Uga Tales

By moc.loa@12remalFgiB

Published on Aug 25, 2001


Let me just say that this story is completely true, the only thing that has been changed are the names and places that some of these events occured. This is an adult story involving sex between men, and if you are not of legal age, you shouldn't be viewing this anyways, but if you are legal, i hope you enjoy my stories.

Let me start off by telling you a little about myself, I am 18 years old, I am 6'3" tall, brown hair and eyes, medium lightly tanned build, about 215 lbs. I have recently enrolled as a freshman at the University of Georgia, having graduated in the top 5% of my high school class. Picking a college wasn't really that difficult, considering all of my family had attended UGA, and I guess it was my destiny to continue the trend. Throughout the last couple of years of high school, I had come to realize that I was gay, and I had begun to accept that fact, but attending college almost 2 hours from home was scary as hell none the less. I was still a virgin when I enrolled about 2 months ago, but as you will soon find out, that quickly changed as time rolled by. Choosing a dorm for UGA is difficult, there are a few things you have to consider while choosing, first of all, you have to look at the price per semester, then you have to pick whether you want to live in a coed dorm or not, then you had to choose three different dorms, and they would try and put you in one of the three. Well, as luck would have it, I got my first choice, Lipscomb Hall. Lipscomb Hall is an all male dorm, with bigger rooms than in most dorms, and it also has 24 hour visitation, so basically people can come and go as they please, and noone will hassle them about it.

Well, my college life started off pretty simple, with orientation. Orientation is a two day, one night stay on campus, where you take placement tests, and numerous trips around the campus designed to better equip the upcoming freshmen with knowledge of how their lives are going to be for the next 4 years. Let me tell you, that when I first set foot on the UGA campus, I was awestruck, the campus is huge, I mean, it is basically a city inside a city. I was completely dumbfounded on how I was going to get to and from class in time each day without being late. I noticed that they had a bus system going, but the buses were crowded, and the only thing going on at the time was summer classes I couldn't even begin to imagine what they would look like once the masses began showing up. Well, other than that, the first day of orientation went by without incident, that is until it was time to go to bed.

Well, everyone attending orientation stayed in Brumby Hall, typically an all female dorm, but changed to coed for orientation purposes. We got teamed up with a roommate, same sex of course, and we all pretty much went to bed at an early time, considering that it had been a very hectic day. Well, I was almost asleep when my roommate showed up, and let me tell you that he was without a doubt the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen in my life. He introduced himself as Matt, said he was from Stone Mountain, GA. We exchanged some small talk, and found out that we had allot in common. We both were interested in the same sports, authors, and television shows, which kinda shocked me considering I was hooked on Dawson's Creek, and Queer as Folk, turns out that Matt was gay also. This new revelation shocked both of us, and made us both a little uncomfortable, but we quickly got over it. We began talking about all sorts of things.

"So, have you ever been with a guy?" I asked tentatively

"No, not yet, have you?" he hesitantly responded

"No, not all the way at least, I have given my share of blow jobs, but never all the way." was my response.

"Yeah, I mean I have given one blow job, but the most i have done is jerked off with friends" he said shy that he was less experienced, even if it wasn't by much.

"But hey, with college starting in a couple of weeks, you never know whats going to happen." I said reassuringly.

"Yeah, your right, but hey, its getting late, we should get to sleep, we have to get up early in the morning." He said as he got up to get ready for bed.

"You don't mind if I sleep in the nude do you?" He asked

"No, I think that is the only way to go." I responded by pulling down my covers and revealing that i wasn't wearing anything at all, and my semi hard cock was just laying in plain view.

"Nice package." He commented while at the same time taking off his shorts and boxerbriefs all in one quick motion, revealing one of the biggest cocks I have ever seen on a guy in my entire life. He was also semi hard, but he had to be at least 2 inches bigger than me, and thicker too, I think my mouth just dropped, as I was drooling over this well built stud. "You know, its not polite to stare." He said snapping me out of my dumbfounded gaze.

"Sorry, its just that your huge, I was in awe at the size of your cock, its unbelievable, I don't even think I would be able to get the whole thing in my mouth if i tried." I blurted out in one quick sentence, then I realized what I said, and my face turned a dark shade of red, and I just froze hoping that he didn't catch the last part, because scaring him out of the room was not my intention at all, I was just stating a fact.

"Well, there is no need to get embarassed, and hey, there is only one way to find out." he said with a sly grin on his face.

"Really? I mean you want too?" I asked trying to control my emotions and stay cool in this situation, just in case he backed out.

"Yeah, it would be great, I think your hot, and I am horny as hell, haven't even jacked off in about 4 days, and its building up." He said this while slowly rubbing his crotch, and making his cock jump to its full legnth of about 8.5-9"

This was the only invitation that I needed. I got out of the bed, not even trying to control my 7" hardon that was pulsating with every beat of my racing heart. I moved up right beside Matt, and I pressed my lips to his neck, causing a shiver to go up both of our spines. I began working my way down the front of his body, down his smooth chest, kissing every inch, and paying particular attention to both nipples. I worked my way down his smooth rock hard abs, and got tickled a little when my nose hit his treasure trail, but by that time, I didn't care, because I was only inches away from the prize that I was after. When I got eye level with his crotch, I could see, to my amazement, that his cock had actually gotten bigger as I had worked my way down. I took a deep breath, and started my work. A low moan exscaped his mouth, as my lips enveloped the head of his huge shaft. i started my work slowly, working mainly on the head at first, and then slowly working my way down in short and slow thrusts. I was obviously doing a halfway decent job, because he had to sit down on the bed, because his legs were starting to buckle from the emense pleasure he was recieving. After a while, i had managed to get half of his huge shaft down my throat, and with his precum mixed with my saliva, it worked up a pretty nice lubricant to work on the rest of his shaft. I figured out what he liked, so thats what I did, I would take his shaft all the way in until his he would rest against the back of my throat, and i would just leave it there for a minute, giving quick swallowing motions with my throat, and the contractions of my throat caused him to almost lose it. After a few more minutes, I could tell he was getting close, so my strokes became faster, and I started sucking more vigarously. He began to moan pretty loud, and he started bucking his hips to match my strokes. When he finally began to shoot his load, it caught me by surprise, but he thrust his entire cock down my throat, and began face fucking me for all he was worth, this surprised me at first, but after a second or two, i relaxed and got used to it. Then, i felt his first shot hit me in the back of my throat, and then another, this one more intense, i had to pull halfway off of his cock or i would choke for sure. I got the rest of his load, making sure none of it exscaped my lips, and that all of it filled my mouth, and i swallowed every last drop. I kept sucking even after he had cum, when i finally felt his cock go limp, i took it out of my mouth.

"Man, that was awesome." he said, completly spent, and out of breath.

"Yeah it was, i think we will both sleep better now." I said, and started to get back in bed

"Don't you want me to return the favor?" he asked, still exhausted

"Naw, your tired, you can return the favor, when you are well rested." I said with a sly grin

"Deal." he said this, and laid down and went to sleep.

I had awaken the next morning to a very nice feeling, i felt a had around my shaft, slowly stroking it. I looked down, and aparently Matt had awakened before I had, and thought that it was as good a time as any to return the favor from the previous evening. I let out a low moan to show that I had awakened, and was completly enjoying the attention he was giving my rock hard cock.

"Wow, your finally awake, I have been stroking and sucking you for 10 minutes i thought you were going to get off and not even know what had happened." Matt said smiling

"This is a nice way to wake up." I said, and then just laid back, and let him do all the work.

Matt was apparently and expert and blowjobs, and handjobs for that matter, because he was sucking and jacking my shaft, and i was in total and complete exctasy. He managed to get all 7 inches down his throat with no problem, and I was quickly on the verge of climax. When I thought that I couldn't take it any longer, he sped up his motions, and soon i was engulfed with the most intense orgasm i had ever felt in my life, there was no prewarning, so it caught me and him both off gaurd, but just like a seasoned veteran, he didn't miss a stroke, and he managed to swallow every spurt of my warm and juicy load.

"Well, i wonder if everyone else gets wakeup calls like this." I said out of breath

"Probably not, but everyone else isn't as cute as you." Matt said as he leaned over and kissed my passionately on the lips. I returned the kiss of course, and as our tongues fought in each others mouths, I could actually taste myself on his tongue, it was very erotic. We broke the kiss, and he got up, and laid back on his bed. His cock was sticking straight into the air. I asked him if he wanted any help with it, and he told me to just lay back and relax, and he would take care of it. And that is just what he did. He started to quickly stroke his rock hard cock, and apparently he was pretty close cause he was breathing pretty heavily, but what he did next made me gasp. He pulled himself to the bottom of the bed, and then threw his legs over his head, and began to suck his own cock, he looked like he had been doing this forever, and he could almost get all of his cock down his throat. He was sucking, and stroking very fast, and his breathing was becoming very eratic, then i saw him spasm, and apparently he had shot his load, and he was swallowing every drop. when his spasm finally subsided, he laid out on the bed, sighed very heavily, and dozed back off into dream world.

The rest of orientation was basically just boring, I didn't see much of Matt after that, but we exchanged numbers, and promised to call each other when school started. I left the campus of UGA that day with a new found hope that all would be good for these next four years.

****I would really appreciate your feedback on this story. You can email your comments at thanks and I hope you enjoyed my story, there will be many more to cum.

Next: Chapter 2

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