Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 9, 2000


Hey everybody! Me again. I've been getting a lot of e-mails requesting 2 things. First is that I put Justin and JC together. As I said before - not gonna happen. At least not in this story. If there is enough interest I could possibly be persuaded to write a one time story about the two of them to satisfy you desires. Let me know --I live to please!! Secondly - some of you out there don't like those endings that leave you hanging. Well, you see, if I don't leave people hanging, they don't write me and tell me they hate me for leaving them hanging and I LOVE e-mail - so don't expect those to stop any time soon!!

So next Monday is "Black Monday" (a.k.a. Valentine's Day), so there will be a special V-day edition of 2 out of 5. Be on the lookout. It could be hot and steamy!

Alright then - now for the boring stuff: This is a work of fiction and implies nothing about the real lives of any of the members of NSync. If you are underage or prohibited from reading this where you live, be responsible and do the right thing. This work is part of my fantasy work, and while I invite all of you share it with me, please don't copy or distribute it without my permission.

That said ..

"So here's my plan" Joey said to the group

"Kevin has to learn a lesson. A taste of his own medicine if you will. And I think I know how to do it. Management knows Justin ran off, right - but they don't know why. Now they saw Justin at rehearsal but according to his letter he was leaving the group. Let's run with that idea for a moment. If Kevin were to be the reason Justin ran off and Justin is still planning on leaving the group unless Kevin goes, I think management would have him out of here in minutes."

"Alright, I can see that." Lance agreed "I mean after that lawsuit fiasco, they spent some big bucks keeping s moving forward. They're not going to risk their investment over a tour manager."

"Don't you think that's a little immoral?" Chris questioned.

"Since when do you know what a big word like immoral means" JC chuckled "But I do se where Chris is coming from. What if we presented this scenario to Kevin. Tell him we are going to management with it if he doesn't play by our rules. He loves this job and I think he'll take the bait."

"That was my plan all along if you would've let me finish." Joey stated, pretending to be hurt.

"Um guys, I don't know if I like this." Justin spoke up. "I mean this is me we're using as bait. What if Kevin doesn't buy it and management replaces me instead?"

"Already thought of that one Curly" Joey added. "First off, you go, we all go. Secondly you're not the only bait. We've got JC too."

"What do you mean `we've got me too'?" JC jumped in.

"Well, Kevin seems to have a thing for you and with the threat he made and all. You get him into your room pretending to go along with his threat. Before things get too far, we all come in and throw our threat in his face." Joey explained.


"Well JC, we need to distract him a little so we can really shock him with our 'proposal'" Joey answered.

"I'll do this for the group, but I don't like it." JC said for the record.

"Okay, so I'll stall of management for a little while longer and make sure they stay around for a day or two. Let's relax tonight and tomorrow we'll see how much Kevin likes to play games."

The guys all left for their rooms and Joey waited for management to stop by.

"Hey, um, Just - you gonna come in our room or stay in the extra room?" Lance asked.

"I'll come in for a while." Justin answered coolly.

The two entered the room and Lance gently closed the door behind him.

"Justin I ..."

"Save it Lance. No wonder you seem to know so much about sex. You're off jumping someone every time I turn around. Now you decide to go after JC. Who's next? Joey? Chris?"

Lance's eyes began to fill up with tears. "Justin it's not like that. I was devastated. So was he. We comforted each other. It felt safe to be in someone's arms. We kissed. It was a small harmless kiss. It meant nothing more than 'thank you'."

"So someone gives you a hug and you thank them with a kiss. What do you do when someone really does you a favor? Grab your ankles?"

"Justin ... I ... I ..." Lance broke down into tears and ran into the bathroom.

After a moment Justin realized what he had done. He walked to the bathroom door and knocked lightly.

In a soft voice he called "Lance? Lance, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Not like that. It's just that you kissed JC. I thought we were together. I thought I was special. I've given you most of my 'firsts' and you've already given yours away. Then you kiss JC when I thought we were going out. I's just a lot to take. I love you and I want you to love me back."

Justin started to cry profusely.

"Lance, please open up. I take it back. I take everything back. I'll ... I'll ... I'll just leave."

Justin walked away from the door with his head hung low. As he reached for the door knob, he felt hands around his waist. Lance turned him around, lifted him up and carried him to the bed. He gently laid the younger boy down and said, "There's one first I haven't given away yet, and I'd like to give it to you."

Lance reached for the button on his pants but was stopped by Justin.

"Not now. Not like this."

"I'm sorry J."

"I'm sorry to Scoop."

The two looked deeply into each others eyes. They leaned forward and kissed. It was like the first time, but better. There was more passion, more desire.

"Will you tell me about them?"

"About who?"

"About the people you've been with."

"Are you sure you want to hear this?"

"I'm sure."

"Well, there haven't been that many. Most of what I know is from reading stories on the net. But there have been a few. My first guy was Matt. We were in high school. It was before the group. Freshman year. We kissed and jerked off together a few times but that was it. Then when we were in Germany there was this guy. We met in a club that we all went to. He was going to college in the town. He came to my room after you guys went to bed. We fooled around and he gave me my first blow job. I was too nervous to return the favor. There were a few other random guys in some cities we went too. They all meant nothing. It was one night and that's it. Normally we'd kiss and then jerk each other off or exchanging blow jobs. I've never gone further than that."

"So, you've never ... you know"

"If you mean 'have I ever had anal sex' the answer is no."

"Either way?"

"Nope. I had opportunities, but I was scared. It's not the safest thing, especially with a stranger, and I heard it kinda hurts. Could you imagine what Fatima would do to me if I was too sore to dance?"

Justin chuckled at the thought then got serious.

"So, that means you don't ever want to do that?"

"I didn't say that. I told you there was one first that I still hadn't experienced and I wanted it to be with you."

Justin blushed then said "Umm, I think I'd like that, but umm, as far a returning that favor..."

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"I want to, but you're a little bit bigger than I am and I know things stretch but that's REALLY big and..."

"We don't have to do that. But if you want to, we can. We'll wait until whenever we're both ready."


Justin snuggled closer to Lance, placing his head on the older boys chest. Lance was running his fingers through Justin's hair when the phone rang.

"Hey Lance. It's Chris. I hope I didn't interrupt anything, but this is important. Be in my room in 5 minutes."

"Who was that?"

"It was Chris. We have to meet in his room."

"Okay." Justin said, a bit concerned as to what was going on.

As they walked out into the hall, they saw 4 policemen dragging Kevin out of his room in handcuffs.

They ran into Chris' room.

Lance asked "What the hell is going on? There's police out there and they're taking Kevin away."

With that a man walked out of the bathroom causing Justin to jump.

"I think I can explain everything." The man said.

"My name is Tim and I am from your management team. It seems that your tour manager Kevin has quite a past. We don't know how he slipped through our screening process, but he did. We got a call from an anonymous source giving us a web address. After some investigation, we found the address was registered to him and he was posting pictures of underage children. To make things worse, it seems that he was coercing these children into stripping by saying he worked with NSync and he could get them tickets/etc."

The guy's mouths hung open. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"We came up here today not because of Justin, which we do want to talk about, but because the police were planning on arresting him."

Justin was the first to speak up "So, you guys hire a psychopath to be alone with us, even while we sleep and you don't even tell us ahead of time?"

"The police told us not to tell anyone, they were afraid he'd run if he caught wind of it. We're sorry about this."


"Justin calm down." Lance said firmly. "These children, our fans who he did this too, what about them. How will this affect our image?"

"We're taking care of that." Tim responded. "Tomorrow morning you will be meeting downstairs for breakfast in the conference room. You will be meeting 2 new people who will be on tour with you. One is Kyle who will be your new tour manager and the other is Sarah who will be taking care of PR for the group as well as dealing with this matter. We think you'll like them a lot. Kyle is 26 and Sarah is 29. Any other details you can ask them directly once you meet them. Breakfast is at 7:00am and I have to ask you not to be late."

The guys all groaned about the early time for breakfast but were quickly cut off by Tim.

"Because of the sudden change in your tour team, we've changed your schedule slightly so both you and Sarah and Kyle can adjust to one another. We've moved the MTV interview from Sunday to Tuesday and cancelled your rehearsals for Monday. That gives you 2 whole days off to play nice with one another. I suggest you take that time to bond Sarah and Kyle and to fix any problems that may be lingering from the Justin event."

With that Tim got up and left the room.

"Event?" Justin asked "I'm an event now?"

"Got me." Joey replied.

"No actually, I've got Lance. And now that I'm creeped out by this Kevin stuff, I plan on going back to my room and having Lance hold me until I'm asleep."

With that Justin got up and dragged Lance out of the room, getting a laugh from the remaining 3.

"Well, I guess we don't have to worry about the Kevin problem anymore." Chris said cheerily.

"Thank God." JC chimed in.

"I'm off to bed. Too much excitement for me." Joey added.

The three went off to their respective rooms and went to bed.

"Lance, I'm getting' lonely out here. What's taking you so long?" Justin called into the bathroom.

Lance yelled back, "I'm making myself beautiful for you."

"I'll never understand why you fix your hair before you go to bed. It's just going to get messed up anyway."

Lance then emerged from the bathroom, his hair looking perfect.

He stood next to the bed kicking his slippers of when Justin grabbed a hold of him and pulled him backwards onto the bed. Justin immediately started to play with Lance's hair saying "See, I told you it was just going to get messed up anyway!"

Lance managed to roll over and pounced on top of Justin. His knees were at either side of Justin's hips and his hands were pinning his shoulders to the bed.

"Who has the upper hand now?" Lance taunted.

Justin managed to move his hands up and grab Lance's balls. As he started to squeeze gently Justin said, "Hmmmm, let me think about that for a minute."

Lance squeaked out "UNCLE!"

Justin laughed and let go of Lance. Lance rolled onto his side with his back to Justin. Justin crawled over top of Lance and tried to kiss him.

"Nope - not gonna happen. You hurt them and now they're not going to come out and play."

"Don't MAKE me sing the song Scoop."

"Alright, alright - anything but that." Lance rolled onto his back, only to have Justin pin him down and kiss him deeply.

Justin became the aggressor, as Lance lay back on the bed. He moved from Lances mouth to just behind his ear and gently ran the tip of his tongue through the sensitive area. Lace writhed in ecstasy.

"I see he decided to come out and play!" Justin exclaimed seeing the tent in Lances boxers.

"I think you need to kiss him and make up." Lance said seductively.

Not needing a second request, Justin dove for Lances waist and had the boxers off in record time. He licked each of Lance's large balls and said "I'm sorry" to each of them. Then he went back up and laid his head next to Lance.

"What are you doing back up here?" Lance asked.

"Well, I told them I was sorry and now I'm finished."

"Dick Tease!"

"You know it baby!" That said Justin straddled Lance's waist and began dry-humping him.

"Uhnnn." Lance moaned out.

Justin then slid down Lance's legs and began to lick the head of his engorged member. He flicked his tongue against the base of the head, eliciting loud moans from his partner. He then slowly sucked down the length as far as he could go. He then turned his body so he was on his knees with his back facing Lance. Lance tried to pull him into a 69 position, but he resisted saying "You first."

With the new angle he could fit more of Lance into his mouth and it seemed easier to swallow him down. Before long, he had worked all but the last inch or so into his throat. With one final attempt, his nose met Lance's balls and Lance screamed out "OH FUCK!" as he shot load after load down Justin's throat.

After sufficiently cleaning Lance's now deflated member, Justin got up and turned around and laid back down next to Lance. Lance was still in his own little world of pleasure. After a while, he turned his head and with his hand turned Justin's head to face him.

"Are you sure I'm you're first?"


"That was ... wow. You had to learn that somewhere."

"You're not the only one with a laptop in this group hon. I can read those stories too you know."

Lance chuckled a bit as he finished catching his breath from the orgasmic high.

Justin just lay there looking at the ceiling, thinking about he and Lance going 'all the way'. He hadn't even noticed that Lance had gotten up and went to the bathroom. He was brought out of his day dream by the feel of Lance's mouth on his still bulging boxers. He looked down to see Lance licking at the boxers while kneeling at the side of the bed. Justin spun around so his legs hung over Lance's shoulders. Lance quickly lifted Justin's legs up and removed the boxers. He then dove down on Justin's rock hard penis. After bobbing up and down a few times, he let the cock drop from his mouth and moved on to Justin's smooth balls. He sucked one in, then the other. Justin lay there enjoying the moment. Then he felt Lance stop.

He felt his legs being lifted a little higher and Lance licking right below his balls. Lance slowly moved downward, causing Justin to get a little nervous. As Lance lifted his legs even higher, his target appeared. Lance lightly tongued at Justin's rosebud. It too was smooth and nearly hairless. Getting a little braved, he began trying to push his tongue into the tight little hole. After some effort, he managed to get inside. Justin yelled out in pleasure.

Lance licked and tongued away until Justin stopped him.

"Lance, this feels fucking awesome, but I don't know if I'm ready to go that far yet."

"I wasn't going to do that." Lance responded. "I just thought this would be fun to try. I can stop."

"No, no. It feels great. It's just that I thought you were getting ready for something else."

Lance let Justin's legs down and crawled on top of the young blonde.

"I told you I wouldn't do anything until you were ready, and I meant that."

"I love you Scoop."

"I love you too Just."

Lance then slid back down to his knees and went to work on Justin's manhood.

He picked up the pace and Justin put his hands on Lance's head, pushing more into his mouth.

Lance gagged and pulled off. "For someone who thinks he's small, there sure seems to be a hell of a lot there." Lance joked.

Justin just smiled and said, "Cute, very cute. Now get back to work."

Lance chuckled and went back down and licked all around Justin's groin. Justin laughed and said "That tickles!"

"That's the point."

Justin grabbed Lance's head, positioned it over his aching cock and said "No, this is the point."

Lance greedily swallowed Justin down and with a little effort had his nose resting against Justin's skin. He then took a finger and gently pressed against Justin's spit-lubed hole. Justin moaned out Lance's name as he wrapped his legs around the kneeling blonde's arms.

Lance began started to insert his finger in he tight tunnel as he slowly rose to the tip of Justin's penis with his mouth. Once his finger was fully inside, he probed around for Justin's 'love button'. Finding it, he teased it with his finger as he began rapidly bobbing up and down Justin's length.

Justin started screaming out "Oh God! Oh Lance! Fuck, you're gonna make me come. Uhnnnnn. Oh yeah. Take it all. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

With that he filled Lane's mouth until it over flowed. Lance dutifully sucked Justin until he was totally spent. Lance got up, went to the bathroom and wiped his mouth off from the excess of Justin's cum.

Just then the phone rang. Justin answered it out of breath.


"Are you two quite through yet? Some of us are trying to sleep and hearing 'OH GOD! OH LANCE!' Doesn't help too much."

Justin turned bright red at the thought that people had heard he and Lance going at it. He remained silent on the phone.

"You still there?"

"Yeah, sorry. I think we're through for now."

"That's good. Now the whole hotel can get some sleep!"

  • Click -

"Who was that J?"

"Oh it was just Chris. He said he was jealous and wanted to come over and join in round three, but I said we were too tired!"

"Too tired? I don't know about you but I'm ready for more!"

Justin looked down to see Lance's re-hardened member. He just smiled and shook his head saying "Looks like it's going to be a long night." He got on his knees, crawled to the edge of the bed when Lance was standing an swallowed him down. He pulled off for a second and said to no one in particular "Sorry about this Chris!" as he dove back down on Lance.

Well, that was longer than I expected, but I couldn't have another chapter without some play time. I felt Lance and Justin were getting a little frustrated, so I added some relief. Stay tuned for the Valentine's edition. It should be a fun one! As always - email me at .

Next: Chapter 10

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