Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 28, 2000


Hi everyone. Before I get started, I have something I need to discuss with all of you. In the past week I have gotten some e-mails (4 or 5) ripping this story apart. Now I never expected everyone to like this story. That's a fact of life. I gladly accept constructive criticism, but the tone of most of these notes was that there are no redeeming qualities to the story. They have addressed everything from my poor grammar, to my bad spelling, "limited vocabulary", "terrible plot", and poorly written sex scenes. They also seem to think Justin and Lance are a "joke" of a couple. What I am getting at is that I'm not sure what the point is in me continuing this story. I don't want to make myself look like a Neanderthal writing on a stone tablet or anything like that. So this may well be it for Two out of Five. At least for a while. I have to re-think where this is going and why I'm doing it. Sorry to those of you who like the story. I guess you "gotta do what you gotta do" right?

Legal guidelines: If you are underage or prohibited from reading this, please stop now. If you are offended by male/male sex, read another story. This story is fiction and does not imply anything about the real life members of N Sync.

Justin awoke to find Lance wrapped around him. He smiled as he thought about all the happiness that Lance had brought him in the week they had been together. Everything seemed to be perfect. As Justin stretched, Lance began to stir.

"Morning sunshine!" Justin greeted Lance.

"Morning." Lance yawned. "Have you been awake long?"

"Not really."

Lance squeezed Justin tighter with a hug.

"Scoop - could you ease up a bit. I have to go to the bathroom - and I prefer not to have it squeezed out of me."

Lance let go of Justin and he ran to the bathroom. Lance stretched out on the bed as a million thoughts rushed through his mind.

`Am I doing the right thing. Mom and dad will not approve at all. But I really love Justin. At least I think it's love. Why do I keep thinking about kissing JC? Should I be involved with someone this close with me? We are together all the time, and now that's great but it could cause problems later on.'

Lance was snapped back to reality when Justin jumped on the bed.

"You're bouncy this morning J."

"Cause I woke up next to someone wonderful!" he replied, sounding like a 5 year old.

Justin crawled up next to Lance and lay down next to him. As he nuzzled closer, his ass began rubbing up against Lance's groin.

"OH MY GOD!" Justin exclaimed.

"What?" Lance questioned.

"I've never seen you when you weren't hard before. I have to write this one down!"

"Shut up!" Lance pushed Justin and then pounced on top of him. Within seconds, Lance's member was rock hard and pulsing. It managed to snake it's way out of his boxers and was pointing at Justin.

"Watch out - you could poke someone's eye out with that thing!" Justin joked.

"I'm not aiming for your eye sexy."

"Talk dirty to me baby!"

Lance leaned down to kiss the younger singer. Justin reached up and grabbed Lance's man-tool, pulling it towards him. Lance moaned in pleasure. Justin's hand reached a little lower and he grabbed onto Lance's balls. He rolled them around in his hands and then began to squeeze. Gently at first, put then harder. Lance's moans turned into whimpers as Justin squeezed tighter. With one last squeeze Lance yelped and fell on top of Justin. Justin pushed Lance off him and said, "Today we play by my rules."

Lance smiled and said, "YES SIR!"

"ALL FOURS" Justin commanded.

Lance immediately got up on all fours.

Justin reached over and grabbed the lube and a condom. He poured some lube into Lances crack and then coated a few fingers. He slowly inserted a finger into Lance who moaned in ecstasy.

"You like that?"

"Mmmm, Yeah."

Justin pulled his finger out and then rammed two fingers into Lance. Lance flinched a little but quickly adjusted to the intrusion. Before long Justin wiggled a third finger in. Lance was less comfortable now, but still enjoyed it when Justin was being forceful.

"What do you want me to do?" Justin asked.

"Huh?" Lance responded.

Justin slapped Lance's ass and said, "Tell me what you want me to do."

"Fuck me." Lance whispered.

Again Justin slapped Lance saying "LOUDER."

"I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME." Lance screamed.

Justin pulled his fingers out of Lance's tunnel and immediately rolled the condom on himself. He coated it with lube and then filled his right hand with lube. He positioned himself at Lance's entrance and pushed. In one motion he was all the way in Lance. Lance moaned in pain.


With that Justin reached down with his lube covered hand and began stroking Lance. Lance soon forgot about the intruder and began to enjoy the hand job. After a few moments Justin began thrusting in and out of Lance very slowly. He pulled out until only the head remained inside Lance and then slid back in. All the while he was still stroking Lance with his hand. Justin let himself rest on Lance's back and then without warning, bit Lance's shoulder. Lance yelled out and Justin just bit harder. The second bite pushed Lance over the edge. Lance exploded onto the sheets beneath him. He came for what seemed like hours, Justin still assaulting his ass the whole time.

When Lance had finished his climax, Justin withdrew and had Lance lay on his back. Lance lifted his legs up to Justin's shoulders and Justin re-entered him. Justin picked up his pace as Lance lay moaning incoherently. Once Lance had come off his high, he turned his attention to Justin. He looked deep into Justin's eyes as he lay there. He began to clench his cheeks shut, causing Justin to moan out.

"Uhhh. Lance. That's it. So nice and tiiiiiight."

Lance smiled and squeezed himself shut again.

"Fuck Lance. You're going to make me loose it."

Lance now knew how to drive Justin crazy. He continued playing his game making Justin go wild.

"Uhn. Scoop. Soooo gooooood."

Justin came to a stop with a groan. He then rapidly thrust in Lance a few last times before driving himself in deeply. He held himself there as he came inside his lover.

Justin collapsed on top of Lance who ran his fingers through the younger boy's hair. Justin's head was on Lance's chest and his arms were wrapped around the older blonde.

Justin looked up into Lance's eyes. "That was great."

"No, you were great J."

"Sleep now." Justin moaned.

"Sorry kid, but we have to get up and shower. We have to be at the arena soon."

"Start without me."

"I wish we could, but we have to figure out what to do with JC and his leg. The doctor said he can't dance for tonight's show."

After some whining Justin got up to take a shower.

` Kyle laid JC down on the bed. He slowly stripped JC's clothes off piece by piece until JC lay naked before him. He leaned down and kissed him on the lips, then continued to kiss his way down to the singer's waist. He immediately engulfed JC's throbbing member in his mouth. JC moaned in delight. As Kyle picked the pace up, JC began thrusting his hips upward - slowly fucking Kyle's mouth. It wasn't long before JC felt himself being pushed over the edge. With one final thrust upward, he began to cum in Kyle's waiting mouth.'

JC awoke shortly after his dream with a cool, wet feeling around his groin. His dick was still painfully hard. His thoughts immediately went back to the dream. He smiled as he looked around the room. He soon realized he was alone. He lifted up the covers and saw a huge wet spot in his boxers.

"Fuck. Justin is going to kill me. I'll have to get these washed today."

He slowly pealed the cum soaked boxers off his body and put the in the bathroom sink. He turned the water on and began trying to wash out the evidence of his wet dream. Feeling confident that they were clean he wrapped them in a towel to dry. He then went to take a shower.

After everyone was up and showered they met in the conference room for breakfast. Justin and Lance were the last to arrive.

"Um Scoop, you look like you're walking a little funny." Chris laughed.

"I am not!" Lance shot back.

"Yeah Lance, you are." Joey joined in.

"SHUT UP." He shouted back.

"Uh Lance. . ." JC broke down in laughter.

"Come on stud, let's get some food." Justin jumped in.

The two went to the buffet table and filled their plates. As Lance was sitting down he groaned in pain.

"Now Justin" Chris lectured "What did I tell you about fucking Lance on the day of a show. We can't have two cripples out there and JC's injury is legitimate."

"Now Chris, I know your jealous, but who can resist an ass like this!" Justin joked slapping Lance on the ass again.

Their joking was interrupted by a loud crash. They looked over to see JC laying on the floor amidst a pile of crutches and his plate of food.

Joey ran over. "Josh, I told you I would get whatever you needed. All you had to do is ask."

"Joe I am NOT a cripple."

"No. Of course not. You're just on crutches and are lying on the floor covered in food. You know the doctor said to take it easy."

"Yes mom." JC answered "Now you can stand there preaching to me or you can help me up."

Joey helped JC up and took him upstairs to change into some clean clothes. When they returned, the guys piled into the limo and were on their way to the arena. After figuring out what to do with JC on stage the guys started to rehearse for that night's show. JC would still be able to fly in Sailing, but for the rest of the show he would be on a stool. The guys took out a few dance numbers and decided to just sing them from next to JC. While the fans might be a little disappointed, it was better than canceling the show.

The show went off without any problems. Even without some of the dancing, the crowd went wild. After the show, JC was exhausted. He fell asleep in the limo on the way to the hotel. Kyle and Sarah followed the limo to the hotel to help get JC to his room. Kyle ended up carrying JC to his room while Sarah brought up the crutches. He was awake but his leg was throbbing from being moved around all day. Once everyone had left, Kyle stripped JC for bed.


"Yeah JC."

"Will you stay here tonight?"

"JC, I thought we didn't want things to go that fast."

"No. I just want you to be here with me. Next to me."

"Sure JC."

"And you CAN call me Josh if you want."

With that, Kyle stripped and crawled into bed next to JC.

"I probably smell right?" JC asked.

"You're fine." Kyle re-assured him.

"Goodnight Kyle."

"Goodnight Josh."

Joey, Chris and Sarah hung out for a while before heading to bed. Joey went to his room and Chris and Sarah went into Chris'. Inside Chris had a bottle of champagne and a basket of strawberries waiting for them. She turned and looked at Chris. "You're wonderful, you know that, right?" Chris smiled and kissed her.

Lance emerged from the bathroom to find the room dark. Justin was standing by the window looking out into the sky. The moon shone down, highlighting the boy's blonde hair. Lance came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"What are you thinking about?" Lance asked

"You and I"


"And how much I love you."

Lance turned Justin around and kissed him. The two stood in the moonlight in their embrace. As they broke, Lance looked in Justin's eyes and spoke. "Justin, I have to admit I've had some doubts about this in the past, but I've come to realize how much I love you. You make me happier than anyone else ever has. I want this to last forever. I want us to last forever. I know we can't get 'married' or anything like that but I don't need a piece of paper saying what we have is real. You are my heart and my soul Justin Timberlake. I love you more than anything and I hope you feel the same. Justin, will you be mine forever?"

A tear came to Justin's eye. He couldn't speak. He answered with a kiss. In his heart he knew this was right. He and Lance would be together forever.

Well, that's it folks. Hope you've enjoyed it. Thanks to all of you for everything and who knows, maybe I'll be back someday. Later.

Kevin Michael

Next: Chapter 16

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