Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge

By Alex O'donnell

Published on Apr 11, 2012


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My thanks to the many guys who wrote encouraging letters after the last installment: Kyle, Andrew, Clifford, Angus, Eric, and Sam. Your encouragement is deeply appreciated. I hope to incorporate many of your story ideas, so keep 'em... cummin'.

The Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge, Part 16

I couldn't believe how raunchy this TV program had become; nearly every fifteen minutes, some guy was beating off, getting fucked, or preparing to do the former or latter. The fact that this TV show was being aired nationwide just made it raunchier. It was sleazy and voyeuristic. It was completely without merit or value. It was emblematic of everything that was wrong with so-called 'reality' TV and American popular culture. Despite knowing all this, my eyes were glued to the screen every moment.

Some dude from the studio audience had just beat off Rod Dixon while Rod's trainer, John Thomas, mauled the studly Rod's muscular chest like he was milking a cow. Rod's climax had spilled what looked like a half-gallon of cum all over the stage, his chest, and the studio audience guy's arm.

During the commercial break, I took a break myself to jack off in the garage. I paused the show so I wouldn't miss one horny moment of the program.

When I got back, I fast-forwarded through the commercials and got back to the show.

"Welcome back," Alex said. "Now, just before the break, we saw one of our contestants, Rod Dixon, receiving some 'special treatment' from his personal trainer and a member of our studio audience. That segment was so popular that our phone lines temporarily went down. Due to popular demand, we're going to replay that segment, this time in slow motion so that those viewers who may have missed something can get filled in on what they missed. We've asked contestant Rod Dixon to provide some running commentary. Rod Dixon, come on out!"

From backstage, Rod appeared, as the studio audience cheered. He approached the hosts, as they motioned to stand between them. Rod was still naked as a jaybird, and, despite his recent orgasm, his cock was still rock hard. Cum still coated his chest, abs, and prick, dribbling off his right pec, dripping onto his abs, and pooling on the floor in front of him.

Some TV crew members wheeled a big screen TV into view, as Scott announced that they'd be analyzing the footage by watching it on the big screen.

"Alright, Rod, now here we see John Thomas pushing you down onto your knees to begin your workout," Alex said. "Do you normally begin each work-out on your knees?"

Alex pushed his microphone in Rod's face. The young man seemed embarrassed to answer the question. Or maybe he was embarrassed to be answering the question while draped in ropes of his own cum.

"I... uh... I don't normally work out from that position, Alex," Rod replied. "John Thomas has been making me work out on my knees. He said it's important to isolate the muscle groups that way. If I'm not standing, I can focus on my upper body workout."

"Now here we see John Thomas giving your pecs a muscle rubdown," Scott said. "Is that a pretty typical part of your current work-out regimen?"

"Well... yeah," Rod admitted reluctantly, his embarrassment obvious. "John Thomas said a deep rub-down like that actually creates small tears in the muscle fiber, accelerating muscle growth."

"The benefits of such a deep rub-down are well-known to personal trainers," Alex agreed. "But it seems like you enjoyed it considerably. You can see here at this frame that's where you started to achieve an erection. Were you taken by surprise by boning up at that moment?"

"I was... I was really embarrassed at that point, actually," Rod muttered.

"Nothing to be ashamed about, Rod," Alex smiled benevolently. "You're a natural exhibitionist, that's all. You got a little turned on by being on stage in front of millions of viewers. It's only natural. You want to prove that you're the most virile, hot, studly man in this competition. You've seen the other challengers, and what they're willing to do to win that half-million dollar prize. You can't afford to back down now. You went for it. I applaud you. So does the studio audience... don't you guys?"

The studio audience cheered, chanting Rod's name. "RO-OD! RO-OD!" they cried.

"At this point, Rod," Scott continued, "we see studio audience member Mike Jones measuring your penis. Rod, how did it feel to have another man's hands all over your junk?"

"I was totally embarrassed and humiliated, Scott," Rod replied.

"But it felt pretty good, right?" Scott questioned. "I mean, you did ejaculate all over his arm. You obviously enjoyed it. It was pleasurable."

"It was pleasurable, but..." Rod began.

"Don't be so modest, Rod!" Alex said. "You obviously got off on it; we all saw that. It's on the tape. Just admit you really enjoy having another man's hands all over your cock."

To illustrate, Alex reached out and grabbed Rod's big boner, wrapping his hand around the younger man's prick and jacking on it.

"Feels pretty good, doesn't it, Rod?" Alex said.

"Uhm.... uhm...." Rod moaned. Alex was obviously delivering a first-rate hand-job. He stopped for a moment to put down the microphone, then, with both hands free, placed both hands on Rod's shaft, furiously jacking his cock. There was no foreplay here: just a straight-out, balls-to-the-wall jack-off session. Alex's forearms were a blur as he pumped up and down as fast as he could, his arms like pistons as he jacked on Rod's prick. Both hands were wrapped around Rod's shaft to deliver maximum pleasure, both hands tightly gripping his man-meat as they jacked up and down in a vice grip.

The camera shifted around to capture the action: the main camera moved to the left, peering around Alex's shoulder to capture the scene. A ceiling camera captured the action from above. Near the ground, a floor-cam recorded every moment from an odd but no less interesting angle as Alex really went to down delivering a fast-paced, no holds barred j/o session at lightning speed.

At that speed, Rod couldn't hold out for very long, and after what seemed like just a few minutes, Rod was obviously close to reaching orgasm again.

"Huuhhh... uhhhnnnhh..." Rod gasped. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohh..... oh.... Oh....FUCK! I'm CUUUUUUMMMING!!!!!! Shit!"

Cum shot out of Rod's cock, squirting all over his upper and lower abs, and getting all over Alex's hands and the arms of his business suit.

"That felt pretty good, right Rod?" Scott asked, holding his microphone up to Rod's face. "You just shot another big load."

"Huhhh.... huhhhh..." Rod panted. "Yeah.... it felt good," he admitted.

"We'll be right back after a word from our sponsors," Scott said.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 17

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