Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Mar 22, 2000


Hey everyone! Okay, okay - I know - this was supposed to be out last weekend - but things have been a little crazy with the ex- and all. PLUS - there are all these great stories that have recently posted - I've been busy reading!

So just in case you're wondering what I am reading - I'll give the following recommendations! Both of Curlybrok's stories are a must! (Justin's Dream and Forever and Always), N Sync Lance and JC is great, Josh and Just, The Truth about Lance, Fate stepped In, and then there's this other great story too - can't remember the name of it - - - - "Two out of something or other" - I think Two out of 4 or 6 or something like that!!!!!

And if you're following JandJC, I will be working on that tonight - so fear not, Justin won't be handcuffed to the bed forever!!!! Now for the boring stuff. . . . .

If you are underage or prohibited from reading this material, please stop now. This is a story involving male/male sexual relations - if this offends you, you'd want to be stopping now! This is a work of fiction and simply portrays images in my warped mind - it implies nothing about the real lives of the members of N Sync. (However - if one of you is gay and are reading this - feedback is good!!!!).

And how could I forget - is the new album great or what!!!!!! Here's to many more great albums from the sexiest guy group on the planet!!!! (Sorry Nick!!)

"Lance, I . . . I . . . I . . ." Justin stuttered. "I had no idea. I was dreaming and it was of you. When the moment 'came' I woke up and realized it was more than a dream. I want to thank you and it wasn't you. It was Joey."

Justin buried his face in the pillow and sobbed violently. Lance sat next to him, watching him. He wanted to comfort him, but was too upset. He got up off the bed and walked to the window. Justin felt Lance leave and began crying even harder. Lance finally walked back over to the boy and said, "Justin, please don't cry. I understand you didn't do it. But I need some time to think. You did willingly go there last night and you did sleep in his bed. I just need to think."

With that Lance left the room. Justin returned to his crying. He replayed the incident over and over in his mind. He had tried to Joey's friend and support him. And what happens? He looses the best thing in his life. He cried out, "I'm sorry Lance. I'm so, so sorry." He thought some more and began to think that none of this was his fault. No. He did nothing wrong but be a friend. It was Joey. It was all Joey's fault. He could feel his anger rising.

Justin wiped the tears from his eyes, got up, and ran across the hall. He began pounding on Joey's door.

"Open this fucking door right now."

Joey answered, "Um, hey Just."

"Don't you fucking 'hey Just' me. You did this. You ruined everything between Lance and I. I try to be nice and you take advantage of me. You're nothing but a cheap fucking whore looking to get off."

"Justin, don't use that tone with me."


Joey started to close his door.

"OH NO! This is not over yet. You aren't getting away with it that easy." Justin yelled, pushing the door open again. By this time, Chris, Sarah, and Kyle had opened their doors to see what the commotion was about.

Just as Chris started to come down the hall, he saw Justin pull his arm back and punch Joey in the face. Joey fell backwards to the floor. Justin was ready for another punch as Joey scrambled to his feet to retaliate.

Chris, Sarah, and Kyle began running down the hall to stop the fight. Chris grabbed Justin just as he was throwing his second punch at Joey. Chris' body deflected the punch, causing him to throw the smaller boy against the wall.


Chris leaned up against Justin, holding him against the wall while Sarah and Kyle cleaned blood from Joey's face.

"He" Justin pointed "He raped me and ruined everything between Lance and I"

"WHAT?" Chris, Sarah, and Kyle yelled out.

"Hold on - can I get a word in here?" Joey asked, holding a towel to his bleeding nose.

"I'm putting it all on the table. Last night I went back to the bar, but to my surprise Justin followed me there. We came back here and he stayed in my room. I offered my bed and we decided we could both fit in it. Oh, did I mention about him kissing me? Yeah - so anyway, I wake up and feel a raging hardon pushing into me. Not knowing how to take him kissing me and staying in my room when his was just across the hall, I blew him. End of story. Next thing I know - I'm dragged into the hall and punched."

Just as Justin was about to speak, a voice came from behind them. They turned to see Lance crying, his eyes red. He said, "I think we need a group meeting. All of us, including Sarah and Kyle. Let's say in a hour so I can move into the spare room. I'll call you."

Justin collapsed in tears. Chris caught him and held him up. He tried to go in the room after Lance, but Chris held him back.

"J, I think he deserves this time alone. We'll talk and get everything worked out. Just let him be for now." Chris said as he walked Justin back to his room. Once inside he sat Justin on the bed and went to the bathroom. When he returned he found Justin curled up in a ball crying.

In JC's room, JC was in the same position as Justin, curled up and crying. He clutched a pillow trying comfort himself. "Why can't he see how much I love him?" he cried to no one in particular. Just then his phone rang.


"Yeah. Lance is that you?" JC sniffled.

"Uh huh." Lance said through his own tears.

"You okay?"

"No. You?"


"Well, we're having a meeting in my new room, 1246, in 30 minutes. We have to work through some stuff."

"Okay, I'll be there." JC said. He hung up and made his way to the shower.

It was 9:55 as Lance paced around his room. "Five more minutes" he said to himself. There was a knock at the door. It was room service bringing the food he had ordered. It was almost 10:00 and he was sure someone would be hungry, even though he had no desire to eat.

At 10:00, the guys straggled in. Joey and Sarah first, then JC, then Kyle, and finally Chris.

"Where's Justin?" Sarah asked.

"Well, if someone wants to help me carry him or can do a better job coaxing him, then fine - but he's not moving. He just lays there in a ball crying."

Lance let out a load sniffle and turned to hide his newest flood of tears. JC got up from the bed, coolly brushed by Kyle and offered to talk to Justin. Chris followed him out and down the hall.

They entered Chris' room and JC told Chris to wait outside. He went in and sat next to Justin, who never looked up. He ran his fingers through the blonde's hair as he gently rubbed his back.

"It'll be okay Justin, I promise." JC said.

"Josh? You okay?" Justin said looking up. He saw JC's red eyes and JC bit his lower lip.

Justin moved around and pulled JC into a hug. The two began crying again on each other's shoulders. After a few minutes, JC asked "You up to going down the hall and trying to work everything out?"

"Josh, I can't face him, them, now."

"Come on Just, I'll be there for you. We all need to talk." JC pulled Justin up to his feet and put his arm around him to help him down the hall. They walked out of the room and Chris followed them down the hall.

When they walked into the room, there was an awkward silence. JC wouldn't look at Kyle, Justin wouldn't look at Joey, and Lance wouldn't look at Justin.

Sarah decided to start the ball rolling. "Well, I'll start this off. I want to sincerely apologize for everything yesterday. I was way out of line and I hope you can all forgive me. Management can be really bitchy about this sort of stuff and I took it out on you. I'm sorry."

Joey spoke next. "After everything in the hall this morning, I think you all know the story. Well, everyone except JC I guess. I forgot to fill in some details. First of all, when Justin and I kissed last night, we were both drunk. And the only reason he stayed in my room was because he didn't want to wake Lance up. Justin was so supportive through all this, I think my emotions got away from me. I read into some things and did something very out of line. Lance, he didn't do anything, it was all me. Don't blame him. And Justin, I hope you can forgive me. You have no idea how badly I feel. I'll never forgive myself if you and Lance break up. And I'll just stay away from both of you if that's what you want."

JC stood up and walked over to Kyle. "I have something to say too." Kyle's eyes were pleading with JC not to get into this in public, but JC ignored it. "Last night I went to bed with someone. This morning I woke up alone with a note saying that we can't be together anymore because of management. And I just want to say that I hate this." He turned to Kyle and continued, "Like it or not, I'm not giving up. I feel very strongly for you and I think you feel the same. And I'm saying this in front of everyone because I mean every word I am saying. We will be together some day. As long as your heart will have me, we will be together." JC leaned in to give Kyle a kiss, but Kyle pulled away. He began to cry and excused himself to the bathroom.

JC sat down, frustrated.

Lance stood up next. He looked at Joey, looked at Justin, and looked at JC. He cleared his throat and began. "We are all together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That is a lot for any group of people." His tone was business like. Justin knew what was happening. When he was in this mode, it meant he was hiding his feelings and doing what was "best for the group".

"We have clouded the lines of friendship with the lines of infatuation and lust. We have a lot that lay ahead of us right now. The album release is a week away and we will be in NY for 2 weeks promoting it. After that we have a few weeks off at home and then back on the road. I think it is best that we keep the lines between the five of us strictly as friends. It has become more than obvious that we cannot survive as lovers." With that he looked at Justin, and then sat down.

Justin said quietly, "So is that all I was? An infatuation? An object of your lust?" He hung his head.

Lance wanted to run over to him, but knew he couldn't He couldn't let himself be hurt anymore. It was for the best. All the hurt in his life, in the group was all because of them being together as more than friends and co-workers. He chose to remain silent. Justin slowly got up, took the bracelet Lance bought him off his wrist and laid it on Lance's lap. He walked to the door, and calmly walked across the hall. As Lance looked down, he saw the bracelet. The inscription side was face up.

"To the music of my heart. Love always, JLB"

Lance began to shake. Tears welling up in his eyes.

"What have I done?" he sighed.

He looked at everyone in his room and said, "I think I need some time alone. Please?"

They all took the hint and left. Lance sat in the chair, as tears spilled down his face. He held to bracelet tightly in his hands. "I'm so sorry Justin."

OK - that's it for now. I've been very busy BUT it has only been 8 days. I'll try to make the next on appear a bit faster, I promise!! As always, send you comments to . Later everyone!!

Next: Chapter 19

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