Typical Week

By HooCo 1982

Published on Aug 19, 2003



Monday, 10 AM

It was shaping up to be just a typical week as I left my first class Monday morning. As I walked out into the crowded hallway I bumped into Chad, whom I'd missed in class. Normally we sat together toward the front (this being an important class for the both of us), but he hadn't shown up, or so I'd thought.

"Hey!" he said. I responded in kind. "Alarm didn't quite get me out of bed this morning, so I sat in back when I got in late." As he said it, he pressed his thin, wire-rim glasses closer to his eyes and smoothed his short-cropped brown hair which needed no smoothing in one deft motion, as was his habit.

"It's all good," I assured him. "Did you get all the notes?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I was only a few minutes late."

"To coffee then, as usual?" I asked, motioning toward the direction of the student union building.

"Not today, sorry. I was in such a rush out the door that I didn't bring my notes for the next class, so I've got to get them from my room. I've got instant stuff there if you're interested," he said, veering off in the opposite direction toward his dorm.

I swerved to return to his side. "Sure." It was the first day of Fall, and the weather was starting to show it. I had broken out pants and my fleece for the first time since the spring, but even that wasn't quite enough. I pulled the worn brim of my baseball cap lower over my face to try and shield it from the suddenly cold wind.

As if spurred on by it, Chad picked up his speed. He was sporting a light jacket himself, but he'd worn shorts and I could tell from his posture he was regretting not checking the weather that morning.

It wasn't long before we got to his building, climbed the stairs to the third floor and got to his room. He pulled his keys out of his pocket, opened the door, and went inside. He thumbed through some notebooks on his desk, found the one he needed and made ready to go. He then glanced out his window at the trees swaying in the wind. He thought for a moment and went to his closet, tossing his notebook onto his bed.

"Close the door, will you?" he asked. I shut it behind me. "Too damn cold out there to be wearing shorts," he said, kicking his shoes off and unbuckling his belt. His cargo shorts were off in a flash. He opened his closet and looked thoughtfully at its contents.

As I watched him stand there in his flannel boxers, a devilish grin spread across my face. I walked up silently behind him and in one quick move tugged his shorts down, sending them collapsing in a heap around his ankles.

"Very funny," he chuckled. That is, until I reached around him with my right hand and gently grasped his sizeable balls and rolled them tenderly in his warm, soft sack. My left arm reached around his chest, pulling him against my larger frame.

"How about we take a rain check on that coffee?" I whispered into his ear.

"Sure," he breathed almost silently. I turned him around and kissed him softly on the lips. Just a peck at first, then the second time my tongue parted his lips and brushed across the top of his. My right hand stayed on his nuts, which hung below his steadily growing cock. My left hand move up behind his head, caressing his soft, short hair. I left his mouth and migrated with my kisses to his neck, preparing to make my way to my knees.

"Wait," Chad said smiling. "The pleasure was all mine last time. It's your turn now."

I backed up several feet, my hands nonchalantly beckoning him forward. I flashed him my trademake lop-sided grin that I knew drove him crazy. "By my guest," I smiled. Before I could say anything else he was on his knees unbuckling my belt and pulling my khakis and silk boxers to my ankles.

He grasped the base of my beautifully formed (if I do say so myself) 7 inch cock. Not the biggest by any stretch of the imagination, but exactly what a cock should be: firm, smooth shaft arcing gently upwards, interrupted only by the subtle veins just under the skin, leading to a velvety, pink head that fit perfectly on the tongue of your average guy. At least I've gotten nothing but compliments.

Before I could admire myself much more, my dick disappeared into Chad's mouth. I sighed as I felt his moist, warm mouth and throat envelope my stiff schlong. At first slowly up and down his head went. I placed my hand on the top of his head, playfully tussling his hair as he went down on me - he needed no guidance - he was doing a fine job. He lifted off, running his tongue up and down the underside of my shaft, then taking my balls in to his mouth and gently socking on them one and then the other. As he returned to my cockhead, the only sounds I could here were my own heavy breathing and the sound of his hand flying madly up and down his dripping piece of meat.

I couldn't last too long under such conditions - it was early yet and all. So after a few minutes I was approaching the edge.

"Oh, Chad, I'm gonna cum," I said, panting. With a pop he lifted off my dick and started pumping it furiously with his hand. "Oh yeah," I gasped as my head rolled back and thick ropes of spunk shot out of my and all over the tile floor over Chad's shoulder. After a few seconds recovery, I pulled him up off of his knees, sat him down on his bed between my legs, laid him against my and stroked him fast and hard.

A few staccato grunts were the only warning before waves of thick, gooey cum oozed out of his beet-red cockhead and all over my hand. We both collapsed backwards onto his bed.

"Well," I said, "more fun than coffee, right?"

As you can tell from the title, it's the first in what will probably be a long series documenting a week in the main character's life. Comments welcome at hooco1982@hotmail.com.

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