Ugly Men

Published on May 30, 2015


Ugly Men 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

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We stripped and Dumbbell got to my cock before I could get to his. A few minutes later, we were in the sixty-nine position and all was well. I'm not sure I had admitted it to myself, but it was incredibly satisfying. I must have been wanting this unconsciously for years. Now that we had connected, it was better than I could have hoped. A few minutes later, I sat on Dumbbells' cock. I took my time, easing back on his prong. It was thick and good. When it was in deep, I bounced a few times and undulated my ass. He shot off.

I could feel him squirting into my ass and I felt tremendously satisfied. It was exciting sexually, but it was better emotionally. Dumbbell is big bruiser of a man. I am an undersized Latin teacher. I was pleased I had satisfied him. Dumbbell moaned as he unloaded.

He is an appreciative man and I knew he enjoyed it as much as he did. His radio beeped and he had to go off to help with an accident. I felt good. I had been thinking about Dumbbell for years, and had not guessed he had been thinking about me.

My house was becoming a showplace. While most of the work was in a new heating and air-conditioning system and re-wiring, fresh paint and massive cleaning made the most dramatic change. The tile and mosaic floors sparkled, and once the trees and shrubs were pruned, the garden returned to some semblance of its former glory.

The central pool in the atrium had to be-rebuilt, the old plumbing had failed and it leaked badly. Since I had to be re-build it any way, I added a filter system and heat so I could use it as a recreational pool. It was not quite a whirlpool, but it was close. It still looked Roman.

By the end of the summer, I moved into the house. It was all I hoped it would be. I was planning to have a party for the faculty of my school in the fall, but I decided to have a party for my builders first, thanking them for the good work. I told them it would be an informal affair and they could bring their friends.

Frank, Johnny and Doofus were pleased I asked them. Few people take the time to thank them for a job well done. Travis Jones, the landscape contractor and two of his men came along with Denny, the electrician and Sam, the plumber. They were all skilled men and knew their stuff. Like Frank and his crew, none were suited to be a model for GQ magazine.

I knew that Neanderthal Construction was a gay operation. I had not guessed that the other firms were gay too. They were a rough looking group of men, and I hadn't associated that type with being gay. Several came with their boyfriends.

I served beer, wine and lots of food and the event was festive and pleasant. The food was good, mostly hearty sandwiches and finger food. I knew from college events that good food counteracted the potential for drinking too much. It was a warm late summer day and the pool sparkled with a statue pouring water into the water.

I told Travis that the pool was a poor man's Jacuzzi. He asked if it had been christened yet. I said no.

"I wish I had come with my trunks," Travis said.

"The Romans would have used their birthday suits," I replied.

"Is that a problem for you?" he asked.

"Not at all, but I don't know about the other guests," I said.

Travis smiled. "I do know, and it's not a problem for anyone here!" he said.

It was my time to smile. "Well, be my guest," I said. A second later Travis was naked and in the water. I stripped and joined him.

He leaned close to me. "Frank told me you had a nice one. He didn't say it how good it was," Travis said. "Frank told me it's not just decorative either." He was smiling. His men, Pee Wee and Moon Man stayed near him. Pee Wee was a short, very muscular man. He had a badly repaired cleft pallet. While he was a human bulldozer, he was shy and rarely talked. Travis's other worker, Moon Man, was the last of the hippies. He was only forty and handsome, but he had overdosed and looked older. He had a vacant stare most of the time, but he became excited when he was working with plants. He was off drugs now, and Travis seemed to be his guardian.

I had never seen either man when there were not covered in dirt and sweating like pigs. I was surprised they cleaned up so well. I also have to admit, that seeing them naked improved my opinion of them. Pee Wee was barely five feet tall, but was fully equipped with big balls and bulbous cock head enshrouded in thick foreskin. Moon Man had a long white snake and low hangers.

"The boys are into man sex big time," Travis whispered to me. "They never make the first move, but the shoot huge loads. If you like it sticky and messy, they are the men for you."

"I'm not real good about making the first move either," I said. I looked around the atrium. Almost everyone was naked now. Frank was occupied sucking the plumber, Sam. I slipped into the shallow water and licked Pee Wee's cock.

Luckily, you can't get whiplash from cock getting hard. When my tongue touched his cock head, he was soft. A second later, he was fully erect. In one more second, he was drooling precum. I was afraid he would shoot off shortly, but he held back. I am not a sexually exciting person and I felt flattered. A little later I sat on the edge of the pool and Pee Wee sucked me.

"Are you into fucking?" Travis asked. "Moon Man loves to bottom. Is that a problem with you? He loves group play."

"There are a lot of men here," I observed.

"When I said he loves to bottom, I meant it. He can't get enough of it," Travis said. "He always lubricates his ass when he goes out, just in case he gets lucky." Moon Man was lucky this afternoon.

Various men in the group knew that some of the other men were gay. When they realized that everyone was gay, the atmosphere relaxed. Relaxed may be the wrong word. Everyone was sexually stimulated, versatile and willing. The tension vanished. Everyone knew that no one was going to say no.

I had never considered being in that situation before and I had no idea how I would act. The old saying, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do," came to mind. Pee Wee had been sucking me. I gave him a rest and returned to sucking him. He seemed casual about it, but his sex juices were flowing like a mountain stream. Every movement of my lips and mouth caused a reaction. I felt appreciated.

"I'm going to shoot," he whispered. "You can pull away of you want." That was what I expected to do, but it isn't what I did. I had not considered sucking up the sperm of a man I hardly knew, but it was unexpectedly exciting. Pee Wee began to spurt and every warm and creamy drop was good.

When I finally pulled away, Denny, the electrician came over to me.

"Do you share?" he asked and them he kissed me. I had not swallowed, and we shared Pee Wee's man seed. Denny was six feet-four and a bruiser. He looked a bit like Bluto in the Popeye cartoons. He always had a week's worth of stubble on his face and a sneer. He was a nice guy, but his face was built wrong; it was fixed in a permanent sneer. If I had thought about him sexually, I would have guessed he was a man rammer.

As soon as we shared all of Pee Wee's cream, Denny dropped to his knees and swallowed my cock. I had heard jokes about vacuum cleaner mouths, but never experienced it. It was incredible. After a few minutes, I asked him to stop. "I don't want to shoot off until later," I said.

"Can I take it when you do?" he asked. I said that was fine with me. When he stood, I bent over to suck his. Denny's cock looked wider than it was long. He was uncut, and only the tip and the slit peeked out from the enshrouding ski. I licked the tip and the wide slit. The slit was wide enough to get my tongue a little way into it.

I used my lips to peel back the skin and gripped the flared edge of the knob. I then tried to force my tongue into his cum tunnel. I couldn't get very deep, but I soon began to taste his sex juices.

I was shocked I could get this reaction from such a big bruiser of a man. I continued to tongue fuck his cock and the flow increased and I sensed Denny getting increasingly excited. I felt something tickling my tongue and a second later Denny's cream filled my mouth.

It was a mouthful, and I wanted to swallow, but I sensed Denny would want to taste his own man seed. He was still shooting when I pulled off and stood up. We kissed and he took most of his seed.

Frank came over to us. While we kissed, Denny had been still ejaculating. His sperm was dripping down my body. Frank got his head between us and took a few of Denny's later ejaculations. He then licked the rest of the splatter off me. He stood and kissed Denny. Deeny had another ejaculation when they did that.

I was a bit dazed at the intensity and intimacy of the encounter. I thought I would sit down, rest and catch my breath. I sat for a minute, and then realized I was ready to go again. I wanted more. I looked around the atrium and saw that everyone was busy.

Doofus saw me and waved me over. Doofus had Moon Man's legs on his shoulders and he was slow fucking. I went to them.

"Straddle his face and let him suck and lick your balls," Doofus suggested. "Moon Man likes to be occupied." I did as he asked. Moon Man seemed happy.

"I haven't had a long session with Moon Man is years. His ass is still tight and supple. When I first met him, he was new to the scene. Travis got him off of drugs because he could feel more in his ass when he was sober," Doofus said. "At first he was Travis' private reserve, but then Travis discovered the sex was better when Moon Man's ass is cum-lubed. Moon Man and Travis will have a good time when they go home tonight." I thought Travis and Moon Man's sexual desires were odd, but they were pleasurable for them and for their friends.

I had tended to think of sex as being as rare as a lightning strike. Doofus and the other men seemed to think it was a part of everyday life. I did not see it that way, but I certainly was willing to explore the possibilities. No one in the group was a male model type, or even good looking. In some ways that reduced the stress for me. We were all just nice guys.

The pleasure and sexual excitement was intense. Perhaps a night with Brad Pitt would have been better, but I doubted it. The sex here was low stress. I did not need to impress the men I was with and they did not need to impress me. We just wanted to have some fun. Everyone was willing to give and take. We all enjoyed it and wanted our playmates to enjoy it too.

So many of our sexual hang-ups are based on the assumption of creating a family and having children. Childbirth and the need to raise a family are complex and demanding. Whatever Moon Man and Travis might do, having a child is not one of them. It was all in the open and there was no hiding the relationships with other men. The relationship was good for them.

None of them men I knew seemed to be monogamous. I assumed some men were closer to one or two men that to the others, but it seemed free and easy. I laughed to myself. If there were monogamous couples, they certainly would not be have sex with me! By accident, I had fallen into a group of friendly and open minded men. They were friends and sex buddies. As such, there was always room for one more.

Over the next several months, I discovered some things about my new friends and me. It was unexpectedly easy to become friends with a sex partner. The sexual relationships turned into friendships. I was pleased to discover that while my cock was popular, the men came to like me as a person, not just as a possessor of a sex organ.

I did have one special thing. I lived alone in a large and secluded house. Most of the men lived in small apartments, with roommates, or in trailer parks. Several took care of aging parents. It was hard to have your gay friends over in those situations. They could drop by my house and relax.

Johnny, Doofus and Pee Wee dropped by one Friday afternoon and Gregory came to visit. That was an odd combination, and I was uneasy about them getting along. There was no need to worry. Gregory had superb gaydar.

He tended to circulate in the upper tiers of society and I didn't like the idea of him thinking that he was slumming. I forgot that all men are equal when they are naked. Doofus and Pee Wee were nude in the atrium pool.

"You boys look real comfortable," Gregory said.

"We sure are," Doofus replied. "Come and join us." I had been in the kitchen with Jimmy and by the time we returned with drinks, Gregory was naked, in the pool and semi-hard. Sam and I joined them.

"You men seem relaxed," Gregory said. "I am the only one who is excited. Naked men do that to me sometimes. Sorry about that."

"We can get really excited really fast," Pee Wee said. Gregory's cock continued to grow.

"You aren't the kind of man who is into platonic relationships, are you?" Jimmy asked.

"To be completely honest, I like to screw like a rabbit!" Gregory said. "For your information, I am not the delicate type."

"Do you entertain on the back porch?" Doofus asked.

"I do and I enjoy it," Gregory replied. "I love it when I can feel a man shooting off in me."

"You're a good looking man. We tend to be a bit enthusiastic. Do you have a problem with spurting cocks and cum drooling from a well-used ass?" Doofus asked.

"Be still my heart!" Gregory remarked as he swallowed Pee Wee's cock. He bent over and opened his ass to view.

Doofus noticed that and he stepped up to the plate. A second later his cock was buried in Gregory's open hole. Both men moaned as the long tool slipped in deep. I did not know it then, but it was love at first penetration. You couldn't find two more different men, but they clicked.

A week later Dumbbell dropped by. He seemed uneasy had I guessed he had something on his mind. He finally broke explained. "I know we've been having a good time messing around. I have a few other pals I like. We don't have any place to play. I was wondering if you would mind of they came over here?" he asked. "I didn't know it that would bother you?"

I told Dumbbell I thought of him as a friend and a playmate, but didn't think of him as a lover and I would love to meet his friends. He looked relieved.

"We are friends and I didn't want to mess that up," he said. "My pals and I go at it hot and heavy sometimes. It would be nice to do it when you didn't need to worry about being caught." I told him it would be fine and asked him when he wanted to visit. We arranged a time.

I had no idea who his friends were. Dumbbell arrived first and then a car with two men drove up the drive. I was surprised to see the Town Manager, Chuck Billup, and the priest of St. Mary's get out of the car. Father Thomas was a slender, tall man who always gave me the impression he was afraid of his own shadow. He had pop-eyes and a receding chin. Chuck resembles a toad, a hung, six-foot-tall toad. Always looked squat, in spite of his height. He was a leader of men. He was sensible, efficient and demanding.

I knew the manager well, since I was the Universities' liaison with the town. Chuck was reasonable and helpful. I was not surprised at Father Thomas' sexual tastes; Chuck was a complete surprise.

The men admired my house, especially the atrium with its pool.

"Do you ever go skinny dipping?" Dumbbell asked. Of course, he knew the answer. He had been naked in the pool with me.

"Well, that is the way Romans did it," I replied. Father Tom looked around and made sure no one could see in. It was open to the sky but otherwise it was a completely enclosed interior space. He relaxed a little.

"I'd like to sample the water," Chuck said. "Are you guys game?"

"I sure am. Is that okay with you, Jerry?" Dumbbell asked. "I was hoping you would join in. I think the Romans would have said the more the merrier!" Chuck didn't wait of an answer; he began to take off his shirt. It is a surprise when someone you know dressed is naked. I had no idea what to expect.

I thought Chuck would be a human gorilla, and I was right. Naked he was a more gorilla than human. His cock was all but hidden in his hairy crotch. Father Tom was smooth and almost hairless. I looked as if half his body weight was in his long, meaty cock. It was a museum specimen. By the time we were in the shallow water, we were all between being half-hard and fully erect.

"It's nice to be in a private place. I never been naked outside before," Thomas said. "I could get use to this."

"There are no shower room frolics at the Seminary?" Chuck asked. "I was on the wresting team in college. There were a lot of naked men, but no action."

"I was a wrestler in High School. We had a little winner sucks the loser action, but not at school," Dumbbell said. "It was Rod Smith's dad's hunting camp."

"I thought my cock was too thick to fuck anyone," Chuck said. "I was in the heavy weight group. The smaller guys had a better sex life I think. I scared people at the beach. Girls either giggled or ran away."

Dumbbell went for Chuck's cock and Thomas came to me.

"I've only sucked a few men," he said in almost a whisper.

I reached out a stroked his impressive organ. "Would you like to suck one more?" I asked. I leaned over and took his cock head into my mouth. It was a large, flared strawberry. It twitched as my tongue caressed the underside of the knob. A blob of precum drooled for his slit. I licked it up.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"It was nice and sweet. It tasted fine. Don't worry," I said.

"Only one person has ever tasted it. He spit it out."

"Has anyone taken your entire load? I bet you shoot a big one," I asked.

Thomas shook his head. "Dumbbell watched me shoot off once. He said it was good," Thomas said. "I watched him shoot off once. It was messy." He paused and then asked, "If you take mine, do I need to take yours?"

"You can take as little or as much as you want," I said. "It's up to you." At that point, Thomas leaned over and began to suck me. He was careful at first, but soon became enthusiastic. I knew I was oozing precum by then and he seemed to like it.

Dumbbell and Chuck came over to us. By then, Thomas and I were rock hard.

Next: Chapter 3

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