Two Straight Guys, Beer, and a Cabin

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Feb 14, 2005


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Cast Eric Miller 26 years old 6 foot jet black hair hung 7.5 x5

Kevin Kelly 26 years old 5'10 Strawberry blond 7 x 5

Tim Wilson 24 years old 5'11 blond 8 x 6

Sometimes when things happen without any plans they can be the best of times. I had just finished moving into my small apartment after Joan and I had called off the marriage. she had found her true love as she put it a guy at her work. I was feeling pretty bad for myself sitting there alone after the moving men had left. Then came a knock on the door I figured the moving men had forgotten something as I opened the door I was shocked to see Eric Miller standing there. Eric and I had been friends all through high school but I had not seen him in at least three years. Yet there He stood in a sleeveless T-shirt cut offs boots with white socks and a shit eating grin on His face.

I said 'Holy shit Eric Miller I don't believe this how did You know where I moved to?

Eric holding a case of beer said "Well let me the fuck in Kevin this case is kind of heavy buddy"

I was so glad for the diversion of this visit I quickly put the beer on ice and Eric was going on saying "I ran into Your brother Jack and he told me about You being single now and that you moved here. I am in the same boat buddy so I figured being old friends I'd come over and kind of help You lick Your wounds?

we were seated now at the kitchen table and I said 'Oh Eric I really got to thank you for that buddy I was kind of feeling low here by myself. and yea i had heard about your break up too. sorry"

Eric waved a hand and said 'All for the better now Kev. She really took me over the coals money wise but I'll come back. for now I've been just beating my meat but one of these days I'll be back in the swing again"

I nodded and said "Oh fuck yea you will buddy. shit Eric You were the most popular guy in high school with the girls and you still got it" I joked now saying "Fuck buddy if I had a pussy I'd be fucking You right here on this table"

Eric went into a fit of laughter and I was glad to see Him enjoying himself.

Eric said "Look kev. I've got the keys to Tim Wilson's cabin up in the lake. Your remember Tim right?

I sure did remember Tim Wilson. Tim was two years younger then Eric and I but he like to hang with the older kids. He was a good guy and all. But a lot of people thought he was kind of gay. Well, they might have thought he was, but I knew for sure. Because one dateless Saturday night out alone with Tim in my car I got him to suck my dick. I remembered he was pretty good to. I'd never told anyone and as far as I knew Tim never had. It was just a one time thing.

I just said to Eric "Oh Hell yea sure I remember Tim. how is he doing these days?

Eric smiled and said 'The man is doing OK for himself. he works with his Dad now in the family business he never married and now he has this great getaway cabin up in the lake and We have the keys for the weekend. I was going to go up by myself but I'd like You to come along? We can talk and just hang out all weekend get our minds off things and get to know each other again?

I was going to come up with a whole lot of good reasons why I couldn't then I just said "You know what buddy I think I will take You up on that offer. I have a lot to do unpack here and all but fuck it will be good to get away and just chill out for a few days, Lets go"

I threw a few things in my bag and We were off. Eric had like 5 cases of cold beer in the back of his pickup and enough food steaks and all to feed five guys. One the two hour ride to the Lake We caught up with each others lives. Eric recounted how he had walked in and caught his bride with the guy next door in His own bed fucking. he said he was at first going to beat the crap out of the neighbor but instead was beating the crap out of her. This was hard to believe cause Eric is one stud of a man a real man's man. build like a fighter and the looks of a movie star. Plus from what I had seen between his legs in the locker rooms He was hung too. How could any women ever do this to a perfect guy like this?

I said "Eric My man look at you, hell You are like any women's dream man. Great looks, hard body and fun to be around a great job what the fuck more could she want?

Eric looked over at me from the road and smiled and said 'Well at least I have one fan in my corner. And I can say the same for You and Your wife. Hell buddy you are a real Adonis Man. Guess some women just can't be satisfied? I'll say to you what You said to me back at your place, "If I had a pussy I'd be fucking Your brains out"

This really sent me into a fit of laughter. once I recovered I said "That's so funny and here we are two single horny guys going to be spending a weekend alone in the woods and both talking about how we would love to fuck each other"

Eric was laughing as he did his bare knee touched against my bare knee and he was pressing it into mine. I got this strange feeling as we touched like this kind of goose bumps all over He still had those powerful strong legs and so hairy. I surprised myself when instead of moving my leg away I was actually pressing back into his. he looked at me and winked then down at our joined bare legs and said ' MM I must be one horny Mother Fucker touching like this is getting me all kinds of turned on buddy"

I knew I should have moved my leg when he said that but something inside me didn't want to I stole a look at his crotch while his eyes were on the road and saw that He was in fact porting a hard dick. nothing was said until We were pulling into the lot in front of Tim's cabin. The cabin was breath taking sitting on the shore of the lake a boat at the dock. a full tennis court on the one side a pool on the other. We unpacked and threw on some steaks. The cabin itself was kind of small. Living area kitchen down stairs and one loft bed room above. yet two baths one off the living room one in the bed room.

I said over the steaks 'So Eric there is only one bed room here?

Eric smiled and said 'yep Tim wanted it that way, so We can both share the bed or if you are not comfortable with that You can sleep down here on the sofa?

I said "Well that's up to You Eric what do You think?

Eric stood to clear the table and said "Well I've been here with Tim a few times and with another buddy of mine from work and We usually just share the bed. Plenty of room it's a king size one"

Thoughts of what had happened between Tim and I in high school came to mind. I thought if Tim liked to suck my cock he sure as hell wouldn't pass up a hunk like Eric in bed. I just said 'Well as they say when in Rome do as the roman's do, So I guess we are going to be bed mates tonight buddy"

Eric smiled and winked at me. What he said next kind of threw me for a loop. He said "And I hope much closer and better friends come morning?

I opened my mouth to say something but he handed me a beer and motioned to the rear deck. I followed him out onto the deck and we sat on chairs to admire the view of the lake with our beers. The conversation and the beer flowed. Old girl friends old friends work school We covered it all. then Eric got silent for a while and I asked what was the matter?

Eric looked at me and said ' Kev. can I be open here with you?

I took hold of his hand in mine and said 'Eric we are two old close friends, We've been though a lot both of Us, Sure you can talk and say what ever is on Your chest"

He smiled and I thought again how handsome a man he was. He began still holding my hand. " well I've had time to think about things since the ex left and I've kind of found out something's about myself. I mean its maybe not all Her fault what happened. Like you said I am not a bad looking man and all and I know I am kind of hung like you buddy but towards the end I was kind of losing interest in bed, Not holding up my end of things and She had her needs. Needs even at 26 I was not taking care of kev."

We still held hands and I said pressing His tighter I said "Eric I know what you mean man I am in the same boat myself. Hell We were down to doing it just once or twice a month and I was not really enjoying it much even then. Joan is a hot looking women, A women any red blooded American would kill to get in the sack and here I was not getting turned on at all"

Eric pressed my hand tighter now to reassure me some and said "I guess I should just come out with this buddy and let the chips fall where they may cause I just need to talk about my feelings?

I pressed His hands and my whole body was getting goose bumps thinking of where this conversation was going I said " We are friends Eric and We can talk even our most secret thoughts with each other I hope? So you go ahead buddy"

He pulled his chair closer to mine. So close now that while our bare legs were not touching they were close enough to feel the heat and turn me on no end. He said "Well for the last few years, no to be honest even back in high school I've found myself thinking about other guys, I see them naked in the locker room at the gym or back in high school and it would kind of get me turned on. I would wonder when I was fucking a women how hot my cock must feel to her fucking into her kind of wishing I could feel that pleasure myself. I think that being married and having female sex whenever I wanted. kind of made those feeling for men, the attractions even more rather then less?

I was silent as was Eric. I was digesting the words and I knew deep down I was glad to hear what Eric was saying. I managed to say at long last "Eric again we are in the same boat buddy. Hell today back at my house when I said how good looking you were I meant it and I meant it when I said if I had a pussy I'd be fucking You. Eric I use to see you in the showers at school and then go home and jerk off thinking of Your cock and you hot bubble ass, guess what I am saying is I feel those attractions too. but I never had the nerve to act on them, Once I had a guy suck me off and when I let him I was thinking of doing him in return but lost my nerve."

Eric made the move more forward and our two bare knees now touched and we looked into each others eyes. Eric let his free hand touch onto my bare leg and the chills ran through me. He said 'Kevin I want to try an experiment. Take off your sneakers for me"

I looked puzzled into his eyes but reached down to unlace my sneakers as he was taking off His boot. The goose bumps were having goose bumps at this point, Where would this night lead us two what was going to happen? Once our sneakers and boots were off and We were in our white socks Eric got up to my dismay saying he was getting us a round of beers. He returned soon with four beers. Then he sat down and toasted me with his beer. As we toasted our beers he purposely put his socked foot on top of mine. his eyes were on me as he did this and my eyes got wide and then I smiled at him liking the feet of his strong masculine foot touching mine the sweat and wetness of his socks against mine. I pushed my foot up and bought my other foot over to cover his foot on me. he smiled at me and said "Oh fuck Kevin this feel so good man. I've always thought you had suck sexy feet and now just being able to touch them like this is a real turn on man"

I had his strong socked foot now trapped between my own two feet messaging his and I said "I'd like to feel it like this bare Eric?

Eric wordlessly pulled his one foot free from mine and was pulling off his white sweaty sock. He threw it towards the cabin and replace his bare foot between mine. He closed his eyes as my two feet now resumed pressing against his bare foot. I got braver and leaned up some then put my hand on his bare hairy well muscled thigh he moaned eyes still closed. I couldn't believe hearing my own voice saying "Eric take off your shirt for me"

Eyes still closed my feet still on his foot and my hand feeling his bare thigh he was removing his T-shirt for me. My cock had already been hard but it twitched all the more in my shorts seeing the hard strong bare nearly hairless chest come into view. his pec's so hard and round. His hairy arm pits, his fantastic ABS so rippled and hard. The trail of black hair down his ABS to the line of his shorts. He threw the discarded T-shirt towards the sock from before. eyes still closed he said. " What ever You do to me Kevin I promise I'll do back to You buddy"

At that instant I agreed in my own mind that I was going to make love to my first male, Eric and make him love it as much as I knew was going to. I came up from my chair now and knelt between my buddies spread legs. his bare legs feeling so hot against my sides. I put my hand on his bare male breast feeling his tits. little puffs of black hair around them each. Wave after wave of thrills shot through my whole body even more so my hard cock. I only hoped Eric was feeling the same? From his moans of pleasure at my touch I knew he was or he was a good faker? I leaned to him and put my mouth on his bare hard tit. Licking it biting it softly then harder. tasting his bare flesh with my tongue, tasting his male sweat. Don't ask me how I knew to do what I was doing? I was holding up his one arm and now licking the hair of his sweaty bare arm pits. Oh the taste of male sweat was so over powering for my first taste would not be my last I knew. The smell of his sweaty hairy strong arm pit was out of this world. As I worked on arm pit like this I was rubbing my own hard ABS against his hard cock only the cloth of his shorts blocking it from me. The feel and being allowed to feel that man's cock against me like this was more then I ever could hope for.

Eric opened his eyes now and was pushing his cock up into my ABS he said. "Oh fuck Kevin if this is what male on Male is all about don't stop buddy never never stop give me more Kevin I want all of you buddy all of You"

Without even a thought just automatically I took my lips from his arm pit and was pressing my lips against his lips. His tongue came into my mouth a male tongue was pushing into my mouth. I closed around his tongue making it mine. As we kissed our first kiss Eric's hand got busy. He had them between us now and was undoing his shorts to free his massive hard dick. Down as We kissed came his shorts then his white briefs. His cock now free was touching and pressing against my bare flesh my bare hard ABS. oh Lord it felt so very right so very hot. I was kissing and holding his tongue while pressing my ABS against the long hard dick of his. Eric said the words first "I love you" my heart jumped and I felt that this Adonis under me who I was making love to was now really all mine. Any doubts I may have had, Any fears of my feelings for this man for men left at these few words. From His lips I came down His neck licking and eating at his Adam's apple. Down I was tasting his bare flesh. down to His perfect ABS licking the sweat from then to his belly button the trail of black hair. To His pubic bush tasting eating into my mouth his hairs. then I held his bare hard thick cock. I put my mouth over the flared cock head tasting his dick this first time. loving the feel of this man's bare cock in my mouth. Down his wide cock shaft to the very root of his dick. Then my mouth was licking his bare hairy big balls, licking the sweat off my Eric's bare balls.

At one point in my making love to Eric's cock my finger found it's way to his hole and was pressing against it. Eric called out "OH fuck Kevin Yea man you going to turn that into Your male pussy for me tonight? I came up from my delights of his big cock looked at him and in my best mocking bar room talk said 'yea if you suck my dick"

we were soon on the floor of the deck naked and 69ing each other's cocks. Tasting each other finger fucking each other exploring shamelessly each others male bodies. our feet touching our arms legs chest all touching and loving. I knew I was so close and called out "Oh Eric man, I need to let it fly You want my load? Eric moaned a yes while sucking my hard 7 inch cock. I let it go load after load of my cream shot down into his mouth more and more not stopping shooting more cream into his hot wet mouth. Then his hard dick in my mouth he pushed hard into me and it came his thick load of cream was filling my mouth again and again his balls shooting all his cum into me and me taking it like a champ, taking my first man's load making me a cock sucker now. I was milking His big hairy balls for every drop of his cream.

We at last made it back up to our feet and we held each other our wet with cum cocks pressed together and we kissed exchanging our man cream into each others mouths. Holding Eric's strong hard body in my arms and feeling his strong muscular back I knew I would from now on want a man like this. We took our first piss together in the downstairs john I couldn't keep my eyes off of Eric's nice cock as he pissed and i reached to feel his balls again once he was done. over even more beers naked Eric made me promise We would not put on any cloths the whole rest of the time so We could always see each others bodies. 4 Am we feel asleep in each others arms on the loft bed.

Kevin Kelly of NJ near Philadelphia and Montreal See my other stories under kevinmjo in under Authors.

Next: Chapter 2

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