Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on May 22, 2000


Howdy everybody! How's life in the cyber-world? I wouldn't know because NOBODY WRITES ME ANYMORE! (Hint hint hint!) Is anyone still reading this story? (Other than the few faithful readers I still have!)

OK - well enough of that - I'm writing this anyway. So read it or don't - it doesn't matter.

As for the legal matters: This story is a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the personal lives of any of the people involved. If you are not of legal age to read this or are offended by male/male sex - leave now.

That Said:

Two Out Of Five Chapter 21 (Hey - it's old enough to drink now!)

"I'm getting a drink. Anyone want anything?" JC questioned Joey and Chris.


"I'm good."

"Chris, pause the movie until I get back."


JC headed up to the kitchen and pulled out his cell phone. He quickly dialed a number while looking around to see if anyone was looking through the door.


"Hi, Kyle?"

"Yeah. What's up JC?"

"I just wanted to say thank you."

Kyle smiled to himself and said "Why JC, whatever do you mean?"

"You don't play dumb very well do you?"

"I guess not!"

"The bear was cute and I love roses."

"It was just my way of saying that I think maybe we should try and work things out. That is if you still want to."

"Hell Yeah!" JC responded a little too excitedly. "I mean - sure. Yeah. We could try that."

JC was smiling from ear to ear as they said their good-byes.

'Damn! Why does he have to travel on the staff bus?' JC thought to himself as he walked back into the lounge.

"It's about time. What took you so long?" Joey asked.

"And why do you look like the cat that ate the canary?" Chris added.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why do you have that shit-eating grin on your face?"

"No reason. Just thinking about some things that made me happy. Nothing much - now start the movie back up."

The trio settled back into the couch and started watching the movie again.

"Uh - Lance. Your mouth feels so good."

Lance slowly lifted his head up, letting the younger blonde's dick fall out of his mouth. Lance flashed his winning smile at Justin and then dove back down on the boy's tool.

"Uh. Fuck Lance. If you keep that up - ahhhhh - I'm gone cum."

Lance immediately stopped and lay next to Justin.

"Can't let that happen yet! I have other plans for you!"

Lance lay there staring at his boyfriend until he was suddenly pulled back to reality.

"You going to lay there looking at me all night or are you going to fuck me?"

"Huh? What?"

"I said are you going to lay there staring at me all day or are you going to fuck me?"

"Justin - I think these might be kinda cramped quarters to do that sort of thing."

Justin reached under the pillow and pulled out a small bag. He fished out a little tube and then proceeded to lick down Lance's body. He began to lick the head of Lance's throbbing manhood. Slowly he began to take more and more of it into his mouth. He was still unable to take all of Lance into his mouth. It was just too damn big. Justin began bobbing up and down - sucking harder each time.

Justin abruptly stopped. Before Lance could protest, he felt a new sensation. This one too was wet, but cold as opposed to Justin's warm mouth. He shuddered from the contrast in sensations. Justin's hand pumped gently over Lance's cock. Justin then crawled back up and kissed Lance passionately. Lance closed his eyes as he pulled the younger singer closer to him. Justin repositioned himself so that he was now straddling Lance. As Justin leaned back, Lance's penis began pushing into his ass.

Lance's eyes shot open as he pulled out of the kiss.

"What are you doing?" he whispered.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Justin teased.

"But - you know it hurts you, and there isn't that much room. And . . ."

Justin put his finger over Lance's lips as he positioned himself directly over Lance's pole. As he pushed down, he felt pain surge through his body.

'God this fucking thing is big' he thought to himself as he impaled himself even more on the monstrous organ.

Slowly, inch by inch Justin was penetrated. When he was finally resting on Lance's pelvis he stopped to allow himself to adjust. Lance just lay back and moaned from the tightness of Justin's hole.

Justin then began to lift up off Lance. He glided up until only the head was left inside himself and then slid right back down. After resting for a second, he lifted up and slid down again. This time, Justin let out a yell as Lance's prick grazed his prostate.

Lance smiled. "You like that?"

Justin answered by riding Lance's pole faster. He began slamming down with each thrust. Lance was now raising his hips up to meet Justin's strokes.

Without warning Justin arched his back and shot across Lance's chest. He never stopped his movements.

Lance bit his lower lip as Justin's hole convulsed around he cock.

He pulled Justin down and kissed him as he thrust his hips upward into the boy.

As Justin recovered he began riding Lance again.

"Just. Stop. I'm gonna cum and I don't have a condom on."

Justin kept sliding up and down the rod.

"I'm warning you - you have . . . two . . . seconds."

"Uh Justin. Oh yeah. This is it. Are you suuuuuuuuuure?"

Justin stopped moving as Lance began to unload inside the boy.

Justin sat there smiling at his lover. They were both covered in sweat. To top things off, Lance had puddles of Justin's cum all over his chest and Just was now full with 7 shots of Lance's seed.

"Lance - hand me that bag."

Lance handed Justin the small bag he had pulled the lube from.

He began to slide up off Lance's deflating tool.

Lance stopped him asking "Aren't you going to . . .you know . . . leak or something?"

Justin smiled as he pulled a black shiny object from the bag.

"What's that?"

"It's a plug. It keeps you from 'leaking' after you fuck me with that sawed off shotgun of yours!"

Justin handed the plug to Lance as he lifted off the older blonde's cock. He quickly turned around and instructed Lance to push in the toy. Lance slowly slid the butt plug into place until only the small handle was left outside. Justin turned back around and laid down next to his man.

"Have I told you how much I love you yet today Lance?"

"Not nearly enough. And not nearly as much as I love you!"

The two kissed and drifted off to sleep.

Shortly after they had gone to sleep, the other 3 stuck their heads in the bunk area.

"It sounds quiet enough."

"Well they've been going at it for 2 hours. They should be done by now."

They decided it was safe to go to bed and headed to their bunks.

The next morning Justin and Lance were awake and wandering around the bus. The bus had pulled into a rest stop so they could change drivers and get breakfast. Justin pulled back the curtain to his bunk to get his bag out and on the wall was a sign from Chris. It read : "Quickshot - keep it down tonight. I want to get some sleep."

Justin got an evil look in his eye. He reached in his bag and grabbed a condom. He then ran to the bathroom - barging in on Lance.

"Um Just - we'll never get breakfast if you want us to have sex right now."

"What are you talking about?"

Lance pointed at the condom.

"Oh that - you'll see what this is for. Do you still have any of that hand lotion?"

Lance dug through his bag and pulled out the bottle. He handed it to Justin and asked, "What do you need this for?"

Justin didn't answer. Instead he ripped open the condom wrapper and began unrolling the condom. When he had it unrolled, he grabbed the hand cream and squirted some inside. He then tip toed out of the bathroom and went to Chris' bunk. He reached in and laid the 'used' condom on Chris' chest. He then went and woke the guys up for breakfast. As Chris yawned and stretched, he looked down and screamed. He threw the condom out onto the floor and jumped out of bed.

"You sick little fuck. Get over here. Justin giggled as he ran from Chris breezing by the others. He headed towards the door when he hit a wall. Well, not really a wall. It was actually Kyle who had come to wake the guys up. Kyle fell backwards with Justin on top of him. The two bodies tumbled down the stairs of the bus and out onto the pavement. The other 4 guys were close behind and ran over to the 2 unconscious bodies.


JC ran to Kyle and likewise tried to wake him up.

Justin came to and started to sit up. He quickly fell back to the ground.

"Everything's spinning."

"It's okay J. Just lay back and relax for a second. You're going to be alright." Lance comforted.

"Guys!" JC called out. "I can't get him to wake up. I think we should call for help."

Well - yet another chapter. Hopefully someone out there is reading this! IF so - let me know - . Until next time . . .

Next: Chapter 23

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