Uga Tales

By moc.loa@12remalFgiB

Published on Aug 30, 2001


Hello again everyone, this is the next installment to my story UGA Tales. I want to thank everyone for their positive feedback, and I am going to try and continue this story for as long as possible. The next few chapters will kinda be build-up chapters, not as much sex, and more of the story, and background. I hope you will all bear with me while I try to build this story up to be a great addition to the Nifty Archives.

As usual, the regular disclaimers still apply. If you are under the age of 18, go away now, but if you are of legal age, sit back and enjoy the story.

UGA Tales Chapter 2:

Well, after my exhilerating orientation, I was really pumped up about college. My last few weeks at home went by really slow. I was working a lot, and spendind a great deal of time with my friends and family. The time finally came when it was time for me to leave. I woke up at about 9 in the morning on the day of the move, and got out of bed. I took a shower, and began to gather my final things together. My mom and my grandparents went with me up to the school to help me move into the dorm. When we finally got to Athens, I had to go and sign in and get my key to the room, and all the information that I needed for dorm life. It didn't take very long to get everything inot my room, and we were finished in no time. My roommate had not yet arrived, and so I got to pick what side of the room that I wanted. Naturally I picked the side closest to the window, and I set up all of my stuff on that side of the room. When we finished setting everything up, I hugged and kissed my mom and grandparents goodbye, and my college life had officially begun.

After everyone left, and I got all of my stuff connected (T.V., V.C.R., Computer....etc), I basically had nothing to do, man was I bored. My roommate had not arrived yet, and so I was left in a room all by myself, and I had absolutely noone to talk to. Now naturally I am a very shy person, and not very outgoing. So I decided to take a walk around the campus and see if I could find all of my classes that I was taking first semester. I left the dorm, passing by all the guys that were busy moving into their respective rooms, I took some time to size up all the guys on my floor, and most of them were pretty good looking guys. I left the dorm, and started out on my mission. I had a map of the campus, and a pretty good idea of where everything was. I decided that since my precalculus class was the farthest away from my dorm, that I would start their, and work my way back. After about 25 minutes of walking, I still had not found my precal class, and I was beginning to get frustrated. I decided not to let this get me down, and that I would find my other three classes, and then go back tomorrow to find my precal class. I found my other classes without incident, and considering that the three buildings were right next to each other, I was done in no time, and headed back to the dorm to see if my roommate had arrived.

On my way back to the dorm, I took in a lot of the sights on campus, some of the things I didn't get to see during orientation. I took the long way back, and went through downtown, saw the shops, and a couple of the clubs, the businesses weren't very busy considering that not very many students had yet to make it to campus. I also went by the stadium, looked in on the field that many great football games had been played, some of the most exciting being against our crosstown rivals Georgia Tech.

After viewing all the sights, I made it back to the dorm. I was on the fourth floor, and since there was no elevator I had to walk up the steps to the top, it wasn't like there was that many steps, but after walking the entire campus, I was in need of a shower, and a bed. I made it to my room, and found out that my roomate had made it while I was gone. I introduced myself, and so did he, we shook hands, and then I helped him finish unpacking his things. His name was Chris, and he was from Gwinnett County, not really that far from Athens. He wasn't a bad looking guy, he was about 5'8", about 165 lbs, brown hair, and brown eyes, he wore baggy clothes, so I couldn't really take in his body. After he had finished unpacking, I decided to go take my shower. I got all my things together, and went to the bathroom. The shower room was not an open shower, there were about 8 different shower stalls, and each one had two sections, one with a bench to sit your things on, and one of course was the shower. When I went into the shower, there was noone else in the shower, so I got my pick of which one to use. I chose the one on the far end, and I went in the shower. My shower was quick, and when I finished, I put my bathrob on, and went back to my room.

When I returned to my room, my roommate was on his computer, apparently on the internet. I went to my side of the room, took off the bathrob, and began to put some clothes on. I took longer than neccesary locating my clothes, and therefore, I was parading around the room naked, I tried to see if it got any kind of reaction from my roommate, but as far as I could tell, he was completely involved in his computer. I finally got dressed, and decided to pick up the book I was reading at the time. I hadn't even read one page when Chris asked me if I wanted to go grab something to eat, and I accepted his invitation.

We decided to go into town to a restraunt, considering the campus dining halls were not opened yet. We chose Red Lobster for our dinner. When we arrived at the restraunt, we were surprised to see that it was packed, there were a ton of people there, and most of them were students there with their parents. After about a 45 minute wait, we finally got seated. We exchanged small talk throughout dinner. I learned that Chris was 19, an agriculture major, and that we shared some of the same interests, such as golf, and we liked the same type of music, and the same types of movies. I hadn't yet told Chris that I was gay, and I figured that it could wait until we got to know each other a little better, but I also decided that if he was to ever ask me, that I wouldn't lie to him. We finished our dinner, and decided to go rent some movies from Blockbuster. We got the movies and some snacks, and went back to the dorm. When we got back to the dorm, we both got comfortable to watch the movies. I took off my shirt, and so did he, and this was the first time that I had gotten a chance to check out his build, and I must say that I wasn't dissappointed, he had a very nice smooth chest, and almost a six pack abdomen, and the only hair that was present, was a little treasure trail that lead down below the waist of his shorts. I tried not to stare at his body, but I couldn't help myself, finally I had to get up and do something or I was going to go wild. I had brought with me a bottle of Goldschlager, which is a cinnamon flavored liquor, and I asked him if he wanted some, and so we decided to shoot Goldschlager while watching the movie. It wasn't too long before the entire bottle was gone, and we were both pretty lit.

We decided to turn off the movie, and just to chat a little, and considering our current state, it wasn't too long before our conversation became sexual. He asked me if I had ever been with a girl, to which I promptly answered no. I was surprised to find out that he too had not ever been with a girl, which kept my hopes alive that maybe I would eventually have a shot at this guy. The subject eventually veered off onto masturbation. I was shocked to find out that Chris masturbated about 3 times a day, which was a hell of a lot to me, considering that I might jerk off about once every three days. I was even more shocked that he admitted to jerking off while I was in the shower, "christening his new bed" so to speak. As the conversation went on, every now and then I would catch a glimpse of him massaging the growing buldge in his pants, and this action brought about a growing buldge in my pants as well.

"Man I am so horny." Chris exclaimed

"From the sound of things, your always horny." I laughed in response to his admission

'Naw man, its just that I must have a problem, because I stay hard all the time. Thats why I jerk off so much. I think I am just going to go to the bathroom, and take care of this little problem that keeps getting bigger." Chris said while stumbling his way to the door.

"You don't have to go to the bathroom, I mean, we are going to be living together for the next year, and I think we are going to see enough of each other, we might as well both be comfortable to do whatever we want in our own room." I said trying to sound convincing

"Yeah, but I've never jerked off in front of another guy before." He said shyly, but he was moving closer and closer back to his bed.

"Would it help if I joined you, I am getting pretty hard over here." I explained massaging my crotch.

"I guess it would feel better in here anyway." He said, and locked the door before coming back to his bed.

Before he got to his bed, he took off his pants and underwear in one quick motion, and he wasn't lying, he was hard as a rock, and he had a nice cock too, at least 6.5", and thick, resting in a thick patch of dark brown pubic hair. While he was getting comfortable on his bed, I pulled off my pants revealing my own 7" throbbing cock. We both started off slow, massaging our cocks gently with our right hands, and kneading our balls with our left hands, I was surprised to see that we had the same technique. Chris kept his eyes closed, obviously concentrating on some fantasy that usually brought him over the edge, but with his eyes closed, I could take advantage, and watch every stroke he gave to his waiting tool. I was really getting worked up, and I began to breath pretty heavily nearing the point of orgasm, then I looked over and saw that Chris had brought his knees up to his chest, and he had moved his left hand to his asshole, and was massaging his finger in and out of his puckered ass. This made me freeze dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe that this seemingly straight boy was actually finger fucking himself while jerking off. He began to slowly moan in ecstacy, as he neared his climax. Not to be outdone, I started the same finger fucking motion with my own left hand, while slowly jerking off my cock with my right. I managed to get three fingers up my ass, and I was able to find my prostate with no problem, I began slowly massaging my prostate, while keeping up my vigorous pumping on my cock. Once I neared orgasm, I completely forgot about Chris, and I just closed my eyes, and rode the waves of pleasure in. The attention that I was paying to my prostate caused me to shoot and unexpectedly huge load all over my face and chest. The pleasure sent shockwaves throughout my body for what seemed like hours, but was probably only a few seconds, but however long it was I was blissfully content with the orgasm that had just washed over me. When I finally recovered, I looked over, and was surprised to see that Chris was staring at me with his mouth wide open.

"Dude, that was awesome, I have never seen anyone shoot that much before, is that normal for you?" He asked in disbelief

"No, not usually this much while jerking off, I usually just have a few squirts on my chest, but thats about it." I answered him still a little out of breath.

"Man it was hot watching you, I have never thought about watching a guy jerk off before, but you were so into it that it really got me off." Chris explained

"Really? Well then I am glad I helped you out." I said with a shy grin on my face.

"Yeah, I think this is going to be a great year." Chris responded, and then got himself a paper towel, and handed one to me as well........

To be continued..............

Next: Chapter 3

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