Tyler's Bachelor Party

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 26, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It was a hell of a gathering I put together for Tyler's bachelor party. We had four kegs of beer, lots of chips, pretzels, hot dogs, and sweets, and six, count them, six gorgeous girls who were topless, willing and able to play all sorts of wild, exotic games with the guys at the party.

Tyler deserved it though. I'd been his best friend through high school and the last three years of college. And now that he was getting married, and to the worst possible woman I'd ever seen, the least he deserved was a hell of a bachelor party.

I know, the best friend thinks the girl isn't good enough, but really! What else would you call a girl who has forced your best friend to (a) change his major into something you know he doesn't like, (b) picks out all his clothes for him, (c) tries to force him to break all contact with his family and friends and (d) has started taking over his finances as well?

Tyler's blind to all of this, of course. She's beautiful and assures him that she loves him and is only thinking of what's best for him, and so Tyler's gone from a self-assured stud with a golden crown of hair, beautifully sculpted body with bulging pecs, washboard abs and tawny-colored suntanned skin, with a major in oceanography to a quiet, mousy nonentity studying miserably to become a doctor. What's a best friend supposed to do? Especially one that has to fight for every chance to be with his best bud? I missed the old Tyler horribly, our ski trips in winter, our surf trips in summer, our glorious nights of partying, dancing, or just hanging out together, the two of us, watching television and talking of our dreams. I wanted my buddy back!

So I'd gone all out with his party and Tyler had at least shown sparkles of the old Tyler ...until his girlfriend had started to calling him every five or ten minutes. He'd take her call, and after every call, he was less cheerful, more morose and withdrawn. I'd been pushing beers on him all through those, hoping that would shake him loose, but it had just sent him in deeper.

About midnight, he had decided that he was going to go visit Lisa. Given he was about three-times-three sheets to the wind by then, that wasn't going to happen, and I'd confiscated his keys long before anyhow, so we all pretended the bedroom door was the front door and steered him that way, he went in while waving good-bye to everyone and we closed the door after him and barricaded it. When we checked on him about ten minutes later, he was crashed on the bed and sound asleep. One of the chicks, Maria, volunteered to go in and strip him and get him into the bed, and we let her do that (he was totally out of it, so nothing was going to happen) and the party went on without him.

Around two o'clock, everyone was ready to give up. The girls had all checked out and when there's nothing but guys, drunk guys, around, things are going to shut down before very long.

That's when Tyler woke up. Sort of. We heard him through the smoke of the cigarettes and the ooze of the booze. "Lisa? Lisa! Li-sa! LEEEEEE-SAAAAAAH!"

"Oh, man!" Jeb groaned, holding his head. He already had a hangover going, his own fault for stopping drinking at eleven o'clock. "We got to shut him up!"

"Lisa! I need you, Lisa!"

"Oh, God!" I moaned myself. This bachelor party hadn't worked a bit. I'd hoped that if he cut loose, he'd realize what an ass he was making of himself, but nothing, nada, zip!

"Lisa, where are you? I need you, baby, I need you!"

"Someone get in there and shut him up!" Mark chimed in.

"I need you, Lisa! I need your love to keep me warm!"

"Oh, God!" I moaned again.

"We should send one of the whores in there and see if he bangs her, thinking it's Lisa." Gregg suggested.

"They're all gone." I reminded him.

"Lisa, baby, I need you!"

"We'd better send in someone to cuddle him until he passes out again." Wilson said that, he was one of our designated drivers and stone-cold sober, and he had a good idea, overall. No way would Tyler be up to any real action, give him any warm body and he'd probably snuggle in with them, and pass back out in no time flat.

I sighed. "I'd better do it. I'm the host of this party." I'd also been drinking, not a lot, but enough to make bedtime sound pretty damned good at two a.m.!

That was enough to briefly revitalize these drunken guys, I had to submit being stripped naked before they'd let me go in to the room where Tyler was lying in bed. They wanted the two of us totally naked in bed, said he'd be able to tell if I was wearing clothes. I pointed out that he'd be able to tell a lot more if I was naked up against him, but that didn't work. So, bare as the day I was born, I opened the door and went inside, to the accompaniment to cheers, jeers and phrases like "Yeah, bo! Go get him! Here comes Lisa, Tyler, bang her good!"

I got the door shut, which stopped the noise, thank God. Decided those guys could take care of themselves the rest of the night, I was going to sleep in here and to hell with the party!

"Lisa, is that you?" came Tyler's voice in the darkness.

I made my voice a bit higher in tone, but not falsetto, for Lisa was a pretty throaty-voiced broad. "Yeah, it's me."

"Oh, baby, I've missed you so much. Come to bed, baby, let me hold you."

"Okay." I got into the bed and Tyler promptly snuggled over to me. "Now, shut up and go to sleep." I said in my own, normal voice.

"I need you, baby." Tyler crooned in my ear. His hands went down and cupped one of my breasts. "Oh, baby, you know I need you."

"I know you do." I didn't bother telling him I wasn't Lisa. The whole idea was to shut him up, and if that hand couldn't figure out the mistake from rubbing my tits (Lisa was pretty well endowed, I was the typical flat-chested guy), then he wasn't going to figure it out at all!

He snuggled in tighter and I felt his erection pressing against my leg. Shit! The precome on it was smearing on my thigh, sticky and warm, and he reached over to kiss me and his breath was alcohol-loaded, a smell of rotting hops! "Bleah!" on his breath and "Ick!" on his skank getting on my leg.

"Come on, baby, love me." he breathed at me, the nasty breath washing over me in waves. "I'm going to be so good to you, come on, baby, be good to me!"

He shifted and his uppermost leg curled up my body, the hairs on his body brushing over mine in a sensual feather-like caress. His hand left my breast and traveled down toward my man-business, and I figured once he got down to my johnson, he'd realize he'd been had. Very few women have dicks, you know, and my own prod was getting far too much into the warm, nude body next to mine and was waiting for the expected meeting with his hand with rigid expectation.

His hand contacted my prod and I winced, waiting for the blast of infuriated man at my ear. But his hand gently turned and grasped my dong and held it in loving kindness and delight.

"Ooh, baby, baby." Tyler murmured at me. His hand began to gently stroke my dong up and down, and I had to release a slight sigh of pleasure. "I love you so much, baby. Let me love you tonight, Lisa, let me love you."

His lips reached for mine and he kissed me, and that alcohol breath didn't seem so noxious now. Long, slow ans sensual, he kissed me and his body began to worm itself over me in slow, unobtrusive motions.

His tongue slid into my mouth and something about that felt so damned...right! He thought I was Lisa and he was kissing Lisa and the fact it was actually me didn't seem to bother me. He wasn't cheating on her, and I wasn't making him cheat. More like I was standing in for her.

So when his tongue played with mine, I let it dance with his in a warm minuet that lingered first in my mouth, then resumed in his. And he pulled away and began to kiss my neck, stroking my shoulders, he slid down and his lips encircled one of my nipples and he nursed at it with soft dexterity.

Further and further down, he kissed me, making a sort of oral footprints in the snow of my body. What was going through his intoxicated brain right now, I wondered, for his hand had recaptured my pud and he was stroking it as he kissed toward it. Would his travel yet discover that the cavern of his desire was actually a temple of lust?

But when he reached the temple's base, he didn't hesitate. His tongue ran up the shaft, a slippery trail of passion in his wake, and when that tongue touched the apex, he opened his lips wider and encircled me, slid down again toward the brush at the bottom.

As he enveloped my cock, I groaned out, "Oh, oh, Tyler, shit, man, oh, shit!"

Tyler moved up and down my dong, moist delight in every stroke, wet wonder in every motion, I groaned in time to his ups and his downs, for he moved slowly still, his oral dew collecting heavily upon my shaft, until it was a smoothly greased ramrod of male rut, and I was writhing in the electric desire sparking from Tyler's wonderful mouth and lips and tongue.

When he let me go, I looked at him through glazed eyes, for he was getting up. Had he realized that he had been sucking on his best friend's cock instead of licking his girlfriend's cunt?

"It's just so wonderful, Lisa, having you here with me." He murmured as he shifted and then he was sitting on my stomach. Looking down at me and seeing me, yet not seeing me. "I've been lost without you tonight. You're just so wonderful to me, just so wonderful." And with that protestation of pure love, he sidled down and his ass matched itself to my cock and he caught hold of me, held it firm while he rose up and the rose of his sphincter kissed the tulip bud of my glans.

"I want us to be together forever, Lisa, forever." he sighed and his body pushed down and onto my cock. Threw his head back and moaned. "Oh, God, baby, you feel so good inside me, so good." Some more wriggles and now I was mostly inside him.

"You're good, too, Tyler." I said to him sincerely. "So damned good, man, so Goddamned good!"

"Fuck me, Lisa, fuck me!" Tyler begged me, leaning over. "I need you so bad, come on, fuck me good!"

I didn't debate gender or identity, I just grabbed hold of him and rolled him over so I could be on top, his legs clamped onto me tight and his arms clung to me and his hips shifted so that my knees buried themselves into the sheets on the bed. I could and did begin to fuck him, and with gusto and delight. Why the hell had I waited so long to try for Tyler? All those nights of confidences and trust, they'd been marred by one thing, the secret of my own desires from Tyler. Oh, I'd played the girls along with him, even bedded some of them when I couldn't figure a way out of it. But all I'd ever really had eyes for was Tyler. When he took up with Lisa and I realized I was going to lose him for good...well, I was ready to take him like this, have my one night with him, and never never tell him the morning after what he'd done the night before.

So I fucked his butt and Tyler hung onto me, moaning with delight, words of praise and devotion to Lisa, his Lisa, who was now fucking his ass so wonderfully. My cock was humming with electric pulsations that raced upwards into my body and my brain, and I knew I was close to my climax.

And Tyler moaned, "Oh, God, Lisa, I'm coming, baby, I'm coming, hold on, oh, oh, oh!"

And feeling his body as it convulsed with his desire sent my own brain into overdrive, I felt my orgasm ignite in my cock and threaten to rush itself through my body any second. No, no, not yet, not yet, wait for Tyler, wait for Tyler!

"Oh, oh, I'm coming, baby, I'm coming, here it comes, here it comes! Oh, oh, oh, ah, uh, uh, guh, uh-huh-huh!"

My own orgasm would not be denied any longer, I was knocked about like I was when a wave caught me off guard on my board and I ended up being thrashed about in the water like a fallen leaf, "AH, AH, GAH-HAHHHHHHHH!" I groaned and my load blasted into Tyler's hot ass like molten steel into a mold, a constant unending stream of jizz that filled him to the brim and then oozed out around my shaft onto his buttocks.

Tyler was still rising on his own slower climax. "Uh, uh, uh, HUH, UH, UH, UH, OH, OH, LISA, OH, GAH-AH-AH-HHHHHHHUUUUUHHHHHH!" And I felt it at last as my own spunk-blast ended, hot splashes of male milk soaking my chest and stomach, dribbling off in fat globs down onto Tyler's own body.

I slumped down and the last squirts hit my navel in fat splats and Tyler was done as well, panting hard, his eyes closed.

I caught my breath and started to speak, but when I looked at him, I realized that he had fallen sound asleep, even with my cock still in his spunk-loaded butt.

I pulled out as gently as I could and rolled back into my own side of the bed. Waited a bit longer and then quietly got out of the bed. There was only silence from the living room and I peered out. Two guys passed out on the couch, but nobody else. I was able to slide out, gather my clothes, get dressed, and get out of there. That was my apartment, but Tyler was in my bed and I didn't want to be there when he woke up. I found a motel and checked in with a wake-up call for ten o'clock the next morning.

Tyler was gone when I got back. One of those two guys who'd been passed out, Gregg, was there. He told me of Tyler coming out of the bedroom around eight o'clock, asking him where Lisa was. Gregg had gleefully told Tyler about who'd actually shared his bed the night before. "He turned white as a sheet when I told him it was you in bed who'd been in bed with him. When did you wake up, anyhow?" he concluded.

I groaned and cursed him for an idiot, but it didn't do any good. I called Tyler's cell and left him a message to call me. Called again an hour later. And again and again. Went by his apartment that evening, but he didn't answer the door though I could tell he was there.

Walked away shaking my head. I was going to lose him to Lisa anyhow, why did it matter that I'd actually lost him to a bit of drunken debauchery instead? Lost was lost, wasn't it? So why was there such an overwhelming sense of guilt and pain tearing my heart into shreds in my chest?

It still hurt a week later, when there was a knock at my door. I opened it and saw....


"Hi." Tyler face bore a genial smile. "Can I come in?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah, sure, come on in!" I babbled. "I've been trying to call you for... Come on in."

"Thanks." He walked in and I closed the door, turned to him. His arms went around me and his lips reached for mine.

As I let him kiss me, as I kissed him back, I dared to hope.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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