Ugly Men

Published on Aug 6, 2015


Ugly Men 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments, send them to or

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Of course, Pee Wee and Skeeter fucked Samuel and it was a success. Pee Wee took his time and talked continually as he worked his tool into Samuel's virgin hole. When he fully lodged his cock in the ass, he pulled out and let his Uncle stretch it wider. The two men worked Samuel's ass until his sphincter was relaxed and completely receptive.

Samuel told me it had been good. "It was so easy. Everyone was so friendly and accommodating," he said. "That has never happened to me before."

Samuel's time at the College was over and he went back to Boston. I received a fulsome thank you note from him two days later. The college appreciated my willingness to accommodate Samuel. He was brilliant but socially inept and he had sent them a letter telling them how much he enjoyed his time with me. Two months later, there was another distinguished professor from Boston visiting our school for an endowed lecture on mathematics. He was a friend of Samuel and he wanted to stay with me.

The friend, Professor Jonathan Algood, was brilliant and eccentric. He specialized in a type of mathematics that was stunningly abstruse and complicated. Samuel called me to give me the low down on the professor. He was gifted and intelligent, but lived in terror that someone would find out about his sexual tastes. My college was out of the way, but my house was even more so. There was no possibility that my friends would ever show up at a coffee house in Boston and embarrass him.

When I met him, I realized that Jonathan was a typical, absent-minded professor with his head in the clouds. He wore tweeds and had a bi-annual haircut and shave. He looked like a wild man. He was tall, but stooped as if he were embarrassed at his height. I attended his featured lecture on mathematics. He was an engaging and gifted lecturer. While he spoke about sophisticated mathematical principles, he was able to make them both interesting and understandable. The lecture was at 3:00 on Friday afternoon and a reception followed.

In his letter to me, Samuel mentioned that Algood might like to meet Pee Wee. He said Jonathan liked men who had no association with math. Apparently, the professor did not like shoptalk. I asked Pee Wee if he would like to drop by. Pee Wee was always willing and he came by my house around 8:00 with his uncle, Skeeter and his electrician friend Denny. They were a stunningly mismatched trio. Denny was a giant, Pee Wee was nearly a dwarf, and Skeeter looked as if he had won first prize in a scrawny man contest.

Jonathan's wild man appearance seemed to attract them. Jonathan instinctively seemed to know that they were not mathematical geniuses. We went to the atrium of my house where Pee Wee and his uncle stripped and waded into the pool. Jonathan looked at me. I began to unbutton my shirt. He smiled and stripped.

I discovered that Jonathan's ill-fitting tweeds covered and impressive body. He was solid and muscular. His muskrat sized beard was part of a continuous coat of reddish brown hair that ran from head to toe. His tool was uncut and looked meaty with a big bulge for his cock head.

The atrium soon looked like one of those 19th Century erotic painting of harems, except the nubile young women were replaced by men, and the Sultan had a peculiar taste in men. Pee Wee and Skeeter were both relaxed and overt in their interests. They were clearly interested in Jonathan and their interests were not platonic. Jonathan and Denny did their part by getting semi-hard.

"I know we have just met, but I'm not the shy type. Would you mind if we got it on hot and heavy, trading some ball juices and after that we could get to know each other?" Pee Wee asked. "I am horny as shit."

Jonathan peeled his foreskin back, exposing his drooling knob. All was well. He sat on the edge of the tub, while Pee Wee took a first taste. I took care of Denny.

I soon realized that Jonathan liked blue-collar workers. At first I thought it was because he liked to slum. Some academics like situations where they can feel superior to the men they are with. That was not the case with Jonathan. He wanted real, hard-working men. He suspected fellow academic types were either effeminate or faking macho characteristics. Pee Wee, Skeeter and Denny were naturally masculine and borderline sex maniacs. They were driven sexually and at ease with that.

That was what he wanted, but I was afraid the trio could have been too much. They tended to be crude. That was not a problem. Skeeter once explained his approach to sex to me. He had trained Pee Wee and seemed to have done the same thing to half of the rednecks in the area.

"My momma taught me to be polite. She said that we weren't fancy, but we weren't trash neither. Ask first and say thank you after was her rule. I quit school kind of early, and she told me I was a know-it-all and there was nothing she could do about it, but if she ever caught me bragging about how stupid I was she would whip my ass," he explained. "I was never a looker, and she told me that if I ever wanted a woman, I'd better be nice and polite."

"Well, I did find a woman. She wasn't a looker and we couldn't have no kids, but she was sweet as could be. She died fifteen years ago. I had played around with cousins as a kid. As I got older, I discovered I still liked messing around with men. I also discovered I like repeat customers."

"The first time you screw with a man is exciting, but by the tenth or twentieth time you have worked out all the kinks. By that time, I've discovered all of a guy's hot spots and I can play him like a violin. A cock is usually between five and seven inches," Skeeter continued. "It's amazing how much fun you can have six inches at a time, once you know a guy. That takes practice."

I looked over at Jonathan. Skeeter had bent over the edge of the tube and taking his pleasure from Jonathan in eight-inch increments.

"You don't need to be delicate, Uncle Skeeter likes them big," Pee Wee was saying. "He ain't exactly a virgin, but his ass is still nice and tight." It was clear that Jonathan had no problem fitting his organ in Skeeter' s ass. Everyone was well acquainted when the trio left my house at 10:30. Jonathan went to bed.

I woke at my normal time and went to make coffee. Jonathan must have heard me and he came into the kitchen and offered to make breakfast. He had relaxed considerably from the day before.

"I hope my friends weren't too aggressive. They are good men, but my mother would have said they were, "light on the social graces." I said.

Jonathan laughed. "I had no problem at all with them. No problem at all," he said. "Are you used to that sort of action? Is it like that every night here?"

"No, it's not every night, but something tends to pop up every week or two," I said.

"Do you ever get tired of it?" he asked.

"No, not yet," I said. "I had almost no real sex until I moved here. I was shy and unsure of myself. I was never what you would call a babe magnet. Ancient languages fascinate me and that is not the usual introduction to a wide range of friends. It has been a revelation to me."

"I would never get tired of it. Last night was the best night I have had in my life. If I could do that every night that would be fine with me," Jonathan said. "I thought there was something wrong with me. I couldn't get excited by sex." He paused. "Girls didn't excite me. Boys didn't either."

"Let me guess. Men turn you on?" I asked. He nodded.

"When did you discover that?"

"Last night," Jonathan said. "Does it seem odd for a man to just discover that when he is fifty-five years old?"

"I was a late bloomer. I am very good at what it do. Translating ancient texts demands full attention, especially if you want to get it perfect," I said. "I can obsess about a word to phrase for days. I can easily slip into almost a trance, blocking out everything. When that happens. I can blot out all personal considerations. I do not know if that is a part of my personality or if it was a way to avoid day-to-day life. It is hard for me to say it, but I now know that sex is part of normal life. I used to think it was a distraction."

"I can be that way too," Jonathan said. "It is hard for me to relax. I can't turn off my brain."

"I am pretty sure an orgasm can do that," I said.

"Is that good?" he asked. "My parents were good Methodists."

I laughed. "No matter how good they were, they managed to have you as a son," I said. "I was convinced I must have been a virgin birth. My folks weren't much on enjoyment."

"Do you have any more friends?" he asked. "I have some classes to teach next week, but nothing to do this weekend." The Chairman of the department was supposed to show him the local sites, but his father had a heart attack and he was out of town.

Pee Wee called. He had left his watch somewhere. Jonathan and I looked around the atrium and found it. When I called him back, I asked if he would like to come by again for some fun. I told him that Jonathan had enjoyed meeting him and his friend.

"We sure enjoyed meeting him," Pee Wee replied. "I'm supposed to go to a family reunion sort of thing." I could hear Uncle Skeeter saying something to him in the background.

"The reunion is all cousins and uncles. Officially it a fishing trip, but it is really a chance to mess around and get our rocks off," he said. "Uncle Skeeter said you boys are more than welcome. Most of the guys aren't as pretty as Uncle Skeeter and me but they know how to have fun." I told him I would ask Jonathan and get back with him in a minute or two.

"How many men will be there?" I asked.

"Usually it's ten or twelve, but once and a while it's more," Pee Wee said. "They aren't much used to new meat, so you might have to beat them off with a stick."

I talked to Jonathan about it. Eventually he said, "It sounds like it's one of those things you should avoid if you have any sense, but I really want to go. How about you?"

"Are you horny as shit?" I asked. He nodded and I said I would go too. I called Pee Wee and told him we were interested. He said he would come by and pick us up. It was out of the way and my car was not suitable for the road to the camp. A half hour later, he came by in a big, rather beaten up GMC Expedition. We got in. Skeeter was driving, and there were two young guys with them, Wilton and Beau. They were cousins of some sort.

We drove out of town for twenty miles then took a right turn across a field. We then went into a thick, over grown woods. The road was little more than two tracks for the wheels. Ten minutes later, we were at a cabin next to a pretty stream. There were five or six trucks parked between the trees.

It was a hot day and several shirtless men were playing horseshoes beside the cabin.

"Finally, there is the birthday boy," one of the men bellowed. "We can get his party going!" I found out Uncle Skeeter was 65 that day. The cabin had no electricity, but it had big windows, all of which were open. There was a nice breeze.

Inside several men wished Skeeter happy birthday. I recognized three of them. Henry was a Deputy Sheriff, and Edward was a teacher in the high school. I was surprised to see Rawles Jones, the Baptist minister there.

Skeeter introduced us to the men. "These men are with the program so please make them welcome. I'd introduce you to them, but that would take time, and I'd like to get down to business as soon as possible!" he said.

"What business is that?" a big man bellowed.

"Well I don't want to shock your delicate sensibilities, but was hoping to go home tonight with a sample of each of your man seed in my ass!" he said. Skeeter stripped of his shirt and dropped his pants exposing a fully erect cock. Everyone applauded and stripped.

I could pick out several family groups. About half were average, thin to scrawny men with hairy bodies and thin cocks. Most were uncut and had extra foreskin. There were several beefy, tall men with stubby fireplug tools and oversized balls. They were smooth. The remainder shared a short gene with Pee Wee and were both hairy and hung.

Everyone seemed to be consistently horny. I could feel sex in the warm air, but no romance. Apparently, Skeeter had the knack for finding playful men. It was all about physical pleasure, very intense sexual pleasure. Later there was some hot and heavy kissing. I thought was an exception to the nonromantic tendency. That was not the reason for the kissing.

Skeeter liked to keep things neat, and did not like to waste sperm. If you sucked a guy to a climax, you took the cream. Once it was in your mouth, if you did not want to swallow it you could share it, either with the donor or a pal. They didn't regard that as being romantic. It was just keeping things neat.

Pee Wee kept an eye out for men who were sharing cum. Several of the men doing that shot off and he was there to take the cream. It obviously excited them. Pee Wee would take the load and then feed it to Skeeter. Rawles, the minister did the same thing, but he fed Henry the Deputy. I happened to be sucking Henry when that happened and I can definitely say it caused a strong reaction from his cock.

I was initially with Wilton and Beau who were members of the scrawny group. Beau sucked me and Wilton eased his long probe into my ass. It was easy to take and pleasurable, as was Beau's sucking technique. I was thinking that there was room in my ass for another cock. Beau was willing to try it. Eventually, I sat on Wilton and bent over him leaving room for Beau to work his cock into the hole.

This was good for me, but it was incredibly good for Wilton and Beau. As I gripped their cocks with my sphincter, they rubbed their cocks together in my ass. They were part of the group with extra foreskin, so they had considerable ability to move inside the tight confines of my ass.

This caused considerable stir, since there had been no double fucking before. The men recognized me as a good sport. I was not sure Wilton and Beau enjoyed my tight ass, or of they liked having their cocks rubbing together. I knew they were friends, but did not know if they were more than that. Somehow they managed to shoot off together; I could feel them squirting.

When they pulled out, Eddie, one of the big boys, came over and sucked me. He was a master cocksucker and he also liked to rim. When he began to lick the sperm from my ass, another big boy, Ray, sixty-nined with me. He was good too and soon had me shooting off. He took every drop. Briefly. I felt like a sperm buffet, with Ray eating mine as Eddie licked up Wilton and Beau's cream.

Ray began to shiver and twitch and his cock let lose an impressive volley of sperm. I was still ejaculating. His cock shot a long spurt and then it stopped to be followed by another. Usually ejaculations come in quick succession. Ray's ejaculations were discrete, well-spaced events. His balls were productive and my tongue was swimming in a sea of his hot and rather sweet cum.

Ray and I kissed, trading fluids. A man I did not know came up to us.

"Can I share too?" he asked. We made room. He was a small man like Pee Wee so we dropped to our knees. He appreciated the gesture, but not as much as he liked the cream. "It's still fucking warm!" he exclaimed. Ray broke apart and went to see a friend. The small man went to my cock.

"You are still drooling some," he said.

"You like that?" I asked.

"I sure do. I have never tasted Ray's before. I kind of have the hots for him," he said. "You aren't exactly my type, but your drool is primo, A-number-one ball juice. I'm Leroy, by the way." Even though I had just shot of, my cock was getting hard again. Leroy noticed.

"You have a beautiful spigot," he said. "I could suck it for hours. Is you recharge time a minute or two?"

"I need a little more time to get it up," I said.

"If it hard enough I have a nice warm place to park it," Leroy said. "I've never taken on as big as yours, but I think I would like it." I turned out it was hard enough and while it was a tight fit, Leroy liked it. He sat on it and once m cock head popped through my sphincter, all was well. I thought Leroy was in his mid-thirties. He has a beard unruly, long beard and world-weary eyes. His eyes began to sparkle once he was fully impaled. I realized he was much younger than he looked. I later found out he was twenty.

Every man there took a turn in Skeeter's ass. These were not just perfunctory fuck, they were long, sessions and several were quite emotional. Skeeter had many, close friends.

This was actually a surprise party, and there were about twenty men there. Two thirds were family members, but the remainder were Skeeter's sex buddies. They all knew Skeeter and I soon realized that not one of them was monogamous. That very much included Jonathan and me.

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