Ugly Men

Published on Apr 18, 2015


Ugly Men By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I never thought of myself as ugly. I am short, hairy and one leg is longer than the other one is. My face isn't symmetrical and by the time I was sixteen I knew I would be bald. I made up for the bald head by having a hairy chest, gut and back. Not everyone thought that was a good trade off. My parents loved me and I had a good childhood. Much of that was due to my best friend, Dumbbell O'Rourke, who lived next door. Dumbbell's real name was Fergus. Dumbbell was big and strong. He did not like bullies and he didn't like people making snide comments. He became my protector. After second grade, no one ever made nasty comments about me if Dumbbell was in hearing distance.

I did well in school and helped Dumbbell when he needed it. Dumbbell was smart too, but he did not learn fast. Mrs. O'Rourke was nice like her son, but she could be hell on wheels when she was mad. She thought I as good for her son. Dumbbell could take care of bullies. Mrs. O'Rourke could take care of bullies' mothers and fathers. If a bully backslid, Mrs. O'Rourke made sure he and his parents knew the error of his ways.

My mom was sweet and delicate. Mom came from what they call a good family in my hometown. Dad did not. He was an accountant and was short like me. I was an only child. I did well in school, went to college. There I was a history and classics major and did very well. I came home and taught at the local college. I am a good lecturer and could teach history, Greek and Latin. The college was founded in the 1800s and had endowed professorships in those subjects. I could teach them all, and that meant there was leftover money to use elsewhere.

Mom died when I was in my 30s and Dad died shortly thereafter. I was forty when my maiden Aunt Eleanor died leaving me a shit load of money. I know I should call it a handsome bequest, but it was a shit-load. Eleanor was the last member of the older generation to die and she collected inheritances like some people collect stamps. She also invested well, very well.

My mom liked her and called her regularly and visited her every week or so. She was Aunt Eleanor's favorite niece. Dad helped her with problems at her house. Dad and I always shoveled her walks and drives after a snowstorm. After my parents died, I continued to see my Aunt and help when needed. I was her only heir.

With the money, I decided to move to a bigger house with some luxuries. I thought a house with two baths would be nice. My bedroom was on the second floor of my parents' house and the only bath was downstairs. Dumbbell was a detective for the city and he gave me the name of a good realtor, Gregory Goodhue.

Gregory took me to see some houses and made it clear that my concept of a nice house was limited. He was tall, handsome and self-assured. I was a little intimidated at first, but I soon discovered he was also friendly and helpful.

He was a good realtor, and he seemed to sense what I wanted. I think that is what makes a good salesman. He found a rundown property on the edge of town on a large overgrown lot. It had been the home of the president of the local garden club. When she died, the heirs had a fight and the place became run down. It was a small Italian style villa originally surrounded by Italian style gardens.

The house had an atrium, like Roman Villas. I almost bought the house then and there. He gave me a full report of the problems and condition of the house. It was definitely a fixer-upper. The price was good. I asked if I could get a better price if I paid cash. Gregory said yes.

When I asked how much it would coast to repair the house he called a contractor. Thirty minutes later a beat up truck with the sign "Neanderthal Construction" on the side drove up. Three men got out, one Neanderthal and two missing links. Gregory introduced them as Frank, the owner, Johnny and Doofus, his carpenters.

Frank was massive and six feet tall. He would have been taller if he had a neck. Johnny was small and bearded; Doofus was big and shaggy. Frank had a Bronx accent and he done some basic repairs on the house for the executor of the estate.

He said the roof and structure of the house were in good shape. The interior finishes were old and I would need to rewire the house and install a new heat and air conditioning system. The house was not air-conditioned. He estimated it would take $150,000.00 to do the basics. While Frank and his crew were stunningly disreputable looking, they seemed to be well informed and knowledgeable. They went off to look at some things in the basement of the house.

While I talked with Frank, Gregory had called the owners. He came over to ask how soon I could pay cash. I told him I could pay immediately. I would write a check. He went off again.

I called Dumbbell and asked him how well he knew Neanderthal Construction.

"The Terrible Trio?" he asked. "They are good guys. Frank worked for a big firm but left when he was unwilling to take shortcuts in quality. They scare away some potential clients, but they are fine." I told him about the house. He asked how much they wanted, and I told him and said I was going to offer cash. I had it in my checking account.

"Shit, how much did you aunt leave you?" he asked.

"Lots, she loved mathematics and was into electrical engineering and computers. She invested in some start-ups thirty or forty years ago," I said.

"Like Microsoft and Intel?" he asked.

"Those are some of them. She did really well in the market," I said. I bought the house an hour later. The owners dropped the price $50,000.00.

That night I called Dumbbell and told him that I bought the house. We talked a while and then I asked him how he knew Gregory.

"Jerry, you remember when we messed around as kids when my mom wasn't home?" he asked. "Well, I still mess around some, with Gregory."

"He is really good looking," I said.

Dumbbell laughed. "And you mean I'm not good looking?"

"I mean he is really good looking, like a movie star or a model," I said.

"Well, Gregory likes men who aren't prima donnas with attitude," Dumbbell replied. "He told me he likes men who aren't afraid of mussing up their hair when they are fucking like rabbits."

"You're bald!" I said.

"You aren't exactly Justin Bieber yourself," he replied. I did not know who Justin Bieber was, but I assumed he was young and pretty. "By the way, sex with Gregory is good. Are you interested?"

"I don't know," I said, "I do think about our play time in your bedroom all the time though."

"I think about it too," he said.

My College's graduation was the next weekend and I had the summer off. Frank was a real find. He began work on repairs to the villa after giving me detailed proposals.

The property was 11 acres on a hillside. Badly overgrown, Frank had been cleaning out the undergrowth to expose the garden. On a very hot, late June day, I visited the property to check on the progress of the work. Frank's truck was there but I could not find the men. I went looking for them. I had discovered a pond to the rear surrounded by thick woods. It had been an old millpond, and the stone foundations of the mill and the dam remained.

I found them skinny-dipping in the pond. Frank saw me. "Come on in, the water is fine!" he cried. I had never been naked outside before, but Frank was a leader of men. I obeyed.

The water was warm and refreshing, but it was also exciting to be naked with a bunch of men. I had seen boys in the locker rooms at school when I was a kid. That excited me, but I didn't have enough nerve to join them. Since I was lame, Gym Class was not a requirement. I had never seen an adult naked man.

I had seen some surfer movies and beach blanket type movies on the television, but Frank and his crew were nothing like the smooth studs in these movies. Frank and his crew weren't attractive men, but they were 100% man. I laughed at myself. The might actually be 150% man. They were muscular, hairy and well hung.

Frank and Doofus were uncut. I noted that while I wasn't muscular or big, I was hairy and might actually have been better hung than they were. The men did not seem to think being naked was unusual or odd. They also did not pretend they were not looking at my cock. They were interested. I looked at theirs and they did not mind.

Frank was definitely the leader of the group, but Johnny was not shy at all. He clearly interested in my cock. I was shy and inexperienced, but I guessed what he wanted and was actually flattered. I thought sex was for people other than me. I did not know what he wanted exactly, but I had hopes.

I had sucked Dumbbell a few times years before and had watched him spurt. He had played with my cock and had licked some of my sperm from his finger once. That had been exciting. I thought I might experience more with Johnny. I was hoping he might wander into the woods and we might get to play. That did not happen.

It turned out that Johnny was a scout, checking out to see if I was interested. He felt my cock under the water. I felt him too. He was as hard as I was I. Johnny glanced at Frank and smiled.

Frank had been in the water up to his hairy shoulders. When he stood up, I saw he was erect too. Johnny and I went over to him. Doofus was the last to join the group.

"We are old friends and we like to mess around once and a while. Would you like to join us?" Frank asked. "Damn, you have a nice one." He was looking at my cock. I must have blushed. "It's a beauty. Can I taste it?" he asked. I nodded.

A second or two later, my cock was in his mouth and I was on the way to heaven. Frank was a crude looking man, but he was a delicate sucker. He seemed to know what would excite me, and he knew when I was too excited and ready to shoot. He slowed down then and let me get control. Then he turned me over to Johnny who swallowed my entire cock.

I shot off in his mouth and he seemed to like it. He pulled off and then Doofus sucked me. I was still twitching from the orgasm and he licked up whatever was still drooling from my cock. Johnny went over to Frank and they kissed, exchanging my sperm as they did. They seemed to like that and watching them turned me on again. I shot off a second time into Doofus' mouth. I had never had a double orgasm before. Doofus swallowed every drop; he liked that a lot. Ten minutes after I met them, all three men had tasted my cock cream.

"We aren't that shy," Frank said. "Is that a problem?"

This was all new to me, but I felt good. You would think that having sex with men I barely knew would have bothered me. It did not. It was exciting and pleasurable in ways I had not guessed. I didn't know anything could feel that good. They obviously liked it and I was comfortable. It just seemed right. After the initial surprise, all was well.

I had enjoyed sucking Dumbbell years earlier and I knew he liked it. I had guessed I would like to be sucked too. I guessed right, but it was much more than just like. I loved it and I wanted to suck them. They were more than willing. Unfortunately, I had an appointment and had to leave. Frank told me they usually had a swim in the pond at the end of every day around four. I asked if I could join in. He smiled and said yes.

That night Gregory called me and asked how things were going. I told him it was going along better than I had thought it would. He said that he had talked with Frank who told him that we had hit it off. I knew he was referring to the sex in the pond.

"We had a good afternoon," I said.

"I enjoy them too," Gregory said. "They are good men and fun to be around."

"They sure know how to have a good time," I said.

"They are playful," Greg said and then he added, "They can be more than just playful if you are into that. It can be wild. I have had some intensely pleasurable sessions with them." The conversation moved on to other subjects, but I could not tell if he was warning me or encouraging me to experience more sexual activities.

It rained the next day, so it was two days later when I visited the site in the later afternoon. It had been warm, but it turned downright hot. When I could not find them in the house, I went to the pond again. The workers were in the water and there was another man, Joe, with them. He was Frank's cousin. He did not seem to mind swimming naked. I stripped and joined them.

Frank introduced me to Joe. Joe was built like Frank but was ten years younger. Frank went off and began to suck Doofus. Joe didn't seem to notice or care.

"Frank told me you have a nice one," Joe whispered to me. "I love man sex, but I'm not into the limp wristed types. Would you mind if I sampled it?" Of course, I said that would be fine. We went to a grassy area next to the pond and he sucked me. He suggested I might suck him as he sucked me. I was willing.

I liked that a lot. Joe was into it and I tasted his sex juices. That was exciting. Frank came over and told me that Joe liked it in the ass. I did not exactly know what that entailed, but I went along with it. Frank had some lubricant with him. He coated my cock, and Joe's hole. I didn't know if I could do it, but all the guys had joined us and they encouraged me to try it.

I put my cock at Joe's hole and pushed in little. He shivered a little when it touched his asshole, but he did not pull away. I bounced a little and his hole began to open some. "Does it hurt?" I asked.

"It is okay. You can push a little harder," Joe replied.

"Joe doesn't like it rough, but he doesn't mind it if you are a bit forceful," Doofus said. I continued to bounce and suddenly my cock head vanished into his ass.

"You got it!" Joe exclaimed. My entire cock was now in his rectum. His warm and juicy ass enveloped every inch of my cock. The lubricant had been cold, but inside his ass, it was warm, almost hot. He wiggled his ass to work my tool into a better position. I loved it but Joe seemed to love it even more.

I should have been embarrassed as the three workers watched Joe and me. They seemed to like the view and were into it big time. Doofus liked the close up view of my cock pounding Joe's ass and he was complimentary. It seemed improbable that shoving my cock into a guy's ass would feel so good. The other men enjoyed watching.

It was odd that our private parts were no longer private. Up until now, I had only been naked when taking a shower and that was it. Here everyone was naked, hard and sexually excited. No one was embarrassed. No one was shy or holding back at all. Everyone was willing to contribute his own private parts for the general amusement.

I was a part of the group and was doing things I had not even dreamed about.

After a while, I bent over Joe and asked if he would like to fuck me.

"Have you been fucked before?" he asked.

"No, but it seems fair to me," I said. Joe smiled.

"Fairness has nothing to do with it. You need to want a cock up your ass bad if you are going to take it," he said. He pulled me close. "Frank loves to pop virgins," he whispered. "He's good at it too. He takes his time."

"He's big," I said.

Joe smiled again. "Shit, you're big too," he said. When he said that I popped and flooded Joe's ass with my sperm. Everyone knew I was having an orgasm and they applauded. Things calmed down after that, and I went home with a virgin ass.

That night Gregory came by with some papers to sign. I told him that I was getting along well with the construction crew. He told me that he had heard about that. I asked him how well he knew them. Greg told me that he knew them really well. I knew what he meant.

"Do things ever go too far with them?" I asked.

"I do unto them what they do unto me!" he explained. "All guys have their own limits and preferences. Frank and his crew know that."

"I do not have a clue as to my limits, and I'm not sure about my preferences either," I said.

"Has anything happened that has bothered you?" he asked.

"No, everything has been fine," I replied. "Would it sound odd if I said that I was so excited, I couldn't tell if anything bothered me?"

Greg smiled. "That was my first reaction to sex. It was so overwhelming it was difficult to sort my feelings out," he said. "I confess that when I finally did figure things out, it was all good. I was lucky. I had no bad experiences. I was scared and uneasy a few times, but that was me."

"I wasn't scared, but I was unsure. I didn't know if I was doing things right," I said. "I felt as if I was playing a new and exciting game, but I didn't know the rules."

"Let me tell you something. Your cock may know the rules already. You are a well-educated man and you are academically oriented," he explained. "It can be hard to let your genitals take the lead and not overthink things."

"Well, my cock was pretty happy about the whole thing," I said. "The guys on the construction crew are nice guys, but I'm not in love with them. Is that superficial?"

"None of them are going to have your babies, so you don't need to worry about that," he said with a wink. "Man sex is for fun and pleasure. It is good when you are with a friend or lover, but I can tell you it can be good with a guy at a rest stop behind a tree in the dark too. It's not the same, but it is good. The pleasure can be intense in both instances."

"Does plain old sex turn into friendly sex often?" I asked.

"It does for me," Greg said. "Frank was just a guy I had sex with. He turned into a friend with benefits and today he may be more than that. As we came to know each other better, we opened up. We opened up both physically and emotionally. We are both tops. He thinks I am a handsome man and he was willing to bottom for me. That was a big deal for him and he loved my cum in his ass. When I say he loved it, I mean he really loved it. I was flattered."

"One day he was sucking me and he warned me he was about to shoot. I always pulled off and watched the fireworks. He shoots a huge load. It is messy, but impressive. I had a sudden urge to taste his sperm. The second he ejaculated, I discovered why he liked to take sperm. He was feeding me a part of his body. It was still hot from his balls. I felt him tense up as he climaxed and then relax a little more after each ejaculation," Greg explained. "I sucked him until he was soft and I had licked up every drop of his semen. I had my tongue in his slit and I had sucked up the foreskin so eventually I was tongue fucking his cock. I was not sucking a cock; I was sucking Frank. It was beautiful. A week later, he fucked me for several hours. I wanted him in me."

"Did he shoot off in you?" I asked.

"He sure did!" Greg said. "Several men had fucked me before, but no one like Frank. I attract pretty boys. They were okay, but no cigar. Frank is big and ugly. Damn if he didn't ring my chimes. He shot pure, high-test man seed into me and it was great." We talked a little longer and Gregory left.

A half hour later Dumbbell came by. He was out of uniform and he wanted to talk. He said he had talked with Fred. "He told me you were getting into the sex stuff," Dumbbell remarked. "I hadn't realized you were still into it."

"I had not realized that either. I seem to have had a monkish existence, but I remember my times with you vividly," I said. "I thought I was so unattractive no one would have sex with me. I assumed you lost interest when you became a policeman."

Dumbbell smiled. He was almost good looking when he smiled. "Oh, I'm still into it," he said. "Actually I am into it big time. There have been some changes. I like to be sucked but I love sucking now. Do you remember that time I tasted your sperm? I was not sure I liked it then, but as I thought about it, I decided I liked it a lot. I also love to fuck. I usually top, but I seem to have a warm spot for the bottom when I encounter a big one. Fred said yours is big. Joe told him you are a good fucker too."

"Do you want me to fuck you?" I asked. As we talked, my cock began it get hard. I glanced at Dumbbell's pants. He was hard too.

"I would," he said. "I want to remain friends with you. Sometimes fucking hurts."

"I'm a big boy now," I said.

Next: Chapter 2

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