Tyler Series

By Rick Adams

Published on Mar 7, 2006


Note: thanks again for the kind words, guys. You really know how to make a newb feel welcome. Here's the final installment (for now; I've plotted out more, but when to get to it...that's the mystery). Enjoy.


It's pouring down rain by the time I get to Tyler's house. Water is at least 6 inches deep in the street, and I`m soaked down to my skivvies.

Tyler's house. Made of brick--the kind of house a doctor would have. Even in the rain and the dark I see part of the front is covered in a vine. A single light is on in what can only be the living room--right next to the front door, with its engraved bronze plate bearing Tyler's last name. Graham.

I knock five times. The sound of my bones against the wood is heavy, and I almost wonder if he hears it. Rain runs down my neck. My shirt is already soaked. I can almost feel my nipples standing out under my shirt. Giving their little salutes.

I hear a deadbolt unlatch slowly.

The door opens slowly, and Tyler stands in the threshold. He's wearing a wifebeater--probably the same one as before--and windpants.


"Alright," I say. "I don't know which one of us wins, and I really don't care."

"God, you look terrible. Come on inside, dry off."

I don't move. "You're a really nice guy, and you're a great friend, but for right now...I have something I have to tell you."

His eyes narrow and he stands to one side. This is a cue to come in. So I do. He leads me to a bathroom just off the main hall.

"Um." He rubs one hand through his still-wet hair. Must've just gotten out of the shower. "I'll bring you some dry clothes."

He's flustered. And naturally so.

So am I. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe I should've stayed home and...not gotten involved.

I stand in front of the door-length mirror and pull off my shirt. My chest glistens with water soaked through the shirt. Kick off my shoes and pull off freakishly wet socks. Unbutton my jeans and let gravity take them down. Slip my fingers around the waist of my tidy-whities--stuck to my skin and displaying my cock, matted against the cotton--and pull them down too. I hold them in my hand. They're heavy, laden with water, and I stare at them for a moment or two.

Yeah. Maybe this was a bad idea.

My chest is slim. Almost no muscle, but its there anyway. A small happy trail leading down to a trim circle of hair just above my soft cock. Soft and growing.



"Yeah?" I turn around and see him. Holding a folded pair of jeans and a white tee-shirt at waist level. I look down at myself. My cock is at full mast.

"Uh...I'm sorry."

"Its..." Tyler looks at me for a moment. His eyes go slowly downward. He snaps out of it a minute later and hands me the clothes. "It's ok. I'll be in the den whenever you're ready."

So I get dressed.

When I'm ready, he says. "In the den." Shit. No one talks like that. Only gods on Olympus talk like that--and that's what Tyler is. A god--unattainable, perfect and mysterious. A strange and inviting combination.

I walk into the Den to see Tyler sprawled, shirtless, on the leather sofa. With remote firmly in hand, he's flipping through the channels indiscriminately. Why is he shirtless? He looks away from the TV; both of his eyebrows raised, and says cheerfully, "you're back."

"Yeah." I scratch the back of my head. "Thanks for the clothes."

"No problem." He waves a hand passively. And sits up. "What was it you had to tell me?"

I inhale. Deeply. And I steel myself.

"Tyler, I'm..."

He stares at me with a bowed head and wide eyes, silently prying me to press on. "Gay." It sounds so effortless that I almost don't believe I said it. Tyler's brow furrows and he leans back in the sofa. Strokes his abs idly for a moment.


Tyler's mouth opens and hangs there for a second while he searches for the words. His head leans back and he smiles and stares back at me.

"Why are you smiling?"

He stands and wraps his fingers around the waistband of his windpants. And he pulls them down slowly.

This isn't happening, this isn't happening. Stuff like this doesn't happen to me--to anyone. Though...even in Greece, the gods regularly walked among men. And Tyler is walking among me right now. Walking toward me.

I step away from the wall slowly. My eyes narrow. Stop trying to play tough, John. You're fooling yourself. This could be it.

But...it probably isn't. You can talk the talk, Johnny-Boy, but can you walk the walk? Not when it comes right down to it. `Cause...you're a pussy like that.

Bullshit. One hand still in my pants--his pants that smell just-from-the-laundry fresh--I rub my erection some more.

A red and thoroughly stiff cock--circumcised--rests in Tyler's hand. The other hand hangs idly at his side. My eyes trace the outline of his physique. His ribs, his broad pecs, and tiny little perfect nipples. A perfectly hairless and sculpted chest.

My cock flinches in the pants. For a second, I lament a premature leak.

The world stops. Between the ticks of the clock, it's just a very naked Tyler standing three feet away from me; and a very horny me. A very horny subconscious that wants this in a bad way.


"It's okay, John." He sounds generous anyway. Like even if I refuse, he won't hold it against me.


"I hope I'm right in assuming what I'm proposing here, despite the fact that we both know what that does to you and me."

"This...is this why you bumped my foot earlier today? Why you...didn't wear a cup out there."

"Glad you noticed that." He smiles curtly. "I like to think I'm observant like that; that I notice you staring at me off and on during school." He stands from the sink and leans close to me. His lips meet mine, and the world gets very hot for a moment. I feel sweat rolling down my forehead. His lips are wet and soft. He doesn't try to force his tongue into my mouth. The kiss is short and sweet and hot and delicious. He pulls away slowly and smiles. Grabs his cock in one hand.

"Touch it."

My hand quivers and extends to the red rod in his hand. And my fingers run across the head. Tyler inhales and his head reclines. My hand slides from the head to his pubic bone, feeling the veins and the imperfections in the skin. The slight curvature--he probably jacks lots.

And then I pull away quickly. Haphazardly.

"No," I say. "This isn't right."

"What? But...I thought you were..."

"Yeah, no, I know." The world becomes a blur. I massage my temple with one hand.


"Listen," Tyler says and leans close to me, laying a hand on my shoulder. "We can do this, if you want. And we don't have to. I only thought that since you were...you know--"


"That I could...I dunno, help you out."


"And I thought...Christ, John, I'm sorry. I thought since we haven't talked in years...we used to be friends. I want to get to know you again. High School's been a fucking change, yeah, but I thought...Jesus, I don't know."

He's being apologetic. Needlessly.

"No," I say, toughening myself. "You're right. I'm gay. And you are a friend." It's true. We've known each other since second grade, and each year we seem to talk less and less. This might be an opportunity to rectify that, to make up lost time. It's unorthodox, but maybe...

"I want to be," he says and smiles.

I look down at his cock--still as hard and as red as ever. And I say yes. I unzip my pants and let them fall to my ankles. I lift up my shirt to let Tyler see my own cock. It's hard already, but nowhere near as well-kept as his. My legs aren't as taut or as defined as his, and I'm nowhere near his level pf physical perfection. He smiles at the sight, anyway, and his hands run around my hips and start kneading the flesh of my ass.

"You're sure?" He leans in and touches his nose to mine. I smell the sweat on him, and it's delicious.

"Yes," I whisper.

Tyler smiles and starts to kneel.

"No," I say, a smile creeping across my face. "Let me do this one."

He shrugs and sits back on the couch, reclining so I can get good access. I get on my knees and wrap a hand around the base of his shaft, inhaling and smelling the sour odor. Sweat, mixed with cum absorbed into the skin; he probably beat off earlier in the day and hasn't showered since.

I lick the head once, and a drop of precum spurts onto my tongue. Tyler apologizes; I shrug it off, and wrap my lips around the purple knob. The skin is soft, and I roll his cock from one side of my mouth to the other. I feel a slight vibration, and look up to see Tyler shuddering and staring at the ceiling. I wonder if he's in heaven. And I move down to the halfway point. The head of his cock rubs against the hard palate of the roof of my mouth. I suppress the gag reflex and move further down.

And I feel the warmth of his crotch on my nose and lips. The curly hair surrounding his cock. I blow air out of my nose, and he shudders again from the sensation. He wraps a hand around my head and forces me down on his cock.

"Ahhhh." His voice is a whisper, disrupted by the rhythm of his breath. "I can't...I can't believe this."

I say nothing--can't, really--and keep going. I rub one hand up the sides of his legs, tugging lightly on the curls of hair, and between the back of his thigh and the leather sofa. The other hand goes underneath his balls and starts tickling his sack.

Tyler groans again.

I think--hope--he likes the tickling. I keep the heat on his cock, pumping increasingly faster. And he keeps saying `fuck' intermittently. I look up once to see him pinching one of his nipples and rolling his neck around, like he's cracking it. I start sucking his rod faster; he shudders and leans forward to rub my head playfully. I'm getting close.

The end comes with astonishing suddenness.

"Okay...okay," he rasps. "I'm coming."

As he leans forward, a stream of cum shoots up from his cock. Straight into my mouth. I hesitate for a moment and pull back. Some cum leaks from my mouth and dribbles down my chin. But I take it again and let his juice fill my mouth. And Tyler leans back against the sofa. I let his cock slide out of my mouth, licking up excess on his head and around my mouth. I slide my pants down off me, so I'm fully naked now. Lean in close to Tyler again, touching my nose to his.

Tyler's eyes are closed. When they open, I kiss him quickly. Taste the sweat.

"Thank...thank you," I say.


He shudders again. I lay my head in the cradle between his neck and collarbone; my breath makes small goosebumps on his skin, and I feel him kiss my forehead.

Next: Chapter 5: Tyler 5

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