Ugly Men

Published on Jul 3, 2015


Ugly Men 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments, send them to or

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I had guessed that Chuck would be an aggressive man. I was wrong. He just wanted to lay back and let someone else do the work. He loved to be sucked and liked to sixty-nine as long as he was on his back. More surprisingly, he loved having a hard cock in his ass massaging his prostate.

I was in the 69 position sucking him. He was licking my cock when Dumbbell came over and lifted Chuck's legs. A second later, Dumbbell's cock was deep in Chuck's ass. I was shocked at the direct and almost brutal entry. Since I was nursing Chuck's cock, I had a front row seat. I also tasted Chuck react. Precum spurted from his balls. I thought it was an orgasm at first, but the realized it was too sweet.

Chuck reacted the same way to each thrust of Dumbbell's cock. I felt as if I was milking him. This was the first time I had tasted a man react so directly. It excited me too.

Dumbbell pulled out suddenly. "I am really close to shooting and I want to cool down," he said. "It is your turn now Thomas."

"I couldn't do that!" Father Thomas protested.

"Of course you can. Chuck will like it," Dumbbell replied. Dumbbell actually held Thomas's cock in position at Chuck's hole and then guided it in. That was a total success. I could see Thomas react as Chuck's sphincter peeled back the foreskin and caressed the mushroom as he entered. Thomas began shivering in excitement as his tool slid into Chuck's welcoming ass.

"That's beautiful baby!" Chuck moaned in encouragement.

"Am I doing it right?" Thomas asked.

"It couldn't be better! You are a natural."

"I'm afraid I'm going to shoot off!" Thomas cried.

"That is why we are here," Dumbbell said. "We are sharing our bodies and our man cream. Believe me when I say, Chuck has no problem with an ass full of semen. Try to take it slow; we all like a long ride. Take it easy. Everything is fine; see if you can hold off a little longer. It is best when you are just short of an orgasm."

"I ooze a lot of stuff when I am excited. I'm making a mess," Thomas whispered.

"That is just natural lubricant. That makes it better for Chuck," Dumbbell said, "He likes it, but he likes the creamy stuff even better. Don't worry."

Remarkably, Thomas was able to hold off. He pulled out after five minutes to cool off. Dumbbell re-entered immediately. Chuck moaned. Dumbbell had a short thick cock. It was six inches so it wasn't short; it was so thick it just looked stubby. Thomas had a long, thin cock. I assumed the sensations were different. Chuck clearly liked it all.

"It is smooth as silk inside. You did a good job, Thomas," Dumbbell said. "The only thing smoother is a when you shoot a big load. You can feel that yourself in little while. I am really close!" Thirty seconds later, he began to twitch and shiver. His body tensed up just before each ejaculation. Even though the action was in Chuck's ass, you knew exactly what was going on.

When Dumbbell pulled out, Thomas did not need to be encouraged to re-enter. Thomas glowed as his cock slid into Chuck's cum filled hole. He was bolder and more inventive this time. He varied the rhythm of his thrusts and the angle of entry. He was having a great time when he suddenly stopped and went ridged.

"That's it baby, I can feel you shooing!" Chuck cried.

When Thomas pulled out, Chuck looked deflated. He looked at me and I knew what he wanted. There was no lubricant available, but I knew he had two loads in him already. My cock was as thick as Dumbbell's and as long as Thomas's was.

When my cock had touched the hole, it all but dilated in response. I pushed gently and there was no resistance. My cock head was four of five inches in him when Chuck clamped his sphincter tightly to my shaft. He looked as if he were asleep, but his sphincter made love to my cock for almost fifteen minutes.

While we frolicked, Dumbbell and Thomas recharged. I was bending over Chuck when I felt something at my ass. I tensed up a little then relaxed. A long, thin and hard object slipped into my hole.

I knew it must have been Thomas. He was fully erect and soon coordinated his thrusts with my own into Chuck. I had been uneasy about being fucked, but the thin tool presented no problem at all. It was both easy to take and stimulating.

I was the third to shoot off in Chuck, but Thomas was the first to unload in me. I had finished my ejaculations when Thomas popped. As his sperm tickled my ass lining, I felt a wave of affection for Chuck and Thomas.

I had always felt exposed and vulnerable when I was naked before. You cannot be more naked than when you are hard and shooting off. There is nowhere to hide. Instead of making fun of me or laughing, Dumbbell, Thomas and I shared Chuck's ass. We had pooled and shared our man seed. I had a warm feeling when Thomas not only fucked me, but he left his own seed in me.

It was so good that no one wanted it to end. We did rest for a while and talked as our balls refilled.

"I had no idea it could be so good," Thomas said. "I'm thirty-five years old and I was clueless."

"You hadn't heard about this sort of thing in the confessional?" Chuck asked.

"Parishioners confess to sexual sins, but I thought it was due to being weak willed," Thomas said. "I understand now."

"I was brought up Baptist," Chuck said. "Sex was so evil you couldn't even talk about it. It seems to me that is not a sin when it is done between willing adults. It is odd that gay sex is such an evil. Whatever happens to us, I can guarantee that none of us will get pregnant. My sister could never enjoy it with her husband. He was a really nice guy but it was too dirty for her."

"Maybe he was just a bad lover," Dumbbell said.

Chuck laughed. "After they divorced, her Ex and I got together. He was enthusiastic, gentle and willing to please. The problem was my sister's hang-ups," Chuck said.

"Was her husband Emmerson Wills, the football coach?" Dumbbell asked. Chuck nodded. Emmerson was a local celebrity nicknamed the Badger due to his red beard and general unkempt air. He has a history of winning teams which more than made up for his shaggy appearance. "I'd love to have a roll in the hay with him."

Thomas looked a little shocked. I think he was having a flashback to his normal priestly life. The contents of his balls were deep in Chuck's ass. Chuck was on his back and Thomas could see a little of his sperm drooling from his ass, but sex was still a foreign territory for Thomas.

"I'm looking for plain old fun," Dumbbell said. "I tell guys what I am after. I am not looking for a life partner, and quite frankly, monogamy doesn't have much appeal to me. I like no-strings-attached fun. I also have a rule that I don't do anything to a guy that I wouldn't have done to me. I'm a top, but I will bottom for a guy I like just to be fair."

"Did you enjoy the bottom?" I asked.

"It doesn't do much for me, but it is okay. If the guy who fucks me loves it, it is good for me!" Dumbbell said. "It didn't do for me what my cock does for most guys, but I could see that the right cock attached to the right man might be different."

"You seem very casual about it," Thomas remarked.

"We are all adults here. If we enjoy what we are doing, why not?" Dumbbell continued. "I enjoyed fucking Chuck. If he had not enjoyed it too, it would not have been good. I think we all enjoyed it. Luckily, men are not all standardized. We like different things and different things float our boats. I like it when my boat is floating on a sea of semen!"

"Would you let me in your ass?" Thomas asked.

"After watching you in Chuck's ass I would. You may not know this, but you are a natural fucker," Dumbbell said.

"He is good, but all of you were good. I've never taken three men before," Chuck said. "I have to be going, but I would love to do this again. Are you men game?" We all were and we agreed to get together in a couple of weeks.

The next weekend I had a party for the faculty and friends from school. It turned into a house warming party. Everyone loved the house and gardens. A few days later, the President asked me if I would provide a room for visiting speakers and university guests from time to time. My house had little suite for the original owner's mother. Consisting of a sitting room, bedroom and bath, it could function as guest accommodations.

I had turned the sitting room into a study-sitting area. This was mostly to hold overflow books. Of course, I wired it for a computer and I kept my fax, phone and a small copier there. The president thought it would be ideal for a visiting lecturer. I said that was fine with me.

My first guest was a former Chemistry professor from MIT who was doing a week long, special class for advanced Chemistry students. Officially, it was a class, but the real reason was to introduce several of our best students to someone from MIT. We hoped that would to help them get into graduate school. Professor Samuel Gross was distinguished, extensively published and famous in certain chemical circles.

He was five-feet-two inches tall, bald, bearded and socially inept. He became animated only when he was talking about Chemistry. He had trouble making conversation about anything other than Chemistry. The Chemistry department took him out for dinner the first night. When he returned from dinner, he said hello to me. I took him to his room. He went in, closed the door and I did not see him until the next morning.

The next morning I knocked on his door, and asked if he would like breakfast. Samuel was quite enthusiastic about eating breakfast, but he ate without conversation. As he left to teach his class, he thanked me for breakfast and said it was very good. I had a feeling his mother had told him to thank people and he did what he was told.

That night I gave him dinner and we ate in the atrium, overlooking the pool. He said thank you after dinner and then went to his room. Gregory came by later to talk about some properties he wanted me to buy. I went to answer what turned out to be an involved telephone call. When I came back, Gregory had stripped and was sitting on the edge of the pool. Much to my surprise, Samuel was standing on the edge of the pool talking with him.

Gregory was doing all of the talking, and Samuel was mostly staring. Gregory was at ease in almost every situation, and he did not mind or seem to notice the attention. "I was explaining to your guest about the informal dress code here," Gregory said. "I hope that was okay?"

"I hope you aren't offended Samuel?" I asked.

Samuel shook his head. "It is nice. I didn't expect it."

"It's real private here," I said. "Would you like to join us? We are all men and no one can see us." I took my shirt off.

"You are real hairy," Samuel commented. He looked indecisive and then he began to strip. Gregory was a good salesman and he specialized in making strangers feel comfortable. He was talking about skinny-dipping in a fishing hole as a kid. He was at ease and did not take notice of Samuel's nudity. Samuel was a small, slight man, but half of his weight must have been in body hair.

"This pool isn't much like a fishing hole, is it?" Samuel commented. I explained the Roman atrium to him. He was interested in the history.

"I am afraid I might clog the drains," he said. "I'm too hairy."

"You can't be too hairy in my book," Gregory said. "A hairy chest makes a man look more manly."

"My mother thought I was too hairy. Dad was hairy too, but they didn't get along," Samuel said.

"Was he a scientist like you?" I asked.

"He taught high school physics and chemistry. They got divorced and when I began to take after him, Mom didn't like it," Samuel explained. "She did not seem to like men at all. She hoped for a girl." Once he started talking, he could not stop.

Gregory casually played with his cock as Samuel talked. Samuel stared at the organ as it gradually grew to full size. Samuel's pubic thicket tool hid his cock. It began to grow. Gregory looked on approvingly. He moved next to Samuel and stroked his cock. He jumped.

"Did I do something wrong?" Greg asked.

"Oh no! I just didn't expect that," Samuel whispered. He looked at me. "We aren't alone."

"We are old friends, but we like making new friends too," Gregory said. "The Duchess of Windsor said that you can't be too rich or two thin. I think you cannot have too many friends. Friends are good, but friends with benefits are even better." Gregory got in the water and began to lick Samuel's cock. He was shivering in excitement.

"Gregory likes being with men. Just relax and let him work his magic." I said.

"I am afraid I might . . ."

I smiled. "Samuel, Gregory knows what might or might not happen. He is fine with whatever occurs," I said. "Relax and let nature take its course." I went over to them.

"Samuel, I don't think Gregory will mind if I tell you he likes to eat sperm straight from the spigot, so you can relax and just let it flow," I said. "He doesn't just like it; he loves it."

"He does?" Samuel asked. "Has he done that with you?"

"Oh yes. It was great," I said. "For years shooting off worried me. I had clean up the mess and then hide it where my mother would not find it. Gregory takes every drop. It's beautiful."

"Have you taken his?"

"I have. I wasn't sure about it the first time I did it. By the third time I did it, I loved it," I said. "Gregory and I are friends not lovers. It just plain old fun for us." Samuel began to moan and twitch as he shot off.

I assumed Samuel would leave after the orgasm, but he stayed and wanted more.

"No one has ever done that to me before. It was wonderful," Samuel whispered. We talked. Samuel was not a virgin, but sex had been anonymous and in dark rooms. He had been the sucker and only a few men had sucked him.

The doorbell rang. I went to the door, looked through the peephole and saw Pee Wee. I let him in. I was naked and wet.

Pee Wee smiled. "I see you are busy, is there room for one more?" he asked. I said yes.

Pee Wee was always a good sport and he was naked and in the pool in seconds. Pee Wee had recently showered so I knew this was a social call. He was a little shorter than Samuel was, but much more muscular. I introduce him to Samuel.

"I hope this doesn't sound stupid or offend you, but it's nice to be with a man I can look in the eye," Pee Wee said. "I tend to be a navel height!" Samuel laughed. He was a few inches taller than Pee Wee. They hit it off. Pee Wee wanted to 69. Samuel did not know what that was. Pee Wee was willing to give him a lesson. Our little group broke up after Pee Wee and Samuel traded orgasms.

The next morning, Samuel was talkative at breakfast. He was afraid he had some something wrong the night before. I told him it was fine.

"Is like that every night here?" he asked.

I smiled, "No, but it would be nice if it was," I said. "I had no sex life at all until a few months ago. It has been a revelation. I had no idea sex could be that good."

"I am embarrassed to say, I was in the same situation," Samuel said. "It can't be right."

"Are you operating on the assumption that if it feels that good it must be bad?" I asked.

Samuel looked at me for a few second and then burst into laughter. "I think you may have hit the nail on the head! I feel so stupid."

"Join the club!" I said. "I would have been shocked and appalled if I hadn't felt so good! I was lucky to find some men who did not mind that I had passed my sell by date! I was afraid they might make fun of me. They just welcomed me as a new playmate and friend."

"Gregory and Pee Wee seemed nice," he said. "Do you have other friends like them?"

"They are as nice as they seem," I replied. "I do have some friends who share the same interests." Samuel went off to his class. He had dinner with several members of the Chemistry department, so I had a quiet night.

It was quiet until Samuel returned from his dinner. The night before, Pee Wee had arranged to bring a friend over to meet Samuel. It was his Uncle Skeeter. I had assumed that Pee Wee was a dwarf. When I met Uncle Skeeter, I realized it was genetic. Pee Wee's family was just short, really short. Skeeter was the same height as Samuel, but heavier and more hirsute than the Chemist was. That is a lot of hair.

Skeeter was very outgoing and had a wild sense of humor. He did not have a shy bone in his body and was stunningly uninhibited. He was enthusiastic about all things sexual and tended to carry his playmates along with him. Samuel joined in the fun without reservations.

Uncle Skeeter opened his ass for me and I soon discovered he possessed and almost prehensile ass. It grabbed, squeezed and massaged my cock as he undulated and rotated his hips. I had never felt anything like it. I pulled out before I shot off and he invited Samuel into his tunnel of love.

Not only was Uncle Skeeter sexual skilled, he was verbally appreciative. He made sure Samuel knew that he was doing it right and it felt good. Samuel popped quickly and Pee Wee took his place. "The family that played together, stays together," Pee Wee remarked. The two men obviously loved it.

When they broke apart, Samuel asked. "Are you supposed to fuck me now?"

"Do you want to be fucked?" Skeeter asked.

"I've never been fucked before, but if it is what I am supposed to do, I will give it a try," Samuel replied.

Skeeter smiled. "Hold your horses, that's not the way it works. Cock sucking is pretty easy for almost everyone," Skeeter said. "Fucking is more complicated and it's not for everyone. Some men are too tight to enjoy it. It hurts too much."

"Uncle Skeeter took his time with me," Pee Wee said. "He let me fuck him the day after my 18th birthday. I was in my 20s when I felt a hankering to take his tool. Aunt Sally had died a few years earlier and he missed her cunt. I told him I was interested. The guys he fucked made him pull out before he shot off. I figured that if he was doing the plowing, he deserved to do the seeding too," Pee Wee continued. "Uncle Skeeter opened me up nice and slow over a few weeks. When he finally got it all in me it was great."

Next: Chapter 4

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