Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Mar 5, 2000


Well, I didn't expect to be doing this again - but I felt I owed it to a few people. Let me say thanks to everyone who responded to my last chapter. It was all of your words of encouragement that made me realize that the story isn't all that bad. Of course - one person does stand out from the rest - and that is Kyle. Thanks for everything!!!! (Besides I thought that if I didn't write another chapter he'd trek cross country to hunt me down!!)

Now of course there are going to be a few changes. It has been said that the point of studying history is to learn from the past. In re-reading all of the letters I have been sent I came to a few conclusions - one of which was from a more critical person. He stated people prefer "quality to quantity". With that in mind - future chapters (presuming you all keep writing and saying how much you love me and for me to continue!!) will be a little LESS frequent. Say one a week. This will give me more time to proofread the chapters and possibly have someone else read them as well.

Well - enough of that. Moral of the story here is this: Keep writing to the authors of the stories you read. It's kind of devastating when in 1 week you only get 3 positive responses to a chapter and 5 negative ones. Even if you're shy or embarrassed or whatever. And I promise not to take non-constructive criticism so poorly!

So now - the legal stuff: This story is a work of Fiction. It is a graphic depiction of male/male sexual relations. If this offends you or your are prohibited from reading this material, stop now. The story is a fantasy and implies nothing about the real lives of the members of N Sync.

The hallway was silent. Slowly a door creaked open and a head peered out. Joey looked from side to side making sure no one was awake. It was shortly after midnight and he had to get out for a while. The guys were all in bed with their significant others and Joey was all alone. He missed the guys. They used to hang out. Now they run off and lock themselves behind closed doors. Joey ran down the hall and to the elevator. He was dressed fairly well. Black pants, shoes, and belt with a long sleeve red silk shirt.

Joey left the hotel and wandered down the street. He pulled a small slip of paper out of his pocket. On it was written a street address. After a few minutes of walking, he found his destination. It was a bar/club. He stood outside debating whether or not to go in. After standing there for a minute the bouncer called out "Can I help you with something?"

"No, just not sure if I'm at the right place."

Joey had been battling with a lot lately. He had suppressed a lot of feelings over the years. He knew he liked women but a small part of him was curious about the other side. There was Kevin, but that was a while ago, and he had been forced into that. He stood for a little while longer before deciding to go into the bar. He showed his id to the bouncer and paid his cover. Upon entering, he looked around. It was a nice, clean bar, nothing out of the ordinary. A small dance floor was in the back and the music was good. He could get used to this. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink.

"First time in a gay bar?" the bartender asked.

Joey turned red and nodded yes.

"Gay?" the bartender asked again.

"Umm. No. Bi - . Maybe. I think. "

"Well, don't worry. No one in here bites!" the bartender joked.

Joey relaxed a little and turned to look at the dance floor. A few people caught his eye as being attractive, but that wasn't what he was looking for.

He wanted a companion. Someone to be with so he wouldn't be alone. Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and almost jumped off his stool.

In front of him was a drag queen - and a bad one at that.

"Wanna dance?"

"Um, no. I don't dance. Just here for a drink."

Joey quickly turned around and hoped she . . . he . . . whatever . . . was gone.

Joey's attention went back to the dance floor. A young man kept looking over at him. As soon as Joey made eye contact, the guy looked away. Joey dismissed it thinking the guy recognized him. At this point Joey had enough to drink that he didn't care if he was noticed or not. Besides - no one ever paid attention to him. He was just Joey. Everyone loved Justin and JC and Lance, not him.

When Joey looked back up to the dance floor his "friend" was gone. He was distracted by the bartender who said, "Excuse me. This drink is from the gentleman at the end of the bar."

Joey took the beer and looked down the bar. There was his "friend" waving at him. Before long, the two were sitting side by side chatting.

"Hi. I'm Paul. I noticed you from the dance floor. You from around here?"

"I'm Joey. No, don't live here. Just travelling through."

"I thought so. I think I'd remember if I'd seen the bright red hair before!"

As they were getting to know each other they drank more and more. Joey looked at his watch and said, "I'd better be going. I've got a big day tomorrow."

"You in town for long?" Paul asked.

"Just until Thursday." Joey answered.

"Want to meet up sometime tomorrow?"

"Yeah. How about tomorrow night?" Joey responded.

"Cool. Meet here at around 11 then."

With out warning, Paul leaned forward and kissed Joey. To Joey's surprise, he kissed him back. Joey left the bar and went back to his room. A lot was going through his mind. What was he doing? He was straight, right? He couldn't think any more right now. He was ready to pass out from the alcohol. He went to the bathroom, stripped and crashed on the bed.

The next morning Sarah got up and went downstairs for some coffee and a paper. She left a sleeping Chris in her bed. She got her coffee and sat down to read the paper. She took a sip of the coffee while reading the headlines. Upon reading them, she spit her coffee out and ran upstairs. She raced into her room, slammed the door and started to pull out her cell phone. All the noise woke Chris up.

"What's going on? What time is it?" Chris asked.

"Where's Joey. I'm going to kill him." She yelled.

Chris sat up enough to see Joey's picture on the front page of the paper. He read the caption underneath which said:

"N Sync band member Joey Fatone frequents local gay bar."

Chris' mouth just hung open. He didn't know what to think. Was he the only one out of the five of them that was straight? How could he not know about his best friend?

"Get up, get dressed and find Joey. Get all of them. We're having a meeting." Sarah ordered.

Chris got up, got dressed and gathered the guys into JC's room. He could barely look Joey in the eye when he woke him up. As they sat there, Justin asked, "What's this all about? I mean it's not even 8 yet."

Sarah walked in and threw five copies of the paper on the floor. "This is what this is about."

Five sets of eyes looked at the papers and then looked at Joey. Joey's mouth hung open.

"How? When? Why?" Was all Joey could say.

"I'm going to ask this once Joe," Sarah started "Are you gay?"

"ME? NO! Well, maybe bi-. I don't know. I met this guy there who was nice but I don't know yet." Joey responded.

"Then what THE FUCK were you doing at A GOD DAMN GAY BAR? Do you have any idea what this will do for your image? Do you know how hard this will be for me to cover up? What, did you stop and pose for the picture?"

"Back off Sarah." Justin said rising to his feet.

"SIT DOWN YOUNG MAN." She yelled. "I don't know what's wrong with you all. Why can't any of you be straight?"

"Um, I think I proved I am." Chris timidly spoke.

"Shut up." Sarah replied.

"I guess we're going to have to set a curfew and keep you all locked up after dark."

By this point Joey was in tears, Justin was ready to throw Sarah out a window, and everyone else was still in shock.

Lance stood up and started to pace.

"What are you doing?" Sarah asked in a snotty tone.

"He's pacing which means he's thinking. Glad you know us so well." Justin shot at her.

After a minute Lance stopped pacing.

"Joey, how did you get there?" he asked.

"I walked."

"How far was it?"

"A few blocks I guess."

"What time was it?"

"12 or 12:30"

"Did you pass any other bars on the way there?"

"None that I remember."

"Good. Problem solved." Lance stated.


Lance held his hand up then calmly continued "The bar downstairs closes at 11:00. Joey went out to have a drink. He doesn't know the area. He could have went right or left. He randomly chose to go . . . "

"Right" Joey filled in.

Lance continued "He randomly chose to turn right from the hotel. He walked a few blocks and went into the first bar he came to. How was he supposed to know it was a gay bar. Upon realizing it, he looked around and saw it was no threat to him. Being an open minded individual had a few drinks. Case closed."

Sarah calmed down considerably and said "Let's just hope your fans and more importantly management buys it."

"Trust me." Lance said "Set up a press conference for tonight before the show. We'll say how disappointed we are that the paper would print such a thing without so much as a call or without looking for an obvious reason. We'll tell the story and say we are not prejudiced and aren't afraid to eat or have a drink or hang out at a straight bar or a country bar or a gay bar. Then the story's over. Joey will just have to watch his image for a while and stay out of those types of clubs."

"But the story's not over." Joey said as he rose from the bed. "I am not going to follow everyone's rule and 'stay out' of certain clubs. I am a grown up and can make my own decisions. I am going back there tonight to meet Paul again and I don't care if it's on the front page of every fucking paper in the country."

"THE HELL YOU ARE." Lance and Sarah yelled.

"You can't stop me. I'll go any way."

"You have a contract that says we CAN stop you Joe." Kyle spoke for the first time.


With that, Joey left the room. He ran down the stairs and went outside for a walk. There was a group of fans at the entrance but Joey just pushed right through them. By the time they recognized who it was, the rest of the guys exited the hotel chasing after Joey. They were swarmed by the screaming girls and before they knew it, Joey was out of sight.

After a very long day of talking and soul searching the guys headed to the arena for the concert and press conference. The only problem was that they were one short - Joey. He hadn't come back to the hotel at all. The guys were nervous as hell. It wasn't like Joey to blow up. He had never missed a concert before. The press conference started and Lance began to speak. He gave the reporters the story they had made up that morning. When it came time for questions, the first one was "Where is Joey now."

From the back of the room came a voice "He's right here."

Everyone turned around to see Joey standing in the doorway to the room.

"I didn't see the need to explain my actions to you swine. All you care about is a cheap story to sell your rags. You want to know the truth? I knew it was a gay bar when I went in. You want to know how? Because there is a huge rainbow flag outside the door. You want to know why I went in? Because we have fans that are boys and girls, men and women, black and white, AND YES straight and gay. But you know what - they're all people. No different from any of us. Last time I checked this was a free country and we can have a drink wherever we want. And I think I have the right not to be on the front page of every paper every time I have one. Now if you'll excuse us we have a show to put on."

With that Joey left the room, followed by the rest of the guys. Once backstage the guys ran to Joey.

"Are you okay? We were worried about you." Justin asked.

"Yeah, you should have at least called." Chris added.

"Just get away from me. All of you." Joey said sounding disgusted. "I am here to do my job and that's all."

"But Joey we're here for you. You're our friend." Justin came back.

"Prove it. As far as I'm concerned that friendship ended today." Joey snapped.

"Mr. Fatone, the private dressing room you requested is ready. Your costumes have all been moved in there."

Joey followed the stagehand and Justin sunk to the floor crying.

Lance knelt next to Justin, rubbing his back and saying, "It'll be okay. Just give him some time to get over this J."

The guys went to get ready for the show. The concert was okay but there was a definite tension in the group. Plus JC was still not able to dance from the accident. After the show the guys got into the limo to head back to the hotel.

"You coming Joe?" Chris asked.

Joey turned and walked away. Chris reluctantly closed the door and they left. Joey went inside the arena, showered, changed, and left for the bar. He looked around for any sign of a photographer and seeing none, entered the bar. When he got inside, he was met with a standing ovation from the patrons who recognized him from the paper and the pre-concert press conference. He sat at the bar and looked for Paul. He wasn't there. While he was looking, someone came up to him and asked "Anyone sitting here."

Joey replied, 'Nope. All yours."

After realizing Paul wasn't there Joey hung his head and went back to his beer. A tear slid down his face.

"Want to talk about it?" the person next to him asked.

Joey turned and saw Justin sitting next to him.

"What the fuck do you want?" Joey asked.

"I want to be here for my fucking friend." Justin snapped back at him.

"Listen Joey, believe what you want - but I could be there with Lance and I'm not. And there are five people back at the hotel that would kill me if they knew I came to a gay bar. I came here for you because I care about you. I'm sorry we've . . . I've neglected you lately. Just know that I didn't mean it."

Justin got up to leave but Joey grabbed his arm. Justin turned to face him and saw Joey crying. Joey pulled Justin into a hug saying "I love you man. Thank you. This means so much."

The mood lightened and the two had a good time, dancing, drinking, and laughing. Around 2am, they headed to the hotel. When they got to Joey's door there was a note from Lance:

"Joey, I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me. Justin went out looking for you but I don't know where he is. If he hasn't found you, please come wake me up so I can look for him. Thanks. Scoop."

Joey pulled the note from the door and handed it to Justin. "Go back to your man. He's probably worried sick."

Joey opened the door and Justin followed him in.

"He'll get over it." Justin said throwing the note in the trash. The two sat and talked until four in the morning.

As Justin was getting up to leave Joey said, "Thanks for everything J. It means a lot."

Justin went over to hug Joey. "Anytime red. Anytime!"

They hugged, but neither seemed to let go. Justin looked up into Joey's eyes only to find his gaze being returned. Theirs heads slowly moved together. Their lips met. They gently grazed each other a first, but then became more passionate. The kiss went on and on, their tongues dancing in each other's mouth.

When they broke, Joey started to apologize. "Oh my God. I'm soooooo sorry. I forgot about you and Lance. Please . . ."

Justin cut him off saying, "Joey, friends can be intimate too you know. It was only a kiss. Do worry about it."

There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Joe, can I crash here. I don't want to wake Lance up."

"Yeah sure J."

Justin threw a pillow on the floor only to have Joey throw it back on the bed. Justin threw another pillow on the floor and Joey threw that one on the bed.

"What the hell are you doing?" Justin asked.

"Well if friends can be intimate enough to kiss, I think they can share the same bed, don't you?"

"Good point."

The two stripped to their boxers and crawled into bed. Joey rolled over and put his arm around Justin. He kissed him on the back of the next and said, "Thanks for everything J. I love you."

Welllllllllll. What did you think? I know I know - I'm a tease right? Well, suck up and deal!! Now I expect lots of feedback from this - good and bad - I can take it. (Well - if not I'll bitch to Kyle or have some Jack or something!) Once again the address is . I also have AOL IM if anyone's interested. The name is nicksguy. Hope to hear from you all soon!

Next: Chapter 17

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