Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Jan 27, 2000


Hello again. Here's part 4 of the story. Thanks to everyone for all the e-mails and positive feed back. I've enjoyed writing it so I'm glad you've enjoyed reading it. This chapter will be a little shorter than the last one. I'm trying to set a few things up for the upcoming chapters.

Standard legal guidelines apply. This is fiction and does not imply anything about the real-life members of NSync . If you shouldn't be reading this then please leave. If you don't like this type of thing, you probably don't want to go any further into this story.

That said ..

Chapter 4

JC sat in his room staring out the window. His mind was going about 10 different directions. He was mad at Justin for not telling him sooner, he was jealous of Lance who would be monopolizing all of Justin's time, but most of all he was angry with himself. Jealous or not, mad or not, he couldn't forgive himself for how he treated Justin. He had to talk with him .. alone.

He got up and started pacing around the room planning out exactly what he would say. He decided to get some advice so he went down the hall to talk to Kevin. He stood outside the door for a second to figure out how he'd approach this without informing Kevin about Justin and Lance.

Back in Joey's room..

"Chris, I'm worried about Justin and JC" Joey stated "We have to get them to talk this out."

"I agree, but don't you think this will all blow over when everyone cools down?" Chris replied

"I don't know Chris. JC was pretty upset about Justin being gay."

"That's not it at all. JC's upset because he thinks that he and Justin have drifted apart. He thought that once the tour started everything would like it always was. Now with Lance in the picture.."

"I disagree Chris. Sure that may be part of it, but he didn't know about Lance at first. When Justin said he was gay Josh couldn't even look him in the eye. He has to get over this. We can't have a homophobic guy in a group with two gay guys."

"Let's not jump to conclusions Joey. JC's supposed to know everything about Justin, right? So here he is sitting around one day and Justin just blurts out that he's gay. I'm sorry but that would shock the hell out of anyone. I'll admit that the whole thought still creeps me out a bit, but if they're happy it's cool. As long as it stays on their side of the dressing room."

"I can't believe you're being so close minded Chris. How can you say that. What do you think you're gonna catch it or something? Would you like me to see if they can move you to another floor so the `germs' don't come in your room and infect you too? I thought you'd be a little more understanding."

"Joey hold on a minute. First of all, I'm not the enemy here. Second of all I'm not stupid enough to think a person can catch it. All I'm saying is that I'd prefer not to see them going at it every time I turn around. I just have to get used to the idea."

"Whatever." Joey said walking to the door.

"I don't get it Joe. Why are you so sensitive about this? I'm not going to say anything to either of them. You know that right? I mean what they do behind closed doors is fine. I'm just not into watching - that's all."

"I'm sorry Chris. I guess I'm just sensitive about this whole thing. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"It's cool. I'm a little confused as to why you'd be sensitive about this though." Chris stated.

"It's a long story and I don't want to get into it right now. Maybe later. I'm gonna go catch some z's. I'll call you about dinner."

"OK. Later Joey."


"Oh, hey JC. What's up?"

"Not much Kev, got a minute to talk."

"Sure come on in. I was expecting you." Kevin replied.

"Why were you expecting me?" JC asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it was the red, puffy eyes I was greeted with on the bus. Maybe it was Justin crying quietly on the elevator ride up here. I may be in music management but I can still put 2 and 2 together."

"Oh." was all JC could say.

"So, how long have you two been a couple JC?"

"What! What are you talking about? A couple with who?" JC said defensively.

"You don't have to lie to me. It's cool. And I mean you and Justin." Kevin said matter-of-factly.

"We're not a couple. He has someone else. I was being stupid and got jealous and we got into a fight." JC started.

"So, you want to be with him but he's already involved? Anyone I know?" Kevin inquired.

"NO! Not like that. I want my friend back. I'm tired of everyone else taking up his time and I just get left out in the cold. I'm on the outside looking in and I'm sick of it." JC stated, obviously agitated with the line of questions.

"JC, you have to give him some space. He is a grown boy now. It sounds to me like there may be a hint a jealousy added in there." Kevin commented.

"FOR THE LAST TIME I'M NOT GAY!" JC yelled as he got up to leave.

Kevin knew he had to fix this before JC left so he went into management mode. "JC get back here and sit down!" he barked. JC froze in his tracks and turned around. Kevin's plan to shock JC into staying backfired a little. JC's eyes were red again, but this time it wasn't from crying.

He walked over to where Kevin was sitting, looked him straight in the eye and growled "You dare yell at me like that after what you said? You tell me you think I'm gay and am just jealous of Lance, and I'm supposed to sit and take it from you. Let me assure you that managers come and managers go from this group, but one thing stays the same and that's the five of us guys. Don't you ever talk to me like that again or I will make sure it's your last day in this business."

As JC turned to leave Kevin reached out and grabbed JC's arm. JC flinched expecting a punch to be thrown at him, but instead felt himself being pulled into a hug.

"I'm so sorry JC" Kevin said "I didn't mean to imply anything you. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

"I'm sorry to" JC added "I've been yelled at so many times today I guess I just snapped. I was out of line to say those things."

"So you want to sit down and finish talking?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah sure." JC meekly replied.

"So, how long have Justin and Lance been together?" Kevin started.

"How did you know about ... oh I guess I blurted that out, didn't I. Please don't let anyone know. Um, I don't know how long they've been together. I just found out today."

"JC, I can't even imagine what you guys go through with your personal and professional schedules, but if you want to get back into Justin's life YOU have to make the first move. Make him make time for you. Blowing up at him when he doesn't leave time for you is just going to drive you further apart."

"I guess your right" JC responded. "Thanks."

"Now don't get mad, but I just .. well.. are you sure there are no other feelings for Justin?"

"What is this obsession of me being gay?"

"Well, I'll put the cards on the table here. JC, I'm gay. I just always thought that you might be."

"Alright, here this goes. I've never told anyone this before. I can't say that I'm gay. I've never been with a guy before or anything like that. I also can't say that the thought hasn't crossed my mind before. I mean I like women, but there are certain guys that I just find myself attracted to. Not necessarily sexually, but I've thought about that before too. I guess curious would be the best way to describe it."

"And you wanted to explore that option with Justin?"

"No. Never. Justin was like my little brother. From when we first met he latched on to me. I was there when he was lonely, sick, you name it. Now he's all grown up and doesn't need me anymore. I just can't seem to let him go."

"He still need you Josh. He need you as a friend now more than ever. He started a journey down what can be a very lonely road and he'll need someone to be there for him. The day will come when he and Lance will have a fight and who will he run to? He'll always depend on you, even though it may not always seem like it."

"Thanks Kevin. I see this whole thing more clearly now. It's nice having someone to talk to. I feel like you and I are connected now."

"If you mean that we both know not to yell at each other, yeah I agree!" Kevin said laughing.

"That too!" JC added. "Well, I'm going to go try to make up with Justin. Thanks again for the help!"

"Any time JC, anytime."

And anytime you want to talk about your curiosities, we can do that to' Kevin thought. Watch yourself Kevin. He trusts you now. Don't let what happened with Joey happen with you and JC. `

Justin was still sleeping when something was drawing him into the world of the conscious. He felt warm all over. As he woke up a little more, he noticed the source of the warmth. He looked down to find Lance giving him his very first blow job. He moved his hand to Lance's face and stroke it gently.

"Morning sunshine" Lance said quickly before going back to work on Justin's penis.

"Mmmmmm. I could actually enjoy waking up if it was always like this." Justin moaned.

Lance stopped again saying "We could probably arrange that!"

Lance went back and licked around Justin's groin, much like he had done earlier. He was intent to keep the pace slow so that Justin would last. He took Justin's balls into his mouth and slowly sucked on them. When Justin's breathing became ragged, he stopped and started kissing Justin's thigh. When he felt Justin had calmed down enough, he returned to Justin's throbbing member. He kissed the head ever so gently. Justin's hands instinctively pushed on Lance's head urging him to take more of him into his mouth. Lance started to slowly go down the length of Justin's dick. He swirled his tongue around as he swallowed more and more of him. When he had all of Justin in his mouth, he stayed there for a moment until he was encouraged to go on by Justin's bucking hips.

He began to move up and down on Justin's now glistening rod. Justin could do nothing but moan in ecstasy. He had never felt anything like this before. Before too long he felt his body starting to tense. "Lance, I'm close." Lance decided it was time to let Justin go over the edge. He moved more rapidly over Justin's manhood as Justin yelled out "Oh Lance. Fuck. Oh yeah. Uhhhhhh. Ahhhhhh. This is it. Going to CUMMMMMMMMMMM!"

Justin pushed on Lance's head forcing all of him into Lance's mouth. Lance eagerly swallowed everything Justin could give. He was trying to get every last drop out of Justin when Justin pushed him off. "Uhhh. Stop. Sensitive. " Lance got the point, got up and laid his head on Justin's heaving chest. As Justin came off his high he spoke. "Thank you. That was great."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" Lance answered as he started to get up.

"Where are you going?" Justin questioned.

"I'm going to check and see if you left any exit wounds. That was one hell of a load you shot." he laughed.

"Very funny Scoop."

"If you must know I'm going to the bathroom."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Justin, you in there? It's me JC. Open up. Please!"

"Uh, JC could you come back. I can't really talk now."

"Oh, okay" JC said feeling rejected "Call me when you feel like it."

With that, JC hung his head and slowly sulked towards the elevator.

Well, there's #4! Hope you liked it. I know there were a few random moments, but trust me they'll make sense eventually! As always comments, questions, concerns, propositions (j/k!) can be sent to .

Next: Chapter 5

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