Uber Driver


Published on Sep 28, 2021


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This is part one of many of this story. To read the rest sooner or view other stories, visit my Patreon: www.patreon.com/adencamp

Always appreciate comments and feedback! Email hryjknyk@gmail.com

I'm standing outside, smoking a cigarette I bummed from some queen on my way out, waiting for my uber outside the gate of whatever "industry" guy's mansion I was just at. Shirtless and sweaty... swaying a bit as all the bourbon takes hold. A black sedan rolls up in front of me after a few minutes... I throw my cigarette in the street and open the door. "Justin? For Scott?" "Yup!" He's a cute young thing. Not really my type but definitely attractive. Blond hair, clean shaven with smooth fair skin... the usual LA twink look. "Sorry, I lost my shirt somewhere." I say as I slide in the back passenger seat. "I don't mind" "Water?" He asks, handing me one of those 8oz bottles of Poland Spring. "You're the man!" I boast as I take it from him. Fuck I'm drunk. I chug down the mini bottle. I can tell he's trying not to stare at me through the rearview mirror but I don't mind. I'm used to it and honestly, love showing off. At 41 I'm probably in the best shape of my life. Always been fit but in the last year since I moved to LA from NYC, All the competition, hiking, sunshine and forced healthy living in West Hollywood have taken my 6'1 frame from beefy muscular to shredded. My broad chest is swollen and covered in dense fur that continues down my tight 6 pack and v line. Working from home allows me to spend most of my time laying out by the pool keeping my olive skin bronzed and glowing. It's only a 15 min ride home with Saturday night traffic, and if I hadn't had those two last drinks I probably would've done the unthinkable - walked the mile and a half home from the Hills. We're slowly cruising along and I'm bopping my head to the music. Can't make out the song but was just dancing to a remix of it earlier. We come to a stop. I check my phone "Where the fuck did you go Scotty?'' My best friend since moving out here, Tarick, begged me to come out, only to spend the whole night flirting with anyone who looked at him. Fast forward to us in an uber to a house party in the hills. I always fall for it, house party is really just code for sex party. They always start out fun, dancing and drinking by some rich guys pool with other hot men of all ages. Then, the drugs come out.... And things just get weird. I knew I had had enough for the night when I walked past a pretty young thing in stilettos and fake nails but only wearing a jockstrap and harness asked me if he could do a bump off my dick. I did my best to graciously decline but asked for a cig and left. "?" "??" "HELLLO!" I know the texts won't stop, so instead of telling him I was bored, drunk and just wanted to go home,I happened to catch the eye of my uber driver in the mirror again and came up with the only acceptable lie I could think of at the moment. "About to fuck some twink." "Get it stud! I just sucked the biggest dick. I'll tell you tomorrow at brunch." I chuckle to myself and roll my eyes and send back a thumbs up emoji, knowing that will make him furious. I throw my phone down on the seat and take a deep breath. I start to notice the blue and red flashing lights in the near distance, realizing we haven't moved in a few minutes. Fuck...I have to piss. "Buddy what's the hold up?" "Sorry looks like there's an accident" "Uggh!" I moan. 10 min go by. "Does it look like we're going to be moving soon, I gotta piss like a race horse!" "Can't really tell... " Another 5 minutes go by. "Buddy... I'm gonna fucking burst... " "Sorry... " "It's not your fault. Does it look like we're moving soon?" "I don't think so. Sorry.." "Fuck" "You can use your water bottle...". "Thanks... but fuck....I can't do that. Plus this is a bit small, I'll probably overflow it." "I have a bigger one...It's no problem as long as it doesn't get on the seat." "I appreciate it but I'll hold it. " 5 min go by and I feel a tiny dribble of piss leak out of my cock. I can't hold it much longer... "Fuck it" I think to myself. "Fuck it, you sure you don't mind?" "I know the feeling and I don't think we're moving anytime soon..." He holds up a liter sized empty smart water bottle. "That'll work! You're getting a huge tip man!" I grab the bottle from him and lift up to unzip and get my pants down by my knees, I pull my thick cock out the side of my sweaty and now piss damp jock and lean forward so I can line my piss slit up with the narrow bottle opening. I can't help but let out a deep moan as I feel the heavy stream start, offering instant release. The bottle gets heavy and warm in my hand. Once the tension in my bladder starts to subside I look up and through the rear view mirror I can see the kid watching. Finally the stream starts to lighten until the last trickles thanks fully as I was almost to the top of the liter. The young driver is still staring so I give my cock a few extra strokes and squeeze the last drops out of my head. He watches and reluctantly turns back to face forward. Our eyes catch one another's in the mirror. His face instantly flushes. I sit back and screw the top back on "Man! Thank you! I needed that!" I sit back shorts still by my thighs, cock laying a cross my thigh. I take a deep breath and idly play with my plump cock. I can see him sneaking glances. I feel my cock plump in my hand Hands gripped to the steering wheel I start stroking slowly watching him watch me. I get a nice slow rhythm going, feeling my cock get to full mast just as we start to move. "Thank god!" I exclaim. I squeeze the head, forcing a drop of precum out and wipe it on the pouch of my jock. I drop my dick and lean back. We make the turn onto my street, so I shove my cock back in my jock and pull my shorts up. I lean forward between the front seats and point in front of him. "Just there on the left. " He slowly pulls up to the curb. "Wow... there's never parking out front. This is perfect. Come up for a second. I have cash inside for your tip." "Ummm... that's ok... I mean you can just do it through the app." "You sure? I'd rather give you cash... I mean you let me piss in your car." "I mean... I guess for a sec... " "That's a good boy." I smile broadly at him, watching him blush at being called boy.

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Next: Chapter 2

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