Tyler and Andrew Go to College

By moc.oohay@enyawyltnerb

Published on Sep 7, 2005


That night Tyler went to bed horny as he was when Andrew was sucking his tasty cock. He tossed and turned for a few moments, but he couldn't go to sleep. There was only one way to solve that problem. Tyler pulled out his throbbing man rod and slowly slid his hand up and down it. It felt so good. Not as good as Andrews mouth however. It was even better imagining Andrew rolling his low hangers around in his mouth. For a guy with no experience, Andrew knew how to make Tyler feel good. The way his tongue swirled around his dick head was unbelievable. Tyler wanted to feel Andrew. He wanted to caress his smooth chest. He wanted to feel Andrews nipples, licking and sucking very sensually. He loved the way Andrews abs had felt. So smooth and firm. So manly. So sexy.

It didn't take long for Tyler's smooth balls to draw up and push out a fresh was of boy spunk. The first load landed right on his forehead. The next two hit him on the lips. The rest oozed into his neatly kept teen bush. By this time he was to tired to get out of bed and clean up the mess. Instead he licked the cum of his lips. He wiped his forehead with his fingers and licked it off. He couldn't believe how good cum juice tasted. He knew Andrews would be 10 times better.

The next morning I awoke about 9am. The first thing I noticed was the smell of food. It smelled great too! However, I thought it strange that my mom would be cooking breakfast whoever they were leaving in an hour.

I stumbled out of bed and went to take a piss. As I was turning the shower on I realized what day it was. It was the day that I would get to spend with Andrew. We would be by ourselves. It was also the day we would give ourselves to each other. After realizing this, I suddenly sprung awake. I washed as fast as I could. Running out of the bathroom I slid on my hottest pair of A&F jeans and my skin tight yellow AE polo shirt. Next I threw some gel on my hair and styled it just right. Now I'm not one to brag about my personal appearance, but I looked good! I really don't' know why I wanted to look so good for Andrew. He had seen me with dirt all over myself and sweat dripping down my face.

After spraying myself with a touch of cologne, I made my way to the kitchen. As I got to the doorway, I stopped dead in my tracks. The most beautiful tan ass I had ever seen was facing my way. I drooled over the way it looked and moved. It was Andrew setting the table in nothing but a CK jockstrap and my moms yellow apron. I immediately sprung a ragin' hardon.

"Andrew! What are you doing? Are my parents gone?"

He turned around and gave one of those heart melting smiles.

"No `hey baby! This is so sweet of you. Thank you?'"

I gave him an embarrassed look and felt bad.

"Andrew, this really is one of the sweetest things anybody has done for me, and I am thankful and I love you so freakin much, but what's goin on?"

"Well I came over about 8 because I figured you would be up and your parents were walking out the door"

"So they left earlier than they said"

"Yes. They told me to tell you they were sorry to go without letting you know and that they love you. Your mom said she would call later."

"Ah, I see."

I then walked up to hi and gave him a passionate kiss.

"You look freakin hot Ty baby!"

"Not as hot as you my jock strap boy!"

I then reached around and started rubbing this bubble butt. It felt so amazing. I could have stroked that all day. But there was much more that we would be exploring.

"Your ass feels so hot"

He then leaned in to kiss me again. Then he reached for my ass.

"So does yours, but I bet it would feel even better out of those jeans."

"We can't now. What if your dad comes over here."

"I don't think that will be a problem."

"What do you mean?"

"I convinced him to meet up with some of his old frat brothers from Hot Springs. He called them up and he will be in Little Rock all day reminiscing with them. They might even stay in a hotel tonight."

"Wow! You know how to work don't you. Could this day get any better?"

"Yes! In fact it can. I made you Belgian waffles, sliced some peaches from out tree, made eggs benedict, and sliced some fresh tomatoes. Oh yeah...now I don't do this for everybody. Only guys I'm madly in love with, so I squeezed you some o.j. also."

"You are so gonna get laid today! I love you Andrew."

Then in a joking voice I asked him "Exactly how many guys have you been in love with?"

"Only one baby. Only one. You're it!"

We held each other in an embrace for a few minutes and then ate our breakfast. The day was so wonderful. After breakfast we made out on my bed for 2 hours. Kissing him and laying on his naked body was heaven. I couldn't get enough of our cocks grinding together. I finally rolled off of him and he looked me in the eyes. There is nothing better than looking into someone's eyes and knowing at that moment they are thinking about how much they love you. I could feel his love for me and I knew he could feel the same thing. We didn't speak. We didn't have to. After what seemed like an eternity he asked me to be his first.

"I want you in me Tyler. I want you to become apart of me."

I was so happy that I started crying.

"Baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you"

"You have not upset me. I the happiest guy in the world right now. I'm crying because I love you so much and I want to give myself to you and know you on another level."

He leaned over and kissed me while drying my tears off of my face with his fingers. I reached over and dug out the bottle of lube I bought yesterday.

"Andrew, if it hurts at all let me know. I will stop. I don't want to hurt you."

"Baby...this is going to bed awesome. You won't hurt me."

I climbed in between his legs and raised them up exposing his virgin hole that was soon to become mine. I brought my head to his hot man hole and flicked my tongue over it.

"Oh shit! That feels amazing baby."

He said this as his body flinched. I was so happy I could give him those feelings. It encouraged me to go for more. I circled the tip of my tongue around the outside of his hole making him moan in ecstasy. I looked at his face and could tell he was in pure bliss.

"I have never felt anything like this. I love you Tyler. Stick your tongue in me. I want to feel you in me."

That was all I needed to hear before I drilled my tongue deep inside him. I slid it in and out fast then slow. Circling my tongue deep inside of him.

"Oh fuck.

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