Tyler Shays Conquest

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Mar 16, 2023


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This is a story of fiction.

Chapter 6 "The Swimmers"

Tyler had just finished his last class for the day and decided to take a shortcut through the pool house on his way back home. He liked walking through the pool and catching a glimpse of the hot swimmers. As he walked in, he was glad to see that the swim team was practicing, their toned bodies glistening with water droplets as they swam laps and stretched on the pool deck.

A lot of them were hot, but Tyler's eyes were drawn to one particular guy. He was tall and lean with dark brown hair and an incredibly tight round ass. The guy was wearing a pair of black speedos that hugged the curve of his ass perfectly.

Tyler felt himself getting chubbed up at the sight and couldn't resist stealing more glances at him. He didn't know any of the swimmers personally but couldn't help feeling drawn to this mysterious one.

As Tyler continued walking towards the exit, he heard someone calling out the cute butt guy's name. It was Andrew. The guy calling him was hot too; he was about Tyler's height but with a swimmer's build rather than Tyler's ripped musculature. He was broader than the taller guy, which is why Tyler hadn't immediately been drawn to him--he preferred thinner builds.

Tyler couldn't resist the urge to catch another glimpse of Andrew's tight round ass, so he decided to hang around outside the pool house and wait for him to leave. After a few minutes, Andrew emerged with his boyfriend Connor by his side holding hands.

Tyler recognized Connor as the swimmer who had called out Andrew's name inside. So Andrew was taken... but didn't let that deter Tyler from pursuing his attraction towards him. He watched them walk away down the street before following at a distance, careful not to be noticed.

As they walked, Tyler admired how well they seemed to fit together--like two puzzle pieces perfectly meshed. But despite this, Tyler was determined to make a move on Andrew anyway. He followed them into the closest dining hall. He settled at an adjacent table, trying to remain inconspicuous while he booted up Grindr on his phone.

To his surprise, both of them were already on the app - Jackpot! Tyler couldn't believe his luck; this might be the perfect opportunity to make a move on Andrew.

He decided to take matters into his own hands and messaged Andrew: "Hey sexy, you look even better than in your pic."

He watched as Andrew looked down at his phone and read Tyler's message. He quickly snapped his eyes up and scanned the room, finally locking eyes with Tyler and realizing that the mystery messenger was him.

Tyler felt a heat build inside him as they locked eyes. He played it cool, maintaining eye contact and giving him a sexy smirk that he hoped conveyed his intentions.

Andrew quickly replied: "Thanks stud ;) So you like what you see?"

Tyler replied with a smirk on his face, "Yeah, I like what I see. So who's the guy you're with?"

Andrew responded quickly, "That's my boyfriend Connor. We have an open relationship."

Tyler couldn't believe his luck. He really had just hit the jackpot.

"Lucky me," Tyler replied with a wink emoji.

"What are you looking for?" Andrew asked curiously.

"Just some fun and good times," Tyler typed back. He felt his cock stirring as he typed. "You have a fucking delicious ass."

Andrew blushed at Tyler's message but couldn't deny that he was turned on by the compliment. He quickly typed out a response, "Well, thanks, I work hard on my ass." He sent a flexing emoji and a peach emoji.

Tyler couldn't help but grin at Andrew's response. "So, you're in an open relationship. Do you play together or separately?"

Andrew took a moment to respond, "We do both. It depends on the situation and our mood."

Tyler felt his heart racing as he read Andrew's response. He couldn't believe how turned on he was just from texting with this gorgeous guy.

"Well, I'm definitely in the mood for some fun tonight," Tyler typed back. "What do you say we meet up later? Just me and you."

Andrew hesitated for a moment but eventually replied, "I'm down. Connor has an evening class in a bit. You can come by our place around 8."

Tyler couldn't help but wonder if Andrew was being totally forthcoming about his relationship with Connor. "So, will Connor be joining us when he gets back from class?" He asked.

Andrew responded quickly, "I'm actually thinking we'll be done and you'll be gone by the time he gets back..."

As Tyler read Andrew's message, he couldn't help but feel suspicious. It seemed like Andrew was trying to be sneaky with Connor and hide something from him. He actually preferred this.

He replied back. "Hiding me from him, huh? Does he get jealous?"

Andrew quickly responded, "Don't worry about it. We're mutually open, but sometimes it's just easier if Connor doesn't know all the details."

Tyler smirked. He'd messed up plenty of open relationships before, so he wasn't too worried about it now.

"Sounds good," he typed back. "I'll see you at 8."

Andrew quickly confirmed, "Perfect. See you at 8 stud."

Connor was eating next to Andrew as he sent the message, seemingly none the wiser about what was going on.

Tyler couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of hooking up with Andrew. He had big plans for this sexy swimmer and wasn't going to let Andrew's artificial time frame hold him back. If Connor happened to return while Tyler was still pounding his boyfriend, so be it. Honestly the thought of cucking the guy made him even hornier.

Tyler arrived at Andrew's apartment promptly at 8:00 PM. As soon as he walked in, Andrew quickly ushered him inside and shut the door behind them.

"Hey there," Tyler said with a sly grin on his face. "Glad to see you're not wasting any time."

Andrew returned the smile, but his eyes darted towards the clock on the wall. "We only have about 45 minutes before Connor gets back from class," he said hurriedly.

Tyler nodded understandingly. He fully planned to go over that 45 minutes, but he played along with Andrew, not wanting to waste any more time talking. Tyler was eager to get down to business.

As they made their way into the bedroom, Tyler couldn't help but admire how tidy and organized everything was--it seemed like these guys really had their shit together.

When they entered the bedroom, Andrew moved in close to Tyler and began kissing him passionately. But Tyler was not content with just following along; he wanted to assert his dominance. So Tyler took control of the kiss, pressing himself into Andrew's body as he explored every inch of his mouth. He felt Andrew's hands slowly sliding over his back, tugging at his shirt and pulling it up off of him.

"Oh god," Andrew moaned as Tyler broke off from their kiss long enough for them both to get rid of their shirts. His eyes raked hungrily over Tyler's muscular chest as they resumed making out. He moaned softly as Tyler touched him, running his own hands up and down Tyler's sculpted back. The two men were grinding against each other with increasing fervor, their hard cocks pressing together through their pants. Their lips met again in a feverish kiss that quickly turned into an intense make-out session. They moved closer together until there was no space between them - just hot flesh pressed tightly against hot flesh.

Tyler continued to grind himself against Andrew, their bodies pressed tightly together as they kissed passionately. He could feel the heat radiating off of Andrew's body and he wanted nothing more than to take him right then and there. As they made out, Tyler's hands roamed over Andrew's muscular chest and abs before sliding down to his tight round ass. He squeezed it firmly, eliciting a loud gasp from Andrew.

Andrew moaned softly as Tyler moved in closer, kissing along his neck and nibbling on his earlobe. The sensation sent shivers down his spine and he couldn't help but let out a low groan of pleasure. Andrew was lost in the moment; all thoughts of Connor or any other worries faded away completely as Tyler took control of everything. They were both caught up in the raw passion between them.

Tyler pulled back for a moment just long enough for them both to get rid of their pants before resuming their heated embrace with even more intensity than before. Their cocks were only restrained by their tight underwear. As Tyler and Andrew continued to make out, their hands wandering over each other's bodies, Andrew's hand slid down towards Tyler's crotch. He could feel the hardness of Tyler's cock through his underwear.

Tyler let out a soft moan as Andrew groped him there, feeling his cock twitch with excitement at the touch. His own hands were roaming all over Andrew's body, exploring every inch of that beautiful swimmer physique.A shuddering breath escaped from between Tyler's lips as he felt those talented fingers curl around his throbbing erection. He pressed himself closer to Andrew again in response, one hand sliding back around to cup that perfectly round ass once more.

Andrew was in a trance as Tyler's hands roamed over his body, feeling all the right places. He loved how big Tyler was and he enjoyed feeling his huge cock pressed against him through their underwear. He wanted more of it, so without further ado, Andrew crouched down and began pulling down Tyler's underwear. As the elastic band passed over the head of his cock, it sprang free--huge, thick, and throbbing with desire. Andrew couldn't help but marvel at the size of it--it was much bigger than his. And much bigger than Connor's.

"Fuck," Andrew gasped as he took in the full size of Tyler's erection. "That is one huge dick."

Tyler let out a low chuckle at Andrew's reaction. It felt good to be admired and desired by someone so attractive. "You like what you see?" Tyler asked with a smirk on his face. Andrew just nodded wordlessly, still staring in awe at Tyler's impressive member.

Tyler watched as Andrew wrapped his lips around his thick cock, taking it deep into his mouth. He felt a wave of pleasure course through him at the sensation. Andrew knew how to suck dick. Despite his skill, Tyler was so big that Andrew struggled to suck all the way down his cock, gagging on his large size. He pulled back, embarrassed and red-faced.

"It's okay," Tyler said reassuringly. "You don't have to take all of it."

Andrew nodded, feeling slightly relieved that he didn't have to try for more than he could manage.

Tyler couldn't help but tease him a little bit; "A little bigger than your boyfriend's huh?"

Andrew chuckled nervously before replying, "Yeah... you're definitely packing."

Tyler grinned and ran his fingers through Andrew's hair as the other man continued to work on getting him off with both hands now stroking Tyler's throbbing dick. It was clear that Andrew knew what he was doing even if he struggled with the full length of it in his mouth.

"Fuck yeah," Tyler groaned as Andrew worked over every inch of his impressive member with skillful strokes while bobbing up and down on the first several inches. As Andrew did his work, Tyler couldn't help but feel a sense of control and power. He knew that he was the one in charge here and Andrew was just another guy who wanted to be used by him.

But as much as he enjoyed watching Andrew work on his dick, Tyler decided it was time to take things up a notch. He gently pulled Andrew off of his cock by the hair, stood him up and kissed him deeply. As they made out once again, Tyler moved them towards his and Connor's bed until they were both sitting on it together. He broke away from their kiss long enough to grab hold of Andrew's head firmly with both hands before sliding him back down so that his thick member was hovering over those luscious lips.

"Open your mouth," Tyler commanded in a low growl.

Andrew obediently opened wide with anticipation; feeling slightly nervous about what Tyler was going to do, given his difficulties handling his size earlier on.

Tyler didn't waste any time; he pressed himself into Andrew's open mouth, forcing his thick cock deep into Andrew's throat without mercy or hesitation. He gagged like before but this time Tyler held him fast, forcing his way beyond the gag reflex. The sensation sent shivers down Andrews spine as tears started welling up involuntarily from the effort.

Tyler pressed deeper into his throat, pushing past the limits of what Andrew had thought he could handle. His body heaved and tried to cough around the intrusion, but all it did was coat Tyler's cock with thick throat spit. Even though it was uncomfortable at first, Andrew soon found himself enjoying the sensation. He felt a sense of submission and surrender wash over him as Tyler took control, using his mouth for his own pleasure without any regard for Andrew's comfort or desires. It was thrilling to be used in this way--to have someone take complete charge of him like this.

Tyler groaned with pleasure as he fucked Andrew's face harder and faster. He loved feeling that tight throat around his cock--so warm and wet--almost driving him over the edge already. Andrew moaned softly around Tyler's thick member, letting out soft gurgles each time it pushed too deep down into his throat. His hands were clutching onto Tyler's strong thighs while trying hard not to gag against the huge dick being forced down his gullet with every stroke.

Finally, Tyler pulled out of Andrew's mouth to let him catch his breath. Thick strings of saliva linked Tyler's throbbing cock to Andrew's lips as he gasped for air. Tyler couldn't help but grin at the sight of Andrew panting and drooling all over himself. It was clear that he had enjoyed submitting to Tyler in this way.

"What a slut," Tyler muttered under his breath with a chuckle.

Andrew just grinned up at him through the spit and precum dribbling down his chin. "You like it when I'm your little bitch?"

Tyler chuckled again before replying, "Fuck, you were always my little bitch."

Andrew chuckled at Tyler's words, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the thought that he was pleasing him. He felt his own cock throbbing with desire as he looked up into Tyler's eyes.

"I like being your little bitch," Andrew responded with a smirk on his face. "I want you to use me however you want."

Tyler grinned down at Andrew and took hold of his hair again, pulling him back up for another deep kiss. Tyler pulled away from the kiss and stared into Andrew's doe eyes. He growled low in his throat, "Turn around, slut. Let me see that boy pussy."

Andrew eagerly complied, turning over and arching his back, exposing his white cheeks and delicious pink hole to Tyler's hungry gaze. Tyler couldn't help but groan at the sight. He leaned down and buried his face between Andrew's cheeks, eagerly licking and nibbling at his tight little hole. Andrew moaned loudly as Tyler's tongue worked its magic, teasing and prodding at his most sensitive spot. He felt a wave of pleasure coursing through him as Tyler ate his ass with reckless abandon.

"Fuck yes, eat that ass," Andrew gasped, his head swimming with pleasure. "Please, Tyler, get me so wet."

Tyler responded by sliding his tongue deep inside of Andrew's hole, fucking him with it slowly and steadily. Andrew cried out in pleasure, his body writhing beneath Tyler's touch. He continued to tongue-fuck Andrew's tasty hole, his hands roaming over his thighs and back as he worked him over. He felt Andrew's hard cock between his legs, twitching and dripping with pleasure.

"Do you like that, slut?" Tyler growled

Andrew moaned in response, his body tingling with pleasure. "Yes, please," he gasped. "I love how you eat my ass. Please don't stop."

Tyler grinned devilishly as he continued to work Andrew's hole with his tongue, relishing in the taste and feel of the tight ring of muscle as it clenched and relaxed around his tongue. He could feel Andrew's body trembling beneath him, his moans growing louder and more urgent with each passing moment.

Finally, Tyler pulled back from Andrew's hole, his tongue taxed from the intense rimming. He looked down at Andrew and grinned, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the sight of the slutty swimmer writhing in pleasure beneath him. He stroked his thumb over Andrew's soaked hole, slipping the tip inside each time he did.

"You love it when I play with this hungry boy pussy, huh bitch," he growled.

Andrew just moaned in response, his body still tingling with pleasure. He couldn't believe how good it felt to be dominated and used in this way, to have Tyler take control of him completely.

Tyler glanced at the clock. He knew that he should end it soon, that time was running short, but he couldn't bring himself to stop. Andrew was too blissed out to pay attention to time and Tyler wanted to take advantage of that and enjoy this for as long as possible. He wanted to take Andrew to the edge and push him over, to make him scream with pleasure until he was completely spent. He wanted to fuck him silly, to make him forget everything else in the world except for the intensity of his cock pounding into him.

And he wanted them to get caught by Connor.

Tyler could imagine the look on Connor's face when he walked in on them, his boyfriend being ruthlessly pounded by another man. He wanted to see the shock and hurt in Connor's eyes, to know that he had been betrayed. But more than that, he wanted to see the desire in Connor's eyes, to know that he was turned on by the sight of his boyfriend being taken by another man. A better man. He wanted to see the jealousy and possessiveness in his eyes. Tyler knew that it was a dangerous game to play, that he was risking everything for a moment of pleasure. But he didn't care. He was caught up in the moment and was going to see it through.

As Tyler continued to play with Andrew's ass, he couldn't help but feel his own cock throbbing and bobbing between his legs. He knew that he needed to fuck Andrew soon, to take him hard and deep and make him scream with pleasure. But for now, he wanted to tease him, to entice him with the promise of pleasure and make him beg for more.

He pulled back from Andrew's ass and stroked his cock, feeling it throb in his hand as he rubbed the head against Andrew's slick hole. He could feel the heat radiating from Andrew's hole, the sweat and saliva mixing together to create a heady scent that filled the air.

"Please, Tyler," Andrew moaned, his voice thick with desire. "Please." Tyler just grinned down at him, his eyes smoldering with lust. He knew that Andrew was eager for him, that he wanted him to take him hard and deep. But Tyler wasn't ready to give him what he wanted just yet. He wanted to make him wait, to make him beg for it.

He continued to tease Andrew with his cock, rubbing the head against his hole and pressing it in just a little bit before pulling back again. Andrew was growing increasingly frustrated by Tyler's teasing. He couldn't believe how much he was getting turned on by this man, how much he wanted him to take him hard and deep. But Tyler was content to just tease him, to stroke his cock and rub it against his hole without actually penetrating him. Andrew could feel his body writhing with desire, his hips bucking up against Tyler's cock as he tried to push it inside.

"What? What is it, slut?" Tyler growled, enjoying the sight of Andrew writhing and moaning beneath him.

"Please, Tyler," Andrew gasped, his eyes pleading. "I need you inside me. Please, fuck me."

Tyler smiled, feeling a sense of power and control as he held Andrew's pleasure in his hands. He knew that he could take him whenever he wanted, that he had complete control over this sexy swimmer. But he wanted to make him work for it, to make him beg and plead until he was a desperate, quivering mess.

"Please, Tyler," Andrew moaned again, his voice growing more urgent. "Stretch me out. Fuck me, sir." Tyler smirked and leaned down to kiss him deeply, enjoying the taste of his lips and tongue, but still not giving him what he asked for.

He pulled back from the kiss and looked at Andrew, his eyes smoldering with desire. "You want me to fuck you, huh, slut?" he growled.

Andrew nodded eagerly, his body trembling with desire. "Yes, please," he gasped. "I need you to stretch me... to fill me... fill me deep!"

Finally, Tyler relented and pressed the head of his cock against Andrew's tight hole, pushing it in slowly and steadily. He watched in the mirror as Andrew's face contorted with pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head as he slowly took Tyler's enormous length inside him. Tyler groaned as he felt the tightness of Andrew's hole gripping his cock as he forced it to stretch open, the sensation almost too much to bear. He slowly pushed deeper and deeper, savoring the feel of Andrew's body opening up to him.

Finally, he seated his cock fully inside Andrew, groaning with pleasure as he felt his balls press against the swimmer's ass. He could feel Andrew's body trembling with pleasure beneath him, his hands gripping the sheets as he tried to adjust to the size of Tyler's cock inside him. He leaned down and kissed the swimmer's neck, his hands roaming over his back as he let him slowly get used to his size. He could feel him gradually relaxing as he adjusted to the feeling.

Tyler began to slowly thrust into Andrew, relishing in the tight grip of his hole around his thick cock. He groaned as he felt Andrew clenching around him, the sensation was amazing. It was clear that Andrew--while vers--wasn't bottoming every day--at least not for a cock near the size of Tyler's.

"Fuck, bitch. You feel so fucking amazing," Tyler growled, his hands gripping Andrew's hips as he pounded into him. "You have all nine and a half inches of my thick cock inside your boy pussy."

Andrew tried to respond, but all that came out was a garbled moan of pleasure. He could feel the heat building inside him, the pleasure growing more and more intense with each thrust of Tyler's cock.

"You're so tight, so hot," Tyler continued, his voice low and growling with desire. "I want to fuck you all night long."

Andrew could barely focus on anything except the overwhelming pleasure coursing through his body. Incoherent moans and gasps escaped from his mouth, but nothing meaningful. Tyler could tell that Andrew was completely lost in pleasure, his body writhing and bucking beneath him. He continued to pound into him with long, deliberate strokes; his hands gripped Andrew's hips as he fucked him hard.

"You like that, slut?" Tyler growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You like my big cock pounding into you?"

Andrew could only nod in response, his body trembling with pleasure. He could feel his own cock throbbing with desire, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level. He was lost in a haze of pleasure, feeling Tyler's big cock pounding into him with each thrust. He couldn't help but reach down to stroke his own cock, wanting to add to the pleasure coursing through his body. But as soon as he started to touch himself, Tyler's hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.

"No, no, no," Tyler growled, his voice low and dangerous. "No cumming yet, slut."

Andrew whimpered in response, feeling a sense of frustration and desperation building inside him. He couldn't believe how much he was getting turned on by Tyler's rough treatment, his body trembling with pleasure as he stopped himself from jerking off. Tyler was determined to hold off Andrew's orgasm, to make him wait until he was ready to give it to him.

He leaned down and whispered in Andrew's ear, his breath hot against his skin. "You're not allowed to cum until I say so, slut. You hear me?"

Andrew moaned in response to Tyler's words, his legs writhing with pleasure as he continued to take the thick cock inside him. His hands clenching and unclenching the bed sheets and his toes curling. He was so lost in pleasure that he didn't even register the sound of the bedroom door opening.

But Tyler did.

He looked up and saw Connor standing in the doorway, frozen in shock at the sight of his boyfriend being ruthlessly pounded by another man. Tyler couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight, a wicked smile spreading across his face. This is exactly what he'd wanted. To see the look on Connor's face when he walked in on them; to get caught in the act. Seeing that Connor wasn't making any moves to yell or rush at him, he decided to torture him even more. As he thrust into Andrew, Tyler began to ask him questions, his voice low and dangerous.

"Tell me the truth, Andrew," he growled, his eyes locked onto Connor's form in the doorway. "Why didn't you want Connor to know I was coming over?"

Andrew was so lost in pleasure that he could barely focus on Tyler's words. He just moaned out, without responding. Tyler didn't let up, though. "Tell me, slut," he demanded, slapping Andrew's ass as he thrust deep.

Andrew took a deep breath before responding, his voice thick with desire. "Because Connor only likes me to top other guys," he moaned. "He doesn't like me to bottom for anyone but him." Tyler couldn't believe his luck. This was fucking perfect! So Andrew had been hiding something from him after all.

"So you're cheating on him," Tyler growled. He looked back over to Connor and smirked. The boyfriend had an unreadable face that was almost frustrating to him.

Andrew--still unaware of Connor's presence--buried his face in the bed. He moaned in response to Tyler's accusation, his body writhing with pleasure. "No... no, it's not like that," he groaned out.

Tyler couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of catching Andrew breaking his own rules. "Isn't it though?" he smirked. "Your own rules say you don't get fucked by other guys."

Andrew gasped and moaned at Tyler's words, feeling a sense of shame and arousal wash over him. He had always prided himself on being a faithful partner, but the lure of Tyler's big cock had proven too much to resist. He twisted on the bed as Tyler stroked long and deep inside of him.

"I'm sorry," he whined. "I couldn't help myself. I wanted your cock."

Tyler felt a surge of desire at Andrew's words, his cock throbbing with pleasure. He looked triumphantly at Connor again, who stood in the doorway, still frozen, but now with an evident bulge in his pants.

"I don't want your apologies," he growled, slapping Andrew's ass again. "I want you to admit that you're a dirty little slut who can't get enough of my cock."

Andrew moaned at Tyler's words, feeling a sense of submission and arousal building inside him. He knew that he was in trouble, that he had betrayed Connor's trust and broken his own rules. But the overwhelming desire for Tyler's cock--to be taken and used by him in any way he saw fit--is the feeling that currently ruled him.

"Yes," he moaned. "I'm a dirty little slut who can't get enough of your big, fat cock."

Tyler groaned at the sound of Andrew's admission, he kept slowly pumping that delicious ass in and out and looked at Connor again; he was crying silent tears but at the same time was palming the bulge in his crotch. Tyler smiled and looked back at the horny boy beneath him.

"Tell me again, bitch," Tyler growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Tell me how much you love taking my cock."

Andrew moaned out his response, lost in a haze of pleasure. "I love it... I love taking your cock," he groaned, his body trembling with desire.

Tyler reached down and grabbed a fistful of Andrew's hair, pulling his head back and forcing him to look towards the doorway. Andrew's eyes widened in shock as he saw Connor standing there, his face twisted in a mix of anger, sadness, and arousal.

"Oh-Oh God!" Andrew groaned. "C-Connor! I-" he gasped.

Tyler leaned in close to Andrew's ear, his voice low and dangerous. "Tell him," he growled. "Tell him how much you love taking my cock."

Andrew hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. He knew that he had messed up by breaking his own rules and betraying Connor's trust, but at the same time... He took a deep breath and looked at Connor, his big, tearful eyes pleading for forgiveness.

"I love it, Connor," he moaned. "I love taking his cock. It feels so good inside me."

Connor's eyes narrowed as he watched Tyler pounding into his boyfriend, but at the same time, the arousal that was building inside him. He felt his own cock twitching in his pants as he watched Andrew's submission to Tyler's dominant display. Tyler continued to pound into Andrew, his grip on his hair tight and unyielding. He leaned in close to his ear again, his voice low and commanding.

"Tell him who's making you feel good," he growled. "Tell him who's fucking you better than he ever could."

Andrew moaned at Tyler's words, feeling his body writhing with pleasure. This wasn't supposed to happen. This was so fucked up! Tyler was supposed to be gone already and he was supposed to have a nice normal evening with Connor!

"It's you, Tyler," he moaned, unable to defy him. "You're making me feel so good. You're fucking me better than he ever could."

Connor's lips trembled as he heard Andrew's words. He knew that he should be furious with him, that he had broken his trust and betrayed him. But it was so hot watching him get destroyed like this. It was almost punishment enough.He watched as Tyler pounded faster into his boyfriend and felt his own cock growing harder by the second; the temptation of joining in on the hot action was almost too much to resist.

Tyler noticed the change in Connor's expression and couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He knew that he had provoked him, that he had pushed the boundaries of their relationship and made him question everything. He leaned in close to Andrew's ear again, his voice low and commanding.

"Tell him you want him to jerk off and watch you get fucked by a real man's cock."

Andrew's body shook at Tyler's words, his mind consumed by lust and desire. He couldn't believe what he was hearing himself say.

"Please Connor," he moaned. "Jerk off and watch us fuck. I want you to see how good it feels when a real cock is inside me."

Connor hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. He felt a confusing mix of emotions coursing through him, unable to resist the temptation of watching Andrew get fucked hard by Tyler.

He slowly unzipped his pants and took out his cock. It wasn't a small cock by any means, nearly seven inches and thick. But it paled in comparison to the monster fucking Andrew right now. He began stroking it as he watched them continue their hot display in front of him.

"Tell him how good it feels," Tyler said. "Tell him how much you love taking my cock."

Andrew moaned out his response, lost in a haze of pleasure as he described the hot action unfolding before them.

"It feels so good," he gasped. "His big, fat cock is filling me up completely. I can feel every inch of him inside me. Connor--it's so much!"

Connor watched with humiliation and arousal as Tyler continued to dominate Andrew, pounding into him with each thrust while prompting him for more explicit details. He couldn't help but stroke himself faster and harder at the sight as precum seeped from his cock.

"He's fucking me so hard," Andrew moaned out. "I've never felt anything like this before... it's s-so deep! So much deeper than you can reach, babe."

Connor felt a pang of jealousy and humiliation at Andrew's words, but obviously it was true. He could see the huge size of Tyler's dong as it slid in and out of his boyfriend's ass. He stroked his cock faster and harder as Tyler continued to fuck into Andrew, whose body writhed with pleasure. Tyler could see how turned on Connor was getting from watching them, and it only fueled his own desire. He leaned in close to Andrew's ear again, his voice low and commanding.

"Keep talking slut."

Andrew moaned at Tyler's words, feeling his body trembling with pleasure as he continued to describe the hot action unfolding before them.

"He's fucking me so hard," he gasped. "I can feel him hitting all the right spots... oh god, it feels soooo gooood."

Connor whimpered as he heard his boyfriend's moans, knowing that he was close to cumming soon. Tyler could sense that both boys were on the brink of exploding with desire. He fucked into Andrew even harder than before.

"Who do you belong to?" he growled into Andrew's ear.

"I belong to you," Andrew moaned back without hesitation.

Tyler smirked. "That's right," he said. "You belong to me now."

Tyler's hands moved to Andrew's legs. Keeping his cock buried in his ass, he curled the swimmer up and scooped him into his arms, carrying him off the bed. Andrew gasped in surprise and pleasure as Tyler positioned him with his back to his chest, holding onto his thighs and keeping them spread wide. Tyler raised and lowered him onto his thick cock below. He could feel the heat of Andrew's body against his own, their skin slick with sweat.

Andrew moaned loudly at the sensation of being held so tightly by Tyler while also feeling that thick dick sinking inside him. His own cock was rock-hard in front of him and throbbing with desire, dripping copious amounts of pre-cum. Tyler couldn't resist taunting Connor who was still standing there jerking off as he'd been told.

"Hey, cuck" he called out to Connor. "Get over here and suck this slut's cock until he cums."

Connor hesitated for a moment before slowly making his way towards them. He dropped down onto his knees in front of Andrew, his mouth watering at the sight of his hard, dripping cock.

He licked his lips and took Andrew's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the head and sucking hard. Andrew moaned loudly at the sensation, feeling waves of pleasure coursing through him from the front and the back. Tyler continued to thrust into him from below, holding onto him tightly and feeling Andrew's hole tighten around him in anticipation, knowing that he was close to cumming soon.

"Now, slut," Tyler said into Andrew's ear. "Whenever you're ready. It's time for you to cum."

Andrew moaned louder and louder as Connor worked diligently on his cock with the expert precision of someone who knew exactly how to get his partner off and Tyler kept fucking him relentlessly from below. The combination was too much for him to handle and it wasn't long before he reached climax with a loud shout, tossing his head back. His body seized as he reached the precipice of climax, his cock swelling in Connor's mouth. His legs trembling in the air, he shot a huge load of cum into his boyfriend's waiting mouth, who swallowed every last drop, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him at the thought of taking in Andrew's pleasure so completely.

When he pulled off his boyfriend's cock Connor watched in awe from the floor as Tyler--still standing--fucked Andrew harder and faster than before. Connor's own cock throbbed with desire as he watched them both still locked in ecstasy. Strings of spit and cum swung around on Andrew's softening cock as it bounced in front of him from Tyler's hard thrusts. It was so fucking hot.

Finally, Tyler couldn't hold back any longer, his balls were tight beneath his cock and he let out a loud grunt. He thrust deep into Andrew one final time, holding him tight against his body, and unloading thick ropes of cum deep inside his ruined ass. Andrew moaned loudly at the sensation of being filled up by Tyler's hot seed while still recovering from his own intense orgasm moments earlier. Tyler continued to hold himself deep inside of Andrew, his cock still quite hard and throbbing with desire. He could feel the heat of Andrew's body against his own, their skin slick with sweat. Andrew was in a daze from the intense pleasure that Tyler had given him. He gasped for air as he tried to come back down to earth from the mind-blowing orgasm he'd just experienced.

Connor sat on the floor beside the bed, his pants around his thighs and shirt still on and drops of precum hanging from his cock. He watched in a mix of shock and arousal as Tyler continued to hold Andrew in the air, keeping him plugged up with his thick cock as he breathed heavily, swaying slightly with the hot swimmer limp in his arms.

Tyler lazily held Andrew in his arms, their bodies slick with sweat and cum. His cock was still buried deep inside of him, pulsing with the aftershocks of orgasm. He leaned down and kissed the back of Andrew's neck softly as they both caught their breath.

Connor looked up at them from where he sat on the floor, watching them intently. He couldn't believe what had just happened between them--the betrayal, but also how hot it was to watch his boyfriend get fucked so hard by another man.

Tyler looked down at Connor, smirking as he saw the look on his face. He knew that he had pushed their boundaries further than they'd ever gone before, but at the same time, he couldn't resist the thrill of dominating both boys.

"You like watching us?" Tyler asked.Connor looked up at Tyler, his eyes filled with confusion and uncertainty. "I don't know," he whispered. He didn't know how to feel about what had just happened between them.

On one hand, it was a clear betrayal of trust on Andrew's part--something that should have never happened in their relationship. But on the other hand...it was so hot watching him get fucked by another man.

Tyler leaned down and kissed Andrew softly on the lips before turning to face Connor again. "You can admit it," he said with a smirk. "It was so hot watching your boyfriend take my cock like a champ."

Connor felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard Tyler's words, feeling both aroused and ashamed at the same time.

"I-I don't know," he stammered out, still unsure of how to feel about everything that had just transpired.

Andrew, still in Tyler's arms, looked at Connor pleadingly. "Please babe...don't be mad," he said softly, still barely coherent from the fucking.

"It's alright, baby," Connor murmured quietly while trying not look too closely into either boy's eyes; afraid they'd see all sorts of mixed emotions bubbling inside him as well--"we'll talk about it later."

Andrew moaned again as Tyler shifted slightly inside him, still holding himself deep within Andrew's ass while Connor watched on.

Tyler continued to smirk at Connor, sensing the conflicting emotions that were swirling inside of him. He knew that he had them both right where he wanted them - completely under his control.

"You liked it," Tyler growled. "Watching me fuck your boyfriend while you jerked yourself."

Connor couldn't deny the truth of Tyler's words. He had been aroused beyond belief by the sight of Andrew getting fucked hard, and he had cum so hard while watching them.

"I...I don't know what to say," Connor stammered out, feeling a sense of shame wash over him as he realized how much he'd enjoyed it. "It was one of the hottest things I've ever seen."

Tyler smiled and leaned in to kiss Andrew again before slowly pulling his cock out from inside him. It slipped out with an obscene squelch and Andrew gasped at the emptiness inside him--his body still trembling from the intensity of his orgasm.

Tyler gently placed Andrew down on the bad and looked over at Connor who was watching them intently with a mix of arousal and hesitation. He still hadn't cum and Tyler could tell that he was curious about what was going to happen next, but also unsure if it was something he really wanted to do.

"Get over here," Tyler growled at Connor. "Eat my cum out of his ass."

Connor hesitated for a moment, unsure if he really wanted to take things that far. But at the same time, he couldn't resist the temptation of tasting Tyler's hot load inside his boyfriend.

He slowly crawled over to where they were sitting and leaned in close to Andrew's ass. He could see the thick globules of cum seeping out from his hole and felt a sense of arousal wash over him as he realized just how much Tyler had filled him up.

He licked his lips before tentatively sticking out his tongue and lapping at Andrew's hole, who moaned in pleasure as his boyfriend slurped on his hole, becoming a willing participant in his own cuckoldry. The taste was musky but also sweet--a combination that sent shivers down Connor's spine as he eagerly ate away at Tyler's spunk.

Tyler watched on with satisfaction, enjoying every minute of watching these two boys enjoy one another on his terms--having submitted to him completely. Connor grew more confident in licking up all traces of his cum from Andrew's ass. Tyler could see the look of pleasure and arousal on his face, knowing that he had pushed him and Andrew to new heights of sexual exploration.

"Make sure you get it all," Tyler growled at Connor. "I want him clean. And jerk off while you do."

Connor obeyed Tyler's command, jerking himself off with one hand while lapping up the last traces of cum from Andrew's ass with his tongue. The combination of flavors and sensations was overwhelming, and he couldn't help but moan in pleasure as he felt his own orgasm building.

Andrew watched on in awe from where he lay on the bed, still recovering from their intense encounter. He had never seen Connor so turned on before--so eager to please both him and Tyler at the same time.

As Connor continued to work away at his hole, licking up every last drop of cum that Tyler had left behind inside him, Tyler leaned down close to him again.

"Now cum, you horny little cuck," he said.

Connor didn't need any more encouragement--he was already close to the edge from watching Andrew get fucked by Tyler and then eating his cum out of his ass. With a loud groan, he shot a huge load of cum all over the bedspread beneath him and pulled out of his boyfriend's ass breathing heavily.

"Good job," Tyler growled at Connor. "You're a good little cum slut."

Connor blushed but couldn't deny the thrill of pleasure that ran through him at Tyler's words.

Tyler leaned in closer to Andrew, his voice low and dangerous. "You like having your boyfriend clean up my load from your hole?"

Andrew moaned at Tyler's words, feeling a renewed sense of arousal wash over him as he realized just how submissive and obedient both he and Connor had become in his presence.

"Yes," Andrew moaned out, still ruined from the evening. "I loved it."

Tyler smirked. "Such a fucking whore," he said. He turned back to face Connor. "You hear that, cuck?" he said. "Your boyfriend loved having your tongue up his ass cleaning up my cum."

Connor shuddered with desire at Tyler's words, feeling a mix of humiliation and pleasure coursing through him at the same time.

Tyler stood up from the bed, his body glistening with sweat and emitted powerful sexual energy. He looked down at both boyfriends with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"I'll see you two bitches around," he said smugly before walking out of the room to find his clothes, his soft but swollen cock flopping around between his thighs. He left Andrew and Connor to deal with the fallout of the crazy hook up. Tyler was more than satisfied with what he'd gotten out of it--he didn't care if he'd brought the two swimmers closer together or had torn them apart. It was just another conquest for him. Once he was dressed he walked out of their apartment and headed home.

Next: Chapter 7

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