Tyler Shays Conquest

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 24, 2023


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This is a story of fiction.

Think of this chapter as Tyler's origin story.

Chapter 2: Tyler's First Time

Tyler Shays was born and raised in a small, rural town. Growing up he was always the quiet one, preferring to stay out of trouble and focus on school. His parents were supportive of him but never really pushed him to be anything more than what he wanted to be. By the time he got to high school, Tyler started experiencing a deep sense of restlessness that made it difficult for him to concentrate on his school work, so he decided to try something new--working out at the local gym.

At first it was just a way to pass the time and keep himself busy but over time it became an obsession. He loved feeling how his muscles gradually grew with each workout and how strong he was becoming as his body changed shape. Soon enough, people began noticing this transformation and praising him for it; something which only fueled Tyler's already growing obsession with physical fitness even further.

Tyler loved to take control of his life, something that also was a major feature of his sexual fantasies. He wanted to dominate and take control of a partner. Tyler found himself attracted to petite girls and twinky guys, loving their smooth small frames that contrasted with his as muscles grew and he became taller. His physical transformation had taken him from a quiet nerd to a young hunk in less than a year and the girls at school had taken attention. Tyler went on a few dates with girls from school but he wasn't that interested in most of them. Two of the older girls ended up making out with him, but they both got scared off once they felt the size of the bulge in his pants. Tyler had realized in the gym locker room that he had a pretty big dick soft, but apparently it was something extra special when hard; and something scary to these young women. Tyler became almost ashamed of his big dick and started to avoid the advances of the girls, preferring to find porn that suited his fantasies and where he could jerk off his heavy meat without scaring anyone.

It was July after tenth grade and Tyler had been working out at the gym for a little over a year. He'd just recently turned sixteen when he first noticed the guy on the gym floor. He was cute; short and toned and carrying himself with an air of confidence that Tyler couldn't help but find attractive. And that ass. It popped like two little bun cakes strutting around the gym floor. He had Mediterranean coloring and an aquiline nose that contrasted with Tyler's tan, but very northern European features. After a week of exchanging glances in passing, they finally ended up talking one day after their workout routines were finished. His name was Jon and he told Tyler that he was home from college on summer break, heading into his senior year. Tyler was intrigued by Jon. Even though he was way older and in college, he seemed to defer to Tyler in conversation, like he gobbled up everything Tyler had to say and solicited more. Tyler felt in control when he was talking to Jon and he liked it.

The two of them hit it off and soon they were spending a lot of time together at the gym. Despite being five years younger, Tyler was bulkier and stronger than Jon. At sixteen Tyler was almost 5'10 and had packed 171 lbs of lean muscle onto his frame since he started lifting. Jon was only 5'7 and 141 lbs of lean college twink. As their friendship progressed over the summer Tyler started to feel more comfortable around Jon, and told him a lot of his frustrations about his aborted sexual experiences. One afternoon after the gym, Jon invited Tyler back to his place for a couple beers. Tyler hadn't ever been offered alcohol by an older person before and he readily agreed, telling his parents that he was going to go to the town's diner for a while.

As they settled in on the couch sipping beers, Jon quickly got flirty with the high schooler. Tyler loved the attention Jon paid to his muscles and how he called him handsome. After the first beer was gone Jon leaned in and captured Tyler's lips in a hungry kiss--Tyler's first with a guy. He felt an electric spark shoot through him. This felt different. This felt better than any of the kisses he'd gotten from a girl. Things got heated quickly as their shirts and pants came off. Tyler was presented with Jon's slim toned body.

Tyler couldn't help but take control; pushing Jon down onto the bed before straddling him. His hands roamed over every inch of skin beneath him as he explored this new experience for the first time. He moved Jon's hands to his sides and then took in every inch of him, from the sweat on his toned chest down to the smooth crevices of his abs. Tyler felt powerful as he rocked against Jon, who seemed totally accepting of Tyler's dominant display. Tyler teased Jon's nipples and loved the soft moans he made. Tyler kissed his neck and nibbled his ears. The boy was on an exploratory mission of discovery with the college twink.

Jon had been expecting Tyler to be nervous, but instead he found the boy filled with an overbearing confidence that made him feel vulnerable despite his age gap. Tyler assertively, if not a little clumsily, poured over Jon's tight body. John hadn't been with someone this young since he himself was that age, but Tyler's mature physicality and strong personality was too tempting. Tyler pulled down Jon's underwear, his hard cock springing free. Jon wasn't particularly hung, but he was no slouch either. About six inches. He noticed Tyler staring closely at his dick, shifting somewhat nervously. "What's wrong?" He asked, wondering why the boy had suddenly clammed up. Jon had precisely zero indication that Tyler had a tiny dick--in fact, he'd seemed to have a healthy bulge whenever Jon had sneaked a glance.

Tyler averted his eyes and mumbled. "I think there's something wrong with my dick. Everyone who's seen it hard decides to leave." Jon was confused. Was his dick... deformed... or something? He encouraged Tyler to just show him, promising not to leave or make fun of him. Slowly, tentatively, Tyler leaned up so his bulge wasn't hidden by his crouching body. Wait, Jon though, it looked big. Really big. Jon's eyes widened as Tyler pulled down his boxers and his hung cock finally revealed itself. Jon just stared at it. It was huge. It had to be over nine inches and it was thick with prominent veins and delicious looking foreskin. It was... perfect.

Jon couldn't say a word; it seemed like his body was responding before his brain could even comprehend what he saw. Instead of fear or judgment like he'd expected, Tyler saw pure lust in Jon's eyes; a desire to explore every inch of his huge teen cock. He reached and wrapped his hands around Tyler's thick shaft, marveling at how such a young man could be so hung. Tyler's nerves, his shame, totally melted away as he basked in Jon's worship of his body and it only fueled the fire between them. Jon latched his mouth onto Tyler's as he stroked his huge cock with both hands. It was so hard yet the skin was baby soft under his fingers. The head leaked copious amounts of precum on Jon's hands.

Tyler quickly started to tremble and erupted all over Jon's hands; it felt like his body had been waiting an eternity for this moment and the explosion of pleasure flooded through him before he could even attempt to control himself. Jon smiled at Tyler's inexperience and kissed him again. He was proud that he'd been first to show the teen what kind of pleasure there was to be found between two men. He shifted so that Tyler could lay down beside him on the bed and gently kissed his lips as their bodies intertwined once more.

Tyler felt the fire still burning between them and he wanted to explore more. He'd experienced the hunger that Jon had shown in his eyes when he saw Tyler's cock. Now Tyler was seeing his dick as an asset. A trophy. A symbol of his power compared to other, smaller men. He was surprised he hadn't thought of it before. He rubbed his cock against Jon's lips and asked him if he was willing to give him his first blowjob. Jon smiled knowingly as he leaned in close, kissing the head before stretching his lips to take him into his mouth with a gentle yet hungry motion that sent shivers down Tyler's spine. As Jon explored every inch of him, each kiss, suckle or lick sending pleasure through his whole body - it took everything for Tyler not to cum again right then and there but instead savor this moment.

"Oh my god, I love your cock, Ty. It's so big and hard," Jon moaned as he continued to suck Tyler's shaft with enthusiasm. "I'm gonna make sure you remember this night forever," he added before pushing back on his knees to swallow everything that Tyler had to offer him. Jon gagged as he tried desperately not to choke from the sheer size of it, but still kept going until every inch was gone down his throat. Tyler felt an intense pleasure wash over him as Jon swallowed him down; finally experiencing what a blowjob truly meant for the first time in his life.

Tyler was amazed by the pleasure that he felt and he couldn't help but take control of the situation; instinctively grabbing Jon's hair in his hand as he began thrusting into his throat. Jon was surprised at first, not expecting such dominant aggression from so young a man. But it didn't take long before Tyler had him completely under his spell, submitting to this teenager's whims with each thrust. The sensation of being taken over like this sent shivers down Jon's spine as Tyler's thick shaft choked him over and over again. Jon wanted to please Tyler so he continued to give in as Tyler increased the intensity of his thrusts, grunting and moaning with pleasure as Jon's throat worked its magic. Soon enough, Jon could tell that Tyler was about to burst and just before it hit, Tyler pulled out and spilled his cum all over Jon's chest.

Jon was completely at Tyler's mercy now, his body quivering with pleasure as he begged for more. "I gotta feel that cock in my ass," he said, panting heavily with desire. Tyler was taken aback by the request but found himself aroused at the thought of finally having his own desires satisfied again. Jon quickly prepped himself and Tyler felt a rush of anticipation course through him as his cock returned to life once more from watching Jon's lubed fingers opening himself up. Tyler focused on the look of Jon's tight pink hole stretching around his fingers; he stroked himself slowly until Jon told him he was ready.

Tyler took one last deep breath before pushing in, feeling the tight walls of Jon's beautiful ass gripping him as he entered him, losing his virginity. He felt the pressure and resistance from Jon's innards but he didn't stop. He couldn't believe how good it felt; the sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before and it only increased as he began to thrust. Tyler loved hearing Jon moan and groan beneath him as his huge cock split him open. His whorish sounds were driving Tyler more wild than he'd ever felt.

Tyler felt the power surging through his veins as he pushed himself deeper into Jon, feeling an animalistic instinct take over him. He was no longer the shy guy from small town America; he had become a man with control and confidence that radiated off of him in waves. He let out primitive growls as Jon's tight walls enveloped his dick, pushing harder and faster than ever before. He grunted and moaned as pleasure flooded through him; degrading words pouring out of his mouth without conscious thought: "You're such a slut...Such a whore! Take my huge cock you fucking faggot!"

Jon moaned out as Tyler degraded him; the boy's aggressive dominance only increased their mutual pleasure to levels neither could have anticipated before this night began. As if on cue, Tyler slapped Jon's ass hard with each thrust while pulling roughly at his hair- taking total control of the older boy beneath him. Jon loved every second of it - not only did the physical sensations feel amazing but being taken by someone younger than himself made him feel vulnerable in a way that excited both of them even more. Tyler was exploring his sexuality for the first time and enjoying every minute while Jon reveled at having such an eager partner ready to use him like a bitch.

The intensity of their lovemaking was reaching a fever pitch and Tyler felt his orgasm building within him. "Take it you sexy faggot," he growled as he pumped hard into Jon's ass. Jon cried out in bliss at the feeling of being filled up by this young man; ecstatic that someone so inexperienced could bring about such intense sensations for both himself and Tyler.

He begged for more: "Fuck me... Breed me! Yes, fucking breed me!" And with those words, Tyler finally unleashed a third load into Jon's ass; flooding the older boy as he pumped in and out of him. His orgasm was intense, waves of pleasure rolling through every inch of his body until it felt like time itself stopped for a moment. Jon's body shuddered beneath Tyler as his own orgasm hit him like a wave; pleasure flooding every inch of his being. He cried out in ecstasy, shooting his load onto the bed beneath them as he clung to the sheets tightly. Tyler felt Jon pulsing around him and it only increased the intensity of their already explosive orgasms.

When they finally calmed down, Tyler lay back on the bed and looked up at Jon with a satisfied smile. He couldn't believe that he had just lost his virginity; it felt like such an accomplishment. Most guys his age were still imagining sex with their hand. But more than anything else, Tyler loved what their fuck session had revealed about himself: His pleasure came from dominating another man and turning him into a slut for his cock. It was an intense feeling of power mixed with arousal that made Tyler's heart race every time he thought about it. Jon seemed to sense this as well and whispered in Tyler's ear. "I'm so happy you loved your first time. I can't believe you're only sixteen with a dick like this. You're a real man, Tyler," he said, his voice fading into a mumble as he fell asleep. "Such a fucking man."

Tyler smiled and kissed Jon before getting up to get dressed. He knew that he would never forget this night; it had been a turning point in his life where he discovered something new about himself: something powerful.

Next: Chapter 4

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