Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Jan 24, 2000


Hello all! Thanks to an overwhelmingly positive response to the first two chapters - here is part 3. And for all of those who are worried as to where JC is - don't worry, he's alive and well. In fact he makes a grand appearance in this chapter - so all of you who are going through "JC withdrawl" can breathe easy now!

All of the standard legal things apply. This story is fiction an implies nothing about the real lives of NSync. If you aren't supposed to be reading this or don't want to be reading this then leave. (Don't you wonder what someone is doing on a gay website if they offended by such things?!) Copyright belongs to me. So on and so forth.

Now on with the show!

Chapter 3

JC stretched as he lay in his bunk. Gotta love these earplugs' he thinks to himself. The wild animals can do whatever they want and I can finally get some sleep.' He lay there for a few more minutes and decided to venture out into the lounge. He hopped out of his bunk at the same moment Lance was getting out of his bunk.

"Hey Lance!"

"Oh Hi JC." Lance responded while scurrying off to the bathroom.

That's odd. Lance never runs around the bus in his boxers. Oh well.' Jc thought as he walked forward. Then he froze. He slowly turned around and looked at the curtain that was still swaying from Lance's exit. That was Justin's bunk he just got out of. .... I guess they must have switched or something.'

JC entered the lounge where Joey and Chris were playing N64.

"Hey guys!"

"Morning sleepy." Chris replied.

"How long until we get to the hotel?" JC asked

"The driver said about another 20 minutes or so." Joey said, his eyes still fixed on the game he was playing.

"You guys do anything while I was napping?"

"Nothing exciting" Chris said, not wanting to tell JC about all the `discoveries' that had been made in the past few hours.

"Oh and by the way, for the record they call what you were doing a coma, not napping." Joey laughed "You missed all the yelling and screaming and"

Joey was quickly cut off by Chris with a death stare.

"What was the yelling and screaming about?" JC questioned.

Before Joey could open his big mouth again Chris quickly said "Nothing. Joey was just kidding."

"OK." JC accepted his answer. He continued "So you guys play musical bunks while I was asleep or what?"

"What are you talking about JC?" Chris questioned.

"Well Lance just got out of Justin's bunk."

Chris and Joey simultaneously dropped the game controllers and turned to face JC.

"What up? You guys look white as ghosts." JC said laughing a little.

"JC sit down." Chris said looking very serious.

"What. What s it? Is Justin ok? What happened to Justin?" JC started to panic.

Joey calmed him down saying, "Justin is fine. Nothing is wrong. In fact I think he's probab;y the best he's been in a while."

"The what's wrong? Why do I have to sit down?"

"Because I'm gay JC" Justin said from behind Joey and Chris.

JC's mouth dropped open and Chris and Joey backed away giving the two best friends some space. There was an endless silence as JC just sat there. A single tear rolled down the younger boys cheek. JC finally spoke, "So when Lance was getting out of your bunk..."

"Yes JC, we're a couple now." Lance finished JC's statement as he entered the room. Lance walked over to Justin and stood behind him, putting his arms around the younger blondes waist.

"Oh." Was all JC could say. He turned his head away from Justin and just looked out the window. After another long silence Justin broke down in tears and ran out of the lounge. Joey ran after him as Lance stood there staring at JC with a look of disgust on his face.

"I can't believe you JC" Lance yelled. "You know he thinks the world of you and all that has ever mattered is what you think. Now you just brush him away because of this? Because of me? I thought better of you Joshua Chasez. I guess now the real JC comes out." With the Lance stormed out of the lounge to find Justin.

Chris just stood there until JC spoke up through his tears "What are you waiting for? Just get it over with. Tell me I'm an ass hole and go run off with the rest of the guys."

Chris walked over to JC and sat next to him. "I can't say that because I don't feel that way. Yeah you were hard on Justin, but I had a really hard time dealing with the thought at first too. And with you two being as close as you are, you must be devastated."

JC just looked at the floor and said "He used to tell me everything. Now I don't even know who he is. He runs off to movie sets and is doing commercials and has a whole new circle of people he's with. I thought that this tour would finally bring us back together. It would just be the 5 of us with no other distractions. Then I see Lance get out of J's bed and I had no idea any of this was happening. He's like my little brother and I want the best for him. That's all."

"Josh, isn't happiness the best thing you could wish for him?" Chris asked quietly.

"I guess. I just want him back. I want my best friend back." JC said sobbing loudly.

Chris sat there holding JC thinking to himself `Come on Josh. This isn't the way you get someone back in your life.' That was a thought he'd share with his band-mate later.

Meanwhile in Justin's bunk..

"Joe, how could he do this to me?" Justin asked.

"Justin he's just shocked that's all. We all were at first. You have always been our little Justin and now you're our all grown up Justin. Just give JC some time. He'll come around." Joey comforted.

"I'll take it from here Joey. Thanks for your help." Lance spoke up.

"What did he say after I left?" Justin questioned Lance.

"HE didn't say anything. I did. " Lance said

"What did you say to him."

"I told him what I felt. Justin we don't need JC's blessing to be happy or to be together. We have each other if he likes it or not. He'll have to get over it. It's that simple."

With that the bus came to a stop. They had arrived at the hotel. Moments later the bus door opened and Kevin, their tour manager, and Fatima, their choreographer, entered the bus. Everyone grabbed their stuff and congregated in the lounge. Both Kevin and Fatima noticed two sets of red eyes and exasperated looks on the other three faces. Kevin thought to himself Oh great. The prima donnas are at it again. Guess I'll be up all night working things out again.' Fatima thought Whatever is going on it better work out by tomorrow. This doesn't work when they're not "in sync" with one another."

"OK guys" Kevin spoke up "here are your room keys. We're on a private floor and you each have your own room. My room is right by the elevator so if anyone wants to talk, I'll be there."

Fatima quickly added "And mine's across the hall from his so I'll hear you if you get in late tonight. Rehearsal's at 8am tomorrow so you'd better be ready."

There were countless moans and groans which Kevin quickly quieted by saying "You guys have the rest of today off. BUT.."

"There's always a but isn't there?" Chris asked.

"Yeah and his name is JC" Lance added under his breath.

"BUT" Kevin continued "as Fatima said you have dance rehearsal at 8am tomorrow. The limo will be leaving at 7:30. If you're late we leave without and you walk to the arena. Lunch will be at 1. Vocal rehearsals at 2 for "Bye, Bye, Bye" then a record signing from 8 - 10. I'll put copies of the itinerary put under each of your doors. Learn it and live it. We won't have any incidents like last tour. That's all for now."

"YES SIR!" Joey and Chris shouted while saluting the newest edition to the management team.

"You know Kevin used to be cool when he was John's assistant" Joey said.

"Yeah" Chris agreed "Now that he's taken over the job he makes Hitler look like a pussy cat!"

"I heard that!" Kevin yelled from the front of the bus.

"What does he have the place bugged?" Joey laughed.

The guys all grabbed their things and filed into the hotel. It went without saying that Lance and Justin would be sharing a room, but Kevin didn't need to know that yet. They all went to their room to clean up and were going to meet for dinner. Well, all except JC who said "I'll see how I feel."

In Lance and Justin's room the two settled in. Lance was hanging his clothes in the closet while Justin headed right for the bed.

"Oh no Justin . Look there is only one bed in here. What ever are we going to do?" Lance said in fake disappointment. He walked over to the bed and fell on it right next to Justin.

"So are you going to cheer up at all or am I stuck with a grumpy Just all day?" Lance asked.

Justin just looked at him for a minute and quietly said "I can't stop thinking about JC."

Lance retorted in a disgusted tone "Fuck JC, alright! This morning was so perfect. We were so happy and he has to ruin all that. Just get over it. I'm taking a shower and if you're still in a mood when I get out I'll move my stuff over to the extra room okay."

With that Lance got off the bed and went into the bathroom slamming the door behind him. Justin lay on the bed for a while thinking Why can't I have both JC as a friend and Lance as a boyfriend. They always got along. We all did. Why can't Josh just accept this. He's my big brother' for God's sake. This is nuts. Well, I'm not going to throw what I have with Lance away because of him. He'll have to deal with it by himself.'

Justin got up off the bed, dried the tears from his eyes, stripped down to his boxer briefs and went over the bathroom. He tried the door and it was unlocked. He opened it slowly and asked "Mind if I come in?" to Lance who was already in the shower.

"Depends" Lance answered back. "You still in a mood?"

"Well I'm in the mood for somethin'!" Justin giggled.

Lance pulled the shower curtain aside to look at Justin and motioned for him to get in the shower. He wasn't sure what caused the sudden attitude change, but he wasn't going to complain about it. He stopped Justin right before he got in saying "You know - you might want to loose the underwear. They might get wet!"

"I think I'll keep them on for right now" Justin said while turning red.

"Whatever." Lance said.

Justin stood behind Lance and washed his back. He then leaned forward to kiss the back of his neck and shoulders. Lance turned around and their lips met. A jolt went through both of the youth's bodies. All of the events from earlier in the day seemed to wash away with the shower. It was as if they were the only two people in the world.

Lance broke the moment by saying "Let me finish this shower so we can do this somewhere where there's a little more room."

They finished the shower and got off to dry off. Lance dried himself off and walked out into the room naked. Justin wrapped the towel around his waist and then removed his now soaked boxer briefs from underneath. He followed Lance out and the two hopped on the bed.

They kissed passionately as they rolled around on the bed. Lance grabbed Justin's towel and began to remove it when he was stopped by Justin.

"J, it's a little hard for me to pay you back for this morning's activities unless I get rid of this."

"I ... I ... I just don't feel like it. Okay?" Justin responded.

"What's the matter babe? You can tell me? We don't have to do anything that you don't want to, but can't we decide that as we go along. I understand it's your first time so we can go as slow as you want. And whatever happens, happens."

"It's not that" Justin very quietly said.

"Well what is it then?"

"Never mind" Justin said trying to escape Lance's hold to get off the bed.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's up." Lance firmly said.

"Alright" Justin said "Here's goes nothing. Lance when I saw you earlier. Well I mean we've seen each other in the shower and stuff but it was like, you know .. Different .. Uh . Bigger. And well I .. Mine's ... "

"I think I get what your saying." Lance said hesitantly. "Justin I don't care how big or small you are. I care about you. Don't be embarrassed. Please. Would it help if I closed the curtains and turned the lights out?"

"Yeah that might help." Justin said shaking slightly.

Lance got up, closed the curtains, turned off the lights and made his way back over to the bed. He leaned over and kissed Justin, holding him in his arms. Justin was shaking like a leaf, so Lance decided to just snuggle next to Justin for a while. When Justin calmed down a bit, Lance put his hand on J's stomach. He looked passionately into his eyes and kissed him. Not just any kiss, but a kiss that said `I love you. I always will no matter what. You can always trust me.' As they lay there kissing, Lance slowly removed the towel Justin was covered up with. Lance started to kiss down his partner's young body, taking in every curve and bump. He worked his way down to Justin waist and then waited. He half expected Justin to push him away. When no attempt to stop his descent was made, he continued. When he got to Justin's throbbing member he pulled back to make out the outline of it in the darkness. It didn't look small to him. Smaller than his, yes but it was about 6 inches and had a decent diameter. For all intents and purposes, Justin was at least average if not a little bigger. Lance continued on his venture.

He slowly kissed around Justin's groin, making his way to his ultimate goal. As he licked around Justin's balls, Justin's body went tense and the younger boy moaned out. Lance noticed that Justin had just came all over his chest.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. That should have. Oh god." Just started to cry again. Lance quickly crawled back up next to Justin, holding the crying boy in his arms.

"Shhh. It's okay. These things happen. I should have known to go slower your first time. It's perfectly natural. Please don't cry. It was my fault not yours."

Lance was kissing Justin's forehead while his hand searched for the recently discarded towel to clean Justin up with. He toweled of the younger boys body and threw the towel on the floor.

"Justin listen to me, this kind of thing happens. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Next time it will take longer, I promise."

"Uh Uh. There's not going to be a next time. Not after this. Nope." Justin babbled on.

Lance held Justin until he feel asleep. Lance lay awake the whole time thinking of how to make Justin more comfortable with everything that happened. He smiled widely as a thought filled his mind ....

There's part 3. Hope you all liked it. I was going for that whole reality thing - you know instead of where everyone has 18 inch penises and their first time lasts for 4 hours! And for all of you wondering where JC was - I told you he was alive and well! As always comments, criticisms, etc. can be sent to .

Next: Chapter 4

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