Two Weeks

By greg s.

Published on Sep 25, 2003


Two Weeks

Part 1

by Greg Samson

A few summers ago I was up at this summer camp. Unfortunately they had over booked so some of us had to sleep in a bunch of two-man tents the staff had set up. I was paired off with a guy named Steve. Neither of us had brought sleeping bags so we had to share camp blankets. On the first night of our two-week stay, we arranged our tent and at lights-out we went to sleep.

I must have been dozing for awhile, half dreaming of this girl I had been going out with. I was dreaming of her going down on me and as I hadn't had sex since I had been with her it felt real good. But as I started to awake, I realized that I was not quite dreaming but that instead of my girlfriend, it was my new tentmate Steve that was performing his services. When I first realized, I was shocked but he was so good and I was so horny I didn't stop him. He had pulled my shorts down and was lightly stroking and licking my cock. When it was fully erect, he took the head into his mouth and sucked. It felt so good. I pulled his head into me and I felt my cock slip into his warm, wet mouth. He started to slide up and down my cock and I started to gyrate my hips. After a few minutes, I started to feel a cold tingle in my toes and a pressure building up in my balls. I knew I was about to cum hard into Steve's warm mouth.

But all of a sudden he stopped and, drawing back, took his lips off my needy cock. My balls were fairly aching to explode. I tried to pull him toward me and have him continue his work but he resisted.

"Will you do me if I do you?" he asked.

I hardly realized what he was saying but I was almost crazy with desperation.

"Sure, sure, whatever," I said.

"Promise?" he asked.

Again I assented, so desperate at this point I would have agreed to almost anything. I just wanted him to suck my dick back into in his mouth and give me my relief. He did and it was great. Pretty soon I was humping my hips into his mouth and I could feel the pressure building up in my balls again. He was really good at sucking and teasing and licking me and I could tell mine was not the first dick he'd had in his mouth. There was no holding back and it only took a minute before I was exploding into his hot mouth. God, it felt great.

Steve licked my satisfied cock clean and I lay there panting, fully relaxed and satisfied, starting to doze off again. He had crawled up close to me and I could smell my semen on his breath. I could also feel his hard-on against my leg and then I remembered the awful promise I had made to him in the heat of the moment. I knew what he wanted but I pretended to be asleep.

What had I gotten myself into? I'd wondered what it would be like to perform fellatio on another guy before but I had never actually done it. I was scared. Would he really hold me to my promise and make me suck him off?

"Your turn," he whispered, still panting from his latest efforts.

"Listen, Steve, I'm not sure I can go through with this, okay?" I said, hoping he would let me off the hook. "I've never done anything like that before."

"But you promised me, man," he insisted. "And there's nothing to be scared of. It's easy and I'll talk you through it. So come on. Let's just get it over with."

I didn't want to but I had promised. So I didn't resist him very much when he guided my head down between his legs. With my face pressed up to his dick, I confirmed the fact that he already had a huge erection.

"Now just open your mouth and let me put it in and that's all there is to it," said Steve.

I did as he told me and lay there on my side, eyes closed. He pulled down his shorts with one hand and gently caressed my lips with the other. I was a little scared about what would happen next. Then I felt it, the soft tip of his penis on my lower lip. It was wet with a little pre-cum. I realized that there was no getting out of this now and that I should just get it over with. But I had one condition.

"No cum in my mouth. Or forget it," I said, trying to sound as tough as the situation allowed. "I'm serious."

"Okay, man, no problem. You don't have to if you don't want to, " Steve whispered. "Now say 'ah.' "

Steve knew that I had never done this before so he proceeded very slowly. He pulled my head toward him and I opened wide enough until the head of his dick slipped past my lips.

"Now, just suck a little," he said. "Like it's a piece of candy."

I did what he wanted and suctioned my mouth around the fat head of his dick. It was soft but firm and felt much larger in my mouth than I had imagined it would. It was warm with a slightly salty flavor. I was expecting to gag but it wasn't as bad as I thought. But still I could hardly believe this was happening.

"Okay, good. That's it," Steve whispered. "Keep sucking as I go in a little more."

Very gently and very slowly, Steve pushed his dick in a little further. I could tell that he was very hot and using all his restraint to take it so slowly. He didn't want to scare me off. So he only let his cock slide a couple inches into my wet sucking mouth before he stopped and drew back just as slowly.

"Good. That's real good," he said patiently. "Now let's try that a few more times."

My virgin mouth was getting a little tired already but I stayed clamped around his cock as best I could for his sake as he slid it in and out of my mouth a few more times. He wasn't going in very far but he was going a little faster now. He was holding on to my head and carefully sliding his dick in and out of my mouth. I realized that I was now performing fellatio on another man. And now that I was actually sucking cock it wasn't how I had expected it to be. In some ways it was no big deal. The world hadn't stopped or even taken notice. On the other hand, my senses were reeling with this new experience and I could hardly think about anything except the way it felt to have another guy's fully erect penis enjoying my mouth like it would a woman.

"God I've wanted you to do this since the minute I saw you," moaned Steve. "I got a hard-on just looking at your lips."

It was more than a little startling to hear that another guy had been fantasizing about me sucking his dick. And I realized then that I had been set up. He had just been maneuvering me into the position. And now he had succeeded. My mouth was nothing more than another, who knew how many, of his conquests. As we both realized this, it turned Steve on even more and he was losing his restraint. He started to thrust his cock in and out a little faster. And a little further. He was a moving a little faster than I was ready for and he could sense this.

"You're doing fine. Just keep sucking and I'll do the rest," he said to reassure me. The I got really scared and pulled my head away and his dick popped out of my mouth and slapped against his abs.

"No cumming in my mouth, though," I said. "Okay?"

"Don't worry about it," Steve said as he firmly took my head again and replaced his cock between my lips.

Somewhat reassured, I went back to sucking him and let him do what he wanted. Then, in one swift movement, he swung his whole body so that instead of being on my side he was on top of me, straddling me in a push-up position with his knees on my arms and shoulders. I was pinned. If he was going to fuck my mouth now, there was nothing I could do to stop him. I was just trying to fulfill a promise but he was in the throes of a sexual fantasy over which he was quickly losing control. It was hard not to get caught up. He was moaning with the ecstasy of a fantasy coming to life and all I could do was play my part until it was over.

He was now thrusting his huge cock in and out of my mouth with abandon. I realized that sooner or later this action would make him come and it was then I realized that, in this position, it was his decision whether or not he would shoot his semen in my mouth. I couldn't move. My body was immobilized by Steve's body and my head pegged in place by his dick in my mouth. I realized that, despite his promises to the contrary, if that's what he wanted, I would soon have to deal with a mouthful of his cum.

"Oh God, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come," Steve panted, as he pounded away.

I tried to tell him not to but with my mouth gagged with cock, it just came out as fervent mumbles. Steve was fairly ramming his cock in and out of my mouth now. My mouth was so tired and aching though that I was almost glad that he was finally going to come so it would be over. Steve moaned with pleasure and I felt the first jet of semen spurt into my mouth. It had a strong musky flavor and felt weird and slimy as it slid around my teeth and tongue. He kept humping my mouth as he came, panting and moaning. His cock kept sliding back and forth across my lips and I could feel each jet as it shot into my mouth. I was struggling and gagging but there was nothing I could do. I could feel his excess semen dripping down my cheeks and chin.

"Swallow it," he panted, still trying to coach me, as he realized that he had filled my mouth with his cum.

I tried to swallow, just to get rid of it, but I couldn't do it. Even if I could have brought myself to do it I couldn't with Steve's huge cock still sliding in and out of my mouth. And with my lips still tight around the shaft, there was no where for the cum to go. He realized that I was having trouble swallowing his load so he pulled his organ out of my sore mouth and lay down to my side where he was before.

"Okay. Swallow it now," he panted.

But even with him out of my mouth, I couldn't swallow the mouthful of sperm that lay in a little pool on my tongue. I wanted desperately to spit it out. I started to climb up to the top of our blankets so I could spit the mouthful of semen outside the tent. But Steve held me down by my shoulders.

"I want to see you swallow it, honey," he said, looking at me and holding me firmly.

I had to get rid of the cum somehow. So I closed my eyes tightly and swallowed with a determined gulp just like he wanted. I thought I could feel it ooze down my throat into my stomach and I thought I was going to wretch. The taste Steve's semen was powerful and I could smell it with every breath. I began to realize what had just happened in a matter of minutes and I felt completely humiliated. But Steve didn't seem to have any idea about how traumatic this had been for me.

"Oh God, what a turn on," he said as he intently watched me swallowing those two or three ounces. "How'd you like it?"

"It wasn't as easy as you said it would be," I replied, wiping my mouth with my shirt. The taste and smell of his semen was strong in my mouth, my eyes were bleary, and my jaw was sore.

"You'll get used to it after a while," he said.

"Once is enough," I replied. "I returned the favor and that was the deal."

"No, you're going to have lots of practice."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "That was all I promised to do."

"Oh no, my darling," he said, tauntingly. "I want you to keep doing that for the next two weeks and whenever I want you to. In fact, you're gonna do me and my friend Carl whenever we want or I am going to tell everyone what you just did."

I just stared at him in disbelief. What had I gotten myself into? And who was Carl? I was stuck, I thought. I didn't want Steve to tell everyone I sucked cock. I would never be able to explain how he had trapped me into it. I hoped he was kidding or would forget. But the next day I found out it was not joke.

End of Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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