Tyler Shays Conquest

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 23, 2023


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This is a story of fiction.

Tyler Shays is a character from my story "Ollie's Lost Innocence," (listed under College archive) which is still a work-in-progress. This series will be series of one-shots about Tyler and his dominance. If you like this character and these scenarios, feel free to suggest characters and scenarios for Tyler's conquests (but no hard feelings if I don't do it).

Chapter 1: The Hunt at the Club

Tyler was feeling extra horny on a Saturday night and was bored with all the catty twinks on Grindr. He decided to go hunting at the club about a mile off-campus. The muscular junior stood around the bar, slowly sipping his drink as he scanned the crowd. He wore a simple black muscle shirt that highlighted his shredded physique and a pair of contrast wash jeans with stitching. He gruffly brushed off other men who approached him--mostly other gym rats or wannabes. `Fuck off,' he thought; he was on a mission. Then Tyler saw him.

His eyes were drawn to the little twink who appeared on the dance floor like a moth to a flame. The kid was short--maybe 5'6--and dressed in light blue booty shorts and a yellow crop top that showed off his toned body and slender frame as he danced with his annoying group of friends--mostly girls. Tyler could feel himself getting aroused just by looking at him; this kid looked like he was of latin descent--maybe South American--with light brown skin, dark curly hair, and a delicious looking ass in those booty shorts. His pulse quickened as he imagined having that body under his control. Prey acquired.

Tyler abandoned his drink and strode across the dance floor towards the twink with purpose in his step. He stood behind the twink, close enough that their bodies were almost touching. He leaned down to whisper in the twink's ear, his voice deep and commanding. "You look so beautiful, little twink." The kid started and turned around quickly; his eyes widened, seemingly stunned as he registered Tyler's hulking appearance, angular, handsome face, shaggy brown hair and intense eyes. Tyler put a hand on the nape of the twink's neck and pulled his ear to his mouth, lightly gripping the boy's hip with his other hand; "From the second I saw you, I had to get my hands on you." He released the twink's neck and stared into the kid's big brown eyes with his own. Tyler's intense, almost hypnotic gaze bored into the twink as he gently traced light circles with his thumb on the exposed skin on the boy's hip. This kid was so soft and smooth--Tyler had to have him.

The twink looked nervous but also desirous as Tyler's dominating presence consumed him. Tyler became aware of the twink's friends paying attention to their interaction and knew he needed to close before they interfered and drew the kid away from him. He gave the twink one final smoldering look--one hand on his hip and the other on the small of his back--and pulled him close, locking his lips onto the kid's in an electrifying kiss. Tyler felt the kid melt into him as his lips moved against his; the kiss was passionate and intense. He slipped his tongue into the twink's mouth, exploring it hungrily in a way that left no doubt about what he had in mind. After several long seconds, Tyler finally released the twink from his grip and admired him with an approving smirk.

The kid just stood there dazed, seemingly unable to comprehend what had just happened between them; Tyler knew he was hooked. He smirked again before leaning down once more and whispering; "You're dancing with me, now." The twink nodded and turned to his group of friends; Tyler smirked as the kid hurriedly waved them off. 'Oh yeah,' Tyler thought, 'this kid is mine.' He grabbed the twink's hand and dragged him deeper onto the dance floor. Tyler started moving his body in time with the music, and he could feel the twink's gaze fixed on him. The kid followed along, swaying his hips as Tyler circled an arm around his waist and pulled him close. He felt a thrill of pleasure course through him at how small and delicate the other boy was compared to himself--he definitely had total control here.

Tyler held onto the twink, guiding them both gracefully while making sure to keep contact between their bodies. The music was loud and the beat heavy, but it faded away into a distant hum as Tyler leaned down to capture the kid's plush lips with another eager kiss. His tongue explored hungrily inside the twink's mouth, their tongues dueling as he ran a hand up the kid's neck and into his curly hair, holding him close. The twink was completely taken in by Tyler's commanding and passionate display. His body felt alive under the heat of Tyler's touch as he explored his body with hands that were full of strength yet gentle at the same time.

He shivered slightly against Tyler as he caressed him and pressed himself into the bigger man, emboldened by the lustful way Tyler's touch filled him with heat. Tyler ran his hands around every curve of the twink's body; gripping him around his bare midriff feeling the soft skin beneath his fingertips before reaching around to hold onto either side of those tight booty shorts--holding them firmly together like a grip on fate itself. The sensation sent an electrifying jolt through the twink's systems while they continued making out passionately. The twink ran his hands up Tyler's exposed muscular arms. His lips moved hungrily against Tyler's while his hands explored every inch of those masculine muscles, feeling the raw strength beneath his hands. The heat between them was intense as they kept kissing; Tyler had one hand on the twink's hip, playing with the waistband of the booty shorts, as his other hand slid up the boy's front, under the yellow crop top to tease his nipples.

The twink gasped against Tyler's mouth as he felt his nipples being teased and pinched. Tyler growled in response and the twink felt a thrill of pleasure course through his body. He kept the boy's mouth occupied with more kisses and sucking on his full lips as he kept tweaking those sexy nipples until they were hard little peaks under the fabric. He ran his hand from the boy's chest down his body, tracing along every curve and muscle as they continued to dance. His touch was both gentle yet possessive as he moved around to the boy's tight ass. He cupped it firmly in both hands with a satisfied growl, feeling its curves beneath him. The twink moaned into Tyler's mouth at how good it felt and Tyler squeezed harder, massaging and kneading the firm flesh in his hands. The heat between them rose even higher as their tongues continued to explore one another hungrily while Tyler held onto that delicious ass. He pulled the twink tightly against him and ground their groins together, pushing his cock against the twink's tight body.

The twink held onto his muscular frame as they ground together and Tyler glanced to the dance floor around them; the room was packed full of writhing, twisting bodies and strobes were flashing, making the room look like a stuttering old movie reel. No one was paying attention to them and if anyone tried it would be hard to see anything clearly. Tyler smiled slyly and slipped his fingers beneath the waistband of the twink's booty shorts. The twink gasped as Tyler's fingers brushed over the soft skin of his sexy ass cheeks, realizing that the man's hands were in his shorts. Tyler moved his fingers to the crease of that incredible ass, using one hand to pull apart the cheeks as his fingers dipped slightly towards the tight heat between them. Tyler stopped moving and pulled away just enough so he could look into the kid's big eyes; they were filled with desire, lust, and something else--fear? The twink kept glancing away from Tyler's gaze to the people and room around them. Clearly the kid was nervous about Tyler's hands under his pants in such a public place. It didn't matter, Tyler thought; what mattered was that this beautiful creature wanted more of Tyler's touch... and tonight would be all about giving him exactly what he needed.

Tyler's deep brown eyes stared intently into the twink's as he brushed his fingers over that beautiful ass--it was so smooth and perfect under his touch, yet still tense from fear or excitement or a combination of both. He ran one finger lightly along the crack of that delicious ass before sliding towards his hole, feeling how tight and hot it was against his fingers. The twink gasped again at this new sensation but didn't pull away; instead he leaned his chest closer into Tyler's body and pushed his hips back as the room seemed to melt away around him. Tyler smiled at the twink's surrender; the kid wanted more despite any reservations he'd had about being touched like this in public by a complete stranger. He continued around exploring that tight asshole with gentle strokes of his finger while pulling the whimpering twink's chin back up for a deep kiss full of intensity and hunger. There were no words spoken between them--just an understanding through looks and touches alone.

The twink shuddered as Tyler slipped the tip of his middle finger inside his ass, pushing it in and out of him slowly as they continued to kiss. Tyler kept exploring that tight hole with one hand while the other slipped up under the twink's crop top; he teased those hard nipples again as he played with the boy's hole. The twink ground his crotch against Tyler's thigh, seeking out more stimulation as he moaned and whimpered into the bigger man's mouth. The twink pushed his face into Tyler's chest and panted heavily as they kept swaying to the beat of the music. His body felt alive under Tyler's touch as he explored him with both hands; one inside his pants, playing with his tight ass while the other teased those hard nipples beneath the crop top. The sensation was overwhelming for the small twink in Tyler's arms and he moaned deeply against him--his breathing becoming more ragged each second that passed.

Tyler smirked at how aroused this little guy had become from just a few touches; it made him feel powerful and lustful all at once. He increased his pace, pushing two fingers inside that tight hole now instead of just one; stretching it out further than before as he curled them towards the twink's prostate. The twink gasped and whimpered loudly, the sensation sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout his body. He pressed himself even more tightly against Tyler, thrusting his hips forward and back to rub the hard cock in his shorts against Tyler's thigh, while still chasing the fingers in his ass. The boy was completely lost in the moment as he felt all of those sensations coursing through him at once--standing in the middle of the dance floor in a crowded club with his tight ass being filled with two fingers while his nipples were teased.

The twink was becoming overwhelmed with pleasure; the sensations coming from Tyler's touch felt too good. He moaned and panted against him, his body shaking as he seemed to grow closer and closer to cumming. Tyler could tell that the kid was getting close and didn't want him coming totally apart in the crowded club--he wasn't ready to be finished with the kid yet and he needed him drunk with arousal. So, he slowly pulled his fingers out of that tight ass before grabbing onto one arm tightly with a smirk on his lips. The twink squeaked at this sudden action but followed along obediently as Tyler started pulling him off the dance floor towards the back of the club.

The twink stumbled along behind Tyler as they made their way through the dark club, feeling drunk with pleasure. Tyler pulled the twink to the dark corner, glancing around before pulling one of the movable wall sections behind him. Pushing his body against the twink's, Tyler pinned him up against the wall. The heavy beat of the music was still dominating the soundscape as his hand quickly went back to exploring that tight ass while he pulled up the kid's crop top and latched his lips onto a hard nipple, teasing it with soft bites and licks. The twink whined and trembled from the intense sensations Tyler was giving him and he let out a soft moan as his hands went to grab onto Tyler's shoulders. Tyler smirked against the twink's skin before lifting up his head; those deep brown eyes were full of lust and amusement as they met with the boy's own glassy ones. He leaned in close, biting down on that tender neck softly while continuing to poke around that tight hole, pushing two fingers inside again--now with more gusto since there were no people or lights around them. The twink gasped loudly at this sudden sensation, pressing himself even more tightly against Tyler in an effort not to fall apart completely under those expert touches.

Tyler kissed the twink deeply and passionately, exploring his mouth with his tongue while still teasing that tight ass. The twink was panting heavily as he moaned against Tyler's lips; unable to think straight anymore as pleasure flooded through him like a tidal wave. Suddenly, Tyler spun the boy around so he was facing away from him--his chest pressed up against the wall of their secluded corner. He reached down for those booty shorts before yanking them off quickly revealing the twink's cute jock strap. Tyler's eyes widened as he beheld the beautiful globes of the twink's ass; paler than the rest of him with a few sexy birthmarks near the top where his cheeks met his back. Tyler licked his lips hungrily as he spread the twink's cheeks apart with both hands, exposing that tight light brown hole. He looked at it for a few seconds before leaning in closer and licking it softly. The twink moaned loudly at this new sensation and pushed his ass back into Tyler's face. Tyler smiled and kissed the twink's hole before devouring it with his mouth. He licked, sucked and nibbled on it until the twink was squirming and moaning against the wall. He moaned even louder as Tyler's tongue entered him, flicking around inside while kneading the boy's cheeks with his powerful hands.

Tyler pulled away and examined the boy's hole, slick and dripping with his spit; he pressed his thumb into it, pushing inside and curling down to massage the twink's prostate. The twink moaned at the sensation, pushing and curling around his prostate as it sent waves of pleasure throughout his body. He looked back at Tyler over his shoulder with a glassy look in his eyes--his lips parted slightly, chest heaving from all that intense stimulation. Tyler smiled wickedly at how aroused the kid was; he wanted to keep going but knew he had to be careful not to push this boy too far too fast. He leaned in closer, licking up along the base of the twink's neck before biting down softly on one earlobe and whispering; "Such a good little slut." The twink groaned while pushing himself back into Tyler's thumb; wanting more and more even though part of him felt guilty for enjoying something like this so much.

Tyler smirked against the boy's ear before pulling away and rubbing the outline of his massive cock in his jeans against the twink's ass. The sensation was enough to make the kid gasp before Tyler brought one hand around front--rubbing the twink's hard cock through his jock strap as he ground his own bulge into him. He pulled away from the twink, a smirk still on his face as he opened up his pants. The twink looked back over his shoulder, panting from the loss of sensation and his eyes widened as Tyler revealed his cock. He gasped at the sight--it was over nine inches long; hard and thick; throbbing as if with its own pulse. Pre-cum glistened around the head, which pushed beyond the drawn back foreskin. Its base was surrounded by a tangled bush of dark brown curls that only seemed to enhance how beautiful this powerful tool really was--and then there were those big hanging balls underneath it all, filled with potent man-nut. The twink's eyes widened as he stared at what Tyler had been hiding inside those jeans all night; he could hardly believe what he was seeing!

Tyler lazily slapped his cock against each of the twink's ass cheeks, leaving warm strings of pre-cum on his skin in its wake. The sensation sent shivers through the boy's body as he relished it. Tyler grinned wickedly before pressing his cock vertically along the boy's crack slowly rubbing up and down over the boy's hole, still slick with spit. He leaned down over the boy's back and softly whispered into his ear; "Ready to feel all of me inside you, little slut?"

The twink groaned and pressed his face into the cool wall before looking back again, whining out; "It's too big."Tyler just chuckled and pulled a tiny bottle of lube out from his jeans pocket--just enough for one fuck. He poured it over his cock, rubbing it over his huge length and wiping the rest in the twink's tight hole. The boy whimpered as Tyler dropped the empty bottle. "No, please," he groaned as Tyler's lubed fingers stretched his hole, "it's--it's too much! I--I've never had one so--"; the boy cut off and squeaked as Tyler pressed his slick cockhead against his tight, wet hole.

The twink was incredibly tight; almost too tight--it was going to be a challenge getting inside him. He worked the slick head of his cock against the boy's hole slowly, pushing and stretching until he could feel that resistance giving way for him inch by inch. The twink squirmed and whimpered as he pushed deeper, biting down on his lower lip to keep from screaming out in pain. Tears streamed down his face as Tyler continued to work himself further in, trying not to go too fast or force it but still needing enough pressure so that he would eventually fit all of himself inside this tight little body. "Please stop," the twink breathed out. "It hurts."

Tyler just smiled and kissed the boy's neck. There's no way he was stopping now. Continuing to push in further, Tyler brushed his lips against the twink's ear. "It will feel so good once I'm all the way inside. Just trust me." With one strong push, Tyler got the last four inches inside; he'd finally managed to get his entire length in the boy; he was completely buried within that tight little twink. The kid gasped loudly at this sudden sensation of being filled with Tyler's huge cock. The pain was incredible; he'd never had anything so large inside of him before. Tyler paused, allowing the twink to adjust to his huge cock in his guts. The boy was panting with a mix of pain and pleasure as Tyler's length filled him completely. Tyler kissed the back of the twink's neck before pulling himself back slowly, inch by inch. The twink whimpered and gasped as Tyler withdrew until only his head was inside the boy's vice-tight hole. Tyler pushed back in, setting off a wave of pleasure and pain that raced through the twink's body. The boy bit his lip to keep from screaming out as Tyler filled him up again--the sensation was too much; it felt like he was being stretched apart, like burning embers were filling his ass, while at the same time scratching an itch he had deep inside of him. He begged for mercy with each thrust but Tyler didn't stop.

The twink squirmed against Tyler, trying to get away from the intense sensations that were running rampant throughout every part of his body--but no matter how hard he tried, there was nowhere for him to go; Tyler held onto him tightly as he continued pushing himself further inside over and over again. Tears ran down his face as agony mixed with pure ecstasy flooded through every fiber of his being, threatening to overwhelm all rational thought completely at any moment now--and then suddenly it happened--something clicked inside the twink's ass and his mind and instead of begging for it to be over or struggling against this unstoppable force, he found himself melting into it; welcoming these waves surging within him so powerfully they threatened wash away anything else... even reason itself. And just like that everything changed between them. Tyler felt the twink's body relax against him; his breathing becoming much slower and more even. He stilled, sensing a the change--the twink had finally surrendered himself to this agonizing pleasure that Tyler was providing. "P-Please," the twink shuddered. "D-Don't stop now." The junior smirked at the boy's change of tune and he slowly began thrusting again, taking his time to savor each movement without pushing too hard or going too deep; teasing the boy with every stroke and exploring all the newfound depths that opened up within him after giving in completely.

The dark corner of the club filled with their moans and cries as Tyler pushed into him over and over again--each one louder than before until eventually they blended together in a chorus of breathless blissful sounds, drowned out by the music to all but them. The kid's eyes rolled back into his head from pure euphoria, oblivious now to anything else but this moment between them--all conscious thought erased away by these relentless waves crashing through him like an ocean tide erasing footprints on wet sand. His mind broke free from its previous limitations, allowing itself to explore previously untouched realms while being taken apart piece by piece by Tyler's powerful strokes--and it was beautiful; better than any sensation he'd ever felt before. Tyler felt the twink's body responding to him with each thrust; his cries and moans increasing in intensity. He was lost now--completely taken over by this incredible pleasure that this domineering stranger had brought into being within him. Tyler grunted as he increased the speed of his thrusts, pushing harder and faster than before while still exploring all those new depths that opened up inside of the boy when he surrendered himself completely. The twink moaned out loudly as Tyler filled him, feeling like something within him was about burst at any moment now if it kept going on like this much longer!

His eyes widened in shock as Tyler suddenly pulled out, a gaping emptiness filling him from the loss of the cock filling him up. Tyler spun the boy around so they were facing each other--the muscular college jock lifting the boy off his feet, his shorts falling off his ankles to the floor. Tyler hooked his arms under the boy's knees and gripped his ass as he dropped him down and slowly impaled him back onto his huge cock. The twink let out a loud cry at the intense sensation; biting down hard onto Tyler's shoulder as he felt himself being filled. Tyler groaned and smiled into the boy's neck, pushing even further inside and feeling that incredible heat wrapping around him like a vice grip--it felt amazing. Tyler loved how the tight heat of the twink's ass gripped him, milking his entire length with every thrust. He could feel himself getting close and he wanted to make sure this beautiful boy got off too; so he held those cheeks tightly and guided that perfect little body up and down on him. He stared at the boy's face, just inches from his own. The twink's eyes were hooded and rolled back into his head, mouth hanging open slightly while panting heavily through each thrust from the bigger man's enormous cock. Tyler could see drool rolling down from the corner of his lips; a sign that the kid was completely lost in bliss; totally surrendered to him and his cock.

Tyler's thrusts increased in speed, going faster and deeper as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. He ground his hips against the boy's ass even more forcefully now--each motion sending waves of pleasure through both their bodies so strong they could hardly contain it anymore. Tyler captured the twink's mouth in a sloppy kiss, fucking him deeply and chasing his orgasm. The twink groaned and gasped each time Tyler filled him up, throwing his curly head back and pushing down harder with his own body as the beat of the dance music echoed around them and finally--it happened; Tyler let out a loud grunt as he came inside of the twink hard; pulse after pulse of his hot, virile cum came crashing into the twink's ass an ocean tide breaking onshore, filling him up with his load. The twink screamed out as Tyler held him fully sheathed on his huge cock, pleasure coursing through every part of him before shuddering uncontrollably from all that intense pleasure and releasing his own load in the pouch of his jockstrap. He spasmed in Tyler arms with his cock buried inside him.

After a few moments, Tyler slowly pulled out of the twink and set him down on his own feet. The kid had to hold onto him for support; he was still trembling from all that intense pleasure. Tyler chuckled softly at this before looking into those glassy eyes--the same ones which were so full of fear and uncertainty when they first met each other's gaze in the club less than an hour ago. He smiled tenderly as he brushed away some of the boy's tears with his thumb. The twink felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him and he collapsed into Tyler's arms, his legs giving out and his body trembling, totally spent from all that intense pleasure they had just experienced together. He looked up at Tyler with glassy eyes, his heart still racing from the overwhelming sensations that had just been coursing through him; he smiled weakly at the strong man who had so thoroughly wrecked him. Tyler smiled back and gently kissed the twink's forehead before wrapping his arms around him, holding him close until those tremors had stopped.

Tyler smiled as he watched the twink fall asleep in his arms, despite the loud music emanating from all around them. He knew that after what they had just experienced together, sleep was probably one of the best things for him right now. Gently lifting him up into his arms, Tyler arranged the exhausted boy on the floor of their corner; making sure to tuck the discarded booty short next to him. With one last look at this beautiful sleeping angel, Tyler slowly stood back up and zipped up his pants. He had conquered this one; now it was time for him to move on. As he made his way out of the club, Tyler glanced over his shoulder just in time to see a few of the twink's friends finally make their way into the corner and discover their blissed out friend--ass out with Tyler's cum leaking from between those hot little cheeks. The look of shock on their faces sent a satisfied smirk across Tyler's lips as he turned and walked out into the night.

Next: Chapter 2

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