Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 19, 2000


Hey everyone! What's up? So - someone wrote me congratulating me on winning something or other in the boy band awards. So I've been waiting and waiting to find some more information, but to no avail. - I tried the web site, but the page that comes up is blank. So if anyone knows any information - e-mail me! So this is the last chapter before I leave for a week - think you can all make it through! I MIGHT be able to squeak one more chapter out before my flight leaves Monday night. We'll see. As always - comments, etc. can be sent to

Legal stuff: If you are under age, offended by male/male sex, or prohibited from reading this type of material, stop reading now. This story is fiction and does not imply anything about the real live members of N Sync.

And now - on with the story.

Joey had tossed and turned all night. The thoughts of being alone plagued his mind. Lance and Justin had each other and apparently JC now had Kyle and Chris now had Sarah. Who did he have? Was he going to be alone forever? Was he going to be stuck with meaningless one night stands for the rest of his life?

Joey sat up in bed and looked around the room. It was still dark out. He was starting to hate days off. At least when they had rehearsal or a concert his mind could be on his work. Well, that and the fact that in public his band mates couldn't show their affection to their other halves. Except Chris. And that hurt the most. Joey's best friend and he hadn't seen him in almost 2 days. Why did they have to send Sarah? Why did it have to be a girl?

Joey began to pace. A tear trickled down his cheek.

"Why am I crying? I never cry." He spoke to himself.

He collapsed backwards on the bed and lay there. Eventually he had drifted back off to sleep.

Lance was awaken by an odd sensation. He was dreaming of walking down a beach hand in hand with Justin. The sun slowly coming up over the water - and the he felt wet. Not a bad wet, but wet. He began to stir. He reached his hand to the side to feel for Justin, but he wasn't there. Lance sat up in bed as Justin took all of him into his mouth.

"Ahhhhhh" Lance moaned.

"You're . . . up . . . very . . . early." Lance spat out between pants.

Justin just sucked harder.

"Stop that. You're going to make me cum."

Justin kept sucking, bobbing his head up and down rapidly.

"I . . . uh . . . mean . . . oh yeah . . . it."

Justin forced as much of Lance into his mouth as he could and then began to swallow. For the first time - he was able to deep throat Lance.

"Oh shit. Oh J, what was . . . oh yeah . . . this is it . . . gonna blow . . .


Lance panted as Justin swallowed Lance's load. Justin kept sucking even after Lance was coming down from his climax. Lance quickly pushed Justin off as he was very sensitive.

"Morning sunshine!" Justin smiled, cuddling up next to Lance.

He put his head on Lance's heaving chest and Lance gently stroked his hair.

"Since when are you a morning person?" Lance questioned.

"Since I started having this dream that someone was holding a gun to my back. I finally woke up and it was you. I thought I'd help 'ease your tension'."

"Mmmmmmmm." Lance moaned as he lay there. Still on his high.

"So, we have to get back to work today, huh Scoop."

"I don't want to think about that. I want to stay here in bed with you all day."

"I don't think management will consider your screaming my name out the same as vocal rehearsals."

"I don't care." Lance protested.

"Well, it is still early . . . " Justin smiled.

"And you are still hard . . . " Lance grinned grabbing Justin's member.

"I always am when you're around!"

"That's why I like 'em young!"

"Uh, scoop - you're like 13 months older than me - much younger than the two of us and occifer nice will be giving you some nice little silver bracelets!"

"Mmmmmmm, handcuffs huh?"


Lance reached over and grabbed a condom and rolled it onto Justin. He then poured some lube on it and crouched over the boy. He slowly but steadily sat down onto Justin's manhood. Inch by inch of Justin's penis disappeared into Lance's waiting hole.

"Aw fuck Lance . . . I love this . . . I love you . . . Uhnnn."

Lance lifted himself up until only Justin's head remained inside and then slowly slid back down. His pace increased with each stroke.

"Lance. Come . . . Ahhh . . . here . . .ohhh . . . and . . . yesssss . . . lay . . . . uhnnnh . . . down."

Lance lifted of Justin and laid on the bed. Justin had him lay on his stomach and then mounted the older blonde. With one quick thrust he was fully in Lance again. Lance squeezed his legs together, making himself even tighter.

"Shit Scoop. Gonna loose it man. Too damn good. Too damn tight."

Three more thrusts and Justin dug his fingers into Lance's shoulders as he plowed into him. "Gonna cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

Justin collapsed on top of Lance, breathing heavily. He was still inside the older boy. Lance got an evil grin on his face and began using his muscles to clench himself shut.

Each time Justin would scream out as a little more of his juice was squeezed out. He finally could take no more and pulled out. Lance rolled onto his back.

"Look's like someone's hard again!" Justin pointed out.

"Guess you weren't good enough to get me off!" Lance taunted.

"I'll show you good enough!" Justin reached for another condom.

Meanwhile in JC's room.

"It's such a beautiful morning. Wonder what Kyle is up to?"

JC opened the door only to find Kyle standing there.

"I was just thinking about you." JC exclaimed.

"Well, here I am!"

"I was going to call to see if you wanted to grab some breakfast or "

JC was cut off by Kyle. "Joshua, we need to talk. Well, I need to talk and you need to listen. I can't stop thinking about last night. It felt so right, yet still wrong. I don't know how to explain it."

"It was the Lance thing was" Kyle put his finger up to JC's lips.

"This has nothing to do with that. JC, first of all I work for you. That makes me uncomfortable. Second of all there's only been one other guy in my life and I'm still questioning which path to take. This has nothing to do about you, it's me. Please understand that I need some time before we take things to the next level. You are a great guy and if I was sure I wanted a guy then you'd be the one. Right now I just don't know."

"Oh." JC looked at the floor.

"Look at me Josh. Please."

"Kyle, maybe it's better if you go now. I don't get emotional in front of people and I'm going to get emotional."

"JC, please don't be upset. I didn't mean it like that. I still want us to be"


Kyle turned and left the room. JC collapsed to his knees, crying.

The guys each received their wake-up calls, had breakfast and got ready to head to the arena. They congregated in the hall. Everyone was there except JC. JC came out of his room moments later. His eyes all red and puffy.

Justin ran to his side asking "What's the matter JC, you okay?"

JC glared at Kyle "I'll be fine Curly. Let's just get to the arena."

No one said anything on the way to the arena. Kyle and JC were on opposite ends of the limo. Justin was ignoring Lance, trying to figure out what was up with JC. They finally got to the arena and the guys headed to the stage. Kyle tried to pull JC aside asking "Can I talk to you for a second?"

JC just pulled away and walked to the stage. On the stage Fatima was standing there with a big smile on her face. The guys all whispered to one another.

"What's up with her?"

"She never smiles."

"We must be in for it."

"GIRLS!" Fatima shouted "I have some good news for you all. As you know, I was only with you guys temporarily until Darren's ankle healed. Well. . . "

Darren, the guys usual choreographer, stepped out from behind Fatima and said "I'm back!"

The guys ran past Fatima and over to Darren greeting him with high fives and a few hugs. Darren cleared his throat and nodded his head towards Fatima. The guys turned around and each went to hug Fatima, thanking her and telling her they'd miss her.

"Don't lie to me. I wasn't born yesterday. No singer misses a choreographer!" Fatima laughed. "It has been a pleasure. You guys are fun to work with. I wish I could get this much energy out of the Backstreet Boys once in a while! Well, I'm off. Darren, keep them in line!"

With that Fatima turned and left the stage.

"So did you guys miss me?" Darren chuckled.

"Oh my God, Darren - that woman is sadistic. She was like a slave driver."

"SHE CAN STILL HEAR YOU!" Fatima shouted from off stage.

"And that - that really freaks me out!" Chris whispered.

Before long the guys were into their rehearsal for the upcoming concert.

"JUSTIN!" Darren shouted, stopping the music "What is wrong with you. You're dancing like you have a pole up your ass!"

"That's no pole - that's Lance!" Joey laughed.

"OKAYYYYY. I think I missed something. And JC - are you with us today? You look like you're on another planet. Something wrong?"

JC started to cry and ran off stage. Justin ran after him but was stopped by Kyle. "I screwed this up - I will fix it."

Kyle went and knocked on the dressing room door.

"Go away."

"JC it's Kyle. Please open the door."


"JC, I want to talk. That's all. Just talk."

"Don't you understand English I said go the fuck away!"


The guys heard him from the stage and just shook their heads. "How long do you think he'll live yelling at JC like that?" Joey asked.

"Five minutes maybe ten." Justin said plainly.

Kyle stormed onto the stage, grabbed a chair and disappeared again. The next thing that was heard was the chair smashing the door down.

Kyle entered and JC got up to leave.




JC sat but didn't look at Kyle. He started to hum a song to himself. Kyle reached over and grabbed JC's head, forcing him to make eye contact. JC slapped Kyle in the side of the head. Kyle didn't let go of JC's head.

"You will listen to me. JC I feel something I have never felt before for you and it scares me. I was way out of line before, but I want to make sure this is right before I go out on a limb and hurt both of us. I care about you too much to hurt you like that."

"Oh yeah in 2 days right." JC replied sarcastically "And like this morning didn't hurt."

"JC please just shut up and listen. I think I love you. I have never loved a man. The thought scares me okay. I don't know if I can walk down the street holding a guys hand. I don't know if I can deal with having sex with a guy. There are so many social limitations put on this lifestyle that I don't know I I can handle all of it."

"You think it's easy? You think love is supposed to be easy? Did you read Romeo and Juliet? Have you listened to half the songs on the radio? How can you sit there and say to my face that you thought this would be easy. Easy is going home with a stranger, fucking the hell out of them and leaving never to meet again. Love is a commitment. It's work. It's something you obviously could never comprehend. JC lectured.

Kyle removed his hands from JC's face and slapped him. He turned to leave and said "Take it for what's it's worth - I was . . . I am falling for you." JC tackled Kyle from behind the two wrestled around the room slamming into walls and furniture. Then they stopped. They stared into each other's eyes and neither moved.

"It got really quiet in there." Lance said taking a few steps to the side of the stage.

"Too quite." Justin added.

"Like - someone's dead in there quiet." Darren finished.

The remaining 5 ran to the dressing room. As they walked through the opening where the door once hung, the found JC laying on his back with Kyle on top of him, the two sharing a passionate kiss.

"Okay, maybe not dead." Darren commented, pulling the guys out of the room.

Moments later the kiss broke. Kyle looked at JC with a tear in his eye. "Joshua, I am scared but I know this feels right. Would you be there for me while I work through this?"

"Kyle, I am unsure about all this two. Let's take one day at a time and work through this together."

Again their eyes met and their heads slowly moved towards one another, their lips touching as they joined their souls together.

Okay - so I was in a dramatic mood. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will try to get one more out before my trip next week. And for those of you worried that I am giving up on this story just because I've put out a couple 'J and JC' chapters lately - fear not. The J and JC story is my 'fun' story and takes less effort to write. This one I plot out in my mind before writing and it takes a little more time! (Plus I keep getting the two confused! Don't want Justin moaning out the wrong name or anything!!) Well, let me know what you thought. . Later all!

Next: Chapter 14

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