all peter out.

As Jack slowly recovered, Alex thanked Steve for his assistance. "Let's give him a round of applause, shall we?" he said, as the studio audience cheered. Steve was led off stage, as the cameras then changed to the other 'regular guy' brought up from the studio audience.

This little guy was a bit of a twink: not at all my type, but cute enough in his own way. When Alex asked his name, he said it was Sam. The kid looked young: probably not much more than eighteen, pretty thin, nothing much to speak of.

"Well, Sam, today's your lucky day!" Alex said. "Go on over and get Dick Hardman's measurements!"

Sam approached Dick somewhat timidly. It must be pretty hard to walk up to some hunky guy you don't even know and just start measuring his penis. Sam just sort of paused as he walked up to the hulking, hunky behemoth that is Dick Hardman.

Dick reached out his hands, placed them on Sam's shoulders, and slowly pushed Sam to his knees. Then he placed Sam's smaller hands in his own. As Sam held the measuring tape, Dick brought Sam's hands up to his obscene, huge prick, and directed the measurements.

Dick's hands guided Sam's into measuring around the base of Dick's huge dong. "6.1 inches," Sam whispered breathlessly, his eyes focused on the huge sausage in front of him. The cameras barely caught the audio.

Then, Dick guided Sam's hands a few inches up the shaft, where Sam re-measured. "6 inches even," he whispered, obviously completely in awe of the giant muscle-god towering in front of him.

Dick moved Sam's hands up a few inches further, toward his giant cock-head, which was drooling pre-cum obscenely. Sam dutifully measured the shaft once more, again resulting in a measurement of six inches around.

"Now the head, Sammy-boy," Dick grunted, as he guided Sam's hands up to the top of his prick. Still holding the younger man's hands, Dick placed Sam's hands into position and then they, as one, wrapped the measuring tape around Dick's throbbing, purple cockhead.

"6.5 inches," Sam gasped.

"Now get the length of that fucker, Sam," Alex suggested. But Sam needed no encouraging. Dick was already guiding one of Sam's hands down to the base of his shaft, while the other held the opposite end of the measuring tape at Dick's drooling piss-slit.

"10.5 inches," Sam read off the numbers. Then they measured the top side of Dick's boner: "9.75 inches."

"Might as well measure his balls while you're down there, Sam," Alex suggested. And so they obliged, Sam, with Dick's assistance, measuring Dick's lemon-sized testes and scrotal sack.

Sam dropped the measuring tape, and Dick brought both of Sam's hands back up to his giant, pre-cum drooling tool. "Feel it, Sam," he said, as he pushed Sam's hands against his rigid, hot prick. "Rub my giant tool. You like that, huh? Faggot like you gets off on giant pricks like this, huh?"

"Rub that stiff muscle, fag-boy. Awwww fuck!"

Sam dutifully rubbed his hands up and down Dick's big boner, stroking the big bodybuilder's giant stiffie, as Dick encouraged him to rub more and talked dirty.

"Fuck, Sam, you stroke a cock so well, I bet you've had one in your mouth. You've had one in there, haven't you? Yeah, I bet you have. I bet you're a total cocksucker, Sammy-boy."

"Sam, lick my big cock," Dick ordered.

Sam needed no further encouragement. He opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and began licking the big purple head of Dick's cock.

"Awwwwwwww...!" Dick moaned, as the younger man licked all over the cockhead like it was a lollipop. Dick spread his legs further as Sam really went to town, beginning to lick up and down the shaft, covering the bodybuilder's balls in wet kisses, and rubbing his face all over Dick's now saliva-coated shaft.

"Put it in your mouth, faggot," Dick ordered.

Sam obeyed, opening his mouth very wide and pushing the bulbous head into his mouth. He wrapped his lips around the cockhead and started pushing down further. Above him, Dick encouraged him by pushing down on the back of his head.

Sam was doing his level best to accept as much cock into his mouth as possible, his lips stretching to accommodate Dick's big shaft, but it was clear that he would not be able to get much more into his mouth. Dick pushed in as far as he could, then pulled out. He started fucking Sam's mouth, pushing in hard and then pulling back out.

"Get ready to be skullfucked, bitch!" Dick yelled, as he grabbed Sam's head and began ramming it into his crotch repeatedly. He used Sam's mouth like an object, ramming as much of his prick in as he could, then pushing the younger man's face back off his cock, only to repeat the process again and again.

Sam's features were a blur as the man above him intensified the pace, using Sam's head like a tool, a tool to be used to get himself off.

Again, the cameras zoomed in from every angle, capturing every moment of the skullfucking from multiple cameras.

At that pace, even the stoic Dick Hardman couldn't last forever, and it was no surprise to me when he started groaning loudly.

"uh.... uhggg...! Shit! Oh shit! I'm CUMMMMMINNNNGGGG!" he cried, as he pulled out of Sam's mouth and blasted rope after rope of sperm all over Sam's face: one long rope covering from Sam's mouth to his forehead, another across his cheek, a third covering his left eyelid, and other ropes shot into his hair.

As Sam started cleaning Dick's cock off, Alex told the audience the show would be right back after a word from the sponsors. "Get ready for our 'Truth or Dare' round, coming up right after these messages!"

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 18

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