Tyler Virginia

By Bob

Published on Nov 26, 2003


Tyler, Virginia

Part 4

by Bald Hairy Man

Email, bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. No effort is made to use safe sexual practices. It's intended to be fun, not a sex manual. The story, Wilson's Hollow, gives some background to this part of the story.

Len never was real talkative and he was always shy, but once he got the hang of it he was solid and dependable. He came from a deprived background, by which I mean a Southern Baptist home. His folks were nice enough, but it was a no drinking, no dancing, no partying house. He was a member of the church choir and attended Wednesday night dinners and prayer meetings.

He was one of those guys who believed everything his parents told him. Len was an only child and lived at home. Apparently no girl was good enough for him, but my guess is that underneath it all, his parents wanted him to stay home and take care of them in their old age. They were nice people and I'm not sure they even admitted this to themselves.

I was sad that for Len, having a guy he hardly knew shove his cock up his ass was the most exciting thing that ever happened to him. I was a bit uneasy about this, until I discovered things change. I didn't particularly like Len and he didn't turn me on, but it's hard to have regular sex with a guy without getting attached. I got to like him. He fucked me a few times. Len was a bottom. It wasn't that much of a thrill for him, but I wanted it to be more of a two-way thing. When his mom got sick, I helped Len out some. I had been through it with my Grandparents. Len was embarrassing he was so grateful.

Len's friend, Rusty Clancie, was the exact opposite. His folks never darkened the door of a church. They lived in a trailer and Rusty pointed out it was a "fucking, used trailer." His Dad lived with his Mom when he wasn't in jail. Rusty was a nice guy, if a bit crude.

It was hard to believe, but Rusty thought I was upscale. I had made it through high school; Len and I helped him with things that required education, like reading. It's strange; he wasn't a stupid guy, but reading just wasn't in the cards for him. No one in town wanted to give him a break, but he was strong as an ox and eventually most recognized he was a hard worker, unlike his Dad.

One of the problems with small towns is they don't seem to be very forgiving of past sins. Past sins include those of your parents. How exactly you were supposed to be responsible for things your parents did before you were born, is not too clear to me, but that's a small town for you.

I introduced Rusty to Keith and they hit it off. Rusty eventually went to work for him and did real well. Rusty was willing to do anything and it being a dirty and nasty job didn't bother him at all. He was redneck fearless and fortunately he never got in trouble for it.

Rusty was a member of the Volunteer Fire Department and saved the Edward's baby when their house burned. Mr Edward's was the Commonwealth's Attorney for the County. He and his wife were at a Christmas party and when their house caught on fire. The babysitter escaped, but the baby was trapped upstairs. The first floor was totally engulfed in flames. The Firemen were trying to figure out how to get to the baby when Rusty appeared at the upstairs window with the baby in his arms. We got a ladder there pronto and they got out. Rusty's clothes were on fire, but the baby was unhurt.

He wasn't burned, just singed. It was incredibly stupid but brave. The reporter for the paper asked, how he got upstairs; he just said, "I just ran like a fucking bat out of hell." They didn't print that quote. That event made Rusty some friends in high places. The local police and the Troopers stopped being nasty to him.

He was fearless sexually too. He liked it all and was willing to try anything. Keith did teach him to slow down. Speed of intercourse seemed to have been prized in his house. Rusty said, his Dad didn't have much free time between stints in jail and he had to make the best of the time he had. Keith got Rusty to slow down and smell the precum as it were.

Two years after I started working full time, Rusty's Daddy got killed robbing a country Mom and Pop store in the western part of Virginia. He had gone to visit his bothers and decided to raise some easy cash. The owner of the store didn't know he wasn't armed. Rusty's Dad was stupid, but not a violent man. I drove Rusty out to the funeral. Most people were relieved his Daddy was dead, maybe even Rusty himself. Rusty felt it just wasn't right to not be there to bury him.

There was a town nearby, but Rusty's relatives lived in a place called Wilson's Hollow. We drove up to Rusty's Uncle's house and there was a State Trooper's cruiser parked in front with several other cars. There were several men of the porch, one dressed in a suit as well as the Trooper.

We walked to the porch. The man in the suit came forward. "Mr. Clancie?"

"Yes," Rusty said.

"I'm Billy Waldorf, a local lawyer. I think there's a good case for a wrongful death suit here." the man said, "Your father was unarmed."

"What in hell are you talking about?" Rusty asked, "He was robbing the fucking store."

"There was no need to shoot him." Waldorf said, a bit unsurely.

"Shit, everyone knew it was just a matter of time before someone shot him." Rusty replied. "I figured it would be some poor woman's husband, or a guy he was cheating at cards with." Waldorf turned and walked off to his car without another word. Rusty looked at the trooper.

"I take it we aren't going to have any trouble here?" the Trooper asked.

"Not one bit, Sir." Rusty answered.

"I guess I'm not needed here then." the Trooper said.

"Not if I have anything to do with it. I'm sorry for what my Daddy did here; he kind of messed things up wherever he went."

"We appreciate your attitude." the Trooper said. "It's a sorry incident from everyone's point of view. I'll be on my way. Do you need an escort for the funeral procession?"

"No, we bury them in the family graveyard in the field over there." a big bearded man said. "No fuss at all." The Trooper left.

"Uncle Joey, this is my friend, Carleton Jackson." Rusty said, introducing me to the bearded man. I shook hands with him.

"Nice to meet you, but I wish it was a less sorry situation." Joey said. "Come on inside. It's been a long trip for you." The house was more a cabin than a house. Inside it was clean and nice. Cozy, I'd guess you'd call it.

"The funeral will be at 6:30, "Joey said. "Most of the guys are off work by then. We didn't have time to get any out of town relatives to come. Your Daddy had burned a lot of bridges in his life."

"I know, Uncle Joey. I called Mom, but she said she couldn't come." Rusty replied. "He burned a lot of bridges." A man who looked like Rusty came into the room.

"Rusty!" he cried.

"Cousin Ronnie, how's it going?" Ronnie and Rusty could easily have been brothers. Ronnie was 6-10 years older, but they were obviously related. Another man entered. It turned out to be Rusty's Uncle Frank, Ronnie's father. He looked nothing like the rest of the family. He was tall and thin. They introduced me. The phone rang; Joey answered it. The rest of us were talking, so no one got to follow the conversation on the phone.

"Rusty, there's a problem." Joey announced, after he hung up the phone. "They lost the body."

"What in hell do you mean?"

"The undertaker opened the casket just to check and it wasn't your Dad. The body was sent to the State Medical Examiner's lab and they mixed it up. His body was sent to Virginia Beach. They will get it back here tomorrow afternoon." Joey said.

"Well, Dad always liked the Beach," Ronnie said. Everyone laughed. Ronnie whispered something in Rusty's ear. Rusty smiled. I head him whisper, "Don't worry about Carleton, he's game." Joey went to the phone to call the preacher and several other people to reschedule.

Rusty came over to me and whispered, "Carleton, Ronnie and I are old playmates. He and a friend or two were going to get together at a hunting camp tonight for a suck and fuck session. He had cancelled it because of the funeral, but he's horny as hell. He can find a friend or two on short notice." Rusty said. "Interested?"

"What do you think?" I replied. "Have I ever said no?"

Rusty laughed. "That's why we get along so well." Ronnie was watching us and he smiled at me. He must have guessed I gave a positive response to the meeting. It was a little after three in the afternoon and we hadn't eaten on the drive. Ronnie offered to get some burgers. I tagged along, since I figured Rusty had some family things to talk about with his Uncles.

As soon as we were in Ronnie's truck he asked me, "Rusty told you about the Hunting Camp?"

"Yes, it sounds like fun," I said.

"Are you the shy type?" he asked. "I reached over and grabbed his crotch.

"Not when it comes to cock play," I said.

"My friends and I have been doing this for a while. I guess you could say, we are kind of free and easy about it." Ronnie said. "Maybe wild and crazy would be a better way to describe it." He was getting nice and hard as I played with his cock through his jeans. "It might be a bit strange for you, since you haven't met anyone but Rusty.

"Don't worry about me." I said. "I get turned on by new cock. I wouldn't mind draining your balls here and now."

"I think I'd better save up for tonight." Ronnie said. We had reached the Burger joint, so I stopped playing with him. On the way back Ronnie told me some things about the Wilsons and the Clancies. As a family they had a lot more than their share of problems. They had spent a century in the same Hollow and it had begun to show. Inter-marriage had taken it's toll on the genetic makeup of the family.

I had noticed there were no women present at Joey's house. Rusty's Dad had been the last male to screw up badly and get his sister and an aunt pregnant. The womenfolk hadn't forgiven him and wouldn't participate in the funeral. There weren't many women left in the Hollow. The older generation was getting older and dying; the younger generation discovered they could do a lot better than get stuck with a Wilson for a husband. It was an interesting conversation. Ronnie seemed like a nice guy and I figured the party at the hunting club would be fun or at very least interesting.

I have to admit, the party wasn't what I expected at all. The hunting club was a ramshackle, run down, wood building deep in the woods. There was a wood stove burning and a few flickering oil lamps burning. I had the impression there were two or three guys coming. When I got there, there must have been 25 to 30 men and boys in the room. All were naked and all were horny as goats in heat.

Rusty and I were the only new guys there and every one of the men wanted to suck, lick or poke at us, or get poked by us. I like sex, but this was almost too much. Fortunately, there is a long way between almost too much and too much. Once I got into the swing of things, I could do a pretty good imitation of a Billy Goat in heat myself.

I had thought it was going to be guys our age, but it was for anyone who had a cock and could keep it hard. There were old codgers and young teenagers there. When I saw Rusty's uncles and a great uncle or two arrive, I figured they would top, but the family was open minded. Everyone was related, but it didn't seem to matter who was playing with whom. It was uncles, cousins, fathers and sons all going at it.

There was a smooth, rather scrawny, horse hung, 14 or 15 year old kid shoving his monster up the ass of an old guy who turned out to be his Grandfather. Rusty was fucking his Uncle Joey, while his Uncle Frank rear ended him. Ten minutes, later Granddad was ramming the boy like a pile driver and Rusty was massaging Frank's prostate with his mushroom cock head.

The party lasted about four hours and I would have been worn out if it lasted much longer. As it was I slept well that night. Having every single drop of my cum suctioned from my balls by a sex crazed bunch of hillbillies may have had something to do with that.

The sex was good, but different, enjoyable and friendly. You think of sex as being intense, but to the men of Wilson's Hollow, sex was just a good way to spend an evening. Everyone was friendly and willing to help the other guys out. I was talking with Uncle Joey and a guy named Wilburt when another guy got on his knees and began to suck me. He switched to Joey and then to Wilburt. The three of use continued on talking as if nothing was going on, as we watched him suck and as our cocks responded to the stimulation.

He was a good sucker. He concentrated on the cock head, licking the tender edge of the mushroom, then deep throating the whole thing. When he pulled back, he would lick the piss slit to see if you had produced any cock honey. Then he would return to his mushroom worship. Joey and I both enjoyed it, but it drove Wilburt crazy. Wilburt loved it. I began to play with Wilburt's nips as he moaned in enjoyment. Joey went behind him and started to rub his cock in Wilburt's crack. A gay named Buck had been watching the scene and he brought us a tube of lubricant.

Joey motioned to Buck to lubricate me, so my cock ended up being the one to fuck Wilburt. In one, two, three strokes I was deeply embedded in Wilburt's ass. He popped and gave the sucker's tonsils a cum bath.

We broke apart. Wilburt looked at me and saw I had fucked him. He said, "Thanks, that really hit the spot."

"Damn, that's a nice piece of meat," I said. I hadn't seen his cock at full erection since much of it had been in the sucker's throat. He had cum a minute or two earlier and it was still impressive. "How long does it stay hard after you shoot?" I asked.

"To tell you the truth, it seems to stay up for a right long while,." Wilburt said.

"To tell you the real truth, Wilburt stays hard for hours." Buck said. A man came up behind Buck and chimed in.

"He stays hard and the cock scum keeps on drooling out. It's good lube, if you like your lube natural." the man said. Something was wrong and I thought I was seeing double. I was confused. The man laughed. "I'm Butch, Buck's twin brother. You're not seeing double," he explained. The sucker was Buck's identical twin. They were used to the confusion. I felt better.

"You know, I haven't been in a new ass in a year or so," Wilburt said. " I think it's been two or three years since I fucked anyone who wasn't family. Are you into size?" he asked me, " I give a good ride. You look kind of ripe." Wilburt's cock was big; I hadn't considered taking it, but once he suggested it, the idea took hold.

"I guess I'd be willing to take it, but can you stop if it hurts?" I asked. "I've not taken one as big."

"Sure, I'll take it slow."

Next: Chapter 5

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