Uga Tales

By moc.loa@12remalFgiB

Published on Sep 8, 2001


This is the third installment of the UGA Tales. This story pretty much picks up where the last one left off. I am not going to lie and tell you that everything that goes on in these stories really happened, they are all true for the most part, but some of it is just to make the story more interesting. I appreciate the positive feedback I have recieved since this story began, and it is really keeping me pumped up and wanting to write more. I have gotten a chance to actually meet some of you online through the AOL Instant Messenger, so if I am ever online, and you are too, send me and IM, and I would love to talk to my fans.

Now its time for the legal disclaimers. If you are under the age of 18, you are to leave now. If you are not interested in gay sex, you are to leave now. If you find homosexuality disturbing, you are to leave now. Finally, if you were born on a Tuesday, you are to leave now.(Just Kidding)

UGA Tales 3:

Well, after me and my roommate shared our hot drunken jack off session, I thought that it was going to be one hell of a year with him, but after that night, he never even mentioned it, and I wasn't even particularly sure if he remembered. Chris and I became pretty good friends over the next couple of weeks. We were in the same courses, not the same classes, but we could pretty much keep up with each other, and help the other if they came to a problem that was difficult to solve. I wasn't really doing that well in my PreCalculus class, but he was doing okay. English was always my favorite subject, considering writing has always been a huge interest of mine, but english was his worst. Considering our different strengths and weaknesses, I helped him by reading over his papers, and he helped me by showing me what the hell was up with PreCalculus anyways.

I met Zach over the internet ( I know, kinda lame, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do ). He was from Athens, not a student, but he had lived in Athens all of his life. I was really interested in getting to know the night life in Athens, and he had seemed very eager to show me around the club scene. Zach was 23, he had brown hair, and brown eyes, he had a medium build, and was kinda "flaming" for lack of a better word. I talked to Zach on the phone at least once a day for about two weeks before deciding to meet him one Friday night. I think Chris finally figured out that I was gay by the number of times that Zach would call me, it kinda becaming a running joke, if Zach called and Chris answered the phone he would usually hand me the phone by saying "It's your girlfriend," or he would make some other kind of comment, the first time he said that, my jaw nearly hit the floor I was in shock so much, but Chris just handed me the phone, and went back to his computer.

Me and Zach finally met on that Friday night. It was gonna be a date, and considering that I was a student working parttime at Winn Dixie, he was paying. He picked me up at 8, because we were gonna have a nice dinner, and then head to the club. We decided to go to a nice little Italian restraunt off of Baxter St., called Provinos (i don't think its there anymore, but it was really good). This being the first time I had ever been on a date with a guy, I was very nervous, but Zach discovered this very early, and he progressed the evening slowly, letting me get used to everything. He ordered wine, and the waiter brought the wine, and two glasses, I thought this was interesting seeing as I was only 18 at the time, and I was definately not of legal age to consume alcohol, but this did not seem to bother the waiter,considering he didn't card either of us. Even though I was excited about getting the wine, I didn't drink it, considering I hate the taste of wine, and the only kind of alcohol I really like is hard liquor(tequilla if your wondering). The evening kept progressing, I found out that Zach really liked horses, and his family actually owned three. He had grown up in Athens all his life, and his dad was a doctor at one of the nearby hospitals. He had a job, not really a great job, but it gave him spending money, and his parents generally paid for the rest of his bills(spoilled). I really applauded the fact that he came out of the closet at the ripe old age of 15, and that his parents didn't even care, they loved him no matter what, and this surprised me to say the least. He had been with a few guys, but said he used protection all the time, and he was clean. I told him about what had happened at orientation, and he seemed to really like that story, I didn't tell him about the night with my roommate, because I didn't want him to get the wrong impression. I was very interested in him, and even after we had finished eating, we just sat there for an hour talking to each other. By the time we left the restraunt, it was almost 11 p.m.

He told me in the parking lot which club we were going to go to, Boneshakers was the name of it. I had never even heard of it, but he said it was the local "gay" bar in Athens, and it was a pretty cool place to hang out. I was really nervous after this, I had never been in a gay bar before, never even had the notion to go to a gay bar. I stood strong however, and we got there with no problem. We went to the door, he paid to get us in, and it seemed like it took forever to get inside the club. Now, it only takes about 6 feet to get from the door to the entrance, but my legs felt like they weighed a ton each, i was terrified, and I couldn't even explain why. We got into the club, and decided to go to the upstairs bar part of the club to loosen up. We sat down, and I hadn't said a word since we got out of the car. Zach went to the bar, and came back with a drink for him, and a double shot of tequilla for me. I thanked him, and down the double shot by itself in one huge gulp. Well, after about 3 double shots, I was feeling pretty good. I had loosened up, and started to take in the atmosphere of the place. It really looked like a nice place to hang out, I don't know why I was so scarred. He asked me if I felt like dancing, and I said sure. We went out on the dance floor, and they were playing a really good song. We started dancing really close, and started getting into the music. They played about three good songs back to back, and during the third song, Zach kissed me on the lips, we were swaying to the music, our bodies girating against each other, and our tongues were dancing as well. From the alcohol, and the excitement of the kiss, I got a huge hardon, and this did not go unnoticed by Zach. He started dancing more erottically, we were still making out, and his legs was rubbing up against my crotch, and the friction that my pants were making caused me to moan in pleasure. I was starting to get into the action when he broke the kiss, and grabbed me by the arm, and lead me out of the club back to his car. He whispered to me outside of his car that he wanted to take me back to his place, I said that that would be alright with me.

We got in his car, and headed down the road. I was still feeling the affects of the alcohol, but I knew good and well what I was doing. We got a little ways down the road, and he started rubbing my crotch while driving the car. I let out a small moan of pleasure, and he knew that he was really turning me on. I reached over and began to massage his crotch, being really careful not to excite him to much, because he was driving, and I was sure that I would like to actually make it to his house, and the prized that awaited me their. We each rubbed the other ones crotch the entire time he was driving home, and a couple times I got really close to cumming right there in the car, but each time he stopped, and I knew that he wanted me to save myself for the right moment.

We made it to his house, and it was a huge 3 story house, and it had a smaller building in the back that looked like a small scale version of the house, I thought at first that it was a storage building, but Zach was leading me there, so I realized that it was an "apartment" in the back of his parent's house. He lead me inside, and we started kissing before he even got the door shut. I slowly started to unbutton his shirt as we were still making out. I got his shirt unbutton, and I ran my hands along his hairless chest, I pinched each nipple, and then I took the shirt off and threw it in the floor. He did the same thing to me, unbuttoning my shirt, and then massaging my chest, back, and shoulders with his hand as he let my shirt gently fall to the floor. I was in exctasy as he lead me to the couch in the living room. We both sat down, still making out, he reached over and began massaging my raging hardon. He slowly undid my belt with one hand, and then unbuttoned my pants. We were still kissing passionately as he unzipped my pants and revealed my precum soaked boxerbriefs. I wanted my cock to be free from the confines of the fabric, and as if he read my mind, he broke the kiss and used both hands to slowly pull my pants and underwear off. I was sitting there completely naked, he kissed me quickly, and then moved his way down my body. He licked a trail to each nipple, spending about a minute sucking and licking each nipple in succession with each other. I was moaning in excstacy, he licked his way down my stomach until he got to my crotch. I was really wanting him to suck my cock, and I was kind of dissappointed when he passed it, and went to my innerthigh. He licked and sucked my leg, causing a huge hickey to form. I was in drastic need of a realese when he finally moved up, and engulfed my whole cock in one quick motion. He was like a man posessed. He wanted my cum, he needed my cum, and it didn't take me very long to fulfill his wish. After about a minute of this intense sucking performance, I was showered with a feeling that washed over my entire body. I felt my cock start to spasm as shot after shot of my hot load filled his mouth. He never missed a beat, and swallowed what had to be about 6 powerfull shots of cum that filled his waiting mouth.

After I climaxed, Zach gave me a minute to catch my breath. He was kissing me softly on the lips, I could still taste my cum from his lips, and this was all the excitement I needed, and we soon resumed kissing more passionately. This time it was me who broke the kiss, and it wasn't very long till I had his pants off, and was taking his long 8" cock down my throat. He positioned himself in a 69 position, but instead of taking my cock into his mouth, I felt him spreading my ass cheeks apart, and I felt something wet around my virgin hole. I was in heaven, I was sucking a huge cock, and was getting my first rim job. He was great at it too. He was licking my hole, darting his tongue in and out. It didn't take long for me to get hard again. I suddenly felt something hard pressing against my hole, and I realized that he was putting his finger in me. When he got his first finger in up the the first knuckle it hurt, but not too much, and I kept sucking his cock, it didn't take long for me to get used to the feeling of his finger, and then he worked it the rest of the way in. He was finger fucking my ass pretty hard, and I was getting closer and closer to my second climax of the evening when I felt a second finger starting to press against my delicate rose bud hole. The pain was more intense this time as the second finger worked its way in, but after awhile of his slow in and out movements, I was getting close to climax again. He took his fingers out of my ass, I guess sensing that I was close. He then told me that he wanted to fuck me. I was shocked, considering I had never done it before, but after thinking about it for a half a second, I agreed, and he told me to reach into his pants pocket. I took his pants off the floor, and reached into the pocket. Inside the pocket was a condom, and what appeared to be a travel sized lube. He told me to put the condom on him, and get his cock ready. He laid back on the couch as I slid the condom slowly over his huge cock. I got the condom on, and then opened up the thing of lube. I put a healthy amount in my hand, and then began rubbing it all over his stiff cock. After a few seconds, he told me that he would get me ready. He instructed me to lay on my stomach with my ass in the air. I did as I was told, and he put the remainder of the lube in my ass, and then began to work it around my ass, and into my hole, using first one, then two, and amazingly three fingers to get my hole ready for his penetration. I was extremely horny after he finished lubing me up, and I felt that I could take a Mach Truck in the ass, and that his cock would be no problem. After he decided that I was ready, he positioned himself behind me. He pointed his cock straight at my hole, and slowly began pushing against my ass, trying to gain access. He told me to relax, and that if i just relaxed it would be virtually painless. I did as he told me, and it didn't take long for me to feel his cock head work its way into me. The burning that I felt was unbeleavable. I had never been in so much pain in my life. He told me that the pain would subside, and that he would just leave his head their until I was ready to take the rest of him. For what seemed like an enterniity, but was probably only a matter of seconds, we stayed in that position. The pain did go away, and I told him to proceed. He worked a couple of inches into me, and stopped until I gave him the okay to continue, after about 5 minutes, he finally got his entire cock up my ass, and I could feel his balls against mine, and his pubic hair tickling my ass. When I got used to the whole thing, he started pushing in and out, slowly at first, but when I started panting and moaning he picked up the pace. After a few minutes, he was really pounding my ass, and I was in heaven once again. He was massaging my prostate with every thrust, and I was going to cum really soon. He hit my prostate one last time, and my second climax of the night occured, I came all over his couch, it had to be about 8 huge powerful shots. My orgasm must have caused him to go over the edge, because it wasn't that long before I felt his cock start to pulsate inside of me, and he let out a huge grunt, and said that he was indeed cumming. He pushed his entire cock deep into my ass as his orgasm hit, and he left it there and i felt every pulsating shot hit the condom with tremendous force. He collapsed on top of me, and we just laid there for a minute, his cock became soft and slowly left my ass. I felt a tremendous void without it there. He kissed me softly, and then I looked at the clock, it was 3 in the morning, and I had to be at work in 3 hours. We got cleaned up, and he took me back to the dorm. As I started to get out of the car, he kissed me and told me he would call me. I said I had a wonderful evening, and thanked him, and told him goodbye. I made it back up to my room, sat the alarm clock, and passed out on my bed, I could still feel him inside me, and that gave me something to dream about.

Well, that is the end of the third installment, I hope you enjoyed it, but if you didn't, please let me know what I can do to improve. I am always interested in feedback, and I will try to answer each and every email that comes to my mailbox. I am writing this at 4 in the morning, and I am very tired, so if it wasn't as good as the first two, that could be the reason. I am going to go to bed now, and I will talk to yall later. Goodbye

Next: Chapter 4

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