Tyler Shays Conquest

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 26, 2023


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This is a work of fiction. Sex between adults and underage teenagers is illegal and immoral. This is just a fantasy story.

This is the last chapter for this series that I had already outlined, but I plan to revisit Tyler's conquests again in the future. If you have any ideas or requests drop them in email.

Chapter 5: The Teen Gym Bait

Tyler was home for spring break after a long start to his sophomore spring semester. He wasn't exactly eager to go home--his town wasn't at all an exciting place to be--as much as he was glad to get a break from his classes for a couple weeks. He greeted his old man and got himself settled in before going straight to the gym. As Tyler stepped inside, he was immediately hit with a wave of nostalgia. This place had been his stomping grounds in high school and now it felt like coming home after being away for too long.

It had the same purple walls it'd had since he was fourteen; it was hideous but he liked it anyway. He smiled as he spied some familiar faces who welcomed him back. He ate up the compliments that they showered on him for his gains. He walked over to the weight racks and started on the intense workout routine he'd perfected over the years. Soon sweat was dripping down his body in rivulets. His eyes caught something behind him in the mirror as he pumped a barbell. There was a kid on one of the treadmills that he couldn't ignore.

The twink was for sure a high schooler, maybe fifteen or sixteen; about 5'6 and 120 lbs. He had smooth, creamy skin that shone in the fluorescent light and delicate, angelic features. His hair was golden-blonde and cut into an artfully messy style that suited him perfectly. He had bright eyes--probably blue--that seemed to sparkle even at this distance. He wore a tight fitting tank top with running shorts, which accentuated his thin frame. He was just a kid. Tyler felt drawn to him immediately; it was like being hit by cupid's arrow full force.

As their eyes met through the mirror Tyler paused his reps; he felt himself drawn towards this kid like a magnet--he could feel an animalistic desire stirring within him as he stared hungrily at this beautiful creature. He quickly snapped out of his trance and returned to his workout. He had come here to shred, not pick up boys... But as he glanced at the twink in the mirror again, Tyler couldn't help but feel a twinge of desire. He was going to have to keep a close eye on this one. He smirked and returned to his workout with renewed vigor. He still had over a week; plenty of time. He was going to make the most of this break.

The next day, Tyler arrived at the gym a little earlier than usual. He'd already stocked his dad's truck with everything he'd need just in case something fun happened with the kid. He was curious to see if he would catch another glimpse of that sexy teen. As soon as he stepped onto the gym floor, his eyes fell on him. The kid was on the treadmill nearest to the front lobby, giving Tyler a full view. He was dressed in a bright blue tank top that showed off his slim arms and slender body. His golden-blonde hair was stuck out in a way that looked messy, but must have been carefully arranged. His eyes were still as bright and vibrant as they'd been yesterday; two sparkling pools of cerulean blue framed by long lashes. The kid moved gracefully on the treadmill; his plump little ass--the only part of him that could be remotely described as 'thick'--propelled him along his stationary run.

Tyler felt his body tense as he watched. He wanted to go up there and take the kid in his arms--to feel those slender curves pressed against him, to kiss those full lips, to run his hands over that soft skin. But instead, he kept still and silent; watching as if admiring some exotic creature in its natural habitat. He felt like a top predator stalking elusive prey, keeping his intentions hidden as he chatted with the lady behind the counter. He kept an eye on the twink as he moved through his workout, smirking whenever he noticed the kid looking at him in the mirror.

He decided to give the kid a show in return; throwing in some extra flexes and poses while working out with weights and taking time to admire himself in the mirror. His muscles bulged and glistened under his tanned skin, each movement accentuating every ripple of muscle beneath it. He could see from the corner of his eye that the twink was watching him intently; admiring all those hard-earned gains Tyler had worked so long for. But no matter how many glances were exchanged or how much attention Tyler paid to posing for this mysterious stranger's benefit, he kept up appearances like he was doing all this for himself--like he wasn't even aware of the kid's presence there at all. That was the thrill of the hunt for Tyler.

Tyler watched as the twink stepped off the treadmill and walked towards the drinking fountain. His legs were slender but toned, flexing with each step he took in his little white running shorts. As he bent over to get a drink of water, Tyler couldn't help but admire that tight little ass of his; it was just begging to be grabbed onto and squeezed--it looked so damn delicious! He felt himself getting aroused as these thoughts ran through his mind; his body tensing up at the thought of what he could do to this kid.

He quickly snapped out of it when he realized someone had been watching him watch this kid from across the gym floor; an older man who was now looking away embarrassedly after catching Tyler's gaze lingering on this beautiful creature for too long. Tyler smiled inwardly at how obvious he must have appeared--lustful eyes fixed upon something so pure and innocent like a lion stalking its prey in slow motion. It made him feel both powerful and vulnerable all at once. But then again, that thrill was part of why he enjoyed hunting like this so much: balancing the skill needed to catch your quarry with the risk of scaring them off or being found out.

Tyler had been watching the twink closely, but hadn't found an opportunity to make a move. By the time he was done with his workout the kid had already gone. He felt impatient and frustrated; he wanted more than just stolen glances and knowing looks. He wanted to snatch away the kid's virginity and show him what real pleasure was. No doubt the teen had never had any meaningful experiences like that. Tomorrow; he resolved. Tomorrow he'd get what he craved from that pretty teen twink.

The next day went similarly to the previous two Tyler arrived and caught sight of the kid. Today he wore a black tank top hoodie and the same white running shorts as before. Tyler wore his own black muscle shirt and gray sweatpants. As he moved through his workout, there were plenty of mutual glances between him and the kid, but nothing more substantial. Tyler was uncharacteristically unsure of how to approach a kid this young in a public place like the gym. He wasn't some college slut; he was a--very--underage kid. A total innocent. And Tyler wasn't looking to go to jail. He knew he'd been caught ogling the kid the day before and was being extra cautious. When the kid disappeared from the gym floor he was worried that he'd missed his opportunity again.

He was about to leave the gym pent up and annoyed when he rounded the corner to the hallway that ran between the lobby and the locker rooms. In that moment Tyler finally saw his chance--the kid was coming towards him, face buried in his phone. Tyler stopped walking. "Yo, heads up!" He yelled. The kid's eyes snapped up and widened in surprise as their bodies collided; his hands instinctively flew up to grab onto Tyler's muscular arms for stability. The feeling of those slender fingers wrapped around his biceps felt amazing and he could feel himself getting chubbed beneath his sweats at this unexpected contact with such soft skin.

The twink let go and quickly apologized for bumping into him before continuing on towards the door without saying another word or looking back over his shoulder even once--which Tyler supposed made sense considering how embarrassed he must be after accidentally colliding with someone twice his size. Still, he couldn't help but feel pissed that the kid had recovered so quickly. Fuck! He'd missed his chance again. Then he noticed an earbud on the ground; it must have fallen out of the kid's hand when they'd collided. So maybe their happy little `accident' had served a purpose after all--this was enough of an opening for Tyler to make a move. He scooped up the earbud and quickly followed after him into the sunny weather outside.

When he caught up to the teen, Tyler cleared his throat; "Hey kid," he said in his deep voice. "I think you dropped this." The kid whirled around, his eyes wide as he stared up at Tyler.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much," he breathed out in relief as he saw the earbud in Tyler's hand. His voice had a slightly gay intonation to it, though it was still deeper than Tyler had expected. Tyler loved it. The kid quickly snatched the earbud from Tyler's open hand, his slim fingers brushing against Tyler's palm. He thanked Tyler again before turning and walking away once more. But this time as they parted ways, the twink looked back and gave a shy smile. That was enough for Tyler; this twink was as good as his. "Hey," Tyler called out again. "Need a ride somewhere?"

The kid stopped and turned around suddenly, surprised by hearing his voice again. His cheeks flushed red and he smiled shyly at Tyler. For a brief moment he raked his eyes over Tyler's stacked frame, drinking in his muscular stature; Tyler caught every glance. The kid quickly snapped back into reality--blinking those mesmerizing eyes and clearing his throat awkwardly before responding; "Uhm... well I was gonna text my dad for a ride, but yeah sure. I'll text him that I'm all set." He seemed a little nervous but smiled at Tyler as he pulled out his phone.

"Cool," Tyler felt triumphant. "It's not a problem, bud. I'm Tyler," he said with an easy smile, staring at the little twink. Liam got captured in that stare for a moment and fought to pull his eyes away from Tyler's down to his phone to text his dad.

"I'm Liam," he said quietly, brushing aside some hair that had fallen into his face as he tapped on the phone. Fuck he was cute, Tyler thought. He felt his dick chubbing up in his sweats as he thought about getting this teen twink--Liam--alone. Tyler led him through the parking lot towards his dad's truck; a big black Toyota Tundra.

Liam was nervous. He had never really been alone with a guy before--let alone one like Tyler--and he was feeling butterflies in his stomach at the thought of it. But despite the nerves, there was something exciting about being close to the big college bro--someone who exuded such confidence and strength. Liam was an only child and wasn't particularly close with his dad. He always wanted other male figures and role models in his life. Somehow, he felt safe around Tyler, and more importantly, he felt wanted.

When they reached the truck, Tyler opened the door for Liam before getting into the driver's seat; a small gesture that made Liam feel even more special than ever. As they drove off in silence, Liam couldn't help but steal glances at Tyler as he drove. He had such a handsome angular face, a strong jawline, and that hair--it was so messy and wild. Liam wanted to run his fingers through it, just once... He quickly snapped back into reality when Tyler spoke up; "So where are we going, kid?"

Liam apologized and started to direct Tyler towards his house, which was outside of the town center. Tyler chatted easily with Liam, setting him at ease. He found out the kid was a freshman at the same high school Tyler had attended--fifteen years old--and they laughed about some annoying teachers that were still there from when Tyler was a freshman over five years before. He found out that Liam was an aspiring track & field star, putting in extra work to boost himself into a higher tier of runners. Tyler could admire that, given his own goals he'd set and surpassed at the gym time and time again. As they chatted, he became increasingly certain that he needed to give this cute kid an experience he'd never forget.

As he got a sense of the route to Liam's neighborhood, Tyler took mental note of the potential spots he could detour to. Finally settled in his head, Tyler veered off the road and drove into a vacant office park. He'd learned to drive here when he had his learner's permit; it had big parking lots standing around mid-rise office buildings surrounded by stands of large trees. It'd been vacant for several years. Other than the occasional folks looking to score drugs or kids looking to fuck, it was always devoid of people.

Liam furrowed his brow in confusion as they pulled into the complex and nervously glanced at Tyler, wondering what he was doing. His heart started racing; he didn't know this guy at all! He'd just seen him at the gym a few times and gotten caught staring like a dumb kid. He had no idea what Tyler was capable of--well actually, he was clearly capable of doing whatever he wanted... it wasn't like Liam would have any hope of fighting him off. He looked down at his phone contemplating texting his dad. Tyler looked over at him and just smiled, kindly; "Don't worry, bud," he said. "Just a little pit stop." He drove them around the office park, and finally parked behind one of the empty buildings.

Liam looked around and stared at Tyler nervously, his heart pounding in his chest. He had no idea why they'd stopped here or what Tyler planned to do. He'd sounded so kind a moment ago but the way he was looking at him now--with such intensity and hunger in his eyes--made Liam's insides flutter with anticipation. "Uhm... why are we here?" Liam asked, his voice quavering. He kept playing with his phone in his hands, wondering what his options were if something terrible were to happen.

Tyler leaned closer to the cute teen; his presence suddenly felt overpowering. He ran a thumb down the side of Liam's face, tucking some strands of hair behind his ear; "I want you," he said intensely. "And I'm gonna show you what it's like when someone like me wants someone like you." Liam shivered at the intensity of Tyler's gaze and felt himself become aroused by their closeness; he could feel heat radiating off him as if they were standing right next to an open fire. All his thoughts about escape washed away under those deep brown eyes. How had things shifted so quickly? He felt powerless against this college hunk. It was suddenly as if every inch of his being was begging for something that only Tyler could provide. Still, a part of him shook in terror. He was just a kid! He'd never been in any position like this before; hell, he'd never even been kissed!

As if sensing the chaotic thoughts coursing through his head, Tyler tilted Liam's chin up with one hand. Those eyes locked onto Liam's own bright blues that searched his face for--something. He smirked slightly and leaned in to capture those sweet virgin lips with his own. He moved slowly at first, savoring the softness of Liam's lips and the sweet taste of his breath. Liam was stiff and frozen as Tyler's mouth brushed against his. The stud's other hand reached up to cup Liam's face as he deepened their kiss, exploring every inch of his mouth with a passionate intensity that left Liam feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

Liam felt a shift as he melted into Tyler; all thoughts evaporating from his mind until there was nothing but the desirous, masculine lips devouring his own. His first kiss! And from someone like Tyler--such a confident, experienced--and older--man. Oh god. He felt his heart swell in his chest as the kiss intensified; he'd never felt such a powerful connection before in his life. When they finally pulled apart, Liam couldn't help but smile at Tyler shyly; "Wow," he said breathlessly. Tyler smiled back at him and pressed their foreheads together. "You're mine, little twink," he said. "I want all your attention on me from here on out." His voice sent shivers down Liam's spine and Tyler kissed him again. He eagerly leaned into the kiss unsure of what would come next.

Tyler finally broke away and stepped out of the truck, walking around the hood. He opened the passenger door and motioned for the kid to get out. Liam, still reeling from the turn of events, stiffly slid out of the truck and followed him around the back of the truck. Tyler popped down the tailgate and revealed a comforter and fleece blanket with some pillows in the truck's bed. So this had all been planned? Liam wondered. Had he been targeted? Questions started swirling in his head again until Tyler put his hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes; "I'm gonna change everything for you today, baby."

Liam shuddered again, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of Tyler's words. He didn't know what to do or say. As he turned Tyler's words over in his head he thought that everything had already changed; this college hunk had already taken something precious from him--or given something precious to him, Liam couldn't really decide which. Tyler smirked at the boy's loud thinking. He leaned in and captured his lips again. As they kissed, Liam knew that his life had changed forever; Tyler was showing him true passion and he wouldn't ever forget it.

He gasped as Tyler's lips moved down to his neck. He'd never felt such sensations before; the warmth of another person's breath on his skin, the gentle pressure against him, and the tingling feeling that ran through his body from head to toe as Tyler's lips brushed over him again and again. It was electrifying! His doubts started to ebb away as his skin tingled from the attention. Kisses trailed up Liam's jawline until reaching his earlobe where Tyler paused for a moment to suckle it lightly with his teeth, making Liam moan in pleasure at this new sensation.

His whole body quivered and trembled as Tyler moved down towards his collarbone; his lips and tongue exploring every inch of Liam's neck. He felt himself slipping into a trance-like state as Tyler continued to shower him with kisses as he caressed his arms and ran his hands up the back of Liam's shirt. Liam's own hands grabbed ahold of Tyler's strong arms to steady him. He felt the ripples of muscle beneath tight skin and tried to process how this sexy man had chosen him. He'd never been touched so passionately--or sexually--before. He was completely lost in the moment, awash with pleasure and desire.

Tyler pulled away and stripped off his muscle shirt and Liam almost drooled. His tanned skin glowed in the afternoon light, revealing toned muscles the likes of which Liam had only ever seen on Instagram. What a man. Tyler smiled as he watched Liam take in the sight of him. He loved how Liam was looking at him--with a mixture of awe, admiration and desire. His eyes roamed over Liam's face; his lips slightly parted and cheeks stained pink with excitement. He reached out and caressed Liam's cheek again lightly with his thumb; "You're so beautiful," he whispered. As if on autopilot, Liam leaned into Tyler's touch and closed his eyes--allowing himself to revel in every sensation coursing through him from head to toe. He opened them again when he heard Tyler speak up once more; "Here, climb up, little twink."

Liam nodded and pushed himself onto the tailgate of the truck; Tyler helped him and he found himself braced against his broad bare chest. He felt so small pressed into Tyler--so safe and secure. With one arm wrapped around Liam's waist, Tyler guided them both up into the bed of the truck where they settled themselves down on top of the blankets. The soft plaid fabric was comforting against their skin as they laid side by side; it almost seemed surreal that this moment was even happening at all.

Tyler smiled at Liam, his eyes filled with desire; hunger. He reached out and pushed some of Liam's hair away from his face before cupping the side of his cheek; "You've never done anything like this before, have you?" he asked. The teen shook his head slowly; he was totally inexperienced. But Tyler just smiled knowingly--he had expected such an answer--wanted such an answer; he was going to rock this kid's world. He leaned in and kissed Liam softly, his tongue tracing over the boy's needly lips.

He felt Tyler's hand on the hem of his tank top; "Let's get this off of you, sexy," he whispered. Liam felt himself blush as Tyler's fingers began to trace his fingers along the hem, teasingly tugging at it until finally lifting it up and over his head. He lay there in just a pair of shorts now, feeling exposed and vulnerable but also incredibly aroused by how confident Tyler was being with him. It made him feel desired beyond belief. Perfect, Tyler thought to himself as he looked down at Liam. His body was so petite and slender; his pale skin glowing in the sunlight. Every inch of him seemed to be sculpted for Tyler's pleasure--his narrow waist, his slim, defined chest, pink nipples, even his tight stomach. This boy was a complete innocent; untouched; unspoiled. Not for long, Tyler thought.

Tyler's arousal surged and he wanted nothing more than to explore every curve and crevice of the boy's body with his tongue until Liam was screaming out in ecstasy beneath him. He leaned forward and captured those pink lips between his own once again before slowly trailing kisses down the length of Liam's neck, to his chest, teasing his nipples and enjoying the boy's squirms at the new sensation. His tongue and teeth licked and grazed the sexy little nipples, which quickly hardened into tiny peaks. He smiled against the boy's chest as he heard the little gasps and whimpers coming from his mouth. This slim little teen would be completely consumed by him before long--and god did the anticipation turn Tyler on!

Liam felt his body writhe as Tyler's strong hands and passionate lips touched every inch of his naked torso. He gasped in pleasure at the new sensations, feeling completely overwhelmed by the intensity and hunger that Tyler was displaying. His heart raced in his chest, each beat sending a wave of electricity coursing through him from head to toe--holy shit did it feel good! Tyler moved lower still; exploring with soft kisses until finally reaching the waistband of his shorts. With one hand on either side, he started to pull them down. "W-wait!" Liam said with a start, awakening from his trance. He grabbed onto Tyler's hand with his own. No one had ever seen him naked like this before. He felt conflicted--he was afraid of going too far, but he ached for more of the touches that lit up his nervous system. Tyler looked up at him and smiled reassuringly.

"It's okay, baby. I just want to see you--all of you," he said firmly. Liam swallowed and finally nodded, consenting as Tyler slid the shorts down his legs before finally discarding them in the bed of the truck. The shorts had a liner in them, so now Liam lay there in all his naked teenage glory; completely exposed and vulnerable beneath Tyler's gaze. Tyler couldn't help but admire the sight of Liam's bare body before him. His slim hips were perfect, his cute, hard cock begging to be touched and explored. It was a healthy-looking, uncut cock of about five inches; more than respectable for a kid his age. He was mostly hairless, apart from a small tangled patch above his dick. His strong but slim thighs were pale and toned, begging to be caressed.

He leaned forward again and kissed Liam--savoring those soft lips before resuming his exploration downwards with gentle kisses and licks. He ran his hands up and down the boy's smooth thighs, brushing the skin around his cock and balls but never quite touching them as the kid gasped and moaned. Finally his mouth hovered over the tip of Liam's quivering cock. Tyler had never been much of a cocksucker, but this was all being done in the purpose of deepening his hold over this virginal kid. It was well worth it. He started off slow; pulling back the foreskin and licking around the untouched head lightly before taking it into his mouth completely.

Liam groaned in pleasure as Tyler's hot mouth enveloped him. This feeling was mind blowing. His hands grasped at the blanket beneath him, trying to ground himself against the intense sensations coursing through his body. This huge hunk was sucking his cock! Never before had he experienced such pleasure. This was a blowjob! He could feel every flick of Tyler's tongue; each gentle suckle that sent shivers down his spine and made his toes curl as his legs rustled reflexively on either side of Tyler, who was kneeling between his legs.

He let out a long moan, prompting Tyler to look up at him with those hungry dark eyes and smirk knowingly--as if knowing exactly what effect he had on Liam. It only served to make him blush even harder from embarrassment and arousal. Tyler pulled off of his cock and rolled him over. He was now on his stomach, feeling exposed under the blue skies, but he couldn't help but feel a thrill at being so vulnerable to this man--this gorgeous hunk with such power and strength that seemed to ooze from every pore. Tyler's hands moved up and down Liam's back, tracing circles around his spine before finally coming to rest atop his butt cheeks; Liam gasped in pleasure at the new sensation.

Tyler couldn't help but admire the perfect roundness of Liam's teenaged ass as he explored them with his hands. They were soft and supple and Tyler wanted to explore every inch of them. His skin was so pale, shining in the afternoon light and it looked terribly erotic to see such a creature out in the sunlight like this, like some nymph out of a Greek myth. Tyler ran his thumbs over each cheek gently, feeling each curve before finally cupping them both firmly--causing Liam to moan beneath him. The sound only made Tyler crave more; he spread those sexy cheeks with his hands and got his first look at the kid's untouched, unspoiled hole. It looked impossible tight. Pink and beautiful; nestled deep in that hairless crack between his plump little cheeks. Tyler bit his lip and leaned down; he had to taste it.

He loved hearing the teen gasp as his tongue touched his asshole for the first time. He loved how powerful he felt, being the one to awaken all of these sensations in the kid, showing him how pleasure between two men could feel. He loved that with every lick, every swirl, every nip, he seemed to hit a new nerve around Liam's most secret place--one that had been previously untouched by anyone. Each kiss and suck on his hole was more hungry than the last and Liam was panting and moaning into the blanket beneath him. Tyler pulled back slightly and looked up at Liam, seeing how overwhelmed he had become. He smiled softly against those round cheeks before finally pulling away and sitting back on his heels in between Liam's legs, his muscles glinting in the light. "You liked that, huh?" He asked teasingly, although there wasn't really an answer needed. Liam looked back at him over his shoulder and it was clear from the flush on his cheeks and his panting breath just how much he'd enjoyed his first rimjob.

Liam nodded silently and rolled back over, sitting up--suddenly aware of his nakedness. His cock throbbed between his thighs and his asshole was wet with Tyler's spit. Tyler was crouched a couple feet away, mouth glistening from eating his ass and muscles shining in the light. He was shirtless but still had sweatpants on. He looked so fucking sexy. Liam was desperately curious about what was hiding underneath those sweatpants. Based on the bulge, it was something substantial!

Tyler let him stare at his crotch for a long moment before speaking up; "You wanna know what I'm working with?" He teased. The teen blushed and wrapped his arms around his legs, burying his face in his knees in embarrassment. Tyler smiled. "It's okay, beautiful," he reassured him. "Come here, pull these sweats down for me."

Liam glanced up over his knees, eyes wide at Tyler's offer. He rocked forwards on his feet until he was kneeling in front of Tyler. He watched as Tyler matched his movements, dropping his knees to give him better access to his waistband. Even though Tyler had already awoken him to all sorts of pleasures, he hadn't laid his own hands on Tyler yet. Liam was nervous. He desperately wanted to yank down those sweats, but his inexperience held him back.

Tyler smiled at his hesitancy and reached out. His strong hands took hold of Liam's delicate ones and guided them to his hips. Liam breathed shallowly as he felt the smooth, strong skin of Tyler's waist. His fingers lightly tracing his Adonis Belt down to the waist of the sweats. Taking a deep breath, Liam hooked his fingers into the pants and pulled them down until they clung halfway down those strong thighs. His gaze snapped to the tight black trunks that were practically painted onto Tyler's nether-regions; his eyes widened as he saw the massive bulge protruding from his groin, running horizontally across his hip. Holy shit! Is this how big all adult men were? Liam wondered. He didn't think so...

Tyler loved seeing how entranced Liam was by his bulge--guys usually were, but there was something special about someone so young, so inexperienced, being hypnotized by his cock that made him throb with anticipation. "Go ahead," he said; Liam looked up from his bulge into his eyes. "Touch it." Liam blinked, his cheeks flushing pink as he hesitated. "It's okay, baby. It's okay that you want to. Go ahead and see what it feels like for yourself."

Liam tentatively reached out with one hand and rested it on the fabric of Tyler's trunks that stretched tightly over his bulge. He felt the heat coming off of it as his hand traced along the outline. It seemed impossibly large compared to his own; maybe twice the size! And thicker than his wrist. He breathed heavily as he felt it pulse beneath his touch. What did it look like? He thought. Without thinking, Liam hooked his fingers into Tyler's trunks and slowly started pulling them down. He felt his heart racing as the fabric slid away from Tyler's skin, until finally it revealed a thick, curly brown bush of pubic hair that surrounded the thick root of Tyler's cock. His mouth went dry as he kept pulling them down. Inch after glorious inch began to emerge from beneath the fabric. The thick, veiny shaft became more and more apparent until finally it sprung out, nearly smacking Liam in the face. Tyler's massive manhood shone in the sunlight, hard and proud.

Liam felt his heart racing as he looked up at Tyler. A few hours ago, this had all seemed impossible--that a college guy like this would be interested in him, let alone take him somewhere secluded and offer to show him pleasure beyond anything he'd ever dreamed of. He simply stared for what felt like an eternity at the huge cock throbbing inches from his face. It was heavy, hanging at a slightly downward angle due to its weight. Liam had never been this close to another man's hard cock before; his mind was racing but he felt surprisingly calm. He cautiously reached out and ran the tips of his fingers along Tyler's shaft. The skin had a velvety softness despite how hard it was. It was simultaneously beautiful and terrifying.

His heart beat faster as he dared himself to go further--to actually wrap his hands around it. It seemed so alien yet also strangely familiar in some way; like something deep within him instinctively knew how to pleasure this powerful tool between Tyler's legs. He slowly wrapped both hands around its base, marveling at how warm and smooth it felt beneath his fingertips despite being rock-hard with arousal. The veins pulsed against Liam's palms as he stroked up and down its length, gradually increasing the speed until finally reaching a steady rhythm that made Tyler moan softly above him in response.

Tyler couldn't help but feel proud of the way Liam had so willingly and eagerly reached for his dick. He was a natural; an innocent born to pleasure others with those delicate hands and soft lips. The sight made Tyler confident that he could push this kid further. He reached out again for the boy--taking hold of Liam's chin gently and lightly brushing his thumb over those plump lips. "Good boy," he murmured softly as he looked into those bright blue eyes that still seemed filled with wonder at what they were doing together here today. "I can tell you've never done this before--but it feels like you were born ready for it." His voice grew throatier as he felt himself getting more aroused.

Liam felt his blush deepen as Tyler praised him; he had never been called a 'good boy' before and the compliment made him feel warm inside. He watched with hooded eyes as Tyler's thumb brushed against his lips, feeling an instinctive desire to please this man that was almost overwhelming. He slowly opened his mouth and let the thumb slip in between his lips, sucking it gently yet hungrily--his tongue tracing circles around it while he looked up at him through his long lashes.

Tyler groaned softly as Liam suckled on his thumb and slowly stroked his throbbing cock. Fuck, this kid was totally under his spell now; he could feel his own power mirrored in the boy's smoldering gaze. It was like he wanted to obey Tyler completely and give him exactly what he needed--and that only made Tyler even harder beneath Liam's ministrations. He pulled his thumb out of Liam's mouth, smirking at the disappointed look in those blue eyes before leaning down for a kiss.

Liam eagerly met Tyler's lips; their tongues meeting hungrily for a long kiss until Tyler broke away leaving the kid breathless. Tyler looked at the twink before him and saw the desire, the neediness, the curious innocence transformed into lustful hunger. The boy's hormones had totally taken him over. "You ready for your first taste of cock, baby boy?" He asked, brushing his hand over the sexy teen's cheek.

Liam felt his heart nearly beat out of his chest as Tyler asked the question. He was scared and intimidated by the older man's huge member, but he couldn't deny his desire. Could he really suck this huge cock? He gulped before slowly lowering his head towards Tyler's cock. His eyes fixed on the thick, veiny shaft as he inched closer. He licked his lips nervously before leaning forward and extending his tongue out to lick at the tip of Tyler's cock where a big drop of precum was glistening. The sweet taste was foreign yet strangely addictive; Liam felt himself wanting more despite his apprehensions. He ran his tongue along Tyler's shaft, feeling the ridges of veins as he moved down. He felt Tyler's muscles tense beneath his hands on his thighs and heard the man groan in pleasure; it made Liam feel powerful--like he was doing something right!

He kept going until his lips were grazing the base of the cock. He took a deep breath and inhaled the manly musk in Tyler's bush; it was intoxicating. He licked back up the shaft and trained his eyes onto Tyler's face. Tyler stared back at him with a look of pure lust. Liam felt his heart racing as he tentatively wrapped his lips around the head of Tyler's cock, but soon he was sucking hungrily on it like it was a lollipop. He moaned softly at the taste and feel of this huge dick in his mouth; he knew it was wrong to do this with someone so much older, but it also felt like the most right thing in the world. His hands moved up and down its length as he sucked harder, swirling his tongue around its head and slipping inside the foreskin while staring up into Tyler's eyes.

Tyler groaned as Liam took him into his mouth. The feeling of the boy's hot, wet lips wrapped around the head of his cock was heavenly. He watched with horny eyes as Liam's head bobbed up and down, those soft hands moving along his length while he sucked hungrily like there was no tomorrow. Watching this inexperienced twink take so eagerly to pleasing him only served to make Tyler even more determined to break him.

He reached out and ran one hand through Liam's hair before gripping firmly at the base of his neck; not enough to hurt but enough for them both to feel that power dynamic between them. Tyler started to move his hips, guiding Liam on the rhythm he wanted. He watched with fascination as Liam instinctively followed--or at least tried to. The boy kept gagging around him and pulled off, but each time he eagerly latched his lips back around Tyler's huge cock and tried again. Tyler couldn't help but be impressed.

Liam felt his cheeks flush as Tyler watched him intently while he tried to pleasure him with his mouth and throat. He kept trying even though it seemed like an impossible task; swallowing this huge thing despite the gag reflex that was kicking in each time. He still wasn't getting even half of Tyler's dick in his mouth, but he was proud of himself nevertheless.

Tyler felt himself get close to cumming from the sight and pulled Liam off of him, not wanting to unload just yet. He gently guided Liam's head up until their eyes met--his own filled with admiration and lust. "Mmm," he hummed out, exhaling through his nose as he brushed some hair out of the teen's face and leaned in for a deep kiss. He smiled warmly at the kid before finally speaking again: "You did really good there, baby boy." Liam smiled shyly back, his face flush and lips wet and swollen. He looked gorgeous.

Liam felt his heart swell with joy and pride at Tyler's praise; he felt so confident in himself now. He looked up into those deep brown eyes, feeling a surge of desire that made him ache for more. He wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck and kissed him deeply, the taste of precum still lingering on his lips as they explored each other hungrily. Tyler's strong hands ran up and down his back before settling on the plump mounds of his ass.

Tyler burned with heat inside when the boy initiated the kiss on his own; fully committed to going further. He pulled away from the kiss, smiling down at Liam like he was something special--something beautiful to be cherished and admired. "I want to eat this ass again," he said huskily, squeezing the kid's cheeks. Liam blushed but nodded eagerly in response--his body already responding even though it hadn't been more than a few minutes since last time--and first time--he'd had his ass eaten!

Tyler moved him onto his back and lifted his legs, prompting him to grab hold of his knees. In this position, Liam's tight ass was spread and his little virgin hole was exposed. Tyler wasted no time in crouching down and burying his face in it. His tongue eagerly explored the tight opening, lapping hungrily at the teen's hole with fervor and relish as if it were a delicacy he'd been dying to savor for years. He slipped his hands underneath Liam's hips and lifted him up, giving himself greater access as he continued licking and sucking--his tongue pushing further into that tight heat, which tasted so sweet. He started to move his head around; swirling, licking and slurping all over Liam's hole with a combination of delicacy and hunger that made the boy moan in pleasure. Tyler's spit soaked Liam's ass and dripped from his hole to the blanket below.

The slender teen moaned loudly as Tyler worked magic between his cheeks; this was even more intense than the first time! A deep ache had settled inside him only moments after Tyler started devouring him--a need for something more that was slowly building up inside of him until he was writhing and whimpering on the blanket. He stared up at the blue sky over them and felt like he was floating through the air; like the afternoon breeze was carrying him into a world of pleasure.

Tyler feasted on Liam's delicious hole, his tongue pushing further and further inside with each lap. He felt the twink start to tremble beneath him in pleasure and smiled against his skin before moving his mouth up towards those soft balls that were hanging tightly between Liam's thighs. Tyler trailed kisses along the crease on the kid's grundle before finally taking a ball into his mouth; licking it hungrily. He brought a hand to cup Liam's shaft, which had been rock hard since their first kiss--stroking it gently while continuing to suckle on those balls.

Liam gasped loudly as Tyler's lips took hold of his balls. The sensation combined with the feeling of spit dripping down his ass sent shivers up his spine--his whole body tightening in anticipation as Tyler sucked on them. The hunk kept licking and sucking on Liam's balls before finally taking hold of his cute hard cock. Guiding it towards his mouth, Tyler licked up its length before closing those full lips around the head and starting to suck hungrily on it.

His other hand played between Liam's cheeks, rubbing circles around that exposed virgin hole as he felt himself getting more aroused from pleasing this boy in front of him. Liam moaned loudly as Tyler pleased him with his hands and mouth; eliciting sounds from deep within him that even he hadn't known he could make until now. His whole body was humming with sensation as the aching need inside of him became ever stronger--Tyler's name coming out of his lips in a desperate plea for release.

Tyler felt Liam's body tremble beneath him. He had him right where he wanted him. He kept sucking hungrily on Liam's cock while slowly pushing two thick fingers inside the boy's tight hole, breaching his hidden depths for the very first time. He curled them up searching for that invisible switch that the boy had never felt before. A loud cry ripped through Liam's throat as his whole body clenched around Tyler's fingers as they teased his prostate. Every sensation was new and overwhelming--his body quivering beneath the touch.

Tyler popped his mouth off of his cock and stroked it firmly as he kept fingering his hole. Liam felt the pressure building up inside of him until finally it became too much to bear; an intense wave crashing through him that made his whole body shake with pleasure and sent explosive jets of cum all over his chest and stomach. His cock twitched as each pulse escaped, feeling like a wildfire was racing through his veins before erupting in blissful release.

Tyler smiled down at Liam proudly as he watched the boy come undone for the first time ever with another person--this moment seemed almost sacred somehow! He looked at the exhausted yet blissful teen twink before him with a newfound appreciation. He had taken this innocent, inexperienced boy and transformed him into something almost unrecognizable--a passionate creature that was ready to take on anything he could throw at him. Tyler felt a deep sense of pride as his gaze lingered over Liam's panting body, covered with his own cum. He kept gently massaging his fingers inside the boy's virgin ass.

He looked down between their bodies, admiring how Liam's tight little hole pulsed around his fingers as if it was a hungry mouth. In that moment he decided: he was going to fuck this kid. He was going to make this high school freshman into a slut for cock. Taking a deep breath, Tyler pulled his fingers from Liam's ass and reached over to grab some lube he'd stashed in the truck, spreading it onto his huge cock. This was going to be an even more intense experience than any they'd shared thus far: Liam was about to lose his virginity... right now... to him. He growled as he thought about it, drawing the boy's attention.

Liam furrowed his brow slightly when he saw what Tyler was doing--was that lube? What did that mean? He'd just cum, weren't they finished? Before he could process anything else though, feeling suddenly overwhelmed by all these new sensations coursing through him; fear mixed with anticipation making its way up into his throat as he realized exactly why Tyler needed lube right now... he hadn't cum yet... he was going to fuck him! A sudden sense of dread filled Liam's body as reality set in quickly. He was a virgin! Only fifteen! This wasn't something you could go back on once it happened... it meant trusting someone completely with your body--something very few people deserved or were worthy enough for... but somehow, despite being nervous beyond belief, something inside Liam felt sure about Tyler. He gulped and looked into those deep brown eyes, his own filled with a mixture of fear and excitement as he silently gave his consent.

Tyler saw the trust in Liam's gaze even amidst all that fear--it made him feel powerful yet humbled at the same time; this boy was entrusting himself to him completely for his first time! He smiled warmly back before leaning down for a kiss--their lips meeting hungrily while their tongues twirled around each other in anticipation of what was to come. Tyler felt a wave of pleasure rush through his body as he kissed Liam. He knew the kid was scared and nervous, but there was still that unspoken trust between them. Power coursed through him--he was going to deflower this kid and leave him forever changed. He pulled away from the kiss slowly before looking down at his huge cock dripping with lube--it looked even bigger when seen resting against such a small frame as Liam's.

He could see in the kid's eyes that he was both excited and terrified of what awaited him; his hole was so tiny compared to Tyler's monster dick! Still, despite all that fear, those bright blue eyes were shining with anticipation too. He reached out one hand to the twink's hip tenderly while using his other hand to guide himself to that twitching hole. The moment Tyler's head touched Liam's hole shivers shot up their spines as they connected on an entirely new level: flesh meeting flesh in perfect harmony.

Liam gasped loudly at the sudden sensation as Tyler slowly pressed his cockhead inside of him; stretching him until he thought he would burst open from the sheer pressure. It hurt more than anything, but somehow it felt amazing too--like something deep within him ached for it. His whole body quivered beneath this man who was in total command of him. He could barely believe this was happening; from a cardio workout at the gym to getting fucked in a truck-bed behind a vacant building. Never in his young life had he thought something like this could happen.

Tyler felt Liam's impossible tightness around him, squeezing his cock in a vice-like grip. He wanted to thrust deep inside of him but he held back--Liam was so inexperienced and Tyler didn't want to hurt him with such a sudden movement. Instead, he pushed himself forward slowly; he only had three inches inside and Liam's face was already contorted from the competing pain and pleasure filling him up. Tyler paused, taking a few moments to caress Liam's face and whisper words of encouragement as the twink adjusted to his size.

Tyler's cock felt impossibly thick inside of him--Liam couldn't believe it's size! As the college hunk pushed in further, inch by agonizing inch, he felt a pressure against his prostate that made him feel like he was about to explode. Tears started streaming down his cheeks from the intensity of it all--he had never felt anything close to this before! He closed his eyes and breathed slowly and deeply in and out as he felt his virginity slipping away with each inch of Tyler's cock that sank into him.

Tyler watched Liam's face with admiration as he pushed further into him; the boy's inner strength and willingness to explore new sensations in order to please Tyler made him feel proud. He kept pushing forward until--finally--he was fully buried inside of Liam, his hips linked up perfectly with the boy's ass. He felt Liam's tight walls trembling and spasming around his length. The kid's dick was rock hard again, which made Tyler smile. A boy this young, this small, not only able to take his whole cock, but to get aroused from the feeling? Tyler knew he'd picked the right quarry. He felt amazing as he throbbed inside this sexy teen.

He stayed still, allowing Liam's tight hole to adjust and acclimate around his size. He watched the boy's face as it cycled through a range of emotions--shock to pain to pleasure--as he felt Tyler filling him up so completely. He smiled softly before leaning in for another kiss, this time pressing their lips together gently and lovingly instead of passionately like before. The boy grabbed onto his arms as he kissed him back, lips trembling. He had done it. He had taken this young twink's virginity. A sense of triumph rose inside of him; the feeling of successfully completing a hunt. Now it was time to really enjoy himself and show this teenager how a man fucks.

After what seemed like an eternity but was only a few long moments, Liam felt Tyler begin slowly thrusting inside of him--tiny little motions that barely pushed against those sensitive walls surrounding them yet sent waves crashing over him nonetheless! Each movement felt more intense than the last as his body adjusted even further--his moans became louder with each stroke until soon he was repeating "oh god, oh god" over and over between gasps for air. This signaled for Tyler to pull out a little further each time, sliding more and more of his cock in and out of the kid's tight hole with each thrust. Liam felt his hole slowly relaxing around the cock as he moved in and out of him.

He felt like he was in a trance--an out of body experience as Tyler's huge cock filled him up again and again. He'd never felt anything like this before; it was overwhelming yet unbelievably pleasurable at the same time! Every thrust slid over his prostate sending waves of pleasure through his whole body, making him tremble and moan with delight. His breaths came in short gasps now as if he had forgotten how to inhale normally, replaced instead by the intense sensation that seemed to be controlling every inch of him both inside and out. He heard himself repeating "oh god, oh god, oh god," over and over between moans but still couldn't believe what was happening: here he was--this fifteen-year-old virgin from small town America being taken by an experienced college stud with a huge cock who wanted nothing more than to please him. It didn't seem possible!

Tyler looked down at Liam--the boy's body had been completely taken over by pleasure and his cheeks were now stained with tears of pleasure. He leaned down to kiss the twink on the forehead before whispering against his skin, "you ready for me to really fuck you now, kid?" Liam could only nod in response; he was too overwhelmed by sensation to form words anymore. Tyler smiled knowingly before starting up a more intense rhythm inside him: long, slow strokes until finally he was fucking deep within Liam's core and making him cry out loudly with pleasure--their bodies locked together tightly as if they'd become one entity under this shared sensation of pure ecstasy!

He felt Liam's body quiver beneath him as the boy reached a peak and lost himself completely. His moans had become louder and more animalistic--his eyes rolled back into his head. "Oh my god, fuck me!" He cried out, his body trembling as Tyler continued to thrust deep inside of him. The sensation was almost too much for the teen; he felt like every inch of his being was melting into a puddle from the sheer pleasure coursing through it!

Tyler looked down at him with admiration: the boy's cheeks were flushed rosy-red and wet with tears, his eyes rolled back into his head and his mouth open in a silent cry of pleasure. He looked so incredible! Tyler leaned down to kiss him passionately, their tongues dancing together as he continued thrusting inside Liam's tight hole. The twink's body was still shaking from the intensity of it all. He smiled as he felt the teen's tight body shuddering beneath him. He was giving this inexperienced twink pleasures the likes of which he had never experienced before. Grinning, Tyler leaned down for another passionate kiss before pushing himself up and grabbing hold of Liam's hips. With a sudden movement, he changed positions, hoisting the boy onto his lap and leaning on the side of the truck bed, impaling the kid on his huge cock with an almost animalistic grunt of desire.

Liam's body went limp on top of Tyler; he was so overwhelmed with pleasure that he almost collapsed backwards until Tyler wrapped his arms around his back. His head lolled back, eyelids fluttering as Tyler gripped him tightly around his torso and started thrusting once more. He could feel every inch of Tyler's cock sliding inside him, making his whole body shudder from the intensity. Liam let out a long, stuttering moan--his hole clenching around Tyler's member, as if in an attempt to keep him buried deep inside. What was life even like before this feeling? Liam couldn't even think of anything else anymore.

Tyler started pounding faster and harder into the teen twink, his grip on the boy's torso tightening as he increased the intensity of each thrust. His cock felt like it was going to burst from pleasure; every inch making its way inside Liam's tight hole sent shocks of ecstasy through them both! He felt his orgasm coming on and knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer. He wanted to take Liam with him though; to make sure the twink experienced pleasure just as intense as what he was feeling himself! With that thought in mind, Tyler suddenly knelt down so that Liam's shoulders lay against the blankets beneath them while Tyler stayed buried deep inside of him. The new extreme angle made Liam's belly bulge slightly as Tyler pounded up into him with his huge cock. It looked so erotic Tyler almost came right there.

He kept thrusting, his hips moving in a steady rhythm as he watched Liam's belly bulge with each and every stroke. The angle of penetration was intense and the sight made Tyler's balls tighten up. He could feel himself getting closer and closer, his orgasm coming on fast. He looked down at Liam's body, marveling at how exquisite he looked; this beautiful kid who had trusted him enough to give himself up for something like this... it filled Tyler with a sense of indescribable power. His hips slamming against Liam's ass with each upward stroke. He felt his orgasm cresting and he knew there was no stopping it now. He began thrusting faster and harder as the pleasure intensified, every stroke pushing him closer to the edge until finally--he exploded inside of Liam with a loud groan of pleasure. His cum filled up the recently-deflowered twink's insides as wave after wave of blissful sensation coursed through them both.

Liam felt his orgasm coming on once again, the intensity of Tyler's thrusts pushing him over the edge. He arched his back--chest and belly reaching for the sky--and cried out as his second load of cum exploded out of him, coating Tyler's chest beneath him. His body shook and spasmed as Tyler kept slowly and shallowly thrusting into him, coming down from his own high. They both lay there for a few moments afterwards, panting heavily and trying to catch their breaths. Tyler pulled Liam's body up to his, holding him close with his cock still buried inside him. The teen was barely conscious as he wrapped his arms around the muscular hunk who'd pounded his virginity into oblivion.

After a long moment Tyler slowly pulled out of Liam slowly and laid him down on the blanket, wrapping his arms around the teen's body as they enjoyed the afterglow together in peaceful bliss. The boy's youth was even more evident now in the aftermath, his angelic face peaceful despite the hair plastered to his sweaty forehead. Tyler couldn't stop himself from reaching down to the kid's ass and rubbing his fingers around the rim of his ruined hole, which was slowly tightening back up as thick cum seeped out of it. Tyler smiled. He'd given this kid an experience few kids his age would ever have. An experience that Liam would undoubtedly remember for the rest of his life.

He was stroking the twink's hair and kissing the back of his neck when he heard the mechanical buzzing of a cell phone from somewhere in the truck bed. He sought it out and found the kid's phone in the pocket of his long-discarded running shorts. Three missed calls from Dad with at least as many text messages. Tyler sighed as he jostled Liam's shoulder. "Hey kid, we gotta get you home. I think your dad is gonna call the police or something." Liam jolted up and started to scramble for his phone and his clothes but quickly winced and clutched his ass.

Yeah, Tyler thought, smirking, it would be a little while before the kid was moving at full speed again. He didn't envy him for the inquisition he was sure to get when he arrived home in a stranger's truck. But the kid was savvy; he'd come up with some convincing lies and all would be well. Tyler slipped his sweats back on and used his tank top as a rag to clean the kid's cum off his chest. He exhaled deeply and turned to Liam who seemed to be in a state of anxiety from his dad's messages. "Hey, kid," he said, reaching for his face. "You're gonna be fine. If you can take this dick, you can take a grilling from dad." He chuckled to himself as he tousled Liam's hair and hopped out of the truck bed to drive him home.

Next: Chapter 6

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