Two Young Guys at Camp

By John Smith

Published on Oct 2, 1999


This is a story about two guys getting it on in the woods at an all-boys camp. Although these two are of consenting age, who knows what will happen among some of the others as the story develops. If reading about two cute young guys that have sex offends you then maybe you should wonder why you are at this site anyway. Tell me what you think and where you would like to see the story go.

Chapter 1

Throughout the first few days of camp, I knew that I would have to get my hands on that wonderful stud that slept only two tents down from my own. His name was Rob and he was as gorgeous as any young stud could be. He had blonde-brown hair, was about 5' 10" and moderately thin. At the time, he was only 18 years old (his birthday the day before he arrived at Camp). He goofed around a lot and he loved to go swimming. He wore nice clothing that accentuated his physique and showed off his bubble butt.

We both served as members of the Camp Staff; he as an aquatics instructor and me as a crafts instructor. Whenever he wasn't working teaching boys how to swim, he was working on perfecting his sexy tan. It was a nice golden tan (which happened to be the same color as his cute nutsack). His swimsuit was as short as was allowed at the all-boy's camp and whenever he would sit down, you could catch a glimpse up his shorts and see his package hiding behind the mesh fabric.

After the first week, I would spend a lot of my free time down at the lake to be able to see him in his lack of clothing. I think he knew something was up because whenever I would be near him, he would move his legs so that I could catch a clear view up his trunks. I was afraid to look too long, but couldn't help lingering longer than usual (I was really becoming obsessed with his body). Once, I saw him grin at me when I looked up from my secret doings. I knew that before long, I would not be able to control myself near him.

At the end of the open swimming period, he and I stood there on the dock and talked a little longer than normal. When we realized how long we had been sitting there, the final staff member was leaving the area. We decided that we would have to get dressed or we would be late for supper. I walked behind him watching his butt move back and forth as we walked towards the shed to change. I could feel my dick starting to rise and before I knew it, I was standing at full mast. Quickly, I tucked the head under the waistband hoping he wouldn't notice.

When we finally got to the beach, he started to enter the shed. I thought it would be smart to wait and change after he finished - I wasn't sure I could control myself in the shed with him naked. I sat down on a bench and prepared to wait. Just then, he poked his head back out of the building and asked if I was going to get changed. I said that I would wait for him to finish and to hurry up. He said, "Why not come on in? It's not like I've never seen a guy with a har-- without clothes on before."

Could I actually have heard what I thought I heard? I got up and walked into the shed. He seemed to be in a talkative mood because when I got inside, he wouldn't break eye contact with me. I expected him to say something and then get changed, but he simply kept talking to me. I grabbed my towel from my locker and started to dry off when I almost lost all ability to stand. He was standing no more than two feet from me and dropping his trucks to the ground. I stood there in shock hoping that I could get a full view of his nakedness that would serve as many nights' entertainment as I beat myself off. I was in luck.

He stood straight up, smiling, and leaning back stretching himself out. As he did, I could swear that his dick was half-hard. There he was with about 4 inches hanging down on two beautiful hairless balls. I wondered how much bigger it would get when it was fully hard. The only hair on his stomach was a thin line from his navel down to his awesome meat. I stared straight at his waist taking in the view when he came back up and followed my eyes straight to his crotch.

"What? You've never seen a hard-on before?" He asked.

"No, it's just that I've. uh. never seen anyone flaunt one before."

"It's not like you don't know what I'm talking about." And with that, he rushed over and dropped my trunks straight to the floor.

"Hey! What the hell?" I tried to cover my hard-on up before he saw it, but it was way too late.

"I saw you pop a woody when we got back on shore. So what? I get hard all the time down here at the lake. No big deal. It's not like it means we're gay or anything."

My dreams were crushed, "Yeah, I guess you're right." My eyes dropped down and I saw my hard dick just standing there and realized I was having a conversation with this guy, as I was naked.

"I got a question," Rob said, as he stood there naked drying off.


"You mind telling me something?"

"Sure, what?"

"Do you think my ass is hairy?"

Was this happening? Was I really watching this guy turn around and show me his butt? With that, he turned around and spread the cheeks of his ass for me to see. I couldn't believe this!

"So, is it hairy or what?"

I stood there and saw his asshole wink at me as he stretched the skin tightly. "Not so hairy I guess."

"Well is it hairier than most guys' butts"

"It's not like I've ever seen a guy's ass before. Come on, dude, what do you want me to say?"

"Well, let me see if yours is as hairy as mine is then."

"No way, you can't check out my ass - you freak!"

"Come on, we're just guys here."

"Fine. Here." I turned around and stood there with my ass to him. I was starting to get pissed off. If he wanted to make a move, then why didn't he? Was he just trying to embarrass me? Or was he trying to get me to do something so he could spread around Camp that I was queer and get me fired.

"Spread your cheeks man. I did."

"You are sick."

"Nah, I'm just comfortable with my body. What's up with the `tude?"

"Nothing. We're going to be late for dinner."

I turned and started to finish drying. He must have been a speed demon (or I was just lost in my thoughts) because before I knew it, he had finished getting dressed and was walking out of the shed to get his shoes on when he slapped me on the ass.

"Come on stud. Hurry or we'll be late."

I almost crumbled when he slapped my ass. I wondered if his hand really had stuck there for a moment before he walked out. I simply passed it away as my overactive imagination.

Chapter 2

I was sitting in the crafts shelter late after dinner talking to one of the female staff members giving her a mighty nice back massage when Rob came walking along. He sat down and the three of us started talking about our jobs and how much it sucked at times. When I finally finished her massage, Rob - out of the blue - said, "Hey man, can I get one next? My shoulder hurts like hell from swimming laps today."

Shit! She would know something was up if I didn't say something quick.

"Nah, my hands are tired from doing hers. Maybe some other time." This would give me an opportunity to set things up later when we were just around.

The three of us sat around and talked for a little longer when I said I had to get up and do some paper work that I didn't get done earlier. After I walked off, I saw the two of them split up and he walked towards the staff campsite. Excellent! I would know where to find him. I detoured my route to end up at my tent. I watched out the side of my flap to see if he would leave his tent or not. After about ten minutes, I got up and walked over to his tent.

"Are you in there, Rob?"

"Yeah, hold on a minute man."

I heard him shuffling around papers that sounded like a magazine or something.

"Come on in."

I walked in and saw him lying under his blanket. Damn, I wouldn't be able to get him to come out this evening.

"Get up and let's go on a hike."

"What do you mean? It's after 11 o'clock."

"I know, the campers will all be in their sites and we can hike around the lake. Come on."

"Well, hold on a sec then."

I was getting a little impatient and afraid I was going to loose my nerve, so I grabbed his blanket and pulled it down. He was lying there with nothing on but a t-shirt.

"Jeez, asshole! I said hold on!"

"Sorry man, I uh. will wait outside."

"No need. It won't take me long to get dressed. Sit in the chair and wait."

I sat there and watched as he turned his back to me and started to pull up his boxers. He bent over at the waist and showed me his beautiful butt again. Then he yanked up his boxers and pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a pair of sandals.

We walked down to the lake and started to go around the trail that encompassed it when I decided it was time to make my move.

"You still want that massage?"

"Sure man. Where do you want to do it? Here?"

"Yeah, if you are ok with that."

"Hey, you are the expert, man. What should I be wearing?"

This was too good to be true! "Well if we were in some type of massage parlor, all you would wear was a towel. Since it is just your shoulder hurting, I guess you can take off your shirt."

"Cool." He took off his shirt and laid it on the ground and then lay on top of it. "Is this good?"

"That's fine."

With that, I started in on his neck and shoulders. I felt every square inch of his back making sure that nothing was missed. As I started to concentrate on his neck, I could hear him moan slow and low in his throat. I kept going and moved higher into his hair. I was not going to miss a thing. He was becoming putty in my hands. I told him to sit up and lean back. He kept his eyes shut as he leaned back with the small of his back against my knees. I started into his arms, lifting them into the air and massaging them between my two hands from the tips of his fingers down to his pits. As I stroked his inner arms, I rested them on my shoulder against my neck. I would blow on his arms every now and then, just to see the response of his body. Occasionally, he would shutter and I would pull him closer as I explored his body with my hands. When his arms were done, I had him lay down on his back as I stroked his hard chest. I straddled his legs as I began my descent. It was one of the greatest feelings I have ever had in my life. I encircled both his dark nipples with my hands as I kneaded his pecs like they were a loaf of uncooked bread. I slowly moved lower and lower until I was at his navel. Here was the point of decision. What would he do?

"How was that?"

"Fucking awesome," he groaned out.

"Do you want me to do your legs too?"

"Sure dude. Hold on and I'll get ready."

Then, he kicked off both of his sandals and dropped his jean shorts to the ground and stepped out of them. He laid them below his shirt and lay down on top of the cloth figure on the ground. I started at his feet and moved up his calves stretching each one. With a swimmer's build, he really made me hot. I could feel the strain of my 6.5" dick in my own shorts. I slid his legs apart to allow me to rub both his inner thighs. This brought on quite a response as he squirmed around with me rubbing up and down both his thighs. I could only imagine what it would feel like to fuck this cute ass that was in front of me. Each stroke brought me closer and closer to his ass. I moved on to the top of his legs and rubbed my fingers near the bottom of his boxers. Slowly and cautiously, I allowed my hands to roam up the inside of his boxers so my hands were actually caressing the bottom of his butt. There was no sign of disapproval, so I went higher until I was actually holding both cheeks in each of my hands. I slowly pulled my hands down and told him to roll on his side. I continued to explore around the side of his body, but I stopped short of touching his beautiful dick. I could tell that it was semi-hard, but I was afraid of going all of the way. I had him lay on his back as I stroked the tops of his legs and again his inner thighs allowing my hands to come near his cute hairless balls. I was so hot (but so chicken) I was afraid that if I went any farther, I would be sucking him to orgasm. I still couldn't convince myself if he was gay.

"Ok, that's enough. We've been here for over an hour. How was that?"

"Man, that was the best massage I have ever had!"

"Cool. Hurry up and get dressed so we can go back."

"No way man, what about you?" He said, as he pulled on his shorts.

"What do you mean?"

"It wouldn't be fair if you spent this long to give me a massage and then didn't get one yourself."

"Nah, you don't have to."

"You're right, but I am going to anyway. Get undressed and lay down on your clothes."

I took off my shirt and started to lay down when he said, "No, your shorts too." I took off my shoes and shorts and there I lay - on my stomach wearing nothing but a white pair of boxer briefs.

So, where do you all want the story to go now? I have some ideas. Give me some good feedback and I will try to put something in the next few chapters for each of you. You won't get it unless you ask. Oh, and one more thing. if any of you thought it was particularly good and wanted a way to say thanks - I love self-portraits of cute young guys! -

Next: Chapter 2

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