Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 1, 2000


Hello all. Thanks to all who have written. My note in the last chapter wasn't to say that I was going to stop writing. I just wanted to see if people were still following the story line or if there were other place people wanted me to go with the story. Can't get rid of me that easily! As for those of you who are worried about JC's character - he gets better soon. Not to worry!

Now for the legal stuff. This story s a work of fiction, i.e. it does not imply anything about the real lives of the member of NSync. (I'm sure they're all wonderful, straight guys!) If you are not interested in male/male relations, this isn't the story for you. If you are too young or are not allowed to be reading this, you shouldn't. This story is copyrighted to me and should not be reproduced without my permission. If you agree with the above written notices, aren't offended by the nature of this story, and are old enough to be reading this, READ ON!

Chapter 6.


The guys all stood around her trying to hold back their laughter.

JC moaned and pulled the blankets over his head. Chris walked over, pulled the covers back down and whispered in his ear "Morning sunshine. Rise and shine. It's a beautiful day; the sun is up, the birds are singing!" JC again simply moaned and pulled away from Chris.

"So, how much did he have to drink last night?" Fatima questioned.

"I don't know, but it smelled like a whole brewery worth!" Justin giggled. Justin then started to tip toe over to the bed. He got this he grin on his face as pushed Chris aside. He looked around and then jumped up on the bed. He started jumping up and down and mimicking JC from the night before "Oh goody! We're going to have a sleepover in Joey's room!"

"Oh God. I don't feel so good." JC exclaimed as he got up and ran into the bathroom.

"Good move slick." Joey laughed to Justin.

"Got him out of bed didn't I?" Justin stated.

"That's my man." Lance said grabbing Justin around the waist from behind. He no sooner said it and there was silence. All eyes went to him and then over to Fatima. Lance made the connection and turned bright red, immediately dropping his arms from Justin and backing away.

"If you think I've never seen a gay guy before you're quite wrong. I am a dancer and there aren't too many straight male dancers you know." Fatima said plainly. She saw Lance was still bright red so she looked over to Justin and said, "I never knew about you until last night, but good ol' Lance over there we've speculated about for ages."

"We?" Lance interjected.

"Oh yeah. Mike and I have had a bet for ever that you were. Of course we both thought it would be you and JC!" Fatima answered.

"Mike . as in the sound guy Mike?" Joey chuckled.

"The very same." Fatima replied.

"Okay - my turn here" Justin spoke up "What do you mean `until last night'?"

"Well, let me see here." Fatima said, "it was either If you want you can come out and fuck me right now. I just need you back.' or OOOHHHHHH JUSTINNNNNNNNN!' that clued me in."

With that comment Justin turned every shade or red imaginable. Fatima was the first to break down laughing, followed shortly after by the rest of the guys. The laughter just made Justin redder.

Fatima, gasping for air from laughter choked out, "Who would have thought Justin was such a little stud. They all want him."

At that, Joey hit the floor, no longer able to control the spasms his laughter was causing. Justin just but his hand on his hip looking impatiently at the people around him.

Fatima contained her self and , as usual, snapped right back into business mode. "Alright. Now we can all stand around here talking about who's with who or we can get to work. As I recall you are already late for rehearsal. Let's go!"

Joey saluted her and said "YES MA'AM!"

"Uh guys" Justin interjected "aren't we forgetting someone?" as he nodded his head towards the bathroom door. Just at that moment a very disoriented looking JC came through the door.

"Must you all be so loud?" JC asked in a very hoarse voice.

"Aww. Did our poow wittle Josua dwink too much wast night?" Chris teased in his best baby talk.

JC moaned, "Oh my head."

"Come on JC" Joey spoke up "We're late for rehearsal."

"I don't think I can do that." JC responded.

"OH you'll do it alright. And ten times harder than everyone else for making them late." Fatima snapped.

"And if you're really good, maybe you can have Justin `take you'in the hall later on!" Joey joked.

Lance did not find the joke amusing and Justin turned red again. All of a sudden all of the happenings of the previous night flooded into JC's head.

"Did that really happen or was it just a bad dream?" JC asked.

There was silence until Justin spoke up. "Josh that really happened."

JC quickly got up to run over an apologize to Justin. In his eagerness, he overlooked the fact that he was still a little uncoordinated from the previous evening. He tripped and fell while reaching for Justin taking both of them to the floor. While it was a harmless enough accident, it appeared that JC just dove on top of Justin. Lance screamed "GET OFF HIM. YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM". He fell to the ground with tears falling from his eyes. He started pounding his fists against JC's back. JC flipped over an pushed Lance away. Lance fell backwards hitting his head on the wall.

Lance now infuriated got up, grabbed JC by the shirt and slammed him into the wall. Lance's eyes were red with anger. "If you ever go near him again like that I will make sure it's the last thing you do." Lance said through clenched teeth. At that Joey grabbed Lance by the back of the shirt and threw him into the hall. Chris held JC by the shoulders making sure he didn't pursue Lance and Joey. Fatima stood still, unable to move from the shock of the spectacle she just witnessed. Again - Silence.

This time the silence was broken not by words or screams or punches but rather by the muffled sounds of tears. Everyone's attention was brought to where all the action had just taken place. There in a ball crying was Justin. His body shook violently as his emotions overtook his body. Fatima ran to his side and pulled him up into an embrace. In doing so she saw he was bleeding. He must have gotten hit in the middle of the brawl. It wasn't life threatening - just his nose but still enough to make everyone panic.

Justin felt the blood run down his face and went over the edge. He ran out of the room and down the hall. He ran to the stairwell and ran down to the first floor and ducked into the bathroom. Luckily no one was in there. He stood shaking and crying as he used a paper towel to wipe the blood from his face. The bleeding had pretty much subsided and he composed himself enough to be seen in public.

He knew he had to get out of there. He didn't want to deal with any of them. Not now. He walked to the back of the hotel where the ballrooms were. They had stayed in this hotel on a previous tour and he remembered his way around. Out the back doors was a beautiful garden with tons of little paths with benches which led over to the outdoor pool. Along side it were a few pond with fish and other wildlife. It was hard to believe that you were in the middle of a busy city when you were in those gardens. He just started to wander aimlessly as he thought to himself I'm finally happy with someone and my best friend can't handle it. Then my new boyfriend' decides to try and kill my best friend. I should have never gotten into this whole situation. At least I had friends before, even though I was lonely. I can't keep this up. I will not loose Lance or JC because of the other. I'm going to end it with Lance tonight. Maybe we can get back to normal then ... eventually.'

Back upstairs...

"I can't find him anywhere" Chris stated.

JC, who had been on the bed crying since Justin ran out, started to cry even harder. He sobbed out "I just tripped. That was all. I'm so sorry. I just fell. I only wanted to tell him how sorry I was for last night. And that I don't deserve him."

Fatima, realizing rehearsal wasn't going to happen today, came over and sat next to him. "It's okay honey. I know you just fell, but it did look kind of bad and after last night, people just over reacted. It'll all be okay. Just let everything settle down a while. You'll see. It will work out."

"How can you say that?" JC retorted. "I hurt Justin. And now he's probably laying somewhere bleeding to death and we're all just sitting here." That thought stirred a panic in JC as he quickly got up and frantically started to get dressed. He kept mumbling "Gotta find Justin. Gotta find Justin."

Fatima took him by the shoulders and sat him down again. `JC you're in no shape to go anywhere. Why don't you sit here until you feel better while Chris and I go look for him. When you're up to it, take a shower and you can join us, okay?"

JC reluctantly agreed and laid back on the bed crying. Why did he let this happen. This is all out of control. All he wants is Justin back. And now Justin is gone. And Lance hates him. And he made a fool of himself in front of everyone. JC why do you have to be so stupid?' he thought to himself. All you want is to be closer to Justin and you end up pushing him away. Maybe Justin doesn't want to be so close anymore. He never wants to hang out or go places. He went on vacation with Chris leaving you home alone with his family. He invited Joey to the movie set when he was filming his Disney movie. Maybe he just doesn't want to be around me anymore. Why should he. Why should anyone. After everything I've put him through, he deserves better.'

His thoughts continued `Maybe if you told him you were gay you would have a new common ground to bond on. Hold on JC. You're not gay. Bi- maybe. But not gay. And even then you don't really know that. You're just curious. Plus, he doesn't want you. He doesn't want to be near you. He doesn't even want to be your friend anymore.'

JC didn't know what to do. He felt so alone. He wanted someone to be there. Someone to hold him and tell him everything was going to be fine. He wanted Justin there to hear him out. Justin had to know the truth. JC didn't `want' him like everyone thought he did. He just wanted a friend. He wanted his friend.

JC got up from his bed with newfound determination that Justin hear him out. Now all he had to do was find Justin, and find Justin without Lance around. Then he would make Justin listen to him. Once Justin knew the facts, then he could make a choice as to whether he wanted JC in his life or not.

JC made his way to the bathroom to shower so he could go out and look for Justin on his own. He made his way towards the door so he could go to his room and shower. On the way out he grabbed some aspirin Joey had left for him. His head was still pounding, but he'd rather have a hangover than a broken heart.

He went into his room, grabbed some clothes and went in to shower. This is going to work' he thought it has to.'

In Lance's room ...

"Now Lance, just calm down and shut up for a second." Joey said.

"Justin and JC are closer than any of us are. They've know each other for longer and have spent the past 8 years side by side. You can't ignore that. And you can't try to break that up. If you break that up, you break us up." Joey stated.

Lance looked down at the floor and said "I know. I just can't understand why he doesn't want Justin and I to be together."

"Lance, I don't think it's that. Chris seems to think JC is just wants to spend more time with Curly. He feels left out or something. I don't think he wants to be with Justin romantically."

"Oh" was about all Lance could say. "But wait. What about last night saying he wanted Justin to fuck him and them jumping on top of him today right in front of me?"

"He was drunk Lance. People say stupid stuff when they're drunk. I don't know why but they do. As for this morning. I couldn't tell if he jumped on Justin or just fell on him. He may have just tripped or something."

"I didn't think about that." Lance said feeling rather embarrassed now. "Guess I over reacted."

"I'm sure JC will get over it once you explain your side."

Just then the phone rang.

"Hello?" Lance answered.

"Lance, this is Chris. Listen we need your help finding Justin."

"What do you mean finding Justin?" Lance jumped up in panic.

"After you left, Justin took off and we can't find him. And we think he may be hurt."

"HURT?" Lance screamed.

"Yeah. He must have been hit during you and JC's little escapade. When he left his face was all bloody, but we think it's just his nose. Anyways, we can't find him so if you and Joey aren't to busy, Fatima and I are in the lobby."

"We'll be right there." Lance answered hanging up the phone.

He then grabbed Joey yelling "Gotta go find Justin. He ran off and he's hurt."

Joey jumped up and exclaimed "Oh God! I'll go get JC and meet you in the lobby."

Lance shouted "Fine" as he ran towards the elevator.

Joey ran into his room and was surprised to see JC gone. He ran over to JC's room and pounded at the door but there was no answer. `Maybe he's with Chris' he thought as he ran down the hall.

They all met up in the lobby. "Where's JC?" Lance asked. "I don't know." Joey replied "I thought he was with them."

"Not with us" Chris stated.

"Maybe he was in the shower." Joey concluded "We'll call his cell later. Right now let's find Justin."

They all split up on their search for Justin. They spent the whole day searching but found nothing. They had even checked the hospitals for anyone that may have come in with a broken nose. Still nothing.

JC, to, had spent the day searching with no luck. They didn't want to call the police - that would cause a media nightmare, but they didn't know what else to do. Chris, Joey, Lance, and Fatima met back in the lobby feeling helpless. As they walked towards the elevators, JC emerged from the back entrance.

"Find him?" Chris asked.

JC looked at them through tear filled eyes and could only shake his head no.

They all boarded the elevator on the way back upstairs. There was an awkward silence which was soon broken by Fatima. She reached over pulled the emergency stop button on the elevator and back the guys into a corner.

"Now listen to me" she growled "First of all you two are going to get over yourselves. Justin is a big boy and can choose to be with whomever he wants. You childish fighting is want drove him away. Second of all, no matter what you find him." Fatima stopped for a second and showed a side the guys had never seen. She was crying. "If anything happens to that poor boy. I ... I..." She paused again. "Just find him."

She hit the button on the elevator so they could resume the ascent. She was always very fond of Justin. Perhaps it was her maternal instinct or maybe it was that Justin was just a ball of energy. She loved the energy and enthusiasm and care free attitude he had. The thoughts of him made her cry more until Chris put his arm around her saying "It'll be okay. We're going to find him."

The elevator doors opened and there to meet them was Kevin. And not a happy Kevin they all quickly noticed.

"Care to explain this?" he asked holding a letter in his hand.

"What is it?" Joey asked.

"A letter from Justin." He answered.

Immediately they all lunged at him grabbing for the note. It read:


Don't worry about me I'm fine. I need some time alone to think. I've checked into another hotel so I can be alone. I just want us all to be friends again. I can't take everyone fighting and Iknow it's all my fault. I am debating going back home for a while. I have sent a letter to Kevin and Transcon telling them that because of health reasons I will not be performing for the next few concerts. Perhaps with time we can work things out.



Nothing was said. They had chased Justin away. They could care less about the concert, the tour. All they cared about was their friend.

Kevin finally spoke up "I don't know what happened but it needs to be fixed, and now. Lou is sending his personal assistant here tomorrow and if things aren't perfect there will be hell to pay and ..." He paused and cleared his throat. "And I'll be replaced for the tour."

Lance spoke up first "None of this is Justin's fault. It was mine."

"No it was mine." JC interjected.

"It was all of ours. We're a family and when one screws up, we all screw up. Let's not place blame here. Let's just find him." Chris said.

"Why didn't you come to me when you knew he was missing?" Kevin asked.

"It's a long story and the less people that know the better" Joey defended the group. "Or so we thought."

"Whatever happened has happened." Kevin took control "Now we just have to fix it. He said he's at another hotel, right? And he either got there on foot or by taxi, right? So he's got to be somewhere in the city. And it's not like he's the most common looking guy around. I mean where ever he is, I'm sure someone had to notice him, or at least his name."

"He said he wanted to be alone. Shouldn't we respect that?" JC asked.

"JC, I agree. He does need his space, but tonight we know he's near here. By tomorrow he could be on a plane home or to God knows where. This really can't wait." Kevin answered.

They all agreed to start searching all the hotels in the city looking for Justin. As they were turning to leave, a hotel employee came up to them saying, "I have a message for Mr. Bass."

"That's me." Lance answered wondering who it could be from.

He opened the sealed envelope. Inside was a letter that read.


I know you're probably worried about me, but I am fine. I don't know how to do this, so I'm going to just come out and say it. Being with you were some of the happiest moments of my life. Being with you, being in your arms, it all felt so right. At the same time it all felt wrong. Not because of you, but because of JC. He has been my best friend forever and I can't allow him to be so miserable just so I can be happy. I have made up my mind that we shouldn't be together anymore. It may be painful at first, but it is for the best. For you, JC, me, and the group. Down the road when all the pain and hurt go away, maybe then I'll be able to re-join the group. Please take care of yourself and don't hate JC. He didn't mean what he did.

Until we meet again ...

My love always.


Lance feel to the floor. His face white, his body shaking, and tears streaming down his face. JC rushed to his side. Lance simply handed the letter to JC, who read it and began to cry himself. He grabbed a hold of Lance and pulled him up to hug him. They sat in each others arms crying saying "It was my fault." "Not, it's my fault."

Don't you just hate when that happens? Those endings that leave you hanging until the next chapter posts! What can I say - don't hate me because I'm beautiful! So, is Justin gone for good or will they find him. Does this mean Lance and JC have made up? Will Kevin get fired? And what is the deal with Kevin? Why is his character even there?

Answers to this and more in the coming chapters of "2 out of 5" !!

As always comments can be sent to . And remember I LOVE MAIL!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 7

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