Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 21, 2000


Hey everyone! So - I finally read the BoyBand awards results and WOW! Thanks to everyone who voted for me. 4 awards and a tie for a fifth. I must have been a good boy in a previous life!! So I figured I should write a celebratory chapter of the awards! Then I'm away for 4 days - so get your fill now!! Oh yeah - I am going to put a BIG WARNING here : This story will have graphic scenes of male/male sex AND male/female sex - sorry guys but Joey and Chris need to get some too. I hope this doesn't gross you all out too much. I had a request and it's logical. If you're writing about the group - then you have to focus on each of them and their private lives and I HIGHLY doubt all five of them are gay. (But we can all wish!)

Now for the legal stuff: This story is a work of fiction depicting matters of a sexual nature. If you are not permitted to be viewing such material due to age or regional laws, please stop reading now. If you are offended by depictions of homosexual relations - you should really be leaving before this gets started. This story is a work of fiction and does not in any way represent or imply anything about the real live members of N Sync. It's just a story.

And now . . . the story you've all been waiting for . . .

Kyle and JC lay on the floor of the dressing room. The broken door lay to the side of them. Their tongues were entwined as their hands explored each others bodies.

Their world crashed back to reality as they heard someone clearing their throat.

"Excuse me guys" Darren spoke "Um, JC it's much easier for us to do a dance rehearsal with all FIVE guys on stage. That and the crew is starting to show up and I don't think you want them to see you two like that."

Kyle blushed a bright shade of red and mumbled "JC, you should go on stage and I'll uh get this door fixed."

"God Darren, doesn't he look like Lance when he turns bright red like that!"

JC and Darren laughed as they walked to the stage. JC turned, ran back and gave Kyle one last kiss before a grueling day of dancing.

The guys started their rehearsal again. JC was doing much better and they all seemed to connected. Justin still looked a little sore, but was doing his best to hide it. After what seemed like hours they broke for lunch. They had no sooner finished and Darren was standing there ready to start rehearsing again.

"Aren't you supposed to wait like an hour after eating before you dance?" Justin asked.

"Sorry kid - that's swimming. Nice try though!" Darren laughed.

Just then Sarah and Kyle walked in to grab something to eat. Sarah sat next to Chris and Kyle sat next to JC. Sarah had a big smile on her face and she whispered to Chris "Thanks for the flowers this morning. It was such a nice surprise!" She then blew lightly in his ear.

Chris shivered and said "Okay Dar - give us 15" he looked back at Sarah "30 minutes. Then we'll be ready to go. You can even keep us late."

The last part of the comment was met with a swift kick from Joey.

"OWWWWW!" Chris yelled out.

Joey just smiled and waved at him.

Chris got up and took Sarah by the hand to one of the dressing rooms. Kyle did the same to JC. Lance looked at Justin who shrugged and said "When in Rome . . ."

"So Joey, looks like you and me, huh?" Darren chuckled.

"I'm . . . Uh . . . I don't really go that way. Sorry." Joey stuttered.

"I didn't mean it like THAT. It's just that it's been a while since I beat your ass at Nintendo." Darren laughed.

"Beat MY ass? Listen old man - I'd take you down any day of the week."

"Old? OLD? First of all - I can run circles around you any day - AND you're not all that far from 28, so I'd watch who you call old."

The two laugh and wandered to the tour bus where the Nintendo was set up.

As soon as Sarah and Chris got inside their dressing room, Sarah threw her arms around Chris and kissed him deeply.

"You are such a sweet guy, you know that?"

Chris just looked at the ground and in his best southern accent said "Aww shucks. It ain't often a purdy young lady comes along. It was the least I could do."

Sarah laughed and said "That's one of the things I love about you - your sense of humor."

Chris perked up. "ONE of the things?"

They kissed again.

Kyle and JC decided to take a walk outside. It was a nice sunny day and it helped the two of them to clear their mind.

Justin and Lance just went back to the stage and talked.

After about 30 minutes Joey and Darren walked off the bus. They saw JC and Kyle and motioned the two of them inside. They went to the dressing rooms and found Chris and Sarah.

"Where's Lance and Justin?" Joey asked.

"They're not in here" JC said looking into a dressing room.

"Or in here" Darren said looking into another.

They wandered out to the stage looking for the two only to find them sitting there, waiting to start.

"What are you guys doing here?" Darren asked.

"Yeah we thought you'd be . . . ?" Kyle added.

"Fucking?" Justin spoke up.

"Well, yeah. Sort of." Kyle came back.

"We don't do that every waking minute you know." Lance spoke up.

"And we're here because last time I checked we normally dance on this thing called a stage." Justin added.

"Well, I'm impressed." Darren smiled. He continued "Chris. JC. If you could peel yourselves off your other halves, we can get this done and over with.

They continued on with rehearsal. Darren was showing them a new step and the guys were trying to do it with them. JC had moved to the edge of the stage so he could see Darren a little better. While attempting the move, he got a little too close to the edge and lost his balance. Everyone saw it happen as if it were slow motion.

"JOSH!" Justin yelled out, getting Kyle's attention.

JC fell off the stage, scraping his leg on the way down. It was only a two foot stage, so he wasn't hurt by the fall. He was hurt, however, by the piece of metal that was sticking out from the stage. It had dug into his leg on the way down. JC collapsed onto the floor and screamed in pain. The music was turned off and JC's scream echoed through the arena.

"JOSH! JOSH! Are you okay?" Justin yelled jumping off the stage.

JC sat there grasping his leg. Justin pulled his hands away, only to find them covered in blood. By this point the other guys including Kyle and Darren were by JC's side.

Kyle yelled "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" at the top of his lungs.

"NO!" Chris yelled. "CANCEL THAT!"

"We can't just let him sit here bleeding." Kyle went at Chris with a vengance.

"What I mean is we'll wrap it and take him in the limo. That way the press won't be all over this and we can get him there faster. The limo IS outside. The ambulance IS NOT." Chris shot back.

"Joey, help me here." Justin said, tears in his eyes.

Joey and Justin lifted JC into their arms and carried him to the limo. Lance grabbed some towels to wrap around JC's leg. The five guys got into the limo which sped off. Kyle and Darren were close behind in another car.

The guys arrived at the ER and carried JC in. The nurse saw the blood soaked towel around JC's leg and immediately escorted them into a room. Kyle and Darren took care of registering him. A doctor came in an asked everyone to leave. As the guys turned around JC grabbed Justin's arm and said to the Doctor "He stays."

The doctor just smiled and nodded his head. "Alright, now we have to get those pants off."

JC turned bright red and said "Hey, um doc - could you excuse us for 2 seconds and I'll have them off."

The doctor looked puzzled and said "Okay - I'll be right outside."

As soon as he left JC turned to Justin and said "Give me your boxers."


JC pulled Justin closer and said through clenched teeth "GIVE ME YOUR BOXERS."

"NO! Why the hell do you want my boxers?" Justin almost screamed as he pulled away from JC.

"Because I'm not wearing any."

Justin almost fell on the floor he was laughing so hard.

"Would you just shut up and give me yours."

Justin stood up and said "Only if you promise not to look at my ass."

Justin stripped and took off his boxers. He then helped JC out of his pants and into the boxers. Both were bright red as the doctor re-entered.

"Everything okay in here?" The doctor looked at the two of them.

"Um , yeah." Justin spoke up "My friend here just has a problem getting undressed in front of strangers. Says he feels violated or something."

Justin tried his best to keep a straight face but was still grinning wildly.

"OK." The doctor said and began examining JC's leg. "Now, let me see if you did any nerve damage. Can you feel this?" The doctor touched JC's foot causing JC to giggle.

"Good. Now how about this?" The doctor squeezed JC's leg and he nodded.

"Very good. Now how about this?" The doctor touched right next to JC's cut. JC screamed and jumped off the table.

"I think that's a 'yes'" Justin commented.

"Well, it doesn't look too bad. It isn't very deep so it won't need stitches. However, the report says the cut was from metal so we are going to have to give you a tetanus shot and then we'll bandage you up."

"SHOT? SHOT?" JC was getting hysterical. "Uh uh. No way. No needles."

"But we have to worry about infection." The doctor said flatly.


"Let me handle this doc." Justin spoke up. He looked JC in the eye and grabbed his shirt. "JC, this man is doing what is best for you. And I intend on letting him do that, understand. Now stop being such a baby. It will be over in a second."

JC whined some more only to have Justin grab his shirt tighter.

"Oww. Oww. Oww. Chest hair! Chest hair!" JC yelped. Justin's grasp on JC's shirt had inadvertently gotten some hair as well as shirt. Justin quickly released his hold on JC. By this time the doctor had the needle ready to give JC. JC fought off Justin and the doctor by flailing his arms violently. At one point he hit Justin in the face, not doing any damage but shocking Justin.

"Let me get a nurse to restrain him."

"No wait - whatever happens in here you can't tell anyone else - that patient confidentiality thing right?"

"Yes that's right. I loose my license if I disclose anything about a patient."

"Good." With that Justin looked at JC and said "This is for your own good and that's the only reason I'm doing it."

Without a second thought Justin leaned over JC and kissed him. Deeply. JC succumbed to Justin's forwardness and allowed Justin's tongue into his mouth. JC was completely lost in the moment. Partly from the passion of the kiss but mostly the shock. Justin felt JC's body tense for a minute then relax again. This was followed by the doctor clearing his throat. Justin pulled off JC to see the doctor standing there with the now empty syringe in his hand.

Justin smiled weakly as he blushed. "Whatever it takes, right!"

"Whatever!" the doctor shook his head. The doctor went about his business bandaging up JC's leg. Justin and JC never made eye contact. When the doctor was done he left leaving JC to put his pants on. Justin sat there staring at the floor. When JC was finished, Justin got up and headed to the door. JC stopped him.

"Just, why did you do that?"

"I love you Joshua. Not in the way I love Lance or the way I think you love Kyle, but I love you none the less. I would die if anything ever happened to you. I needed to distract you so the doctor could give you that shot. I couldn't think of anything else. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it."

"Thanks Curly. I love you too." JC hugged Justin and quickly released him.

"Josh, can we keep that our little secret. I don't think Lance would appreciate it."

"I agree. Nor would Kyle. It's our secret. And the boxers too."

"Oh no!" Justin smiled. "That one's open game. Now come on commando. It's 7:00 and I'm hungry." Justin smiled and helped JC out to the limo.

The guys piled into the limo and went back to the hotel. They were all in the hall and were deciding on dinner.

"I think I'll have Lance!" Justin giggled.

"I'm going to crash in my room." JC spoke as Kyle put his hand on his shoulder. "With Kyle."

"Ohh, Ohh, Ohh!" Chris yelled "I got Sarah." He sounded like a third grader waiting to be called on.

"I'll . . . I'll . . .I'll just be in my room." Joey hung his head as he went into his room. Lance whispered something to Justin who just nodded his head.

About a half an hour later the guys had all showered. Everyone except JC who had Kyle help give him a sponge bath. Getting water in his cut wasn't on his top ten things to do list.

Joey was laying on his bed feeling depressed. Then there was a knock on the door. "ROOMSERVICE" a voice yelled out.

"I didn't order room service Joey shouted back."

"Says here room 1247. A Mr. Fatone." The voice answered back.

Joey went to open the door. "There must be a mistake. I didn't order room service."

"You're right!" Justin said stepping from behind the server.

"We did." Lance chimed in stepping in the door way.

Justin and Lance let themselves in, followed by the room service cart and another hotel attendant carrying a VCR and a N64. While the one man set up dinner, the other hooked up the VCR and Nintendo system to the TV.

"You looked bummed out so we thought we'd come cheer you up." Lance said.

"Thanks guys, but you didn't have to. I know you'd rather be alone." Joey responded.

Justin finished tipping the two and then pounced on the bed with Joey. "I know what's wrong. He hasn't had enough Justin time!" Justin began to tickle him.

"You are SO dead little man." Joey laughed flipping Justin on his back and tickling him. Justin was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.

"A little help would be nice here Lance" Justin gasped out.

"You, my friend, got yourself into this so you can get yourself out of it. Besides I'm kinda enjoying the dinner theater here!" Lance chuckled.

His mention of dinner brought a new idea to Joey's mind. Hey Lance - cold you go in the top of my suitcase and grab out my bracelet for me.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Lance said, looking puzzled. There was no bracelet, just a set of handcuffs.

"You mean these?"


"Here they are. I don't even want to know why you "

"Don't ask just give them to me."

Lance threw the handcuffs to Joey who picked Justin up, carried him to the door, then handcuffed him to it. Joey then went and sat down next to Lance and began to eat.

"This is so not funny guys."

"Mmmm. Lance this chicken is delicious."

"I know Joe. I don't think I've EVER had chicken this good before."

"Guys come on. I'm HUNGRYYYYYY" Justin whined.

"You got a radio or something to drown that out?" Lance snickered.

"Umm how about TV?" Joey asked turning the TV on.

"Much better!"

The two continued eating and Justin continued whining. When they were finished eating they released Justin. Just grabbed a plate and ate in silence pouting. Come on Just. We were just foolin' around."

"Shut up ass hole."

"How about this." Lance leaned in and whispered something to Justin. Justin immediately perked up and he began to smile again. After he finished he went to the bathroom.

"So, you tell him he can fuck you later or what?" Joey asked Lance.

"Something like that!" Lance blushed.

Justin came out of the bathroom and Joey laughed "Well look who just came out of the closet!"

"Funny. Very funny. But you know - I could have sworn I saw you in there too. How'd you get out so fast?"

Joey turned bright red.

"Hey look Scoop - he matches his hair now!"

The guys continued to joke around, watch a movie, and play some video games. Joey's mood seemed the best it had in quite some time.

Meanwhile in Sarah's room . . . .

"Dinner was great!" Chris commented.

"Not as good as the company was!"

Chris turned red.

"Do all you guys do that?" she laughed at Chris' red face.

"Some do. I only do when I'm around beautiful young ladies."

It was now Sarah's turn to blush. "You're a really special guy Chris." She approached where he was sitting. "I really like you a lot. I'll presume there's not a special someone in your life right now?"

"No. But there's this really nice girl I'd love to be dating. I'm just waiting for the right time to ask her."

"I think you just did."

"And her answer is."

Sarah didn't answer. She took Chris' hand and led him to the bed. The two began to kiss passionately.

<Author's note - if this is going to gross anyone out - skip down to the net author's note!>

Chris slowly removed her shirt and she returned the favor. Before long both were laying naked on the bed, exploring each other's bodies. Chris gently ran his fingers over Sarah's breasts and she ran her fingernail up the inside of his thigh.

"Sarah, we can't . . . um . . . do this right now. I don't have any protection."

"It's okay. I'm sure we can find other ways to amuse ourselves."

With that she grabbed Chris' cock and stroked it. She slowly slid down the bed until she was eye to 'eye' with Chris' member. She teased the head with her tongue before engulfing it in her mouth. Chris moaned out. She went to work bobbing up and down. Before long Chris was ready to shoot.

"Sarah sweetie - I'm ready. Do you . . . .uh want it?" Sarah pulled off Chris and slowly jerked him off to a climax. Afterwards she got up and retrieved a towel from the bathroom and wiped Chris' chest off. Chris rolled on top of her and slowly began to lick her nipples. He slowly traced his tongue down her smooth belly until reaching his target . . .

<OK guys - you can read again - it's safe! And for the record I'm bi- so that should explain me being able to stomach writing that!>

In JC's room Kyle lay next to JC while watching TV. JC's leg was propped up on a pillow.

"What are you thinking about?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing why?"

"Well, you've been really quiet. That's all."

"I was thinking about you and earlier and us."

"Good or bad?"

JC rolled over and kissed Kyle. He pulled away and said "Good."

Kyle returned the kiss.

Before long the two of them were rolling around in bed making out and exploring each other's bodies.

"Josh, I don't want this to go too fast."

"Whatever pace you want it to go is fine with me."

"Honestly - I want to rip your clothes off right here and now but I think we should build a relationship first."

"That's fine with me."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"The tent in your pants says otherwise." Kyle laughed.

"The tent in my pants says I like you a lot and you're a great kisser. BUT, unlike some people, I can control myself. Besides, I can always take care of that after you leave."

"Or we can take care of that now."

"Are you testing me?"

"No - I just mean that if you are going to just jerk off - we can do that together. I just don't want to go all the way."

"Okay I guess - if you're sure."

Kyle reached down to try and free JC's member. He was stopped when JC flinched from the pain in his leg. JC helped push his pants down and Kyle reaching inside JC's boxers.

"Nice boxers. I love silk."

JC turned 3 shades of red remembering that they were actually Justin's boxers, not his.

Kyle slowly removed JC's erect penis and stroked it. Slow at first but then picking up speed. JC moaned loudly from Kyle's ministrations. Before long, JC threw his head back and started to shoot all over himself. Kyle kept stoking until every drop of JC's juices were drained. He then pulled JC's cum soaked shirt off and threw it on the floor. The two kissed and held each other for a while. As JC was dozing off, Kyle kissed him, got up and quietly left the room. As he was closing the door, he blew JC a kiss and said "Goodnight my angel."

Justin collapsed on the bed. "That was fun! I think Joey had a good time."

"Thanks for going along with me."

"It's no big deal. He's like our brother. We really had to spend some time with him. He has been all alone. It was the least we could do. I'm glad you suggested it."

"Now for what I promised you. . . " Lance began to strip his clothes off.

"But I'm really tired." Justin whined.

Lance went over and pulled Justin's pants off in one motion.

"Commando, eh? Lance grinned.

Justin turned red remembering JC had his boxers.

Before Justin could answer, Lance had inhaled his cock. Lance pulled off Justin's hard member and said "Doesn't look like he's too tired!"

Before Justin could protest Lance had begun rolling a condom on Justin.

"Fine. Fine. I'll do it." Justin sighed.

Lance was about to straddle Justin when Justin pulled him onto the bed. He came up behind Lance and pulled him onto all fours. He grabbed Lance's hips and trust his cock forward. The head popped right in causing Justin to moan in ecstasy and Lance to moan in pain. Justin waited for Lance to adjust to him and the thrust all the way in. Again he waited for a minute and then began thrusting in and out. Justin reached under Lance with his right hand and felt for his cock. Finding it he grabbed in and began to roughly stoke it. With his other hand he began to slap Lance's ass. Lance squealed in pleasure. Justin then leaned forward and bit Lance's shoulder. Not hard but hard enough to make Lance yell out. Justin soon realized his hand was all went. Lance shot his load when Justin bit him. Justin pulled out of Lance with a pop. He pushed the boy down on the bed and then rolled him over. He lifted up his legs and in one motion slid all the way in again. He began to thrust wildly. From this position, Justin more fully came in contact with Lance's prostate, grazing it with every stroke. Lance was completely erect again. It wasn't long before he was ready to shoot a second load.

Justin continued to plow his ass and his stomach was rubbing against Lance manhood. A few strokes later Lance screamed "Fuck Justin . . . You are . . . too . . .good . . . Ahhhhh . . . ohhhh . . . That's it . . . that's the spot." It only took one forceful thrust from Justin and Lance came again. This time coating Justin's chest. As Lance's body tensed from the orgasm, his hole clenched down on Justin's penis. Justin yelled "OhhhhAAAaaawwwwww . . . YESSSSSSSSSS!" He unloaded his seed into the condom and collapsed on top of Lance. The two became glued together by Lance's second load.

"J, we should go clean up."

"Uhhhhh. Tired."

"If not we may be stuck like this forever."


"Come on stud. I'll even drop the soap for ya!"

Lance lifted Justin off him and the two went to shower. Lance stood Justin in the shower and turned the cold water on. Justin jumped and yelled.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Justin screeched.

"To wake you up. And now that you are . . . I have something I want to do."

Justin looked to see Lance hard again but this time he had a condom on.

Alright - so this one was a little longer to hold you until I'm back. Now just because I'm gone doesn't mean that you shouldn't WRITE ME and tell me how much y'all love me!! If I come home to an empty mailbox, I'll be greatly upset. Once again that e-mail address is . Talk to you all soon!!

Next: Chapter 15

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