Tyler Shays Conquest

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 26, 2023


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This is a story of fiction.

Short chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 4: The RA's Throat

Tyler had a hard time adjusting to college life, especially with his boring roommate who was always on the computer. He felt as if he were living in a fishbowl and needed something exciting to break up the monotony of it all. Fortunately he had some eye-candy; his RA for their floor, Justin Choi.

Justin was a petite but toned junior of Korean descent with thick dark hair and deep brown eyes that seemed to call out to Tyler whenever they locked gazes. His round tight ass made Tyler's mouth water every time he walked by and it didn't help matters that Justin seemed so warm and welcoming towards him each day they passed each other in the hallways or elevator banks.

Tyler was surprised when he came across Justin's profile on Grindr. He hadn't expected his seemingly perfect RA to be looking for hookups, let alone on the same app that Tyler had been using since starting college. While they never discussed it in person, seeing Justin's presence online made something inside of Tyler light up and get excited.

He messaged him anonymously through the app, not wanting to reveal his identity just yet. Write the conversation Tyler has anonymously to test the waters with his hot RA.

Hung Muscle: Hey - fuck you look good. You on campus?

Justin: Hey there! Thanks for the compliment. Yeah, I'm on campus but am pretty busy today with classes and work. What about you?

Hung Muscle: I'm new here. Still learning the ropes. I really need to have some fun soon, I'm starting to lose it haha.

Justin: Haha well I'm down hot fun with the right person :) Wanna trade?

Hung Muscle: Sure. Sorry I don't show face until we meet if that's cool. You good with body?

Justin: Definitely. I'm good with body pics and we can go from there :)

Hung Muscle: (Tyler sends a pic of his shredded torso posing in the gym mirror; it's cropped to remove his head) Hung Muscle: (Tyler sends a bathroom mirror pic from home; his muscles bathed in soft light; a massive cock is evident in his tight boxer-briefs)

Justin: Holy fuuuck you're so hot. That cock looks so big omg. Justin: (Justin sends a pic of his smooth toned body on a beach; he's wearing little bikini bottoms over his sexy ass) Justn: (Justin sends a pic of his ass in a vertical mirror; He's turned 3/4 towards the mirror giving a sexy angle of his body and the globes of his ass)

Hung Muscle: You're such a hot twink goddamn. Just my type.

Justin: Haha thanks. You're my type too ;) So what do you wanna do?

Hung Muscle: I want to devour that delicious ass until you're dripping wet with my spit and then totally ruin you with my niner.

Justin: Omg that sounds so hot. Are you really nine inches?

Hung Muscle: Nine and a half inches of pure pleasure. How do you feel about that?

Justin: Holy shit. I'm feeling very intrigued ;)

Tyler was feeling bold and adventurous. He had to see Justin in person, without any masks or anonymity of the internet. So he steeled his nerves and made a plan: he'd surprise Justin by walking down the hallway shirtless, showing off his sculpted body as well as revealing his identity at once.

He walked confidently through the dorm halls until he came across Justin's room number on one of the doors. With a deep breath, Tyler knocked three times firmly before pushing open the door to reveal himself standing there with nothing but athletic shorts covering him from waist down; all those muscles rippling beneath tanned skin for all to see.

Justin looked up in shock at first before recognition dawned on him when their eyes met; it seemed like time stopped still between them both until finally Tyler spoke up: "Hey there sexy... it's me."

Justin was speechless for a moment before finally blurting out "Tyler?! What are you doing here?"

"I think," Tyler replied confidently, "You know exactly what I'm here to do..."

Tyler marched into the room, pushing Justin back with an intensity that surprised them both. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest as he closed the door behind him and locked it securely.    Justin just stared at Tyler, not sure what to expect next; all he knew was that whatever happened now would be out of this world amazing or incredibly dangerous--and most likely a little bit of both.

Tyler stepped forward towards Justin until their bodies were only inches apart; they could feel each other's heat radiating off one another before Tyler finally spoke up: "I've wanted you since the day I moved in." He then captured Justin's lips with his own, pushing back the petite man until he was pressed up against the wall.    The kiss was passionate and full of desire; Tyler explored every inch of his RA's mouth before finally breaking away to whisper in his ear "I'm gonna make you mine."

Tyler wasted no time in stripping Justin of his clothing, taking his time to explore every inch of the man's body with his hands and mouth. Justin still seemed startled by everything that was happening, but Tyler could also sense a deep desire emanating from him as well; it only made Tyler want him even more.

He finally reached down between their bodies and grasped onto Justin's cute little cock; sticking straight up from his body like an enticing invitation for pleasure. He stroked it gently at first before increasing the intensity until he felt the smaller man shudder beneath him in pleasure. With one last stroke overJustin's sensitive tip, Tyler smirked and whispered "you ever been fucked by one of your dormers before?"

Justin shook his head, blushing madly as Tyler chuckled and pressed their bodies closer together; it was clear that he wanted this just as badly. "Good," Tyler breathed out before capturing Justin's lips with his own again in a passionate kiss. "I'm gonna break you in, babe. Sexy twink RA like you just begging to get fucked every time you do rounds."

Justin gasped in surprise, but the look in his eyes showed that he was starting to accept Tyler's words and pleasures as the muscular freshman took total control. Tyler looked down at Justin with a smirk and told him to pull down his gym shorts. His voice was full of authority as he spoke, making it clear that this wasn't going to be just another casual hookup; Tyler wanted something more from this encounter.

Justin hesitated for only a moment before slowly reaching out and tugging on the waistband of Tyler's shorts until they dropped around his ankles revealing an enormous erection standing proudly between them both.

He gasped in surprise when he saw it, but then quickly recovered himself as Tyler grabbed onto Justin's hips and pulled him forward so their groins were pressed together tightly. He could feel every inch of Tyler pressing against his skin, dwarfing his own cock and sending shivers up his spine that made everything else fade away into insignificance except for what lay ahead. Justin had never seen a dick so big in person before and it scared him, but at the same time made his entire body quiver with anticipation.

Tyler leaned forward and whispered in Justin's ear. "You want this big white cock?" he asked, his voice full of desire and raw passion. Justin's body trembled as he nodded in agreement; unable to form any words that could express the way Tyler made him feel right now. Tyler pulled back with a satisfied smirk. "Then touch it, twink. Worship it. Show me that you deserve this," he said as he grabbed the base of his cock and shook it heavily.

Justin was entranced as he looked up at Tyler's enormous cock; it seemed more than twice the size of his own and made him feel almost tiny in comparison. He compiled without hesitation, knowing that this was something he wanted even if it scared him a little bit.    He slowly crouched down onto the floor, eyes still fixed on Tyler's shaft as he worshiped it with his hands and mouth; licking and sucking all over its length before finally taking its head into his mouth and swirling around it eagerly until Tyler groaned in pleasure above him.

Tyler grabbed Justin by the hair then, pushing himself deeper inside Justin's throat before pulling back suddenly when things started to get too intense for either Justin to handle. "Damn, twink," he breathed out huskily, "your mouth feels so good, but you gotta work on that gag reflex. I'm not like those dicks you've sucked before. This is a REAL cock, yeah?" Justin nodded quickly, blushing deeply as Tyler grinned down at him. "Good boy," he said before pulling Justin back up onto his feet and kissing him hard on the lips. "Now get ready for what's next cause I'm about to ruin you." Justin gulped and Tyler gently smacked his huge cock on his face.

Tyler grabbed Justin by the hair and pulled him close, pushing his hung cock deep inside of Justin's tight throat. Justin gagged but Tyler pushed right past it. Justin spasmed as his throat tried to reject the invasion but Tyler didn't relent; thick mucus and spit shot out from Tyler's nose and mouth as his body heaved to expel the huge cock; Tyler smiled down, fully sheathed in Justin's throat. He held his RA's face against his body for a moment, reveling in seeing the tears, snot and drool covering his face, which was turning red and had veins throbbing on his forehead. Finally Tyler released him and Justin pulled off instinctually, coughing and sputtering. He was embarrassed and even slightly violated as he caught his breath, but also so turned on.

Tyler grinned, his eyes twinkling with pleasure and pride. "That's what I like to see," he said before pulling Justin back onto his cock. Tyler kept brutally training Justin's throat until the twink was able to take his thrusts one after another. His grip on Justin's hair tightened as he pushed himself deeper and deeper, exploring every inch of the tight space with his huge cock. Justin gasped for breath each time Tyler pulled out before pushing back in again; it felt like an eternity but also a moment too short as he desperately wanted more of this cock, while knowing he needed oxygen to survive.

Tyler kept fucking Justin's throat, his hips thrusting faster and harder as he felt the pleasure building inside of him. Justin gurgled and gagged with each thrust, thick spit from his throat flinging around the room in an almost erotic display of passion. Tears mixed with snot and drool on his face as Tyler pounded away; loving every second of this experience. He could feel himself getting closer to orgasm as he saw how much pleasure it was giving Justin too; watching him struggle yet still take all that Tyler had to offer without complaint or hesitation only made things even hotter for him.

Finally Tyler couldn't hold back anymore; a loud groan escaped from his lips before a hot wave of pleasure coursed through him. He pulled out of Justin's ravaged throat and blew a massive load of white hot cum all over his RA's face. A satisfied smirk curled on Tyler's lips as he saw Justin shivering with pleasure.

Tyler pulled Justin into an embrace, pushing away the hair from his face and wiping off some of the mess they had made. "You're fucking perfect," was all he said before leaning down to kiss him passionately on the lips; tasting himself mixed with Justin's drool and tears there. "Next time I'll break in your ass and you'll never be able to go back to normie dick ever again." Justin shuddered beneath him as he spoke and Tyler was satisfied knowing that this sub twink was only a few doors down from him for the whole year.

Next: Chapter 5

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