Two Soldiers

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Mar 16, 2020


Two Soldiers

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Two Soldiers cajuncock

I lived in an old apartment complex near a major military set of bases . It had once been nice. But I guessed that over time and a few landlords it's gone down hill. Most of my neighbors were enlisted military men with wives or girlfriends. But the rent was cheap and I'd just started a new job, not a well paid one at that. I worked at a second job as a waiter at a nearby steakhouse. The pay was poor but the tips were pretty good. A benefit of the job was a free meal at the start of my dinner shift at 5PM. We picked up a good after work crowd, mostly from the nearby military base and office buildings. Most nights I cleared $30 in tips after handing over a bit to the busboys.

I was too poor to afford a car so after I finished each night I'd go back to my place to crash. Overtime I met my nieghbors - Greg and Judy. He was an enlisted serice man and she was a waitress. Greg was tall,about 6'4" with a good body. I guess that being military he had to stay in shape. His miltary haircut hinted at a sandy blond stubble. I'd seen him outside in cargo shorts and a wifebeater t-shirt working on his car. Once in a while he'd take me grocery shopping at the PX on base where things were cheaper. Judy worked the night shift at a local diner. Over time Greg would invite me for a beer when I wasn't workng. Being near a military base there were plenty of guys being shipped in and out. I'd managed to furnish my place with yard sales that these guys had before leaving. Greg hooked me up with a buddy who was being shipped overseas. This guy wanted to sell his used car fast before his deployment. We sat in my place haggling over the price and finishing a case of beer with Greg. I sensed a certain tension between the two of them. Finally, we settled on a price for the car. Greg had to leave to take Judy to work leaving me with his buddy. After a few more beers, I felt the soldier move to sit next to me on my crappy sofa. In a low whisper he spoke "Greg thinks that you might be gay. He hasn't seen any women coming or leaving your place. How about we seal the car deal with a blow job?" I looked at him for a long minute before speaking "I've never done that before, don't know if I'd be any good at it." The soldier smiled and leaned in close "Well, you seem like a quick learner. Here start by licking this." As he spoke he unzipped his shorts and pulled out a nice, uncut hard cock. I looked at it as he pushed my head down to his crotch. I closed my eyes and stuck out my tongue. I felt him rub his hard cock across my lips and tongue. I licked the skin covered head feeling a drop of his pre coat my lips. He moaned "You're doing fine. Try licking the tip." I followed his instruction and soon felt him push the head into y mouth. For the first time I tasted another man's tool. I began licked the now exposed head. The pre was freely flowing and didn't taste bad like I'd expected.

I felt him grab my head with one hand and push more of his thick 8 inches into my mouth. His other hand was busy rubbing down my back. He pulled up my t-shirt to expose my naked back. Somehow the feeling of his hand rubbing my skin turned me on. I had a hard on. He moved his hand to the waistband of my shorts. Then he slipped two fingers over my butt finding my ass crack. I moaned at the new sensation feeling his fingers probe my ass crack. He whispered "I guess Greg was right and I'm super horny. I need to dump a load real bad. I bet you could take one inside." I moaned at the thought of giving up my ass to this well built soldier. My ass was virgin so I was both fearful and excited. I pulled away from his cock saying "I'm not gay and have never had anything like that before." The soldier let out a low moan saying "A virgin boy pussy, I'd be honored to take your cherry. But it's be a bit painful at the start. I'll take you slow until you begin to feel the pleasure." Saying this he pulled me to my feet and quickly had me naked. I was shaking from both fear and anticipation. He stood and did a slow strip tease revealing a fine, fit ebony torso. I saw the tip of his cock glistening with both my salvia and his pre-cum.

Just at that moment Greg walked back in. He laughed saying "I guess I was right and it looks like Ed has made some progress with you." In no time he too was naked. For the first time I got to see his cock nestled in a trimmed blond bush. He walked up to us smiling as I stared at his swinging dick. As he walked I saw his dick stiffen to it's maximum size, a good 10 inches with thick viens standing out for its entire length. Greg stood next to us for a minute before pushing my face down to his cock. This time I knew what to do. I opened wide and pushed down as far as I could. I sucked and sucked. Greg held my head as he pistoned in and out of my mouth. He moaned "I've been waiting for this for far too long." I felt Ed, his buddy, move around to my rear. He ran a slick finger up and down my ass. Laughing he told Greg "And he's a virgin, never given up his cherry!" Greg pulled me off of his cock saying "You're joking! This cute boy is virgin! I got to break him in Ed. You can take sloppy seconds. Ed moaned at the idea whisperng "I get to use your load as lube, just like in training."

By this time I was horny, more than I'd ever been with a girl. I had these two gorgeous soldiers wanting my body. I was afraid looking at the 10, hard inches in front of me. Greg fumbled in the pocket of his discarded shorts for a small container of hand lotion and a small, brown bottle. He looked at me with a smile "Now this'll make your first time easier. Just inhale deeply from the bottle and hold it in. We'll take it slow until you begin to feel the pleasure. Ed and I have shared many a virgin in the past. Just trust us and try to work through the first pains." He put the opened bottle under my nostril and I inhaled. Just as I did I felt Ed's wet tongue at my pucker. He licked and nibbled trying to force my tight, virgin ass open. Seconds into his effort the fumes hit me. I moaned and pushed back on his face. Greg sensing my movements began to fuck my face harder. He moaned "That's it baby take my buddy's tongue like the good slut you were made to be." Ed worked on me as Greg fucked my mouth. After a few minutes he stopped and whispered "I think he's ready. His pussy sure liked the tongue fuck. He's got a nice wet, tasty hole waiting for a hard dick."

They moved, changing positions. I felt Greg nudge his slick cock head at my hole. Ed gave me another hit from the bottle. As I moaned at the attack of the vapors, Greg slowly began pushing into me inch by inch filling my bowels. Ed had now replaced himself at my mouth. Another hit from the bottle and I gave in to my need for these two soldiers. Greg pushed into the hilt causing me little pain and much pleasure. He held still for a minute as I got used to the fullness. He leaned over my back kissing my neck and whispering "I've waited too long watching you, wantng you. You're my bitch now. You were made to serve my needs whenever I want this fine piece of ass." I could only moan my acceptance. Greg began pumping slowly always hitting a special spot inside me. Each time I felt him hit the spot I knew that I'd want to feel this a lot more. I felt both horny men yell and unload their first loads at the same time as I shot my own load on the floor.

Our afternoon and evening were spent naked in my apartment. I lost count of the number of loads these two men deposited in me. Both of my holes were repeatedly filled. I was amazed at the stamina of the two of them. They seemed to be super charged for sex. Finally, Greg had to go to pick up Judy. He promised to be right back. Ed and I took a break with a beer. I told him that I was amazed at their stamina. He giggled and pulled out a small container from his pants pocket. He opened it and handed me a small blue pill. "Take his and you'll enjoy us even more." he said. I swallowed the pill with my beer. In a few minutes I began to get a strange feeling. I needed more of these two hard dicks. I pulled Ed over into a deep kiss. Coming up for air he smirked "Baby you're in for a long night. I promise you it'll be like no other you could ever experience." I was soon climbing all over his naked body. Both of our cocks were rock hard and leaking precum slicking our bodies. Ed said "Now I'm sorry I'm shipping out. I could sure make use of this fine ass. I bet Greg will be one happy man now that he has you." He lay back as I rode his cock.

Just then Greg walked back in. Seeing me rubbing all over Ed's naked body, he yelled "Let's get it on!" Dropping his cloths he jumped on both of his naked friends. Ed smiled at me as I rode his hard rod. I felt Greg behiind me pushing his stiffness trying to get inside next to his buddy's cock. I felt his head pop in stuffing my already filled hole. I felt that at any slight movement my body would be split open. In no time both men got into a rhythm pumping in and out of my hole. It was obvious that this was not their first time working together. My orgasm was fast approaching. Greg also felt close and yelled out "OK, let's all do it at the same time. Fuck, I'm close!" As I felt my climax edging up I yelled "Now!" I pushed down on both cocks trapping them inside my tunnel. Both cocks throbbed and exploded inside my welcoming body. We held still as all of us emptied our juices. Theirs filled my ass to overflowing and my own load covered Ed's chest, hitting his lips. We fell over in a twisted pile of legs and arms.

Finally we caught our breath. I moaned saying "Guys, that was fantastic!" On one side Greg kissed my neck and on the other Ed nibbled my ear. After both men relaxed a bit, I suggested that we shower and have a beer. The shower was a bit crowded but we took turns cleaning each other. Over beers the three naked bodies in my bed. I asked Greg about Judy. He explained that he'd told her that he was going for drinks off base with some friends. We lay spooned in the bed wiith me in the middle. I was still horny and decided that I needed to taste a cock. I moved around so that I faced Greg's cock. We quickly got into a 69. Ed not wanting to miss out proceeded to eat the 2 loads of cum from my ass.

Needless to say this led to another sex trio. Sometime during the night Greg returned to his place. But in the morning I woke with Ed's hard cock firmly planted in my ass. It would be his last fuck before heading overseas. Greg and I continued our sessions until finally his enlistment was up. Meanwhile Judy had found another soldier who would make an honest woman of her. Both Greg and I attended her wedding as a couple.

As the final days of his time in the service approached Greg sat down to talk with me. He had to plan for his future, our future. We spent time talking and researching possibilities. He wanted to use his GI benefits to get an education. I confessed that my main job was a dead end situation. We began looking for a place that offered me a better job and provided for Greg to get a college degree. Finally, we settled on the west coast as the best choice. We found a state that had legalized gay marriage and set off for a new life. All the while Ed had been writing us about his deployment and upcoming discharge from the service. We offered to help him and a few months later he moved in to complete our household.

Ok, let me know what you think

Next: Chapter 2

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