Tyler in Pain

By moc.loa@tolaemgeB

Published on Mar 15, 2000


Okay, so I lied. Sue me. I just have to tell you what happened to the motherfucker who ran down my big buddy Tyler after it went to jury trial because the stupid fuck tried to say he was innocent! He didn't remember nothing, so he couldn't have done it, right?

"Tyler in Pain" PART FOUR: TRIALS

Our parents all got together and agreed it would be best if we stayed in the city for the trial instead of driving back and forth, especially for Tyler. He likes to act all tough but he wasn't fooling me, and I guess even the adults knew better. Sometimes they're alright. So we checked in to this okay place, not the Ritz but not where they have to leave the light on for you, either.

And guess what? Yeah! TYLER AND ME GOT OUR OWN ROOM! And no adjoining door! Fuck me!

I would have been happier if Tyler wasn't so quiet and moody. I mean he hardly said a word, you know, and when he's not right I'm not, either. I never left his side, not once, which was way cool, even if I couldn't hold his hand like I wanted.

Well, first day in court I was kind of in awe, you know. It was the real thing, not Matlock. It's scary, I don't care what anyone thinks of me, and anyone who says it's not is a liar or a fool. The lying, sack of shit idiot who ran over my buddy and me is called Eugene Bartles, and I couldn't help myself, I just kind of glared at him there at his table in his nice pressed suit until he went to squirming and finally noticed me and frowned.

He didn't know who I was. I knew I was gonna be sick.

The scary young chick from the D.A.'s Office called Tyler to the stand first, and I squeezed his hand and looked at his face, and the poor guy looked awful. He closed his eyes and swallowed, and I got a big hot flash. Then he stood slowly and left his cane, which we'd kind of had our first argument about, see. Tyler said he'd rather see the bastard walk than look like some lame-ass fishing for sympathy.

So what happens? Tyler gets through the little swinging doors, and it's obviously all he can do, and I was already getting to my feet when my big buddy stumbled and went SMACK flat on his proud face! Well, hell, the whole courtroom was on its feet and I jumped over that rail so fast no one even saw me coming, and I was on my knees burrowing my crazy, burning head under one of his arms and lifting his stubborn ass back to his feet.

The judge bangs his gavel, that was way cool, and makes everyone settle down while I help Tyler boy to the stand. I couldn't help noticing the jury as we passed. I mean, all their eyes on ME, not Tyler. And the women all looked like mothers. Oh, shit, I thought! I just screwed Tyler's plan!

My Tyler was sweating awful, it was dripping off his face and showing through his nice blue dress shirt under his coat and tie. So the D.A. lady hands him a hankie, and the sigh of relief he gave out was precious. All she did was ask him to tell what happened that day, and his face started shaking, and his lips trembled. Fuck it, I was crying all over the place.

"I, uh, I, I didn't see it coming," Tyler started all soft with this dazed stare at nothing. "My little buddy and me, uh, I mean, Derek and me were on our way home from school, and he was telling this joke, like he always does, and, uh, and, oh, my God, I'm sorry, ma'am, but I still can't remember what happened next, except it hurt so bad I, I, uh, I couldn't take it."

"What do you mean, Tyler, you couldn't take it?" she asked, but it was nice.

"I couldn't describe what I mean by I couldn't take it even if I wanted to, ma'am, and I don't want to, because I don't want anyone here to know how awful I felt when my head snapped back, and, oh, God, oh, God!" My buddy bit his lip and focused, I think, except I was all blurry as hell. "I lost control and didn't know why, okay, I just flew up and flipped over and it all went black but I don't think I was unconscious, see, at least I felt everything, moving fast, something big and hard and cold carrying me somewhere, and I, umm, God, I'm sorry, but I thought I was dead. No, I knew I was dead. Does that make sense?"

The place was silent a long moment. Then she goes, "Tyler, I only have one more question for you. Did you see the car that ran over you or the driver of the car?"

Tyler was wrecked. He took a deep breath and shook his head and whispered, "No."

And the D.A. lady seemed happy! "Your witness," she grinned to the enemy's lawyer, who stood and tried to look like some kind of bird other than a vulture.

"This won't take long," he said all sympathetic to my buddy, who nodded. God, Tyler's a sweetheart to everyone. "So, Tyler, you never saw who committed this terrible crime or the kind of car he or she was driving, is that right?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you were crossing the street with your friend, you said, and he was telling a good joke, and you were both relaxed and not thinking..."


"Sustained," sighed the judge. Cooler!

"Is it possible you were perhaps not looking where you were going?" asked the sonofabitch. "No," Tyler said real loud and clear. "Like I said, I remember everything before we crossed the street, like looking both ways, and I even heard squealing tires so I looked real carefully, but there was nothing, I swear, nobody in sight when we stepped into the street. Then I, I stopped looking except at my little buddy Derek who was smiling like he does, you know, and he made me smile, and then, uh, God, then it happened."

Well, they decided not to ask my buddy any more questions after that one! Jeez! Now it was my turn! I told them everything, the make and color of the big old Buick, the license number, oh, and the M.A.D.D. sticker on the back that came back to me later on, in my sleep, only I didn't tell them that part.

"People's Exhibit A, Your Honor," goes the D.A. lady, handing the bailiff a single photograph of the Buick that mowed us down. The jury passed it slowly. "That's the Defendant's car, by the way. Note the license number and the distinctive bumper sticker. Oh, yes. And blood matching the victim's DNA was found on the hood and windshield."


That was pretty much that, even if they dragged it out a couple more days. Then we had recess, just like in school, which I thought was cool! We all went to lunch, the two families, I mean, at a kind of fancy place near the courthouse. Tyler looked better, not good, but okay, I guess. Preoccupied. Then, right when the waiter brings our drinks...

"Uh, everyone, I have something to say," went Tyler, and under the table he grabbed my hand and held on tight. Oh, shit, I knew what was coming. "See, I love Derek."

The waiter's mouth hit the floor! And I guess he's cute, for an older guy, in his 20s, you know.

"Oh, well, of course you do, son," went his dad, smiling for everyone else.

"You know what I mean, Dad." Tyler wasn't backing down. "I almost died. Derek was hurt bad, too. And I guess it took this kind of close call to wake us up, Dad. All of you. I love all of you. But I love Derek, my beautiful little buddy, special, and I'm sorry, Derek, if I'm embarrassing you, dude, but I know you love me the same, and that's what's got me through this far."

Fuck me! I was just so damn proud of my man that I just went and lifted up a little from my seat and kissed him soft on the cheek. What was I supposed to do, deny his outrageous display of his love for me? I don't think so! The waiter was a pro, he got every drink where it belonged and disappeared for a while.

"Well, fuck, I'm proud as hell of both of you boys!" went MY dad, and that was basically that. Except for the way Tyler lit up after that and started patting my arm and stuff all the time like he never did before, especially in front of family and all. And the way he looked into me, through my eyes but way deep inside me where only he could get. Like I said before, I'm so in love it hurts.

That night after court everyone was wiped, but for some reason the parents all wanted to go out for a drink. Tyler and me knew what that meant, and who could blame the folks for needing to tie one on after the various trials of the day? It's not easy for old people to hear how their son's in love with his best friend. I'll give them this, though, at least they didn't lay that stupid ass "you're too young to know" shit on us! I mean, my God! I'm a sophomore, and he's a junior. Why wait?

In our room after dinner (we spent all day either in court or restaurants), my lover boy sat on the edge of a bed and stared off. I got down on my knees between his legs, only that didn't get his attention, so I wrapped my arms around his hard, warm waist and buried my head in his nice belly. When that dude's hands went to playing with my hair, I swear, I caught fire inside. Tyler makes me high just off his touch, see. And the best part is, it was pure love, not sex. Yet.

I sighed real deep and sniffed him, the natural, funky, post-sweaty day in court smell my big buddy makes, and sure, then my dick stretched out. At least his did the same thing, I felt it bob up under his thin slacks and hit my chin. So I pushed back on his chest real soft and explored his keyed up body so slow. I watched as muscle after muscle gave it up and heard him shiver and sigh with each one.

When I was done, or just starting, all but one of our muscles were limp, and I took his in both my hands through his pants and then blew my hot breath through so Tyler shook and moaned.


I slowly undid the bottom buttons of his blue shirt and pulled it out of his slacks just barely, so I could lick his fuzzy belly and feel him tense and squirm under me. I dig that feeling, or power, whatever, so much. I saw the wet stain spread from the throbbing cockhead beneath the soft fabric and just had to suck on it a minute, making it a lot wetter.

Finally I pushed Tyler back onto the middle of the bed and undressed him, but I was in no hurry. He was naked soon enough, and I took off only my tie then and lay my whole weight on top of the stud and kissed him hard and wet. My eyes were closed, but I sure felt his strong hands grab my firm little 16-year-old butt cheeks as his hard-on ground into my trapped crotch.

But Tyler let go of my ass and gripped my head all wild and fed me his hard, dripping tongue, all the way, see, all the way into my throat. Shit, I whimpered and almost shot off, but Tyler knows me too well already, so he rolled over with him on top of me and lifted his bare-assed body off me to relieve the unbearable pressure on my sensitive boyhood but kept frenching me as he very quickly stripped me naked.

The feel of his hand seizing and pumping my 6" of flaring meat while his mouth ate my face raw was too much, but he knew, see, he knew, and right when I almost sprayed off over myself he dove onto my prick. I SCREAMED! Really! Thank God the folks were gone. I screamed and gushed my cream into Tyler's mouth and nearly passed out in the warm glow of my lover quenching his thirst on my juice machine.

After he took all of it, I mean every last drop of my stuff, he sighed and let my dick plop out of his mouth and left his sweaty, warm head down there by it, with his nose in my pubes and his breath from it kind of tickling me, which I really dug. I love how sexy and intimate my buddy likes to get with me, and he's not all hung up in the head. If he wants to snuggle his face in my funky boy patch, well, that's what he does.

But I get my turn, too! So I carefully pushed him onto his back and lay there on my side on my elbow with my other hand petting him, you know, real soft and feathery, my fingers hardly touching his big bouncing boy balls and bad boy. The whole time I did that, I watched his face. His eyes were closed, mouth open, tongue going out now and then, or over his wet lips, and the way his back arched sometimes, when I got him especially good, made me stiffen up nice and aching hard again. Really, I went even harder than the first time just from playing with Tyler boy.

My hand kept going like it was, but I leaned close to Tyler's happy trail and sniffed him there and then kissed him, that's all, but I swear he tensed up all over, like every single muscle in his body, and when I felt this sudden, thick, hot squirt of something splash against my cheek I really didn't know at first what it was...until my fingers felt Tyler's boner bouncing all over, and more of the stuff hit my face, and I looked down there and got a big, huge splooge of Tyler juice right between the eyes!

I laughed, and more of the spunk got in my mouth before I went down on his dancing dick, all the way down like it was made for. Really, Tyler's thing was made for sucking deep into my throat. I felt it throbbing off in me still, my boy was so keyed up from everything he was dying for relief, and you bet I gave it to him. He took a while to settle down in me and stop shaking, his whole body, not just his pecker. I heard him breathing real hard.

When I lifted my head off Tyler's meat, it wasn't even slightly soft, you know. I had his jizm all over the side of my face and smelled it so strong it made me light-headed. I went to licking the rest of it off his hard belly, and I really, really, really dug eating it up off his happy trail of dark brown boy fur straight up from his funky black pubes into his cute, little belly button, where a big mess of his cum was puddled up nice for me lick out of him with my tongue.

I kind of tickled Tyler bad then, only when he tried to stop me I lost it and held him down and ate his spermy belly so he laughed and laughed his big ass off! Oh, man, I love making Tyler laugh, and even better, hearing him! I didn't leave any of his rich cream to waste, not the last of it that dribbled out his hard, red cockhead, not the part in his curlies, not on his sides or up by his neck, none of it, okay, except the part on my cheek. I went up and kissed my boy on the mouth so he could taste a little of it, then turned the other cheek, get it, and closed my eyes as that hot 17-year-old man sniffed me all riled and kissed it and licked it all off me.

What a rush! I mean, how wild can it get? Then I felt Tyler's tongue sneak in my ear, and I was gone for God knows how long, okay, I lose track totally when he does that to me. And he really loves it, too!

I rolled on top of my man so our hard-ons ground each other rough and manly, and the smell of our wild armpits made me drunk and set something crazy in me free, I guess. I don't know what came over me, but I went back down on Tyler and sucked his overheated nuts, both of them all the way into my hungry mouth til he gasped and shuddered and grabbed my head for support. And I sucked on his big old balls, trapped in my mouth, tonguing them madly, swallowing his sweat and boy musk mixed with my spit.

But out of nowhere, I had to go all the way. I pushed his legs back carefully, I mean I tried to be careful but I was insane with lust for his furry hole, and I dove right in! Tyler groaned real loud! And long! And deep! My tongue snaked in and out of his twitching butthole, tasting him, tormenting him, tweaking the stud into total pleasure, and me, I was chuckling and grinning, my face buried in the heart of my man's most private place.

That's when it hit me, I could go anywhere I wanted with Tyler! I kissed him there in his slick crack and bit his cheeks, both of them, yeah! Tyler spazzed all over and laughed, but I was deadly serious all of a sudden as I crawled up and let his legs hang over my shoulders. We looked each other right in the eye, and Tyler knew what was happening. Part of me couldn't believe it. I mean, I'm not a top, not really. But you'd never know it from the sexy way I took my buddy then.

I stared into Tyler's beautiful eyes and hawked a big stream of my spit down onto my angry, red cock and went to jacking it all over, good and nasty, and I swallowed hard, because I was so excited and breathless and grateful, I don't know. I was so confused and certain all at once! And that's when I went for it, real easy and steady, I aimed my cock at Tyler's crack and leaned into him and it just happened like I'd been fucking ass forever!

I was in Tyler! Ohmygod! I was really in him! I felt his hot hole, the muscles and skin and everything, grab me and pull me and hold on to me, and a side of me I never knew was there came out. I just did it. I pumped it in and out of my sweet buddy, in and out, over and over, steady, easy, sexy as all hell, manly...yeah, I felt like a real man, I did, it was so good, my eyes closed and I moaned and licked my lips all over. I was drooling, and I kind of was aware that some of it dripped down onto Tyler boy but who cared?

"Yeah, Derek! Fuck ME, Derek! Oh, my God, boy, do it to me! Yeah! Oh, God, I love you so much, dude, fuck me, don't hold back, it's cool, just fuck me good and hard, boy, please! PLEASE! FUCK ME HARD!"

Okay. I'm not a violent guy, really, or rough. But when I heard Tyler's throaty, teenage, lustful plea for me, his lover boy, to screw him for real, I did it. That's the best I can put it. I did it. I made my hips thrust faster, and my nice 6" bone went further than it had any damn right to expect! Tyler was wincing, anyway, but fuck it! He made me do it! I stuck it to him all totally nasty and wild and fucked his virgin ass. Yeah, I did. I took Tyler's ass-cherry nice and for good.

Our sweat was making me slip so I shoved it in even harder as I jammed my legs up by his hips and grabbed his ankles roughly with my crazy hands and really cut loose. Really. I mean, it was turning into outright sodomy, man. Nobody could stop me at that point, and Tyler sure wasn't about to try! He had this total ear-to-ear smile! My sweat was flowing off my face down to his, and he was licking it up! God, that turned me on even more!

I flashed on Tyler doing me, and how he always likes me to wrap my legs around his waist so we can press our chests and faces up together and kiss and all, so I made him do it to me, grip me to him with his strong legs, and our dripping wet bodies just took each other suddenly, and our slick faces ground each other, and our mouths collided, and our tongues mashed each other and slurped all loud and dirty, and our teeth clashed, and...


I couldn't breathe. I seized up all over like never before and shook and twitched like a total spaz and buried my bone up Tyler's shoot, and he smiled his best smile ever at me and nodded and grabbed my nice, small, white butt cheeks and pulled on them to make me go even deeper into him. He wanted me in him! Tyler wanted me, Derek, to do it in him...to shoot my stuff...

And that's when I shot my stuff up inside my man, my lover, my buddy. My mouth was open wide, and my spit was just squirting out like my salivary glands lost control or something. Then Tyler let go of one cheek so he could take my head and pull it to him and kiss me the rest of the way through my best and longest rocks-off yet! And he gave me the best kiss we ever had, too, soft and tender and wet, and that was the best part of the whole thing. Tyler's sweet boy kiss in the middle of my wild-ass throes!

My throbbing didn't stop for a long time, and then my body needed a minute to uncoil so I wouldn't snap and hurt myself, but I stayed inside Tyler. He wanted me to, I could tell from his soft, satisfied eyes. His hands stroked me all over, rubbing my thick sheen of sweat, and squeezing me now and then with his still very tight manhole. I freaked off more every time he did it, but I loved it. So did he.

"Jerk it, buddy," I whispered. I needed for him to cum with me inside him still. I know it's stupid, but it was real important.

Tyler licked his lips and took his dick in hand and stroked it easy at first, getting into it, and there was such a flood of clear juice that it made this cool jackoff sound, unmistakable, right, there's only one thing makes that noise! Boy fisting penis! Without thinking, I went to fucking him again, not hard, just easy, in and out, but all the way, so my hot, round head would almost pull out before I'd send it all the way back in to his spot, that place in every man that makes it so wild.

I know that place, okay. Tyler owns mine, and now I owned his! I tweaked his spot so he went to panting, and his mouth was wide open, his head was thrown back, his eyes rolled up in his head, and when his tongue shot out I knew he was there...the thrill of his butt taking my prickly boner on another ride right after he made a choking sound and shot off all over the place, his face and everywhere...

Because I almost blacked out! I felt my load boiling again, and it went over, and I was filling my lover with more of my seed, and his was still flying to the headboard, onto the sheets, up into my face, oh, my God, it was too much! We started whimpering, overwhelmed, and breathing like we'd die!

I collapsed in total satisfaction and felt my prick plop out of Tyler boy. He groaned as his legs eased down and I fell into his arms and kissed his pecs and tasted his strong sweat. I started licking it up, all of it I could get, like a wild man, and his insane load of spunk, too. There wasn't any part of my man I didn't want to taste.

I looked at Tyler's face and froze. He was drenched in sweat, but still I knew tears when I saw them.

"What's wrong, boy?" I asked, scared. "Ohmygod, I hurt you! Oh, no! Oh, God...."

Then Tyler grinned, but he was still crying. "I just love you, man."

That's all he could say. And that's all I needed to hear.

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