Tyler in Pain

By moc.loa@tolaemgeB

Published on Jul 5, 1999



"Tyler in Pain"

It's freaky how things work out. I never really knew how I felt about my big buddy Tyler til he was almost taken away, and then when it went down I was too busy jumping out of the way of the big old Buick, to save my own ass, and at the same time making this mental note of the plate, to see where Tyler was. That's when I saw him tumble off the hood of the Buick as it swerved on down the road, and I almost dumped in my pants. I stopped breathing and went cold all over even though I was sweating bad, and I knew I was going to pass out.

But no such luck. Somehow I was kneeling by Tyler, and I had a bad time breathing and seeing because of the shock of the close-call, it made my eyes water, you know. I knew I was going to be sick. I wanted to touch Tyler so bad but his eyes were closed and his face was bloody and his left leg was twisted like I've never seen a leg bend. There was this weird sound in my head and I didn't know there were people all around us until one of them shook my shoulder and I looked up and saw her mouth moving into a cell phone. Then she looked right at me and was talking mute and I actually read her lips and moved my own to give her the plate number but nothing but this wind sound came out, only she smiled and nodded and spoke into the cell phone again and...

Shit, then we were in the ambulance and I still couldn't hear a damn thing. I thought maybe this was what dying was like and you had to play it all back in your head and then it was all over. As if to say, yep, you're right, Derek, we beamed into E.R. and all these faces are staring down at me and sticking me and probing my body only now I hear them, something about a concussion. That's when I freaked. I almost made it off the table, too, but something sharp jabbed in my arm and I still thought I should do something but couldn't, when I turned my head and saw Tyler on the next table and...

Tyler wasn't moving. His T-shirt and jeans were cut off and laying there all bloody under him and I don't have a clue what happened then until I came to in a dark room, and I knew I was fucked.

"Fucked," I guess I said out loud because of course it turned out my parents were there in the corner.

"Watch your mouth," went my dad, then he laughed or something, maybe he was about to cry, but that had to be my imagination, you know, from the concussion. Dad never cried. Mom was bawling, though, so loud the nurse came in to see if I was alive.

Well, I jumped right out of bed muttering Tyler's name over and over even though my legs gave out right off and I was crawling for the door. They all ganged up on me then and that was their mistake because I'm a little guy and I go berserk when you corner me. So my dad picked me up and carried me down the hall while the nurse squawked and into another room but with lots of machines.

That was when I saw Tyler in all that mess, and his left leg was hoisted up, and something in me said nope, not now, nighty-night, and I made this funny little sound and sagged and that's all she wrote.

I got out the next morning, and since it was summer I could go in every day to visit Tyler even though he was unconscious for three days. The nurses and doctors gave up trying to keep me out of his room when it wasn't visiting hours. And there was this nice folding curtain thing for privacy so I pulled that out and after a while worked up the nerve to stand by the bed and stroke my buddy's face. We were never queer for each other or nothing but I couldn't help it and anyway Tyler would never know.

Except when he did wake up it was with my fingers running through his hair only I wasn't even looking, you know, I was staring off into space.

"Derek, man, what the fuck are you doing?" he croaked, and I fell back to the window. But then I got it together and smiled, and Derek smiled, too, and forgot about my trespassing hand. "Jesus, tell me they got the drunken fucker, Derek."

All I could do was nod and grin, but then I got a hot flash or something and my eyes started watering again, all over the place, and I couldn't see a damn thing so I was about to give in and wipe them even if it did make it look like I was crying, when I felt someone's strong, warm hand take mine, and I couldn't believe it was Tyler's even if it had to be, you know.

So my eyes cleared and I saw Tyler was watching me funny, and I fucking SNIFFLED for Chrissake, and then Tyler starts to laugh only it hurts so he lets go of my hand and clutches his chest.

"Jesus, I've only been here overnight!" he forced, wincing. That was my turn to laugh.

See, Tyler and me had always been as close as two guys can be without sucking each other's cocks. I mean, there's nothing wrong with fags, I've even known a few, and those I don't know I can spot easy enough, eyeing me, but...oh, fuck, the fact is, I've known forever that I'd blow Tyler any time, even if I'd never admit it to him, you know. I mean not unless he asked me to. Then I'd be right on it, fuck yeah, he's my real bud, that's cool. He's 17, I'm 16. He's tall and lanky and super cool with long blond hair just like that dude from Silverchair. God, I'd kill for hair like that, you know! Tyler's awesome, everyone digs him. Copies him. Hey, maybe that's why he hangs out with me all the time. I'm short and wiry with hair to match and I don't take any shit for it. And I don't try to suck ass, no one's.

But I guess I've made it clear I'd do anything for this dude. I should have seen that car coming, I could have pushed Tyler out of the way. I would have, you know. Anyway one day the week after Tyler came to, the hospital folks were done with most of their damn tests and we had more time together. And I was standing there by him, and my eyes just roamed all over his body (I had pulled back his covers to cool him off and all of his bruises and cuts and scars and everything were right there to see), and then I got a big surprise. I mean BIG, you know. Normally Tyler wears Tommy Hilfiger jockeys and I really never gave it any thought that he might not have anything on under his flimsy gown,

But, well, anyway, I was following his broken leg down from the harness, and it just fucking happened. I mean I saw his balls, and I just froze, you know. Froze and stared. And my mouth dropped and I swallowed and bit my lower lip and licked the top one. They were just so damn big, and I'd never seen his balls before and it startled me. I mean mostly because of how huge and loose and red they were. I wasn't thinking, that's it right there, man, and it wasn't until the cloth of his gown started fluttering right above those great nuts to a point near his belly button, that I snapped and looked up to his face.

And Tyler had fucking busted me scamming on his privates, big time! I blushed totally red, of course, and stared at the wall.



"Tyler, man, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at your balls even if it looked like I was, I was only checking out your injuries, you know, and then, I mean, shit, buddy, there they were, hanging there right out in the open and all, I mean, right in my fucking face practically, and, and, and..."


Oh, man, I hate it when he gets quiet like that. I mean, he only does it when there's nothing I can do or say to get my butt out of some sling. And he's always right. Except that time.

"Yes, Tyler."

"Spill it."

And he drew me in with those damn blue eyes, so I tried to explain how much I liked him, how it wasn't like other guys, how I'd do anything for him that I'd never ever do for another dude, how...

"Like what?" Tyler interrupted, and my eyes tore out of my control again and landed on his sweaty man-sacks and the struggle of the obviously painfully hard dick that was still hidden. I sighed then, but I swear all I was thinking was how bad I wanted to help my best friend. My big buddy I'd do anything for. I was about to cry in frustration.

"Tyler. Dude. Don't you know...I never lie to you, right? I mean what I say. Always. And I don't know how the fuck else to say this to you, bud, except...I would do absolutely any thing you ever asked me to do for you, man." A tear broke loose down my cheek. "Oh, God...oh, my God...do you understand, Tyler? Anything. If I even KNEW you wanted something I could give, it would be yours...."

Suddenly Tyler shifted, and I was terrified that he was going to flip, start screaming, throwing things maybe, but the next thing I knew...

Tyler had thrown aside his gown and exposed everything. The long, hard, tanned chest with a golden trail of fuzz from between his big pecs all the way down into the densest blackest patch of pubic hair I've ever seen anywhere. Although the last 8" of the golden trail were hidden by his flapping dick. I shook my head clear and looked into his eyes again, and I saw Tyler was breathing funny. I'd never seen him scared. I raised my eyebrows, still doubtful, and the fucker wasn't about to make it any easier for me...

So I just kind of grabbed the sucker and froze when Tyler gasped so loud I knew the nurses would come running. After a few seconds of uncertainty on both our parts, Tyler took my arm and drew me close.

"I shouldn't take advantage of you, little buddy...but it's too late now. I'm going to." And with that he reached up and rubbed the back of my neck while I stood there stupidly, totally ignorant, so he pulled my head down and at first I knew he was going to kiss me, oh my fucking God, but no...wait...oh shit, HE WANTS ME TO SUCK HIS DICK!! I started licking his overheated balls and around that soft inside part of his legs where I knew I'd love to be licked, and Tyler couldn't keep quiet. So I took one, then the other, then both salty cum bags in my drooling mouth, and when I let them go a big stream of my spit splashed down to the sheets.

But my mouth was exploring up the twitching shaft of my best friend's long, thick pole while my hands reached further to tease his shocked, gasping chest and then down into the dripping wet forests of Tyler's armpits. I got real fucking excited then feeling his sticky hot pit hair so I ran my tongue beyond the oozing piss hole up over his tortured belly, lapping up the sweat from his upper chest and SURPRISE! Into that spunky unsweetened heaven of thick nasty boy hair under his right arm. That made Tyler spasm totally out of control and I almost got off knowing there wasn't a motherfucking thing he could do to stop me! I was laughing as I devoured my buddy's juicy pit.

Just as impulsively, I dove back down to the loaded and fully-cocked prick that was gushing clear stuff. I licked it all up from in and around his equally hard belly button and then I did it. I went down on a man. I never really thought it would happen, but when the sweet salt of Tyler's juice hit my taste buds and he gave a little push on my head so the whole fucking rock hard slab of meat slipped down my throat...well, I was just home, that's all. I didn't care if I was a flaming fag right then, I had who and what I wanted inside me and I felt my load flow from my own stiffy all over the inside of my shorts. Seven blasts covered my leg under the loose, useless boxers. I guess Tyler understood my choked ecstasy:

"Oh, Derek...here I go too!"

And somehow before the explosion I pulled off just enough to take every thick squirt in my mouth. Oh, yeah, I wanted it all by then. Part of my fuzzy adolescent brain still wanted to rationalize with the thought, SHIT, I ALREADY SUCKED COCK, I MIGHT AS WELL TASTE THE SPERM! Fuck, did I ever taste it. I can still taste it, you bet, and Tyler got out last week.

You know, I still don't want any other dude. Tyler's my best friend. And now I know I love him. Whatever that means. You know what? I don't care. Because the way I feel for Tyler, and the way he made me feel when he gave himself to me, when he was inside me...well, that's what I want. He made me feel like a man. He made me feel whole. And his parents finally trust Tyler alone after the accident, so they're taking off for the weekend and I get to sleep over. Some crazy shit about him feeling guilty because it was so one-sided. Maybe in the morning he'll understand.


In the short time since Tyler got home from the hospital, I visited him every day but what he needed most was sleep. He couldn't get enough of it. I'd be there in his room kneeling by the bed just happy to be near him, to feel his outrageous body heat and have an excuse to stare at the face of the boy, or man or whatever, I knew at last I loved. And he'd fall asleep. Do you have any idea how it made me glow inside to see my buddy so totally comfortable and trusting that his eyes would just glaze over and droop and flutter and finally give it up and close? How I'd start to breathe funny looking at his wet, pink lips parted so close to me and when I leaned still closer with the almost unbearable urge to press mine to his I felt his steady breath on my face and almost did it except for the dizzy rush I got. Somehow just the idea of violating Tyler's beautiful rest always drove me to my feet and out the door.

Then one day we took a walk, nowhere in particular. Tyler used a cane, and I know it's stupid, but I had the most intense jealousy of that damn thing! Why should he lean on a fucking stick when he had me? Well, sometimes the stick wasn't enough, you know, and then old Derek was there, you bet. Okay, so I overdid it a few times, and Tyler ruffled my hair and grinned at me like he never used to. My arms would be around his narrow waist, and I wouldn't want to let go, and he knew it. No, Tyler never pushed me away, I always forced myself. You know, I'm pretty sure Tyler liked it.

We had never talked about what we did at the hospital that once, but there was no forgetting it for either of us, you know. I wanted to bring it up, but I was scared. Maybe Tyler would know the right time. Maybe it would never happen. Then Tyler stopped cold and started breathing real fast and just stared, and his cane fell from his left hand. I knew he was going to crash so I just burrowed my head between his right side and arm and held on tight, and for sure he would have taken a spill if I hadn't. Then I saw where we were, and I almost shit my pants again.

"Oh, man, Tyler, buddy, let's get the fuck out of here! God, oh God, I'm sorry!"

But he wouldn't budge. He squeezed my head til the blood stopped getting through, and I looked up into his fierce blue eyes and saw him go from scared shitless to pissed to dazed to worn out. Then he swallowed hard and sighed and saw the headlock he had me in and let go, and the next thing we knew we were both busting up til I had to grab him again to make sure he didn't fall on his crazy ass.

That was yesterday, Friday, and his parents had decided Tyler was okay to leave almost on his own for the weekend. Meaning under my supervision. You know, I get to cook for him and stuff while they're gone. So after our walk we went back to his house and I whipped up some burgers. Pretty tasty, in fact. I never had so much damn fun cooking! Tyler made fun of the mess I left the kitchen in, but he's not the one who had to clean it up! No way.

Then we were on our backs on the living room carpet not saying a word until Tyler cleared his throat a little, and I knew something was up. "Derek."


"Come here."

I'm sorry, but my dick went rock hard. Jesus! So I scooted over to Tyler, who just looked into my eyes shyly, like he never did before, and he actually chewed on his lower lip! FUCK! I was still about a foot away, and Tyler cocked his head so I slid right on up to him. His breath hit my face in violent little bursts, even after he closed his mouth and it escaped through his nose. All of a sudden his arm shot out so I flinched, but he pulled me into himself and wrapped both arms around me so tight I was afraid something was wrong. Slowly, careful, my arms eased around Tyler.

We stayed that way for maybe five minutes, his face in my neck, my face in his. That was way cool to me.

"I don't know what's going on any more, little buddy," Tyler said into my neck, and his breath was warm and damp. "I've tried so hard for so long not to have these crazy thoughts, and I was sure I had a handle on it."

"What..." I tried to interrupt.

"And now it's little Derek who turns out to have the balls."

In this real awkward way that I couldn't connect with the cool, confident Tyler everyone knew, he reached down and squeezed mine through my baggy shorts. I must have made a real funny face because Tyler's eyes widened and his teeth all of a sudden showed in this wild grin, and the next thing I knew he had his hand through my fly and my raging boner was slicking up his palm! About 6" of rock.

Well, Tyler was back in control again! He pushed me on my back and went straight down on my cock that was already painfully close to shooting.

"Oh, man, hey, Tyler..."

He stopped long enough to rip my shorts off, and the little button at the top went flying toward the fire place, then he spread my legs and squirmed up between them to my tight nuts that were real little compared to his massive beauties. Oh, my fucking God but they felt big when Tyler's tongue lashed out on them and he licked me that soft place in the grooves of my legs, and that was damn near all she wrote! My back arched up and my legs splayed and my arms shot out to my sides in the wildest fucking sensation of pure joy I ever could have imagined.

Well, shit, I nearly passed out his wet hot mouth was so good, and then his stiff tongue seemed to want to go lower! It was straining toward my butt so I did what came natural and lifted my legs til my feet went way up in the air and...


Well, Tyler lost it just about then and started snorting and grunting and slobbering all over my overwhelmed virgin butthole, and as for me my own slobber was running down my chin. Then before I was ready for it to be over Tyler let up on my hole and crawled up between my legs until they rested on his shoulders and I felt his big hard thing poking my ass through his Levis. He looked down on me with this insane rush of love and lust and then planted his hot wet lips totally over mine. I was lost in the ecstasy of my first kiss, and the knowledge that it was my best friend's spit-slicked cheeks and mouth grinding feverishly against mine.

I had no idea what could possibly make me happier until Tyler's tongue invaded my mouth and throat.

"I love you, buddy," I managed between loud slurps.

"I love you, little buddy," Tyler breathed back, not even stopping the wild tongue and mouth ride he was giving me. Then he laughed wickedly and dropped back to my bursting cockhead, which he teased cruelly with his teeth and tongue.

And he went all the way down and there was nothing I could do. I screamed as the first spasm of total fulfillment began to twist my 16-year-old body in every direction and I squirted out so many loads of pent-up spunk into my bud's mouth. And Tyler, he knew it when the first shot hit.

"Mm-hm! Mm-hmm! Mmmm-hm-mmmmmmmm!"

I honestly don't know if that was him or me! When my load was spent, I crumpled back and caught my breath, and Tyler just kept sucking and pausing to let more cum ooze out, then sucked more, and so on. As a result, my cock never got soft, and I was still riled, so I jumped around on top and made my big buddy naked.

You know the first thing I had to do was taste his wild ass, and I pushed him on his side and dove right in. Man, was it fucking furry! All of Tyler's hot manliness and spunky sweaty juicy teenage studliness was trapped in that tight dark hole for me to discover and taste when no one ever dared to go there before! Fuck, I was a lucky bastard! I tried to stick my nose up my buddy and suddenly I realized I was sucking ass and started laughing. Cool, man, why not. So long as it was Tyler's ass.

I eased off Tyler's tasty butthole and helped him to his back again before straddling him and grinding my cock into his. Tyler's eyes were wide open now and they were focussed on mine as I rode him for all I had. Both of our natural lubes eased the action of our crotches, and when Tyler's mouth flew open I dropped and swallowed his huge prick just in time for the first stream of his thick sweet cream. Tyler bucked so hard with each squirt that most of it made it into my hungry mouth but a few gushes hit my face. When his shaking quieted, I got off Tyler's dick and lay on top of him again.

"Lick your mess off my face, fag," I demanded, and Tyler was happy to obey.

Oh, my God, and it was only Friday afternoon. We still had two nights left!


When I woke up on Tyler's living room floor he was watching me, and it somehow seemed normal to be naked with another dude out in plain sight practically. The sun was on its way down, and Tyler almost whispered, "Derek, have you ever been afraid you're gonna grow old alone, man?"

Shit, I swear he's fucking perfect, you know. I crawled over to him and he just lay there all vulnerable so I nuzzled my face up to his, and we both soaked up the contact. Damn, I never knew how bad I needed to be touched and held. I mean, how the hell did I ever survive without it? And if it's possible, Tyler needed it even more. I was drawn to that boy like never before. I eased down on my side so we were face to face and something new happened. We were naked and pressed up close and personal, but all I could think was how fucking awesome my real buddy's hot body felt on mine without a hard on distracting me. I mean, fuck me, you know.

After a while Tyler settled down inside, I knew from his breathing and other stuff I can't describe. Anyway I decided it was time to get up, and I wanted to dress my boy. God, it was the next best thing to undressing him! Was this what being queer was all about? Oh, never mind. SO...I scrunched down and kissed the tender soles of Tyler's feet and made him twist in shock and then shoot death rays at me from his now cold blue eyes, but it was okay you know because I intended to make up for it later! But Tyler didn't trust me again til I got his socks on.

Pulling his gray Tommy Hilfiger skin tight jockeys up over his special cast and then past the rest of his fuzzy golden legs...well, hell, we were both sporting woodies again before I covered his up. I squeezed Tyler's long thick cock and relaxed balls through the soft pouch and then started eating his crotch through the cotton. And I mean I was fucking drooling, you know, so the gray got all wet and dark, but the stain way off to the side of his hip where his big round cockhead tried to break free was all his. That was pure Tyler juice there, yeah!

The rest of Tyler's clothes went faster, and after I pulled on his T-shirt and was about to button up his Levi shorts I copped a peek at his face and saw the most beautiful little pout a boy ever had, but he didn't know I was looking.

"Oh, shit, I forgot!" I shouted and made my buddy jump. I pushed him down on his back and whipped out his dick and took it all the way down my cocksuckin teenage throat so fast it had to make his head spin. I know it made mine weak. And then it was over so fast I couldn't believe it! Tyler, he never even got a clear word out, all of a sudden he's just shivering and flopping all over and his hot tangy seed is pulsing back to my tonsils, and you know that time I choked til I had his hot cum dripping out my nose! No shit! I got to taste it and smell it at the same time!

Tyler tried to grab my cock but I was too fast, and I made him get up to go to the video store where I strolled around with a boner that was so fucking out of control there was nothing I could do but flaunt it. I couldn't believe how many people noticed, boys AND girls. I know it's bad, but I gave it a big squeeze for one older dude who turned beet red, and then Tyler lost it and that was all she wrote for me. That poor cocksucker, we probably gave him phobias and shit forever!

Anyway Tyler picked a really cool adventure flick and we bought popcorn and hurried back to Tyler's house where we prepared everything just so and settled down for the movie. I stretched back on their big comfortable sofa and patted the empty space between my legs, which Tyler soon filled with his butt. The lights were off, and the glow from the TV flickered over us, and when Tyler leaned back against me...oh, I don't know how to put it. I'm glad he didn't say anything because I couldn't have talked. I mean I'm so in love it's painful, you know. I never even fantasized about having someone between my legs and in my arms at the same time, never mind my best friend in the world.

About halfway through, I was really into the movie when the hero guy grabs the evil babe's head and slams her some tongue, but she's up to it, right, and then she snakes her tongue in his ear and all of a sudden I hear Tyler groaning and I freeze...and my tongue is in my buddy's ear! Ohmygod! But why stop, you know, so I just chuckle and breathe all hot and heavy til Tyler's back arches and his mouth flies open and my hands go crazy all over his sweaty torso and my mouth moves on its own to his panting lips and...

By the time we got to Tyler's bedroom all of our clothes were off and his cane was lost somewhere and I could hear the movie still going but so the fuck what! Then Tyler flicked the light off and closed the door and disappeared. I mean it, his room is like a cave because he has blackout drapes.

"Tyler, where'd you go, buddy?"


"Come on, man, knock it off!"

Okay, fine. He wants to act like a little boy. So I went in search of Tyler.

"Here, Tyler Tyler Tyler! Here, Ty-OOOMPH!"

The fucker came out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around me from behind with his rock hard cock wedged between my cheeks. He held me so tight I couldn't have escaped if I had wanted to. Then his lips touched the back of my neck so soft and loving, and his sweet sighs warmed and cooled the same spot with each breath he took. Man, I was his.

Still I wasn't prepared for the force of Tyler's desire when I felt him grab a big strong handful of my small hard ass. Holy fuck, genuine fear and this total thrill ran through my crack into my dick and up my spine to my scalp. Part of me wanted this stranger within my best buddy to hurt me, I know it's twisted but there it is. And strange sounds were coming from behind me, then his middle finger found my hole and my knees gave out and somehow Tyler held me up and got me to his big bed where he pushed me up to the edge and lifted one knee around me and set it on the bed and then forced me face down...but I swear his hard on never left my right cheek.

Tyler knew what he wanted, and as scared as I was I was more alive and excited than I had ever been. Both of his hands pushed my ass further up the bed til my hands found the headboard. His mouth devoured my butthole so suddenly that I let out a crazy low groan that I wasn't even sure was me, and Tyler, my buddy, shit, he went nuts! He started sliding his long finger in and out of my hole and spitting out a steady stream of lube from his mouth at the same time. Oh, man, was I scared! Getting fucked in the ass never entered my young brain, however much I dug cock. Oh, well.

His finger was getting real deep up my shoot and each time he thrust it in I got this sharp intense flood of painful pleasure. Is that fucking sick or what? And I was panting and groaning like a total fairy. God, I loved it!

"You sure you never done this before, dude?" I got out somehow in anxious little bursts of grunts.

Tyler just chuckled like a maniac and pulled on my left hip til I was on my right side, and the last thing I heard was Tyler spitting a good wad and then his slick hand jacking his big cock...and thank God or whoever I didn't see it coming because when Tyler stuffed his massive prick up my tiny little crack it might as well have been a big old wrench and it would have felt better if he had knocked me upside the head with it first. I knew I was going to shit and the power of speech had left me and my face was dripping sheets of fire. My eyes popped and my throat got raspy sore even though I never made a sound.

Well, the worst part was over! Tyler's rhythmic humping told me he was digging it. Okay, so that was cool. I could feel the sweat on our bodies making our skin cling every time my big...BIG...buddy rammed his dick home and pulled almost all the way back out for another run. That was when another real funny thing happened, you know. I mean, Tyler started fucking me in fast little strokes and at the same time he grabbed my head with both hands and turned it as far back as it would go so he could work his tongue in my mouth, and...

FUCK! That changed everything! Oh, my God, it felt good all of a sudden, and I made such a wild-assed effort to twist all the way around with his cock up my butt that Tyler lost it and pumped faster!

"You like it, little buddy? Huh? Do you?"




Suddenly Tyler slowed so I thought something was wrong, and he pulled the whole thing out and threw me on my back and shoved my knees to my ears and had his monster back in me so fucking fast I never knew what was happening til I found myself gazing into my best friend and lover's eyes with my arms wrapped around his strong sweaty back and his real man cock screwing my little boy butt raw. Oh, how I liked being his little boy!

And like the first simple blowjob I gave him at the hospital, I knew I was home. I never thought I'd end up such a TOTAL fucking queer, you know, forget about taking it up the butt! But I mean, if Tyler had tried to pull out just then? Well, I would have gone berserk like us little guys can. But that's silly, because Tyler wasn't nearly done with my ass.

There's no way to describe it to anyone who hasn't had the privilege. But when I was laying there on my back with the man I love on top of me, in me, not just up my ass but in my mouth, and I smelled all his hot juices flowing at once from his stronger, bigger body to my smaller but just as hard and adoring one, and I tasted my wild young lover in every sense of the word and knew that forever he would be in me and I in him...

Well, fuck me, that's when I blew my wad! And it was so outrageous it was beyond sound, but somehow my boy knew what he was doing to me because he focussed and smiled and buried his red hot penis up my guts and I don't know if it's possible but I felt him get bigger inside me and I felt the streams of his seed spraying inside me. He had to pull out sooner or later, and as he started I tightened up by accident and made him shiver and give me more cum, and it kept on like that for a minute or so until I had all of it and he crashed beside me.

We lay there and breathed heavy in each other's faces and kissed and laughed sometimes until, at the same time, we both started crying quietly, no big deal, but I think it just hit us like we were really one for the first time. One love.

And yeah, it was only Friday and we still had another whole day by ourselves. But that's what Saturday's always going to be.



Next: Chapter 2

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