Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on May 17, 2000


Hey everyone. Okay - I'm back - and I mean it this time! I think I finally got my schedule under control so I should be able to write more often. In fact as soon as I get this finished I am going to finish up the next JandJC chapter.

Oh - and before I forget - I was asked by Kyle (Beyond What Is and Fate Stepped In) to write the next chapter of Strange Interlude. It's a great story and each chapter is written by a different author. I was asked to write chapter 5 - which was just submitted. I recommend reading all the chapters and then stay tuned for chapter 6 - I get to pick the next author . . .Hahahaha!

Well before this gets too long - I'll get this thing started. Legal stuff: If you are underage 'blah blah blah' or are offended by male/male sex 'words words words' LEAVE NOW! This isn't meant to imply anything about the real lives about the members of N Sync or their sexual orientations. It's all for fun!

And now . . .

Two out of Five Chapter 20

'Only 2 more concerts after tonight and then I can breathe easy for a while' JC thought to himself as he waiting for the sound crew to set his mic levels. It was the last week of their 'pre-release tour' and then they would have some much-needed time off. They would still be required to make some guest appearances and do some other promotional activities, but that was far less draining than performing every night.

Josh also was looking forward to a break from the guys. Not that he didn't love all of them like brothers, but seeing all of them all the time always seemed to wear on him. Plus seeing Justin and Lance and Chris and Sarah, he was constantly reminded how lonely he was and how much he wanted to be with Kyle. A break would do him good.

When he had finished with his sound check, he went back stage for a drink. On his way, Kyle stopped him.


"What do you want?"

"I wanted to talk to you about what you said yesterday. Listen, I just don't think 'we' would work. And I don't want you to spend all your time and energy on a lost cause."

JC coolly responded, "I will spend my time and energy any way I see fit, thank you very much."

Kyle sighed and motioned for JC to follow him. They went into a private room and Kyle sat down.

"Josh, I want this. I want us, but you know it won't work. If they find out about us, I'll be re-assigned and then where does that leave us? Two people touring with two different groups on different sides of the country? I couldn't handle that. And I couldn't handle being hurt or seeing you hurt. So it's for the best that we don't go any further. Do you see what I'm trying say?"

JC moved closer to Kyle. He leaned in and kissed him. Kyle reluctantly opened his mouth, allowing their tongues to dance around one another. JC then pulled away.

"Tell me what you feel? Did you feel the spark or was there nothing there?"

Kyle stayed silent with his eyes closed.


"I feel like . . . I feel like I'm loosing my side of this battle."

JC smiled to himself and smugly left the room.

In the dressing room, Joey, Chris, and Lance were getting ready for the show.

"Ok Scoop, spill it." Chris demanded.

"Spill what?" Lance asked.

"Don't play dumb with us. Justin was all but giving you a lap dance when we came in earlier. Are you two together again?" Chris continued.

Lance blushed. "Yeah, we're together."

Joey breathed a sigh of relief. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I am SO sorry Lance. Please forgive me for what I did. If you two broke up for good I'd never forgive myself."

"Well . . . I guess so." Lance responded.

Joey pulled Lance into a hug. Chris suddenly jumped on top of them yelling "GROUP HUG!"

As the three fell to the floor, Justin walked in.

"Ahem" he cleared his throat. "You had best hope you're not hurting him. I have plans for that one." He pointed directly at Lance.

"So, what do you have in store for Scoop here?" Chris asked.

"Three words. 'Make-Up-Sex'."

Lance let out a little growl and shoved the other two off him.

"Easy boy - not now. Tonight."

"Hold on one second!" Joey protested. "Tonight we're on the bus and I don't want to be hearing that all night."

Chris came up behind Justin and grabbed his shoulders. "Eh - don't worry. Quick shot here will be over before we ever think about bed!"

Lance came over and pushed Chris down on the couch. "First off - keep your hands off him - he's mine. Secondly he is anything but a quick shot."

"I don't even want to know what y'all are talking about." JC said as he walked in the room.

"Oh my God - he's smiling!" Justin said as he looked at JC's face.

"Oooooh - did somebody get some?" Chris taunted.

JC gave them the finger in reply.

"Oh baby - right here with the guys watching? OK!" Justin joked as grabbed his crotch and walked towards JC.

"NOT SO FAST!" Lance reprimanded as he grabbed a hold of Justin's shirt collar. Justin turned and stuck his tongue out at Lance.

"Don't stick it out unless you plan on using it!"

Justin walked over and began to kiss Lance passionately.

"EEEEEEWWWWWW" the other three yelled out. Soon pillows were flying across the room at the couple. "GET A ROOM!"

"Hey Lance?" Justin asked "How would you like to do it in Chris' bunk tonight?"

"Oh no!" Chris started to complain.

"Hmmmmm. Will Chris be in it, cause he's like totally hot." Lance joked, starting to rub the back of Chris' head.

"WILL YOU TWO STOP!" Chris yelled. "No one will be fucking in my bunk tonight. And you two horn dogs stay away from me. Remember - I'm the straight one of the group. S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T."

"Hey what about me?" Joey asked.

"Need I remind you that you sucked Justin's cock yesterday?" Chris stated. "That kind of makes you not so straight."

"I still can't believe that happened." Lance said looking down at his feet.

Justin huddled close to Lance. "If it makes you feel any better, you're much better than he is."

"HEY!" Joey exclaimed.

"Joey, now would be a good time to drop this." JC warned.

"But he just . . ." Joey was cut off by Chris "Listen dick breath - I agree with Josh. Drop it."

Joey sulked over to the mirror to check his hair.

"It's still red. Don't worry." Lance teased. "And stop pouting already. We have a show to do."

With that, they guys finished getting ready and met back stage for the show.

The concert went very well and very quickly. Before the guys knew it, they were getting showered and getting on the bus. They all headed to their bunks to throw stuff in them before settling down in the lounge to unwind from the show. As JC pulled back the curtain to his bunk, he found a small brown teddy bear holding a rose sitting on his pillow. He smiled knowing whom it was from.

"YES!" he said to himself, knowing he was winning the battle.

They all sat around the lounge for a while as they came down from their post-concert highs.

"Why don't you two go fuck and get it over with so we don't have to listen to it all night." Chris said to Lance and Justin.

Without saying a word, the two got up and headed towards the bunks.

"It's going to be a LONG night isn't it?" JC asked with a chuckle.

When the two reached the bunks Justin asked, "Your bunk or mine?"

Lance took the boy by the hand and led him to his bunk. Before getting in, Lance stripped Justin down to his boxers and then stripped himself. The two then lay down next to one another in the bunk. They stared into each other's eyes.

"You know I never meant to hurt you, right?" Justin asked.

"I know. Just don't let it happen again."

"I won't."

"Cause if you do, I'm cutting this off." With that Lance reaching into the younger blonde's boxers and pulled his dick out.

"That would hurt!"

"But this won't" Lance said as he slowly made his way down to Justin's now hard member.

The next sound to be heard was a low moan escaping from Justin's mouth.

Don't you just HATE when I do that? That's all 'til next time folks. Let me know what you think. In case you forgot the address it . And I had best hear from some of you out there!! The last chapter had only 3 responses. Well, until next time . . .!

Next: Chapter 22

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