Tyler Shays Conquest

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Apr 2, 2023


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This is a work of fiction. Feel free to contact the author about the story.

This one is a journey.

On the first day of his junior year fall semester, Tyler couldn't help but notice a guy in his sports medicine class. He had a nice physique, with a toned body and a great ass that Tyler couldn't stop staring at. His dirty blond hair was styled in a way that made him look effortlessly cool, and his bright hazel eyes sparkled with intelligence. He quickly found out the guy's name was Zach from class introductions, but Tyler wasn't sure about his sexuality. Still, the idea of dominating the guy and making him submit to his desires was a major turn on for Tyler, and he hoped he could make a move soon.

Tyler made it his mission to befriend Zach. He struck up conversations with him before and after class, asking him about his major and what he liked to do in his free time. He found out that Zach was indeed gay, which made Tyler think that this was all but a done deal. When he asked Zach if he had a boyfriend he blushed and admitted that he did, a guy named Johnny who was a fellow sophomore. Tyler felt a brief pang of disappointment, but he kept up the friendly facade and asked more about Johnny. Zach gushed about how sweet and caring he was and Tyler felt his hunting instincts take over. This wasn't so bad after all... he thought. Zach being in a relationship didn't deter him, in fact it only heightened the thrill of the hunt for Tyler.

Tyler started to time his lift sessions for when he knew Zach would be at the fitness center. He loved watching the sexy jock move through his workout and striking up conversations with him. Tyler slowly crowded himself into this aspect of Zach's life as well, becoming more familiar with his prey and his routines. One day, as Tyler watched Zach do his seated rows, he couldn't help but feel a stirring between his legs. He had always found the lean and toned body of the other college bro to be incredibly attractive, and seeing him move his body with such ease only heightened those feelings. After his workout, Tyler approached Zach as he was heading to the locker room. "Hey man," Tyler said casually. "Wanna come over and hang out later?"

Zach stopped and hesitated for a moment before replying. As the semester had progressed he'd learned of Tyler's reputation on campus. He'd always been friendly with the ripped jock, but had deliberately kept his distance due to the stories he'd heard. "Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea, man."

Tyler pressed on anyway. "Come on dude, it'll be fun! We can watch a movie... or something," he smiled with a predatory grin.

"I'm sorry," Zach said, goosebumps forming on his arms. "I have a boyfriend. You know that."

"So? What's that got to do with it?" Tyler shrugged nonchalantly. "We can still have fun together."

Zach shook his head. "No, Tyler. I can't do that to Johnny. I love him."

Tyler leaned in close, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "But don't you ever get curious? Don't you want to see what it's like with someone else?"

Zach took a step back, feeling uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. His back was up against a door leading to the loading dock on the back of the gym's building. "No Tyler, you're not going to get me to cheat on my boyfriend," he said firmly.

Tyler smirked. "Oh yes I am." Tyler moved towards Zach, who flinched. But Tyler didn't lay his hands on him, instead his hands landed on the bar of the door, popping it open behind Zach. The sexy jock yelped as he lost the support behind him and twirled out into the evening air. Tyler followed, allowing the door to swing shut. It locked automatically, not allowing reentry. Now they were standing on the concrete platform of the loading dock, facing the crumbling asphalt of the empty parking lot in the back of the fitness center and university's physical plant further back. It wasn't a spot that was well traveled by very many people.

Zach's eyes widened in shock and fear. He had never seen this side of Tyler before, and it scared him. "What the fuck?!" he yelled, his voice trembling slightly. "What the hell are you doing?"

Tyler stepped closer to Zach, his body language predatory. "I want you, Zach," he said in a low growl. "And I always get what I want." Zach took another step back, suddenly feeling very small and feeling trapped again as his back hit the exterior wall of the fitness center.

"Stop. Fuck you!" He tried to push Tyler off of him but Tyler wasn't listening anymore. He lunged forward and grabbed Zach by the waist, pulling him close for a deep kiss as his hands roamed over Zach's body. Zach pushed at Tyler's shoulders but despite himself, his body responded to Tyler's touch. As he started to succumb to the hot lips on his own, Zach's thoughts turned to Johnny. He couldn't do this to him, no matter how attractive Tyler was or how aroused he felt. Breaking away from the kiss, Zach pushed Tyler back and shook his head. "No," he said firmly. "I can't do this."

Tyler, ignoring him, reached around to grope his ass with one strong, skilled hand while he pinned Zach back against the wall with his other forearm. He stifled a moan at the feeling of that hand on his ass. This was so wrong, but his body was betraying him. Tyler smiled at his changing reaction and kept rubbing his ass sensually. As his skilled hand continued to grope and massage his ass, Zach couldn't help but let out a small whimper. The sensation was overwhelming, and his body was reacting in ways he didn't want it to.

"Stop," Zach said weakly, trying again to push Tyler away, more weakly this time. The jock was too close to kick at and too strong to push away.

Tyler laughed and wrapped his arm around Zach's waist, pulling him closer. "You like this, don't you?" he whispered into Zach's ear as he nibbled on the lobe.

Zach shuddered at the feeling of Tyler's teeth on his earlobe, but he still tried to resist. "I can't do this," he gasped out between breaths. "I-I have a boyfriend." Tyler ignored him and continued his assault on Zach's body. Both of his hands slipped down the back of Zach's gym shorts as his lips trailed down his neck. Zach's breathing became ragged as Tyler's hands explored the bare flesh of his ass. Again he tried to push him away, but Tyler was too strong and persistent.

"Please," Zach whimpered weakly. "Stop." His cock was now hard in his gym shorts despite himself and Tyler only pressed harder into him, enjoying the way Zach squirmed under his touch. Feeling overwhelmed and helpless, Zach let out another pathetic whimper that seemed to fuel Tyler's desire even more. He continued to explore Zach's body and his resistance began to crumble. He could feel himself becoming more and more aroused despite the fact that he knew this was wrong. His cock throbbed in his shorts as Tyler's hands massaged his ass. "Please," Zach moaned again, this time with a note of desperation in his voice. "I can't do this."

But Tyler didn't listen. Instead, he pressed even closer to Zach until their bodies were flush against each other. He ground his hips into Zach's and felt him shudder with desire. Zach moaned softly as pleasure shot through him like electricity. It had been so long since he had felt anything like this--so intense, so overwhelming. "I want you," Tyler growled into his ear again and Zach couldn't resist any longer. He gave in completely to the sensations coursing through him and let Tyler pull him back for another kiss that quickly turned heated and passionate.

Despite knowing it was wrong and that he was betraying Johnny, Zach couldn't help but give in to the intense pleasure that Tyler's touch brought him. His body responded eagerly, craving more of Tyler's skilled hands and lips. As they continued to kiss and grope each other on the loading dock, Zach knew deep down that this would only lead to trouble. But for now, all he could do was surrender himself to the fire burning within him, hoping against hope that it wouldn't consume him completely. Tyler's hands roamed greedily over Zach's body, exploring every inch of his lean twunk's physique. He pulled off his shirt and felt up Zach's chest and abs.

Without warning, Tyler spun Zach around so that he was facing away from him. He pressed the other man's torso against a nearby wall before running his hands down to grip both cheeks of Zach's ass tightly. Tyler couldn't help but admire the way his tight shorts hugged his round ass. Zach gasped at the sudden movement and clung to the wall for support as Tyler continued to grope him. His heart raced with excitement and fear as he realized how much control Tyler had over him in this moment.

As Tyler leaned forward to press himself against Zach from behind, he whispered hotly into his ear. "God damn," he murmured. "You have no idea how good you look right now." Zach shuddered at these words, feeling a mixture of shame and arousal washing over him all at once. Despite everything telling him that what they were doing was wrong, there was an undeniable thrill that came with feeling desired like this. With one hand still firmly grasping onto Zach's ass cheek, Tyler used the other to tug at the waistband of his shorts just enough so that they revealed a tantalizing glimpse of his bare flesh. Tyler let out a low growl as he admired the sight before him, feeling himself getting even more aroused at the thought of what was to come.

Zach tried to protest weakly, but Tyler growled and slipped his shorts down even more, exposing his pale cheeks. "Shh," Tyler whispered soothingly into Zach's ear. "Just enjoy this." He kneaded Zach's round cheeks and crouched down behind him to spread them apart. Zach moaned softly as Tyler continued to explore his body, feeling a mix of shame and pleasure at the same time. He knew that he should stop this, but his body was betraying him. The sensation was overwhelming, and he felt like he was losing control over himself.

Tyler looked up from Zach's ass and his eyes landed on the security camera that was mounted in a corner of the loading dock. He knew that no one was watching it live, but the thought of this being recorded only added to his arousal.

"Please," Zach gasped out weakly, breaking Tyler out of his thoughts. "You have to stop."

But Tyler only chuckled in response before leaning forward to press a kiss against the small of Zach's back. "You don't really want me to stop," he said hotly. Despite his protests, Zach knew that Tyler was right. As much as he tried to deny it, his body was responding eagerly to the sensations coursing through him. He let out a soft moan as Tyler continued to explore every inch of his ass with skilled fingers and lips.

Tyler pulled back slightly and admired the sight before him. "You have no idea how good you look like this," he murmured appreciatively. Zach felt himself blushing at the compliment, feeling both embarrassed and aroused all at once. Despite everything telling him that what they were doing was wrong, there was an undeniable thrill that came with feeling desired like this.

"Oh god," he whimpered weakly between breaths. "I can't deal with it anymore."

With one hand still firmly grasping onto Zach's ass cheek, Tyler used the other to reach around and grip onto his cock tightly. Zach cried out in ecstasy at the sudden sensation of being touched, feeling himself getting even more aroused at the thought of what was to come.

Tyler leaned in close to Zach's ear, his hot breath sending shivers down his spine. "You're so hard for me," he whispered seductively.

Zach moaned softly as Tyler continued to stroke him, feeling a mixture of shame and pleasure washing over him all at once. Despite everything telling him that what they were doing was wrong, he couldn't deny the intense pleasure that Tyler's touch brought.

As Tyler leaned closer, his lips brushing against Zach's earlobe, he whispered hotly into his ear. "I want you so badly," he murmured. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting this."

Zach shuddered at these words, feeling a mix of shame and arousal washing over him all at once. Despite everything telling him that what they were doing was wrong, there was an undeniable thrill that came with feeling desired like this.

With one hand still firmly grasping onto Zach's ass cheek, Tyler used the other to spread him apart even further so that he could get a better look at that tantalizing hole.

Tyler couldn't resist as he leaned in closer to Zach's exposed hole. "Look at that pretty little hole," he murmured, admiring the sight before him. He couldn't resist any longer as he leaned in and began to lick at Zach's hole. He sucked it, soaked it with his spit, making sure that it was wet enough for what was to come.

Zach gasped in pleasure as Tyler continued to work his magic on him. He had never felt so vulnerable before, yet the sensation of being desired like this was overwhelming.

Tyler pulled back slightly and admired the sight before him once again. "When was the last time Johnny fucked this tight pussy?" he asked hotly.

Zach moaned softly at the reference to his boyfriend, feeling a mix of shame and arousal washing over him all at once. "I can't do this, Tyler," Zach said weakly. "I love Johnny."

"Shh," Tyler responded, rubbing a finger over his wet, dripping hole. "You're doing this already. Now answer me. When was the last time Johnny fucked this hole?"

Zach hesitated for a moment before finally responding. "It doesn't matter," he said weakly.

But Tyler wasn't satisfied with this response. He leaned in closer to Zach's ear, his hot breath sending shivers down his spine as he whispered seductively. "Tell me," he murmured. "I want to know."

Zach let out a shaky breath before finally giving in. "Two weeks," he whispered reluctantly.

Tyler chuckled in response, pressing his finger deeper into Zach's hole as he did so. "Well then, I guess it's time for me to take over," he said hotly. "This hole should be getting filled daily at least."

Zach gasped as Tyler began to work his finger inside him, feeling himself getting even more aroused. He tried to resist the sensations coursing through him, knowing that he was betraying Johnny in the worst way possible. But it was no use. The sensation was too intense for him to ignore, and soon he found himself moaning with pleasure as Tyler's skilled hands explored his tight hole. Zach felt like he was losing control over himself completely. He clung desperately onto the wall for support as pleasure washed over him in waves.

Tyler chuckled hotly into Zach's ear before leaning down to plant a kiss on his ass cheek. "You're mine now," he said seductively. He stood up and pulled a lube packet from his pocket before pulling down his sweatpants enough to release his heavy cock. Zach couldn't see what was happening behind him, but he could still feel Tyler's hand running over his back and ass, reaching around to tweak his nipples and brush over his cock, which kept him trembling with anticipation.

As Tyler began to lube up his massive cock, he leaned in close behind Zach and said, "Get ready for this, baby. I'm going to make you feel so good."

Zach couldn't help but shudder at the sound of Tyler's voice, feeling a mix of fear and arousal washing over him all at once.

Tyler continued to work his cock with one hand while using the other to spread Zach's ass cheeks apart even further. He moved one hand between his cheeks before finally sliding two fingers inside again.

Zach moaned loudly as Tyler worked inside him, feeling a ball of pleasure growing within him. He knew that he was about to lose control completely under Tyler's skilled touch. Tyler pulled back slightly with his fingers. "You're such a little slut. You love this you?" he said, curling his fingers into Zach's prostate.

Zach whimpered softly in response, unable to deny how much pleasure he was experiencing right now despite everything telling him that what they were doing was wrong. "I-I don't know," Zach stammered weakly. "This is wrong."

But Tyler only chuckled darkly in response before pressing himself even closer to Zach's backside. "If it were wrong you wouldn't be practically begging for it," he whispered hotly into his ear. Tyler squeezed on Zachs' round ass cheeks with rough force while grinding his lubed cock against them. Zach let out an involuntary moan at the feeling of being wanted so badly by someone else other than Johnny; it felt so good yet so wrong at the same time.

"You're such a cheater," Tyler muttered as he ground his cock against Zach's sexy ass.

A cheater? Oh god. Oh god, no! "Nooooo, no I'm not," Zach protested weakly as Tyler continued to grind his cock against him from behind. "I love Johnny," he practically whispered.

But Tyler only chuckled darkly in response before pressing himself even closer to Zach's backside. "Whether you love him or not, you can't deny how much you want this," he whispered hotly into his ear.

With one hand still firmly grasping onto Zach's ass cheek, Tyler used the other to reach around and grip onto his cock tightly. He leaned in close once again so that his lips brushed against Zach's earlobe. "You're mine," he repeated before pushing forward and sliding inside without warning or hesitation.

Zach gasped loudly as he felt Tyler's massive cock slide deep inside him, filling every inch of him completely. His body tensed up under the sudden onslaught but soon relaxed into it when a wave of pleasure washed over him from head-to-toe causing all thoughts about Johnny to vanish.

As Tyler began to thrust his hips forward, Zach couldn't help but push back with his hips subconsciously. He moaned loudly as pleasure washed over him in waves, feeling the intense sensation of being completely filled up by Tyler's massive cock. "Oh my godddd," he moaned. "More. Please... more." His voice and body were betraying his mind, but it felt too good to stop now.

Tyler grunted with satisfaction in response before picking up the pace even further. He loved the way that Zach's tight hole felt around him, wrapping tightly around his cock with every thrust. He leaned closer to Zach's ear and whispered seductively into it. "You love this, don't you?" he murmured hotly. Zach could only nod weakly in response, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over him once again at the thought of what was happening between them right now.

As Tyler's thrusts grew faster and more forceful, he could feel Zach's body responding eagerly to every movement. He let out a low growl of pleasure as he continued to pound into him relentlessly. "You're loving it, slut," Tyler murmured hotly into Zach's ear. "You love getting fucked by my big cock."

Zach moaned in response, unable to deny the truth behind those words. As much as it shamed him to admit it, there was something undeniably exciting about being taken like this by someone who treated him this way. So unlike the way his sweet Johnny did. No! Oh god, what was he thinking?

As if he was reading his mind, Tyler kept talking."You love cheating on your boyfriend," he said with a dark chuckle. "Admit it."

Zach gasped. The words cut deep, reminding him that what they were doing was wrong--a betrayal. "No! I-I can't," Zach stammered weakly. "This is t-too much." He groaned.

But Tyler only chuckled darkly in response before pressing himself deep inside Zach's ass. "Admit it," he whispered hotly into his ear. "Or I'll stop." Tyler stopped thrusting, slowly pulling out of Zach's ass until just the tip pulsed inside his hole.

Zach let out a whimper at the sudden loss of sensation. He knew that he shouldn't give in to Tyler's demands, but his body was craving more. His ass tried to chase Tyler's cock back, but the jock kept pulling away, leaving only his dickhead inside Zach's ass. He groaned in frustration and surrendered. "I...I love it," Zach finally admitted weakly. "I love being fucked by your big cock."

Tyler chuckled and pushed his cock slowly back inside causing Zach to moan like a whore. But then he stopped again. "And...?" Tyler prompted.

Zach hesitated for a long moment before shuddering and finally giving in. "And... I love cheating on my boyfriend," he said, feeling shame washing over him.

Tyler let out a low growl of pleasure at these words before picking up the pace again. He pounded into Zach relentlessly, enjoying the way his tight hole wrapped tightly around his cock with every thrust. "You're such a dirty little cheating slut," Tyler murmured hotly into Zach's ear. "You love being taken like this by me."

Zach moaned loudly as Tyler continued to pound into him relentlessly. Despite the shame and guilt he felt, there was no denying how good this felt. "Please," Zach whimpered weakly. "Don't stop." Tyler chuckled darkly in response before leaning down to plant a kiss on Zach's neck. He could feel his orgasm building within him, ready to explode at any moment.

"You're so tight," he growled hotly into Zach's ear as he continued to thrust inside him with increasing force. Zach let out another moan of pleasure as Tyler hit just the right spot deep inside him, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through his body. He knew that it wouldn't be long now until he reached his own climax.

As Tyler began to move even faster and more forcefully than before, Zach couldn't resist pushing back against him with every thrust. The sensation was overwhelming--so intense that it almost hurt--but at the same time it was undeniably pleasurable too much for words. Zach could feel him losing himself in the pleasure. His eyes rolled back and his drool dripped out of his open mouth as he moaned uncontrollably. He had never felt anything like this before with Johnny--who he had been dating for over a year now. The intensity of it all was almost too much to handle; yet at the same time, there was something intoxicating about being taken so roughly by someone else.

Tyler let out a low growl as he pounded into Zach's ass relentlessly. He could feel himself getting closer to climax with each passing moment, and knew that it wouldn't be long before they both reached their peak. "Tell me," Tyler whispered hotly into Zach's ear as he continued to thrust inside him. "Tell me if you've ever felt this good before--with Johnny."

Zach hesitated for a moment before finally responding. "No," he admitted weakly. "Never like this."

Tyler smiled and pounded into Zach even harder than before, feeling his orgasm building within him with every passing moment. "That's right, slut. You'll never be satisfied with him ever again."

As they both reached their peak together, Tyler let out a loud groan of pleasure as he exploded inside Zach's ass. His body tensed up under the intense sensation of release, and he came hard deep inside that sexy ass. Zach moaned loudly as Tyler continued to pound into him relentlessly, feeling wave after wave of pleasure washing over him from head-to-toe as his ass was filled up with thick shots of cum. His own cock fired its load against the wall in front of him, hands-free and he keened as he was overstimulated, his legs nearly giving out beneath him. Finally exhausted from exertion and ecstasy, Tyler pulled out slowly causing all sense to return back to reality for Zach who slumped against the wall holding himself up by his arms that were now shaking uncontrollably while gasping heavily trying to catch his breath back.

"Remember who made you feel like this" Tyler murmured seductively as they both composed themselves. But there was no denying it; what had happened between them on that loading dock had been an act of betrayal--one that could never be undone.

"Y-you can never do this to me a-again," Zach finally managed to stammer out weakly. "I love Johnny."

Tyler nodded in response; he felt a sense of satisfaction at having taken Zach like this--having made him feel things that no one else ever had before. "You know," Tyler said simply as he pulled up his sweatpants and tucked himself back in. "That ass felt too good to never do this again, Zachy." He rubbed two fingers into Zach's ass crack as he spoke, as if to make a point, and teased his stretched and cum-covered hole inside.

Zach shuddered at the sensation of Tyler's fingers teasing his still-sensitive hole, feeling a mix of pleasure and shame washing over him all at once.

"I have a feeling we're going to be doing this again soon," Tyler said as he pulled his fingers away and walked off.

Zach watched Tyler walk away, feeling a mix of confusion and guilt washing over him all at once. He knew that what had happened between them was wrong--a betrayal to Johnny and their relationship. As he slowly pulled up his own shorts, Zach couldn't help but wonder how he could have let things go so far. How could he have allowed himself to be taken like this by someone else? But even as these thoughts raced through his mind, there was no denying the intense pleasure that he had experienced with Tyler--the way his massive cock filled him up completely or the sensation of being desired so intensely by someone else.

Despite everything telling him that what they were doing was wrong, there was an undeniable thrill that came with feeling desired like this--of pushing boundaries and exploring new sensations in ways that Johnny never seemed interested in. With a heavy heart and conflicted emotions swirling inside him, Zach finally stood up straight and began walking back toward the dorms.

As Zach walked into the dining hall to meet Johnny for dinner, he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt weighing heavily on his chest. He knew that what he had done with Tyler was wrong - not just morally, but also in terms of how it could affect his relationship with Johnny. He tried to smile normally when he greeted his boyfriend. He was so cute. A little shorter than him; a little less in shape, but still sexy and such a sweet, kind man. How could he have let himself be used like this by a guy like Tyler? How could he betray his love?

As they sat down to eat, Zach was struggling to keep up appearances. His mind kept wandering back to the intense experience he had shared with Tyler only minutes before. Suddenly, he felt a trickle of cum sliding out of his hole. He tried not to cringe as he desperately clenched his well-fucked hole--he needed to keep the cum inside until he could get to a toilet! Johnny seemed oblivious to everything going on inside Zach's head; he chattered away happily while eating his meal like nothing was amiss at all.

Zach tried hard not to let any signs slip through: no fatigue or embarrassment showing in face, no wince when sitting down on the seat... nothing that would give anything away about what happened between him and Tyler. The longer they sat there though, the harder it became for Zach not to show some kind of sign--especially since every move reminded him of how full he still felt with Tyler's cum inside him. Finally he snapped out of his stupor and rushed to the bathroom, draining himself of Tyler's load as he silently cried on the toilet.

After they finished their lunch and made their way back to class, Zach's mind was still racing. He knew that he needed to tell Johnny about what had happened, but at the same time, he couldn't bear the thought of hurting him. What would he even say? Fortunately Johnny seemed happy and carefree as always, completely unaware of the turmoil brewing inside Zach's head. And as much as it pained him to keep this secret from his boyfriend, Zach decided that--for now at least--it was better if things stayed hidden between them. He didn't even know what to say... had he cheated? Had he been raped? What the fuck had actually happened between him and Tyler?

For days after that encounter with Tyler though, Zach felt increasingly guilty every time he was with Johnny or even just thought about him. The weight of his betrayal took an increasingly deeper toll on him mentally and emotionally. He knew it was only a matter of time before Tyler made his next move.

It happened just over a week later outside the campus center.

"Hey, slut" Tyler said, sauntering towards Zach with a sly grin. "Long time no see."

Zach felt his heart race as he saw Tyler approach him. He knew that this couldn't end well. "What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady despite the fear and guilt coursing through him.

"I thought we could pick up where we left off," Tyler said suggestively as he stepped closer to Zach.

Zach took a step back. "No," he said firmly, staring him down. "I can't do this again."

Tyler's expression darkened at these words, but before he could say anything else another person entered into their view: it was Johnny. Zach felt the blood drain from his face.

"Hey babe!" Johnny called out cheerfully as he walked towards them both. "Ready to study?" He looked up at Tyler and smiled. "Oh hey, man! I'm Johnny. You have a class with Zach, right?"

As Johnny approached them, Tyler's expression softened into a friendly smile. "Hey man," he said amicably as he shook Johnny's hand. "Yeah, I have sports medicine with Zach. I'm Tyer."

Zach felt his heart racing as he watched the two of them exchange pleasantries like nothing was out of the ordinary at all. He could feel the weight of his guilt bearing down on him even more heavily now. His stomach churned as he noticed that Tyler seemed almost thrilled by this turn of events. It was almost as if he relished in having this secret with Zach that Johnny didn't know about.

As they walked into the campus center together, Tyler continued to chat amiably with both Zach and Johnny--all while hiding behind a façade of innocence and charm. For every word exchanged between them though, Zach felt increasingly anxious. He couldn't stand being around Tyler any longer knowing what had happened between them; it was too much for him to handle. Tyler was like some sort of sociopath, being able to turn on his charm this easily!

As they arrived at the couches and comfy chairs in the Student Union, Johnny couldn't help but compliment Tyler on his physique. "Isn't he fucking ripped, babe?" he asked Zach with a grin.

Zach felt himself dying inside at these words--knowing full well just how intimately familiar he was with Tyler's body now. "Y-yeah, he's pretty huge," he managed to get out. Tyler only laughed in response before flexing his muscles for them both to see.

"Wow, you must get all the guys you want," Johnny added with a chuckle.

Tyler smirked back at him. "Every last one," he replied suggestively as he shot Zach an almost predatory look out of the corner of his eye.

Zach could feel himself trembling as they continued to chat and joke around beside the couches. He knew that this charade couldn't go on much longer; sooner or later, something was bound to give way and it would all come crashing down around them.

Finally, Tyler said his goodbyes and walked away down the passageway--leaving Zach alone with Johnny once again. The couple sat down and made some small talk before getting into their work. Zach tried to focus on something other than thoughts of Tyler. But as he tried and failed to focus on his reading, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. It was almost as if Tyler's presence lingered even after his departure.

Finally, Zach decided that he needed to get out of his head for a moment--besides, he needed to pee. As soon as Zach pushed open the door to the secluded men's room down the passageway, Tyler emerged from a stall nearby with a smirk on his face. "Well hello again," Tyler said suggestively as he stepped closer towards him. Zach could feel himself trembling at this point--knowing full well just how vulnerable and exposed he was in this situation. He tried to push past Tyler and make his way back outside but found that it wasn't so easy with him blocking the exit.

"Please... Tyler just leave me alone," Zach pleaded weakly as tears began streaming down his cheeks now; feeling cornered by everything happening around him all at once: Johnny's obliviousness combined with Tyler's relentless pursuit despite everything they had shared together before today.

But Tyler only chuckled darkly in response before pushing Zach up against the wall. "I want your throat this time," he growled into his ear as he pressed the length of his huge cock up against him.

Zach felt a mix of fear and arousal coursing through him at these words. He knew that this was wrong--on so many levels--but there was something primal deep inside of him that started responding again to Tyler's dominance and roughness.

As Tyler continued to press himself up against Zach, he felt that familiar heat building when his prey was in his grasp. It was intoxicating. Without warning, Tyler unzipped his pants, pulling out his enormous nine-and-a-half inch cock, already hard.

Zach felt his eyes widen in shock and amazement at the sight of Tyler's massive member. He had never gotten a clear look at it the other day when he'd been fucked. "Oh my god... is that how big...?" he trailed off, unable to finish the thought. "That was in my ass?" Zach couldn't believe that he had taken all of it.

Tyler smirked at Zach's reaction and nodded before pushing his cock towards him. "And you loved every inch of it," he said hotly, almost teasingly. "Now suck it."

Zach hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether he should give in to Tyler's demands or try to fight back. But deep down, he knew that resistance was futile; the pull between them was too strong. With a sense of resignation, Zach sank down onto his knees and wrapped his lips around Tyler's enormous girth.

As soon as he started sucking on it, Zach could feel himself growing more and more aroused with each passing moment. As Zach took Tyler's huge cock into his mouth, he could feel it stretching him almost to the point of gagging. He could hear himself gurgling and choking as Tyler pushed deeper and deeper inside him.

"You can do it," Tyler murmured hotly as he continued to push into Zach's throat. "Come on slut--take all of me."

With Tyler's cock thrusting in and out of his mouth, Zach felt himself bobbing up and down on it inexorably. He gagged and gurgled as the length of it pushed deeper into him with each movement.

As much as he hated to admit it, there was something almost exhilarating about being taken like this. The intensity of the moment threatened to overwhelm him completely--but at the same time he wanted more.

Tyler continued to pound into Zach's throat mercilessly; each thrust eliciting a fresh wave of tears from his eyes while drool dripped down his chin onto the floor below them.

"Take all of me," Tyler growled hotly. "Fucking take it, you cheating slut."

Zach could feel himself losing control with each passing moment. It was as if everything that had happened before this point--the cheating, the guilt and shame--it all disappeared into a blur of pleasure and passion.

But just as things seemed to be reaching their peak between them, the bathroom door flew open. "Hey, babe! What's taking you so long in h--"

Johnny's words trailed off as he took in the scene before him; his boyfriend, Zach, was on his knees with his mouth wrapped around Tyler's huge cock.

For a moment, everything seemed to freeze--as if time itself had come to a standstill. Johnny could feel the weight of shock and betrayal bearing down on him like a ton of bricks. He couldn't believe that this was happening--not to him and not by someone he thought he knew so well. Someone he loved.

Zach froze too when he saw Johnny enter the bathroom. His eyes widened in horror at what must be going through Johnny's mind right now: confusion, anger, hurt...all directed towards Zach himself for betraying their trust like this. He spit Tyler's cock out, strings of spit still linking it to his lips.

"Johnny," Zach gasped. He wanted to speak further but no word would come out; instead tears began streaming down his cheeks--ashamed and afraid of how things had turned out after all this mess.

Tyler just smirked at Johnny--enjoying every last minute of this sordid little encounter between them all. "This little slut can't seem to get enough of me, bro." He slapped his heavy cock on Zach's face, who was too out of it to respond.

Johnny's anger flared at Tyler's words and actions. He stepped forward, ready to confront him--but before he could say anything, something inside him snapped. He lunged at Tyler, his fists clenched and ready for a fight. But before he could even land a single blow, Tyler easily dodged out of the way. Tyler was far stronger and more skilled than Johnny could have ever anticipated; every move that Johnny made seemed to be countered with ease by this man who had taken everything from him. As they grappled with each other in the small bathroom, Zach watched from the floor, feeling torn between wanting to stop them both but not knowing how to do so without someone getting hurt.

Despite all of his efforts though, it quickly became clear that there was no stopping Tyler. He was like an unstoppable force of nature - mercilessly beating down on anyone who dared get in his way. In less than a minute, Johnny lay battered and bruised on the floor while Tyler stood over him triumphantly. "Now fucking lie there and watch."

Zach felt a wave of panic wash over him as Tyler turned his attention towards him. He knew that he needed to get out of there - but at the same time, he couldn't deny the pull that Tyler had on him. "Get back over here and finish the job, slut," Tyler growled hotly as he grabbed Zach by the hair and pulled him close.

Johnny watched helplessly from the floor as Zach hesitated for just a moment before finally moving back down to his knees. He could see everything slipping away from him now; his relationship with Zach crumbling apart before his very eyes. "Zach...don't do this," Johnny pleaded weakly as tears streamed down his face. "Please..."

Zach felt conflicted as he looked over at Johnny lying battered on the floor before him. He loved Johnny more than anything in the world--but at the same time, there was something undeniably thrilling about being taken like this by Tyler. He couldn't stop. He looked up at the man who'd ruined him. Tyler's eyes burned into him with an intensity that made Zach's heart race. For a moment, it was almost as if Tyler could see right through him; all of his deepest fears and desires laid bare for him to see.

Finally, unable to resist any longer, Zach looked at Johnny. "I'm so sorry," he said and Johnny watched in horror and disbelief as his boyfriend wrapped his lips around that huge cock once again. He felt like he was watching a nightmare unfold before him--something that couldn't be real, but was happening right in front of his eyes.

As Zach began to slurp and suck on Tyler's massive member, Johnny could see the passion and intensity building in him. It was almost as if Zach had completely forgotten about everything else: about their relationship, about their future together... about anything that mattered at all. Zach moaned softly as drool dripped down his chin onto the bathroom floor while Tyler continued to slowly fuck his face; each thrust eliciting a fresh wave of pleasure from deep within him.

Tyler grinned sadistically as he watched Zach suck on his huge cock. But it wasn't enough for him to just enjoy the moment; he had to taunt Johnny too. "Wow, you really are a little cuck, aren't you?" Tyler sneered at Johnny. "Watching your boyfriend slobbering all over my dick like this." Johnny's eyes narrowed with anger and hurt at Tyler's words, but there was nothing that he could do about it now. He felt completely powerless in the face of everything that was happening around him.

As Tyler pulled out of Zach's throat with a loud pop, he looked down at him hungrily. Zach had opened his pants and had his hand down his underwear, groping his own hard cock that was rock-hard from Tyler's treatment despite his shattered boyfriend just feet away. He was completely vulnerable and exposed to the man who had changed everything in a matter of days.

Johnny was curled up in the corner of the bathroom, tears streaming down his face as he watched helplessly. He felt like he had lost everything: his relationship with Zach, any sense of trust or security that remained between them... everything. Tyler didn't seem to care about any of this though; all he cared about was satisfying his own desires. He grabbed Zach's arm and raised him to his feet. He kissed Zach fiercely on the lips before spinning him around and bending him over a sink; Johnny could feel his hope slipping away into darkness. Zach moaned softly as Tyler pulled down his pants and underwear with one swift motion.

"Look at this beautiful ass," Tyler said, grabbing a handful of Zach's tight round ass. "Watch and learn, cuck," Tyler said mockingly as he pulled a packet of lube from his pocket and coated his meat-stick with it. It was only moments afterward that he thrust his huge cock inside Zach's tight pink hole.

Zach moaned loudly as the fullness stretched him almost to the point of breaking. "Oh fuuuuck," he groaned, throwing his head back and then down again, bracing himself against the sink in front of him as Tyler sank himself in and out of his hole.

"Oh yeah, you love this, don't you slut?" Tyler said, slapping Zach's ass as he started thrusting harder.

Johnny could only watch in disbelief, feeling completely defeated by everything that was happening. He couldn't believe what he was seeing right in front of his eyes; it was like some sort of twisted nightmare come to life.

As Tyler began pounding into Zach with increasing ferocity, Johnny felt different emotions coursing through him: hurt, anger, disgust...but also a strange sense of arousal too. It was almost as if he couldn't resist being drawn into this sordid scene playing out before him.

Zach quickly fell apart as Tyler impaled his body, moaning and whimpering as Tyler began to pound into him. He could feel the pleasure building within him, threatening to overwhelm him completely. His eyes rolled back in his head as he panted and begged for more--unable to resist the pull that Tyler had on him.

"More... more... please," Zach gasped out between thrusts. "I'm your slut..."

As Tyler continued to pound into Zach relentlessly, he grinned sadistically at Johnny--enjoying every moment of this twisted little scene they were performing for him. "Do you like watching your boyfriend begging for my big cock like the little slut he is?" Tyler sneered at him. "You're such a fucking cuck."

Johnny felt his anger boiling over inside him now as he listened to these words. He couldn't believe that Zach would let himself be treated like this; it was almost too much for him to bear. But despite all of his objections and protests, there was nothing that he could do about it now. It was as if they were caught up in some sort of sick game being played by forces beyond their control.

"Come closer, cuck. Come watch my cock sliding in and out of this little cheating slut's hole," Tyler ordered.

Johnny hesitated for a moment before finally crawling across the floor towards them. He looked up and could see the sweat glistening on Tyler's muscular back as he pounded into Zach relentlessly; each thrust making his boyfriend moan with delight. He heard the slapping of Tyler's balls on Zach's ass and could see the rim of Zach's hole sucking on the enormous girth of Tyler's cock. It was disgusting... but erotic...

As Johnny watched, he felt a growing sense of confusion: anger at Tyler for what he had done to their relationship... but also something else too. There was an undeniable thrill in watching his boyfriend being used like this; it was almost like living out some sort of twisted fantasy that he had never even known existed until now.

Tyler slapped Zach's ass, getting his attention. "Hey slut, tell your cuck boyfriend what you're feeling right now."

Zach moaned loudly as Tyler continued to pound into him, his body trembling with pleasure. "I feel so full," he gasped out between thrusts. "Your cock is just...so big and thick."

Johnny watched in disbelief as Zach's words sent a wave of arousal coursing through him too; the thrill of watching his boyfriend being used like this was almost overwhelming.

"Keep going, cunt," Tyler sneered as he railed into him. "Keep talking to this bitch."

Zach moaned loudly as Tyler continued to pound into him, his body trembling with pleasure. He could feel himself getting more and more worked up by the moment; unable to resist the pull that Tyler had on him.

"Johnny," he gasped out between thrusts. "I can't... I can't stop... It feels so good."

Johnny watched in disbelief as Zach spoke his name, barely lucid and lost in the pleasure of Tyler's pounding.

"Zach," Johnny said weakly, trying one last time to get through to him. "You don't have to do this... Please..."

But Zach was too far gone now; lost in a haze of pleasure and desire. He moaned again loudly as Tyler hit just the right spot inside him--sending waves of ecstasy coursing through his body.

"I'm sorry," he gasped out between thrusts. "I can't help it... It feels so good... You have no idea... how good... I've never felt... Oh godddd FUCK ME TYLER!"

Zach could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge as Tyler continued to pound into him relentlessly. He moaned loudly, his body trembling with pleasure as he felt the heat building within him.

"Tyler," he gasped out between thrusts. "Oh god... Tyler!"

Johnny watched in pain as Zach called out Tyler's name; it was like a knife being plunged deep into his heart. His eyes filled with tears as he realized that their relationship was truly over now--that there was no coming back from this. But even in the midst of all this pain and hurt, his cock throbbed in his pants from watching his boyfriend being used like this by another man. It was almost too much for Johnny to bear; the conflicting emotions tearing him apart inside.

As if sensing Johnny's inner turmoil, Tyler turned towards him with a smirk on his face. "Tell your cuck what you want him to do right now," he growled hotly at Zach.

Zach hesitated for just a moment before finally giving in to Tyler's demands once again. "I-I want Johnny to lick the sweat off of me!"

Johnny's eyes widened in shock as he heard Zach's words; the thrill of it making his cock twitch and throb with desire. He was torn between wanting to give in to these desires and the pain of seeing his boyfriend being used like this.

But before he could even respond, Tyler grabbed him by the hair and pulled him towards them. "Do it," he commanded hotly as he pushed Johnny's face into Zach's sweat-slick body.

Johnny hesitated for just a moment before finally giving in to his desires completely. He licked at Zach's chest, tasting salt on his tongue from all that exertion. It was almost too much for him to bear--the taste of another man mixed with the betrayal of what had happened between them--but somehow, despite everything, he found himself unable to resist. As they continued Johnny could feel himself losing control more and more with each passing moment.

Tyler's words echoed through the small bathroom as he watched Johnny lick at Zach's sweat-slick body. He could feel his cock growing even harder with each passing moment, unable to resist the pull of this sordid little scene playing out before him.

"Now lick the sweat off of me, cuck," Tyler growled hotly at Johnny. "Make yourself useful. It's what your slut boyfriend wants."

Johnny hesitated for just a moment before finally giving in; unable to resist that primal urge deep within him any longer. He moved towards Tyler slowly, licking tentatively at his chest and tasting salt on his tongue from all of that exertion. As he continued to lap up Tyler's sweat eagerly--slurping and sucking like a man possessed--he felt an overwhelming mix of emotions coursing through him: pleasure, pain... but also something else too.

There was a sort of twisted power dynamic being played out between them; one that Johnny had lost, completely falling under Tyler's control alongside Zach--unable to resist anything that he demanded from him no matter how degrading or humiliating it might be. But despite everything--the hurt, the betrayal--they couldn't help themselves: drawn together by forces beyond their control into a maelstrom of lust and desire unlike anything they had ever experienced before.

Tyler grinned sadistically as he watched Johnny eagerly licking at his sweat-slick pits. He could feel the pleasure building within him, threatening to overwhelm him completely. "Good cuck," Tyler growled hotly as he grabbed Johnny by the hair and pulled him closer. "You like that smell? That's what a real man smells like." Johnny moaned softly as he buried his face in Tyler's hairy, pungent armpits; unable to resist the pull of this sordid little scene playing out before them.

As Tyler continued to thrust into Zach relentlessly--pounding into his tight pink hole with increasing ferocity--he looked down at Johnny hungrily. There was something undeniably thrilling about watching this young man being used like this--his desires twisted and corrupted beyond all recognition.

"Oh yeah, bitch," Tyler sneered down at Johnny. "Watch your boyfriend getting fucked silly while you lick my sweaty pits clean..."

Johnny moaned again as Tyler's words sent a wave of arousal coursing through him. He was lost in the pleasure of licking at Tyler's hairy, pungent pits; unable to resist the pull that this man had on him. As he continued to lap up every last drop of sweat eagerly--slurping and sucking like a man possessed--he could feel his cock throbbing in his pants. The scent of manly musk mixed with testosterone and aggression filled his nostrils, sending shivers down his spine.

Tyler chuckled darkly as he watched Johnny licking at his pits; enjoying every last moment of this sordid little scene playing out before them. "You're such an obedient little cuck," Tyler growled hotly. "I bet you'd do anything I told you to."

Johnny gasped as Tyler's words sent a wave of arousal coursing through him. He knew that what they were doing was wrong, but he couldn't help the pleasure that it brought him.

As Tyler continued to pound into Zach with increasing ferocity, Johnny watched in disbelief as his boyfriend's body began to tremble and shake. He knew what was coming next--Zach was going to cum hands-free on the bathroom floor while being fucked by another man.

"Oh god... oh god..." Zach moaned loudly as he felt the pleasure building within him. "I'm gonna cum..."

Tyler grinned sadistically at Johnny before turning back towards Zach and pounding into him even harder than before. "Do it slut," he growled at him. "Cum for me."

And just like that, Zach couldn't hold back any longer--the pleasure overwhelming him completely as he came hands-free all over the cold tile floor beneath them.

Johnny could only watch in shock and horror as this scene played out before his very eyes; unable to believe what had happened between them or how quickly everything had fallen apart.

But despite everything--the hurt, the betrayal--he still found himself aroused by these twisted desires that they were exploring together. It was almost too much for him to bear; torn between wanting more of this sordid little scene playing out before them but also feeling a deep sense of shame and disgust at himself for even considering it.

As Tyler kept slow fucking in and out of Zach's trembling body, Johnny looked up at him weakly--feeling lost and alone amidst all of this confusion and pain.

"What now?" he asked quietly, not sure if he wanted an answer or not.

Johnny felt a shiver run down his spine as Tyler's words echoed through the small bathroom. He knew what he was going to say next, and yet he couldn't bring himself to look away or protest.

"Lick it up, cuck," Tyler sneered hotly at him. "Clean up your slut boyfriend's mess."

Johnny hesitated for just a moment before finally giving in completely; unable to resist Tyler's dominance. He crawled over towards Zach--still trembling against the sink from his hands-free orgasm--and began licking his cum off the bathroom floor. It was disgusting... but also erotic...

As Johnny continued to lap up Zach's cum eagerly, Tyler watched with an amused smirk on his face. He could feel the pleasure building within him, knowing that he had complete control over both of these young men now.

"That's it," Tyler growled hotly at Johnny. "Lick it all up like a good little cuck."

Johnny moaned softly as he licked and slurped at the sticky mess on the floor; feeling more submissive than ever before.

As he cleaned up every last drop of Zach's cum from the bathroom floor--slurping and sucking like a man possessed--he felt an overwhelming mix of emotions coursing through him: pleasure, pain... but also something else too.

There was a sense of powerlessness in submitting to Tyler's commands; unable to resist anything that he demanded of him no matter how degrading or humiliating it might be.

As Tyler slowly thrust into Zach--fucking into his tight pink hole with that hard cock--he looked down at Johnny hungrily. There was something undeniably thrilling about watching this young man being used like this after having had his heart broken--his desires twisted and corrupted beyond all recognition. He wasn't done with him yet. "Take my cock out of his slutty hole and clean it for me."

Johnny hesitated for just a moment before finally wrapping his hand around Tyler's enormous cock, feeling it pulse with desire in his palm. It was so big and thick that he could barely wrap his fingers around it; pulsing with an almost animalistic hunger. The head was still stretching out his boyfriend's hole, which was also pulsing around its girth.

As he stroked Tyler's cock eagerly--feeling the heat building within him--he looked down at Zach. "Push forward," Johnny told Zach robotically. "Get off of his cock."

Zach moaned as he did what Johnny asked; moving himself forwards until Tyler's long, thick member slid free of his ass with a wet squelch. The sound made both men shudder in pleasure--their desires pushed even further by this new development.

Johnny licked his lips as he looked down at the sight before him: Tyler's long, thick cock dripping with ass juice, lube, and precum--all mixed together into one deliciously dirty concoction.

"Clean it," Tyler snapped, looking down at the cuck.

Johnny eagerly obeyed Tyler's command, wrapping his lips around the head of his cock and taking it deep into his mouth. He could taste the mixture of flavors on Tyler's shaft--the tangy flavor of ass juice mixed with sweet lube and precum--all blending together in a way that was both disgusting and thrilling.

As he sucked greedily at Tyler's cock--feeling it grow even harder in his mouth--he looked up at Zach, who was gradually recovering from his orgasm. Zach moaned loudly as he watched his boyfriend sucking on Tyler's huge member, feeling himself growing harder by the moment. Now Johnny understood, he thought.

Tyler chuckled as he watched Johnny servicing his cock so obediently; enjoying every last moment of this sordid little scene playing out before them. "That's right," Tyler growled hotly as he grabbed onto Johnny's hair tightly. "Take my big thick dick all down your throat."

Johnny moaned softly around Tyler's enormous manhood--lost in a haze of pleasure and desire.

"You taste your slut's ass on my dick, cuck?" Tyler taunted.

He thrust his hips forward, driving his cock even deeper into Johnny's throat. Making him gag and sputter around it. "That's right," he growled. "You're such an obedient little cuck--taking my big thick dick all down your bitch throat." He continued to pound into Johnny relentlessly--pushing him deeper and deeper onto his enormous member--he could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge; unable to resist.

Zach watched in disbelief as his boyfriend serviced Tyler so eagerly, lost in pleasure like never before. The sight made him incredibly jealous but also aroused at the same time--he couldn't help it--it should be him on his knees for Tyler's cock!

"Getting close," Tyler grunted as he pulled out from Johnny's mouth suddenly; standing up fast behind Zach who was watching them intently. Johnny coughed and spit from the sudden withdrawal of Tyler's cock.

Tyler grabbed hold of Zach tightly by hips, lining his cock up again with his stretched hole before plunging inside without warning--causing Zach to scream out in pleasure mixed with pain. Tyler's huge cock filled him up completely and overstimulated him.

Johnny watched in awe from the ground as Tyler pounded into Zach relentlessly--his muscular body flexing and rippling with each thrust. He could see the look of pure pleasure on Zach's face as he was used like a toy by this man; unable to resist the pull that he had over them both. Tyler looked down at Johnny hungrily. "Come here," he demanded, motioning for him.

Johnny moved towards them slowly, feeling a mix of fear and excitement coursing through him. He knew what was coming next--that he would be forced to watch as his boyfriend was taken again by this man--but somehow, despite all of this, he found himself unable to resist.

"Get under us," Tyler commanded hotly as he continued pounding into Zach relentlessly. "Lick my balls while I fuck your slutty boyfriend's pussy."

Without hesitation, Johnny did exactly what Tyler asked--as if compelled by some dark force within himself--and crawled underneath them both eagerly licking at Tyler's big sweaty balls from below while watching his cock pounding into his boyfriend up close.

Johnny whimpered softly as he licked at Tyler's balls eagerly--feeling the heat building within him. He could hear the sounds of Tyler pounding into Zach relentlessly above him; each thrust making his boyfriend moan with delight. Johnny could feel himself getting more and more worked up by the moment; unable to resist the pull that this man had on him.

Tyler grunted as he felt his balls tightening, signaling that he was close to cumming. Pulling out until only his head was barely in Zach's pucker, he unleashed a series of powerful spurts in and around that hungry hole.

Zach moaned loudly as Tyler's hot cum filled him up--spilling out around his cock and dripping down onto Johnny's face below. The sensation was almost too much for him to bear; overwhelming in its intensity and power.

As Tyler continued to unload his cum, Johnny licked at his balls eagerly--savoring the taste of sweat mixed with cum on his tongue. He could feel himself getting more and more aroused by the moment, lost in a haze of pleasure and desire that he couldn't resist.

Finally spent, Tyler pulled out from Zach's hole slowly, watching as his load spilled out and dripped more onto Johnny's face. He looked down at Johnny hungrily--as if sizing him up once again--and motioned for him to come closer.

"Clean us both," he growled hotly at Johnny. "Lick every last drop of cum off my cock and the slut's ass."

Johnny hesitated for just a moment before finally giving in to Tyler's demands once again. He crawled out from underneath them both, his face slick with sweat and cum, and moved towards Tyler slowly.

Without hesitation, he wrapped his lips around Tyler's cock--sucking greedily at it as if possessed by some sort of dark force within himself. As he licked and sucked on the man's member eagerly -- tasting every last drop of sweat mixed with cum -- Johnny couldn't help but feel a sense of shame washing over him.

But despite everything--the pain, the guilt--he found himself unable to resist; lost in this twisted world of pleasure that they had created together.

Tyler moaned softly as Johnny serviced his cock obediently; enjoying every last moment of this sordid little scene playing out before him. "That feels good," he growled hotly as he grabbed onto Johnny's hair tightly. "You're such an obedient little cuck."

As Johnny continued to lick and suck on Tyler's cock--feeling it grow hard again in his mouth--he could taste the mixture of flavors on its shaft and he moaned.

Meanwhile, Zach lay there beside them both -- spent yet still watching intently like a voyeur. He could feel the cum dripping down his ass and thighs, but he was too lost in pleasure to care.

Tyler pulled Johnny away from his cock suddenly and pushed his face into his boyfriend's cummy ass.

"Clean him up," Tyler commanded hotly. "Lick every last drop of cum out of his slutty hole."

Johnny hesitated for just a moment before finally giving in; burying his face into Zach's cummy ass and licking eagerly at the mixture of sweat, lube, and cum that was still dripping from within.

As he licked and sucked on Zach's hole--feeling it pulse with pleasure beneath his tongue--he could feel himself getting more and more worked up by the moment. The taste was almost too much for him to bear--the mix of flavors so taboo yet so delicious that he couldn't resist.

Tyler watched in satisfaction as Johnny serviced Zach's cummy hole obediently; enjoying every last moment of this sordid little scene playing out before him. He could feel his cock growing hard again at the sight--their twisted desires pushing him even further towards the edge.

"That's right," he growled hotly at Johnny. "Lick that cum up like a good little cuck."

Johnny continued to lick and suck on Zach's hole eagerly--feeling it pulse with pleasure beneath his tongue. He could hear the sounds of his boyfriend moaning above him, lost in the sensations that he was giving him.

As he continued to service Zach's cummy ass, Johnny could feel himself getting more and more aroused by the moment; unable to resist this taboo desire that had taken hold of him.

Tyler watched them both hungrily--as if sizing them up once again--and stroked his huge cock hard once again.

He could feel his arousal building once again, threatening to overwhelm him completely. But even as he indulged in these twisted desires, Tyler couldn't help but notice the cute plump ass that Johnny had.

Moving behind Johnny slowly--still stroking his cock hard--he pulled down the young man's pants eagerly; revealing a perfectly shaped butt cheek with just enough roundness to make it perfect for grabbing and squeezing.

As he reached out and squeezed Johnny's ass tightly, Tyler growled hotly. "That looks good," he taunted. "I bet you'd love my big thick cock buried deep inside of you."

Johnny moaned softly as Tyler squeezed his ass tightly--feeling the heat building within him. He could feel himself getting more and more worked up by the moment; lost in a haze of pleasure and desire that he couldn't resist.

As he continued to service Zach's hole eagerly, Johnny felt Tyler move closer behind him--his hot breath on his neck sending shivers down his spine. He knew what was coming next--that this man would use him just like he had used Zach--but somehow, despite all of this, he found himself unable to resist.

Tyler chuckled darkly as he saw the look on Johnny's face; knowing exactly what was going through his mind at that moment. "Don't worry," he growled hotly into Johnny's ear. "I'll be gentle--at first."

Johnny shivered as Tyler's hot breath tickled his ear; feeling himself getting more and more aroused by the moment. But even as he indulged in these twisted desires, Johnny couldn't help but feel a sense of fear washing over him.

As Tyler moved closer still--his cock now slick with lube--he rubbed it against Johnny's hairy hole slowly; teasing him mercilessly. "You've got a nice soft hole," he growled hotly into his ear. "I can't wait to slide my big thick cock deep inside."

Johnny moaned softly at the sensation--as if powerless to resist--and pushed back onto Tyler's member eagerly. As it slid deeper and deeper into his ass, he could feel every inch stretching him out completely--the sensation almost too much for him to bear. How had Zach taken this all so easily?!

"Slow," he gasped out between moans of pleasure mixed with pain.

Tyler chuckled darkly at this--enjoying every last moment of their little game together--and pulled back until only the head was barely in before sliding forward again slowly driving himself all the way in again causing both men to groan loudly.

"Oh my fucking god," Johnny cried out as Tyler thrust in and out.

Tyler grunted hotly as he pounded into Johnny's tight ass relentlessly--his muscular body flexing and rippling with each thrust. He could feel the pleasure building within him, threatening to overwhelm him completely.

As he continued to fuck Johnny senseless, Tyler looked down at Zach hungrily; watching as his boyfriend moaned in pleasure beneath them both. There was something undeniably thrilling about this twisted little scene playing out before them--their desires pushing them further towards the edge than they had ever been before.

"You like that?" Tyler growled hotly into Johnny's ear. "You like my big thick cock buried deep inside you?"

Johnny moaned loudly in response--unable to resist the pull of this man on his body--and pushed back onto Tyler's member eagerly. As it slid deeper and deeper into his ass, he could feel every inch stretching him out completely--the sensation almost too much for him to bear.

But despite everything--the pain, the anger--he found himself unable to resist; lost in a haze of pleasure and desire that consumed him entirely.

Zach watched in awe as Tyler pounded into Johnny relentlessly, lost in the pleasure of it all. He could feel his own cock growing hard again at the sight--their twisted desires pushing him even further towards the edge.

As Tyler continued to fuck Johnny senseless, Zach reached out and stroked his boyfriend's hair softly--unable to resist this strange mix of jealousy and arousal that was coursing through him.

"You're doing so good, baby" he whispered into Johnny's ear. "Taking his big thick cock like a champ. Now you understand."

Johnny moaned loudly as Zach whispered these words; feeling himself getting more and more aroused by the moment. The sensation of being used like this--of being taken completely by another man--was almost too much for him to bear.

But despite everything--the guilt, the shame--he found himself unable to stop; lost in this twisted world of pleasure that they had created together. And deep down inside, he knew that nothing would ever be able to satisfy them quite like this did--not now or ever again.

Tyler grinned darkly as he watched Johnny moaning and writhing beneath him, lost in a haze of pleasure and desire. He could feel the heat building within him--his cock growing harder by the moment--as he pounded into Johnny's tight hairy ass relentlessly.

But even as he indulged in these twisted desires, Tyler noticed Zach watching them both intently; his own cock hard again at the sight before him.

"Get on your knees, slut," Tyler growled--motioning for Zach. "I want you to suck on your boyfriend's cock while I fuck his ass."

Zach eagerly gave in to Tyler's demands. Moving towards them slowly--he sank down onto his knees beside them both--and wrapped his lips around Johnny's hard member eagerly.

Despite the intense pleasure that Johnny was feeling from Tyler's relentless pounding, he knew that it wouldn't be long before he reached his limit. His ass felt like it was on fire--stretched to the limits by this man's huge cock--and he could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge with each passing moment.

"Please," Johnny gasped out between moans of pleasure mixed with pain. "I can't take it anymore."

But Tyler only grinned darkly at this; enjoying every last moment of their little game together. He grabbed onto Johnny's hips tightly and thrust into him even harder--driving himself deeper and deeper inside until Ollie's mind broke.

Johnny cried out incoherently as he came hard, his body convulsing with the intensity of it all. Zach continued to suck on his cock eagerly--drinking down every last drop of cum that spilled from its tip--as Tyler pounded into him relentlessly.

Despite Johnny's body going limp, Tyler continued to fuck him relentlessly--his muscular body flexing and rippling with each thrust. He could feel the pleasure building within him, threatening to overwhelm him completely.

As he pounded into Johnny's tight ass again and again, Zach watched in awe at the sight before him. His boyfriend was completely spent; his head resting on Zach's lap as Tyler used his body like a toy.

But even as he indulged in these twisted desires, Tyler couldn't resist the pull of his own arousal any longer. With one final grunt of effort, he buried himself deep inside Johnny and unleashed a series of powerful spurts that filled him up completely.

Johnny moaned softly--too exhausted to do anything else--as Tyler unloaded all of his hot cum deep inside of him. The sensation was almost too much for him to bear--the overstimulation was too much for Johnny and he passed out right then and there from exhaustion.

Zach stroked Johnny's hair softly--unable to resist this strange mix of emotions that was coursing through him--and watched as Tyler pulled out slowly; admiring the slick mixture dripping down from Johnnys' hole and feeling the cum in his own ass threatening to leak out. He sighed knowing they had done something truly taboo together but had been unable to stop themselves from succumbing to this dominant man.

Johnny woke up a few minutes later, feeling sore and exhausted. He sat up slowly--feeling the weight of what had just happened settling in--and saw that Tyler was already dressed and ready to go.

Tyler looked at both Johnny and Zach with admiration as he buttoned his shirt. "You sluts were pretty good," he said simply before turning around to leave without another word.

As they watched him walk out the door, Johnny couldn't help but feel a sense of shame washing over him. What had they done? How could they have let themselves be used like this?

But even as these thoughts consumed him, there was another part of Johnny's mind--the darker part--that couldn't resist this twisted desire that Tyler had awakened within them both.

Zach reached out and took Johnny's hand softly; giving it a reassuring squeeze. "It's okay," he whispered into his ear. "We'll get through this together."

And for just a moment--as their fingers intertwined--Johnny felt like maybe everything would be alright after all... but deep down inside he knew things would never be the same again. Their relationship had been ruined. Their asses had been ruined. Everything had been torn down by the force of nature that was Tyler Shays.

Next: Chapter 8

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