Tyler Shays Conquest

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Jun 8, 2023


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Chapter 9: The Nurse

Tyler arrived at the campus health center for his appointment. He checked in with the receptionist and took a seat in the waiting room, looking around curiously. He enjoyed his appointments with Dr. Halbert--the man was a great practitioner of sports medicine and had been key in helping Tyler recover from a shoulder injury the previous semester. In fact, this was to be his last follow-up appointment on that injury.

As he waited, Tyler couldn't help but notice a cute nurse walking around the center with purpose. He was Asian and had an athletic build and short black hair that was neatly styled. He was probably in his mid-20s. Tyler's eyes lingered on him for a moment before he looked away, not wanting to seem too obvious. But he certainly noted the sexy ass that powered him around the office.

Soon enough, the cutie appeared in the waiting room again and called out his name. "Tyler Shays?" Michael said politely as they greeted each other with a handshake.

"Hey there," Tyler replied as their hands met briefly before letting go.

"I'm Nurse Lee," he said. "Unfortunately, Dr. Halbert was called away on an emergency today and he won't be able to see you," he said apologetically. "I hope you don't mind if I handle your appointment today." He looked down sheepishly. "Or you can reschedule if you want to see Halbert."

Tyler's eyes scanned the nurse up and down, taking in his appearance. "No worries at all," Tyler said with a smile. "I'm glad you're able to fill in." He couldn't help but notice the way Lee's scrubs hugged his toned body.

Nurse Lee led Tyler into an examination room where he began with the typical stats and vitals. As Tyler stripped down to his underwear to be weighed, he caught the nurse ogling his shredded muscles and smiled to himself. After the weigh-in and height check, Lee checked his heart and lungs.

As Lee listened to Tyler's heart and lungs, he placed his hands on Tyler's bare torso. His touch was gentle yet firm as he moved the stethoscope around different areas of Tyler's chest and back. He couldn't help but feel a little turned on by the nurse's touch. He cleared his throat and tried to focus on something else, anything else, besides how hot Nurse Lee was.

Once they finished with the physical exam, Tyler mentioned that he had been having some stiffness in his shoulder again. "It's not as bad as before," he said quickly. "But I thought you should know."

"Of course," Lee replied with a nod. "Let me take a look." He instructed Tyler to move his arm through different ranges of motion while examining it closely for any signs of discomfort or pain.

As Lee worked on Tyler's shoulder, their bodies were close together and just like earlier when they first met in the waiting room; there was an unmistakable attraction between them. He could smell Tyler's musky scent which only added fuel to the fire that was already burning inside him. His arousal grew as he manipulated the hunk's shoulder and he struggled to suppress it and maintain a professional demeanor.

"You're doing great," Lee said softly. "I don't see anything alarming here--just continue your exercises from the last time you saw Dr. Halbert."

Tyler nodded in agreement, feeling a bit disappointed that the appointment seemed to be over so quickly. He was enjoying eye-fucking this hot nurse.

"Is there anything else you'd like me to check while you're here?" Lee asked, looking at Tyler with a small smile.

Tyler paused for a moment, considering his options. "Actually," he said with a smirk. "There is something you could check."

Lee raised an eyebrow curiously. "Oh? And what would that be?" he asked, trying to maintain his professional demeanor as Tyler's intensity and near-nudity filled him with desire.

Tyler leaned in closer to Lee, his eyes locking onto the nurse's dark brown ones. "I was hoping you could check out something a little more personal," he said with a suggestive tone.

Lee felt himself blush deeply at Tyler's proposition. He had never been this forwardly approached by any patient before and it took him off guard for a moment. But then again, Tyler was one hot guy who gave off major alpha vibes that turned Lee on like crazy. "Uh... I don't think that would be appropriate," he stammered, trying to keep things professional but failing miserably as he couldn't help but imagine what might happen next if only they weren't in the health center.

Tyler chuckled softly, sensing Nurse Lee's hesitation. "But I've got this ache in my balls, nurse," he said. "I really could use a professional opinion."

Lee swallowed hard, feeling a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. He knew he should reject the offer outright but Tyler's suggestive smirk was making it difficult for him to think straight. Should he examine Tyler further? The patient was asking for it, after all. After a moment of internal struggle, he gave in. "Okay," he said finally, giving Tyler a small smile. "I can give you an examination."

Tyler grinned widely at the nurse's response as he sat in his chair and rolled closer, placing one hand on Tyler's thigh. The jock was still sitting on the exam table in just his underwear.

"Can you show me where it hurts?" Lee asked softly, trying to keep things professional despite feeling himself getting increasingly turned on by this situation.

Tyler shifted slightly in his seat, feeling a pang of guilt for lying about the reason he wanted Lee to examine him. But he did legitimately have blue balls from the night before... and he couldn't resist messing with the hot nurse. "Uh... it's kind of hard to describe," Tyler said, trying to sound convincing as he rubbed his crotch area gently. "It just feels sore and achy down there."

Lee nodded and hesitantly reached out one hand toward Tyler's groin area. He could feel himself getting more aroused by this situation even though something felt off about it. Tyler's testicles were big and full; heavy in his underwear. Lee tried to keep his focus and not get distracted by the bulge of his patient's cock that was so close. As soon as Nurse Lee touched his balls over his underwear, Tyler knew that he had completely succeeded in driving up sexual tension between them both--whether or not Lee realized it was all part of Tyler's fun.

"Mmm yeah..." Tyler moaned softly. "Definitely sore."

Lee's fingers moved around, feeling the heaviness of Tyler's balls. His touch was gentle yet firm and it felt incredibly good. Tyler let out a soft groan as he leaned back against the wall, enjoying the sensation of Lee's hands on him. He could feel his cock getting harder by the second.

"I-I think I need you to slip these down so I can better examine you," Lee said, fingering the waistband of Tyler's underwear.

Tyler nodded eagerly, an excited grin on his face. "Whatever you need to do," he said, lifting himself up slightly so that Lee could slide his underwear down.

Lee's eyes widened as Tyler's massive cock sprang free from his underwear. It was huge, thick and already leaking precum at the head.

"Wow," He breathed out softly, without thinking, feeling a bit intimidated by its size. He had never seen such an enormous member before.

Tyler smirked down at Lee, enjoying how he was clearly getting into this examination now. "So what do you think?" he asked suggestively.

`It looks delicious,' Lee thought to himself. He cleared his throat awkwardly and tried to regain some sense of professionalism despite the situation quickly spiraling out of control. "Well...it looks like there might be some swelling in your testicles," he said hesitantly as his fingers gently massaged around them looking for any abnormalities or lumps while trying not to get too distracted by Tyler's throbbing cock right next to him that looked so ready for action..

"Mmm yeah..." Tyler moaned again, closing his eyes briefly as Lee continued examining him with careful precision--though all they both really wanted was raw sexual pleasure!

Suddenly Lee realized just how unprofessional things were becoming between himself and Tyler in this exam room--their mutual attraction taking over all common sense! He stopped abruptly and stood up straightening his scrubs nervously "I'm sorry but I can't continue further with this type of examination Mr. Shays," he said firmly but respectfully "You'll have to come back another day when Dr Halbert is available."

Tyler was disappointed to hear Nurse Lee's words, but he wasn't dissuaded. He knew the nurse couldn't resist him forever--not with how much sexual tension was between them. "Aw, come on," Tyler said suggestively as he reached down and slowly stroked his huge cock. "My balls are aching. Don't you want to cure me?"

Lee's eyes widened at the sight of Tyler stroking himself in front of him; his arousal growing stronger than before. He struggled to maintain his professional demeanor but it was becoming increasingly difficult. He knew he should stop Tyler, put a halt to this inappropriate behavior, but the sight of him pleasuring himself in front of him was too tempting. "I...I can't..." Lee stammered as he tried to resist temptation. "This is highly unprofessional," he added with a shaky voice.

Tyler grinned wickedly at Nurse Lee's hesitation and continued stroking himself slowly. His huge cock throbbed under his touch; precum leaking from its head and making the situation even more erotic. "Please," he said, his voice low and seductive. "I need your help."

Lee's resistance crumbled at the sound of Tyler's request; he knew he shouldn't give in but the desire was just too strong. Without another word, Lee stepped forward and took hold of Tyler's cock; it felt so warm and heavy in his hands that he couldn't resist giving it a few strokes himself. The jock let out an appreciative moan as Lee continued to stroke him with expert precision.

Tyler leaned back against the wall behind him, relishing in Nurse Lee's touch as it sent waves of pleasure through his body. He watched as Lee worked on him with small gasps escaping from parted lips each time their eyes met. "Fuck, that feels amazing," he groaned as Lee stroked him faster. His hips began to buck involuntarily, thrusting into the nurse's hand eagerly.

Lee could feel his own arousal building with each passing moment and he knew what they were doing was wrong but it felt so good; too good to stop now. He leaned in closer and took the head of Tyler's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it teasingly before taking more of it inside.

Tyler let out a loud moan at the sensation of Nurse Lee's mouth on him; pleasure coursing through every inch of his body. The sight of this hot Asian nurse sucking on his huge cock made him even harder than before!

Lee continued pleasuring Tyler orally for several minutes until finally pulling back slightly to look up at him with an expression filled both with desire and professional guilt. "I...I can't do this anymore," Lee said softly as he pulled away from Tyler's throbbing member. "We need to stop."

Tyler looked down at Nurse Lee with a wicked grin, his desire for him growing stronger than ever before. "I don't think so," Tyler said in a low voice as he grabbed the nurse by the hair and pushed his face back towards his cock. "You're going to finish what you started."

Nurse Lee gasped in surprise but also arousal as Tyler forced himself into his mouth once more; thrusting deeply until he hit the back of Lee's throat. He gagged slightly at first but then relaxed into it, allowing Tyler to take complete control. He couldn't believe how much he was enjoying this forbidden act between them - giving himself fully over to pleasure without any regard for professional boundaries or ethics!

Tyler continued to face fuck Nurse Lee with abandon, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. He could feel the nurse's mouth and throat working around him expertly; taking him deeper and deeper until he was lost in a sea of pure ecstasy. Lee moaned softly as Tyler pounded into his mouth relentlessly; giving himself over completely to the moment. He felt so dirty but it only made things hotter between them!

Tyler couldn't take it any longer; he needed to feel Nurse Lee's body against his own. He stepped back and pulled the nurse's tight scrubs off, revealing a lean and toned physique underneath. Lee gasped in surprise as Tyler ripped off his clothes but then moaned softly as Tyler took him into his arms; their naked bodies pressed together tightly.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss that was fueled by raw sexual desire. Tongues danced wildly between them, each one exploring the other with abandon. As they kissed, Tyler began to grind himself against Nurse Lee's crotch; feeling him grow hard under his touch. It only spurred him on further!

Tyler pushed Nurse Lee back onto the examination table, running his hands over his body as he did so. He couldn't get enough of this hot Asian nurse and was determined to have him completely! Lee gasped at the sensation of Tyler's strong hands on his body; feeling himself grow even harder with each passing moment.

Tyler dropped down to his knees in front of Lee, taking hold of his throbbing cock and stroking it slowly.

"Fuck," Lee moaned softly as Tyler worked him over expertly. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"Don't think about it," Tyler said with a wicked grin. "Just let go and enjoy yourself."

Lee nodded in agreement, letting go of all his inhibitions as Tyler continued to pleasure him. He couldn't believe how good it felt -- so dirty and forbidden but also incredibly erotic.

Without warning, Tyler pushed Nurse Lee's legs up, leaned forward and began licking at his sexy ass; teasing the sensitive skin with his tongue.

"Oh god," Lee moaned loudly as he felt Tyler's skilled mouth on him. "That feels amazing."

Tyler grinned wickedly against Lee's skin, enjoying every moment of this illicit encounter between them. He worked his tongue over every inch of Nurse Lee's hole; driving him wild with desire until finally pushing inside fully!

"Fuck!" Lee cried out as he was penetrated by Tyler's tongue. "I can't take it anymore!" But deep down inside he knew that he didn't want this to stop anytime soon!

Tyler continued to rim Nurse Lee's ass, his tongue working tirelessly over the sensitive skin. He could feel the nurse trembling with desire under his touch; each moan and gasp only fueling him further. After several minutes of intense pleasure, Tyler finally pulled away from Lee's ass; standing up to face him once again.

Their eyes met briefly before they were kissing passionately once more--their naked bodies pressed together in a frenzy of lust!

"I'm gonna fuck you, Nurse," he said, staring intensely at Lee.

Lee nodded obediently, unable to resist Tyler's aroused gaze. He wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of him; filling him up completely! Tyler lifted Lee's legs up and positioned himself at his entrance before pushing inside slowly but forcefully.

"Fuck!" Lee cried out as he was penetrated deeply by Tyler's thick cock. He'd never had something so big inside his ass before.

"Yeeaaah," Tyler moaned as he inched inside Lee's hole. "You're so fucking tight, baby. You're gonna cure the ache in my balls today."

Lee moaned loudly as Tyler bottomed out inside his hole. "Oh god, you're too big,"he gasped, feeling himself stretch in ways he never thought possible. But he also couldn't deny how satisfying it felt to be so full of Tyler's big dick.

Tyler began to move slowly at first, sliding in and out of Lee's tight hole that squeezed and suckled on his huge cock. "Mmmmmmmm" he moaned as he thrust into the nurse's body. "Your hole nurses my cock so good," he said, maintaining long, deep thrusts into Lee's ass.

Lee moaned loudly, feeling overwhelmed by the sensation of Tyler's cock filling him up completely. He had never experienced anything like this before with any other sexual partner.

Tyler could feel Lee's tight hole squeezing around him, making it hard for him to control himself. He began thrusting harder and faster, taking the nurse to new heights of pleasure.

"Oh God! Oh shit!" Lee moaned as Tyler pounded into his ass relentlessly. "How are you so big?!"

Tyler grinned wickedly as he continued to thrust into Lee's body with abandon. He loved the feeling of being inside him; the way his tight hole clamped down on his cock made it hard for him to last much longer. "I'm just built this way," Tyler said, panting heavily as he fucked Nurse Lee hard with his enormous dong. "Can you handle it?"

Lee nodded eagerly, feeling himself losing his mind more and more with each passing moment. He had never been stretched so deep in all his life. "Oh fuuuck, I don't know," he moaned as Tyler continued to pound into him. "Don't stop... Oh god don't stop!"

Tyler grinned wickedly as he continued to thrust into Lee's body, feeling his own pleasure building with each passing moment. "That's it," he said in a low voice. "Take my cock like the good little nurse you are. You got the perfect treatment for me, baby."

Lee moaned loudly in pleasure as Tyler drove him closer and closer to the edge. He could feel his whole body trembling with desire; unable to resist the overwhelming sensation of being taken by this muscular jock.

Tyler continued thrusting into Lee's ass relentlessly, feeling himself getting close to climax. The sensations were too much for him -- he couldn't hold back any longer! With a loud cry, he exploded inside Nurse Lee's hole; filling him up completely with hot cum that spilled out onto his thighs.

Lee cried out in pleasure as he felt Tyler's load shoot inside of him, the feeling of it filling him up completely causing his own orgasm to wash over him like a tidal wave as ropes of cum covered his stomach.

They both lay there for several minutes; panting heavily as they tried to catch their breath. The air was thick with the scent of sex and sweat as they came down from their intense high together.

Finally, Tyler pulled out of Lee's body and sat down on the doctor's chair, looking at him with a satisfied grin. "Well, that sure cured my ache," he chuckled.

Lee couldn't help but laugh softly, still unbelieving of how he'd just been fucked stupid by his hunky patient. He was completely drained but also incredibly satisfied. "I'm glad I could be of service," he said with a small smile as he breathed heavily, his mind still swirling.

Tyler leaned back in the chair, feeling completely spent but also exhilarated by what just happened. He knew he'd have to be careful in the future, but for now, he was just enjoying the afterglow of an intense sexual experience. "Thanks for helping me out," he said with a small smile as he got dressed. "I'll definitely come back if I ever need another examination." He dressed quickly and gave Lee a final smirk before leaving the exam room. He knew he had left the nurse completely drained, but there was something thrilling about being able to seduce someone like that.

Meanwhile, Nurse Lee remained on the examination table; mind still reeling from what just happened between them. His body tingled with pleasure as cum dripped from his used hole onto the paper sheet below him.

He knew it was wrong to have been so reckless with one of his patients - it went against everything medical professionals were taught - yet at this moment all those concerns seemed far away compared to how good Tyler's cock had felt inside him... Lee closed his eyes for several minutes longer, trying to savor every last moment of their encounter before finally getting up slowly and cleaning himself off. After all, he still had an afternoon full of appointments to fulfill.

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