Two Soldiers

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on May 2, 2020


2 Soldiers 3 cajuncock

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2 soldiers 3 cajuncock

For the next few days, the three of us went about our normal lives. Ed wanted to check on the job opportunities in his military field, computer services. Greg took him over to the community college to introduce him to the Veterans affairs coordinator, Jordi, a handsome Hispanic guy. Ed and Jordi got into a deep conversation about the job market in the area. After lunch they joined Greg again. Jordi gave Ed a lot of information about all the possible vet benefits available in our area. Ed called me at my office asking if Jordi might join us for drinks after work. I agreed, having long suspected that Jordi played for our team. Ed further suggested that he'd like to celebrate his new life by taking all of us out for dinner and maybe a little bar hopping. It was agreed that all of us would meet at our home at 7PM.

Greg and I were home with Ed around five. Over a few beers Greg suggested that we, both thought that Jordi might be in for a little bedroom fun later. It was agreed that we'd play it cool and let Jordi take the lead in that area. Of course, all this talk of possible sex had stirred both Greg and Ed up. They nodded to each other seeing their stiff cocks in their cargo shorts. Then both looked over to me, sitting across from them. I looked up in time to see both of them rise and walk towards me. In no time I was naked and on all fours as both of my now lovers worked over my body. Somehow, we managed to all cum at the same time. Laying on the floor of the living room between Greg and Ed, I said "Wow, we sure timed that right. At least now we won't be too anxious when Jordi gets here. Say we'd better hurry, it's almost seven now. Let's clean up and get dressed."

We were just walking back into the living room when the door bell sounded. Jordi, dressed casually, presented us with a bottle of wine from a local vineyard. We sat around drinking and talking for a while. Jordi commented on the house telling us how nice it felt. He mentioned that since he was alone his small apartment was all he needed. He then broached the subject of how we'd all met. Ed explained that he and Greg were stationed at the same base. Greg popped in to explain that he and I had met and become friends at a bar near the base. Jordi let the topic drop and Ed asked him about a local place to grab dinner that might be nearby. He explained that he wanted to take us all out to celebrate leaving the service. Jordi suggested a nearby Mexican restaurant.

Over the meal we kept the conversation neutral avoiding questions about relationships or our living arrangements. After the meal over coffee and then drinks, Ed asked about bars in the area. For the first time we were faced with the topic of places to go. Jordi confessed that there were were quite a few gay bars in the area, some even had gogo boys. Ed warmed to the topic saying that those seemed like a fun thing to do for a change. So Jordi led us a few blocks away to an isolated beach bar. Entering we saw a small stage surrounded by tall drinks tables and seats. The four of us found an empty table and sat. A cute young waiter came up to get our drink orders. It was our neighbor, Craig. "Welcome guys! I wondered when you'd find out my secret. What can I get you?" he asked with a flirty tone. Jordi slapped his ass saying "Some of that would be nice." Craig smiled and said "Later tiger!" We all ordered our drinks just as the lights dimmed and the first dancer jumped on the small stage. We were surprised to see Craig's roommate, Jim, dressed as a cowboy, begin a sensuous dance routine. Jordi pulled a few bills from his wallet. As Jim danced close to our table, Jordi reached into the front of his pants and pushed some bills in, feeling his cock. The rest of us did likewise. As Jim danced around the room another dancer jumped onto the stage. He was dressed as an masked Indian. He did his own sensual routine before Jim joined him on the stage. The two had a mock battle with the Indian finally subduing the cowboy. At the point the masked Indian's mask was removed and we saw Chris leaning over a subdued cowboy. They began a simulated sexual dance rubbing against each other. The lights went to black before a spotlight came on and the two dancers stood and bowed. The cowboy's hat was carried around by Chris being filled with bills. Craig came up to refill our drink orders. He smiled asking "So gents are we going to party at your house later? We close at midnight and we'll be ripe for some hot, sweaty fun. Greg said "Sure, the door will be unlocked just in case we're busy.."

The rest of the night was filled with the usual bar hopping. It was close to midnight when we finally returned home. We saw that Jordi was two sheets to the wind, not making much sense. Ed began a slow strip tease to some music on the stereo. In no time Jordi seemed to sober up at the sight of Ed and Greg dancing naked in simulated sex. He tore off his clothing just as the door bell sounded. I answered the door still wearing just my cargo shorts. The three college boys seeing Ed and Greg's sensuous dance quickly got naked and joined in with the dancing pair. I dropped my shorts and fell onto the sofa next to a naked and hard Jordi. I wasted no time in leaning over to swallow his stiff, uncut, brown cock. He reached over my bent back to search for my ass crack. A greased finger was soon probing my hole. I moaned on his hard cock as he found his target. On the rug in the center of the room, the three college boys had joined Ed and Greg in a free for all orgy. Every cock had found a hole. It was a scene that reminded me of a fabled Roman orgy. Jordi quickly removed both his own remaining cloths and mine as well. His thick 9 inches was dripping with his pre and glistened in the soft candle light. I knew that both of us were up for it. He rolled over on the sofa until I was pinned beneath his muscled torso. I looked into his hungry eyes seeing only the lust of a hot, horny man. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moved my own stiff tool against his. Both of us moaned at the contact of our two stiff cocks. In no time at all our combined precum made us slippery as we humped. He leaned in for a kiss with his tongue battling my own. Breaking the kiss, I whispered in his ear "I need this more than you could ever know." He replied "Me too!" I raised my hips searching for his demanding cock. I felt him locate my eager hole and I felt the tip probe my opening. Not being shy, I pushed against his tip until I felt the thickness stretch me open. Once I knew he was there I pushed against him. Taking his cue, he plunged the entire length in until I felt his pubs brush against my ass. I pulled him down saying "God! We began a steady in and out motion. Each downward shove sent feelings through my body. My brain went into overdrive from his invasion.

Our coupling had not gone unnoticed by the others. They stood around us urging Jordi to give me every inch. Ed's thick black tool was buried in Craig's mouth. His hands were holding the boys head in a steady motion. I doubted Craig noticed since another cock was working his own ass, plowing away. A hard cock appeared next to me, Jim's. Jordi paused to tell me "Open up that slut mouth for a college boy's cock." Meanwhile Chris was working up a good speed on Ed's hole. A bottle of poppers was pressed against Ed's nose. He inhaled and seconds later yelled for Chris to go harder, deeper. I was working on Jim as Jordi pressed the brown bottle under my nose. In seconds I was transformed into a moaning, panting slut for everyone's cum. Jordi pulled out and stood by as one after the other of the gang had their way with my needy hole.

This scene lasted until each person was sexually exhausted. We all lay around the room in a stupor when I noticed the first rays of the sun pierce the window. I looked around the room at the sleeping men, cocks soft now from overuse. I saw Greg cuddled up with Jordi still planted deep in his ass. Ed and Craig were laying in a 69 position. Meanwhile Chris and Jim were laying on either side of me. Their heads resting on my thighs. I smiled to myself knowing that not only had Ed gotten the welcoming party he wanted but maybe a new closeness had come into our little circle of buddies. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Should their adventures continue?

Next: Chapter 4

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