Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 16, 2000


Hey there NSync fans! Sorry for the slight delay in this. I had planned on finishing this for submission on Tuesday, but I went to a BSB concert (Yes Kyle, I know I'm a traitor!) and couldn't stop thinking about Nick and his new hair cut and those leather pants he was wearing and the fact that I think he sweat on me. I'm not a crazed fan or anything. Just someone who appreciates natural beauty - especially when it's wrapped in leather!

Alright that's not the point of this story. We're writing about ... What's their names again . OH YEAH! NSync!! Alright, so sit back and enjoy. After this chapter there will be one or two more before I go on vacation. Then you'll have to fend for yourself for a week. I can give you some great suggestions on stories to read if you wish! Perhaps a certain reader who has their own story will be less distracted and write a chapter of HIS story to amuse you all! (For those of you who have NO idea what I'm talking about check out "Not Meant to Be"!)

Almost forgot - I submitted chapter 2 of 'J and JC and am trying HTML format. These stupid line breaks are driving me up all wall! If I get positive feed-back, I'll use the format in this story too! Let me know. (That translates to READ THE STORY and WRITE ME!!!!!)

Now for the legal stuff: If you are under age, are prohibited from reading this due to local laws, are offended by male/male sex, or are afraid you just might pass out from the steamy content this story contains - STOP READING NOW! This story is fiction and does not mean that any of the members of N Sync are gay. I'm sure they're not. (But I can hope, right!)

And now the final Valentine's chapter of. . . .

Two out of Five

Lance made his way into the Condom store and was amazed at the selection.

"I never knew they made so many." He mumbled to himself.

"Can I help you?" a female voice asked from behind him.

"Uhm, just looking thanks."

"Hey aren't you in that group ..." Lance turned pale white "You know that group the Backstreet Boys?"

Lance perked up. "Promise not to tell anyone?" She nodded. "Yeah. Name's Nick Carter and I'm here to get some condoms for my boyfriend and I. PLEASE don't make a scene or tell anyone."

"Oh, I don't care. I don't even listen to you guys. My girlfriend and I saw y'all on TV and you just looked familiar. Boyfriend, huh? I could recommend a few supplies for that. I need a little info first."


"First of all, I need a general size. Some of these are longer than others and some are a little tighter."

"I'd say one's average and one's a little bigger."

"Your first time?"

"Kinda. Well, I've pitched to him, but haven't caught yet."

"Cute! Well, you might want some of this. It desensitizes you a little making it easier for the 'catcher'. Word of advice though DO NOT use this stuff without a condom. If he gets it on his friend down there, he'll go for hours before he finishes!"

Lance winced at that thought.

"As for condoms, I'd recommend any of these here. This one has more "head room", this one is tighter, this one is longer, and um this one is thinner. Most people like the thin ones, but they can break a little easier so if these fear of disease . . ."

"Oh no, it's our first time. It's more the "messy" problem we're trying to avoid."

"Then I'd go with these. They might be a little snug on the 'bigger' boy, but not too bad."

Lance grabbed 3 - 12packs of the condoms and 2 bottles of lube. One regular and one with the desensitizing agent in it. He paid for the items and the girl handed him a card and 2 red condoms. Those are for Valentine's day and the card has our web address on it. You can order anything in the store online and we can overnight it to you."

"Thanks." Lance said turning around.

"Have a fun evening Nick!" she replied.

Lance barely made it out of the store before he broke down laughing. He immediately pulled out his phone and called Justin to tell him the story.

At the mall, the movie was just getting out.

"I had a great time Joey."

"Me too. What are you doing tonight."

"Well, I've got a ton of stuff to do at my apartment, so I was going to order some Chinese food and clean the place up."

"Oh." Joey said hanging his head. "I thought maybe we could have dinner."

"We can. IF you don't mind Chinese at my place. I just really need to get some stuff done. Especially laundry. I'm running out of clothes to wear!"

"You mean it! I mean about me coming over - not about you running out of clothes!"

"Sure! I'd love to have some company besides my cat."

The two headed off for the parking lot.

At the hotel, Kyle and JC had just gotten back. JC ran down the hall to Justin's room. He was picking up some roses the florist had dropped off. As he headed back into the hall, he saw Chris who ran at him yelling "Where did you get those?" pointing to the flowers.

"Ummm - Justin's room. I had them deliver them there since he was going to be here and I was out all day."

"I have looked ALL day and every place is sold out."

"I think Justin might have had something to do with that. He has a forest of them in there!"

"REALLY?" Chris asked pushing JC aside and running for Justin's room.


"Who is it?"

"It's me. Chris. Let me in."

Justin opened the door.

Chris dropped to his knees and said "I'll do anything for some roses. I've looked around all day for them and they're all sold out. I need some for Sarah tonight."

Justin chuckled saying "Anything, huh? And you're on you knees. Hmmmm."

"All right gay-boy, keep your hormones in check until Lance gets back. But seriously, I'll pay you for them. Anything. Please?"

"If you hadn't called me 'gay-boy', then maybe BUT. . . seeing as you look so pathetic, you can have one of the dozens that are next to the tub. Do you have a color preference?"

"There's more? I mean there are millions out here."

"There's only 100 out here. Plus the dozen Lance got me. Then there's 3 dozen in the bathroom and one of those is from my mother."

Justin went in and got a vase of 12 red roses and gave it to Chris. Chris thanked him profusely and ran out the door and to his room.

Justin got dressed and made sure everything was perfect. Quiet music. Wine. Table surrounded by roses. He took the two white roses and set them on the table. One at each place. He then poured 2 glasses of wine. He sat on the bed waiting for Lance to arrive.

Kyle walked down the hall and knocked on JC's door. JC answered and invited him in.

"So where are we eating" Kyle asked.

"Downstairs. I hope you don't mind. I don't know the city that well and everywhere I called was booked already."

"That's fine. As long as it's not airplane or arena food, I'm thrilled."

JC pulled out the roses and gave them to Kyle. In a sappy, childish voice he asked "Will you be my Valentine?"

Kyle just laughed and smiled. They put the roses in the ice bucket and filled it with water. They then headed down to dinner.

Likewise, Chris had knocked on Sarah's door, given her the roses and they went off to dinner.

Joey was sitting at Becky's watching TV while she moved her laundry from the washer to the dryer. She returned and he put his arm around her. The two snuggled together and watched a movie.

Lance finally got back to the hotel. He ran towards the elevator. When the doors opened he ran inside, knocking JC over. They both sat on the ground and Lance was apologizing. In mid stream, he looked up and said "Oh. It's only you."

"I feel better now. Glad I'm so special!"

"I'm late. Justin's going to kill me."

Kyle gave them each a hand in getting up and then bent down to pick up the bag Lance had dropped. He looked inside and said "Someone's going to get some tonight!" Lance blushed and grabbed the bag.

"OK - you two out of my elevator. I need to get upstairs!"

Kyle and JC left and Lance got upstairs. He got to the door and went in. Justin was sitting on the bed with his glass of wine with a slightly upset look on his face. Lance was running over to apologize when he looked around the room.

"You did all this for me?"

"No. Actually I was thinking of starting a florist shop in case this singing gig didn't work out."

Justin got up and handed Lance a half drunk glass of wine. There was more, but I was bored, so I drank it. Justin went over and plopped himself into a chair by the window.

"Justin, don't be mad. I didn't want to ruin our evening. It's still early. I was getting these" he threw the bag with the condoms in it on the table in front of Justin "and this." He reaching into his pants pocket and pulled out a red velvet box. He took Justin's hand and pulled him out of the chair, leading him to the bed. The two sat down side by side. Lance leaned over, gently kissing his cheek and said "There are so many times when I will want to hold you or kiss you but won't be able to because we're in public. This isn't much, but when you want to be together and we can't, you can look at it and know I'm thinking of you too."

He handed Justin the box. Justin opened it and a tear came to his eye. Inside was an id bracelet. Simple but beautiful. It was gold and had a music note engraved on the top.

"Turn it over."

Justin turned it over and began to cry. He hugged Lance and kissed him, the bracelet falling from his hand and the two lay back on the bed. On the inside of the bracelet was written "To the music of my heart. Love always, JLB"

Just then there was a knock on the door. "Room Service."

"Lance, you go take a shower and get dressed. I'll help them set up."

Lance ran off to the bathroom and Justin let the waiter in. He rolled the cart in and set it next to the table. He pulled out two more bottles of wine from underneath the cart and proceeded to open one.

"Excuse me sir, would you like me to open both of the bottles or just one."

Justin was looking into the bag of condoms Lance had bought. Seeing the three boxes and two tubes of lube he quickly responded "BOTH!"

Lance emerged from the bathroom just as Justin was closing the door.

"Wow, you look handsome."

Lance replied "Thanks. You do too, but you're missing something." Lance walked over to the bed, picked up the id bracelet and put it on Justin's wrist.

"There. Now you're perfect."

"I love you James Lansten Bass."

"And I love you too Justin Randall Timberlake."

"Thank you for the gift."

"You're welcome, but it can't compare to what you gave me last night. Besides, Chris thought I should just have "Lance's Bitch" tattooed on you. I thought this would be a little more discreet!"

Justin pushed the laughing Lance down on the bed.

He walked over to the bag of 'supplies' Lance had bought, picked up the desensitizing lube and said "You buy this now, funny boy, after the worst is over?"

Lance got up, walked behind Justin, putting his hands in Justin's pants and said, "I was thinking tonight I could give you what you gave me last night." Lance moved his hands in the pockets until he was grabbing Justin's manhood.

"Uh huh. And you think after you stick your huge monster up me I'm going to let you use this and get off easy? I think not."

Lance pouted a little. Justin turned his head around and kissed him.

"We'll talk about it after dinner. Let's eat!"

The two sat down and started to eat.

"God Justin, you ordered more food than we do for all 5 of us."

"I wasn't sure what I was in the mood for. I was thinking too much about dessert!" With that he licked his lips, making Lance moan in anticipation.

JC and Kyle had just finished dinner and had decided to watch a movie in JC's room. They headed upstairs and settled down on the couch. They decided on a movie and turned it on. JC got up to go to the bathroom. When he returned he 'accidentally' rested his leg up against Kyle's. Both noticed it, but neither tried to pull away. Before long their hands were touching. Kyle got up abruptly saying he had to go to the 'boy's room'. JC laughed and said "I think you're already there." Kyle chuckled and got up.

When he returned he found JC in a chair looking out the window. He came up behind him and started to massage his shoulders. He leaned down and gently blew behind JC's ear. Just shuddered and moaned out "Oh Lance."

Kyle stopped.

"What did you say?"

JC thought then turned around and began to apologize. He was quickly cut off by Kyle "You know, I thought you were special and that maybe we could be something one day, now you're calling me Lance. And you know what - that doesn't bother me that much because I see how you look at him. What bothers me is that if you are so infatuated with him, not only won't you give yourself completely to someone else who thinks you're great, but eventually you're going to break poor little Justin's heart, and I WON'T stand here and watch you do that."

Kyle got up, walked out of the room and to the elevator. JC went to the bed, lay down and cried.

'Why? WHY? I can't have Lance but I can't get him out of my mind. And now I screw up the one chance at being with someone discreetly. Why do I always have to be such a fuck-up?'

He lay there for some time before leaving his room.

He knocked on Justin's door. Justin and Lance were standing by the table, just finished eating, engrossed by a kiss.

"Whoever it is go away!" Justin shouted.

"Justin, it's me JC."

"That's nice. Go away."

"Please Justin, I need to talk to you."

Justin sighed and opened the door. "What?" He said impatiently.

"I fucked up . . . again. Kyle and I had dinner and we came to my room and everything was going great until I called him" JC looked behind Justin to see Lance staring at him "someone else's name. Now he's gone."

"Slick Josh. Real slick. And I suppose you sat there feeling sorry for yourself and came to bother us INSTEAD OF going to look for him, right."

JC looked to the ground.

"I think what he is trying to say" Lance spoke up "is you should get your ass out of here and go find your man!"

JC looked up, said "Thanks guys." And left. He ran to the elevator and went to the lobby. As he exited the elevator, he heard music. Someone was playing the piano. And they were good. The song seemed to carry him towards the lounge area like the song of a siren. Josh stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Kyle sitting there with his eyes closed playing the piano. JC could feel Kyle's pain in the music. He slowly walked over to him. When the song ended, JC said, "That was beautiful. What was it?"

Kyle answered coolly "A Chopin Nocturne. E minor."

"Listen, I fucked up. I knew it wasn't Lance. I don't know why I said that. If you will come back upstairs I tell you the whole story and if you want to hate me, then hate me. But at least let me explain."

"Fine." Kyle said as he started to get up.

JC pushed him back down. "First I want to hear one more song. I didn't know you played. That was great."

Kyle's tension eased a little and he asked, "What do you want to hear?"

"Anything as long as you're the one who's playing it."

Kyle started to play, and JC sat there, entranced by the music. When the song was done the two headed to the elevator. On the way up, JC started to explain.

"I'm sure you know about Justin running of a few days ago, right?"

Kyle nodded.

"Well, it was my fault. Lance and I were fighting. Justin had pulled away from me and the thought of Lance monopolizing his time just killed me. Anyway, after he left he had left a note breaking up with Lance. Lance collapsed and I took the note and read it."

They got off the elevator and headed for JC's room.

"I started to cry realizing what I'd done. So Lance and I were sitting down crying and I hugged him. I told him everything would be all right and we made eye contact. It was as if some was pushing us together - before either of us realized it, we were kissing. We stopped as soon as we realized what we were doing, but since then, I can't stop thinking about it. I even dream about it. I don't think it's because it Lance. You see, I had never done anything with a guy before. I'd thought about it, but never acted on it. The kiss from Lance made me realize a lot about myself."

There was silence for a minute.

"If you hate me and want to leave now, I'll understand."

"No, no. I think I can relate. I still remember my first kiss and my first ... well . . . never mind. But anyway - I think I can deal with that as long as that's all it is."

"That's all. Honestly."

"Ok. I believe you JC, but I want you to think about something. I want you to think about Justin and what condition he'd be in if you and Lance ever do anything again."

JC looked at the floor and said "It would kill him."

"Just remember that. Now, maybe we can get back to that movie we were watching."

"Actually, we weren't watching a movie yet. You were massaging my shoulders and it felt REALLY good." JC batted his eyelashes at Kyle.

"I see how it is. Call me Lance then put me to work as your slave!" Kyle laughed.

JC turned red and just smiled.

"Alright, but we do this by MY rules." Kyle continued. "Now take your shirt off and lie down on the bed."

JC did as instructed and soon Kyle was massaging his back. JC just moaned in pleasure.

"You know" JC spoke "they say that 80% of all massages lead to sex!"

"They do. And in your case it's going to be sex with your right hand and a tissue 'cause I don't do that on the first date!"

Back in Justin and Lance's room, the two had stripped each other, taken a hot bath, and were now laying on the bed kissing in their robes.

"Hey J - it looks like little Justin wants to come out and play!" Lance giggled as he pointed to Justin's penis which had found it's way out of the robe.

"He has a mind of his own some days!" Justin laughed.

"I love you Justin."

"I love you to Lance."

"I know that. That's why I want us to make love. I want to give you what you gave me."

Justin just smiled.

Lance grabbed a box of condoms and the lube.

"Aren't you going to use the numbing stuff?" Justin asked.

"You said no. Besides no pain, no gain right?"

"You can use it. I was just kidding. I does really hurt at first."

Lance smiled. "That's why I love you."

Justin blushed.

Lance handed Justin a condom and the lube. Justin looked at them and then looked at Lance.

"I . . .uh . . . I . . . I've never um."

Lance smiled and took the condom from Justin, opened it and showed Justin how to put it on.

Lance then told him to use the lube on him.

Lance laid on his stomach as Justin slid a finger into him. Lance moaned as Justin poured more lube onto him.

Lance told Justin to start. Justin got between Lance's legs and lay on top of him. He took his tool in his hand and found Lance's waiting hole. As he positioned himself against it, he asked "You ready?"

"I've been ready for you my whole life."

With that, Justin started to push in. It took some effort, but the head popped in. Justin yelled in ecstasy. Lance seemed rather comfortable so Justin pushed further.

"Oh fuck Lance this is tight. I'm not going to last."

"Pull out. All the way."

"Oh Lance, I'm so sorry. Am I hurting you?"

"No, no. Just pull out."

Justin pulled out and Lance pulled the condom off him. Justin looked at him with questioning eyes. Lance grabbed the bottle of lube and put some in his hand. He the rubbed it into Justin's cock.

Justin moaned "Oh god that tingles."

Lance took out another condom and put it on the boy.

"Lance, what was that for?"

"It will numb you a little so this will last longer. I want to be with you forever."

Lance rolled back over and Justin once again slid into him. Lance was right, Justin still felt great, but it wasn't as intense. He started to pump into Lance. After a while Lance started to moan.

"Oh fuck Justin, I think I'm gonna cum soon."

Lance's dick was rubbing against the bed with every thrust Justin made.

"I'm getting close now too."

"Should be. It's been like 40 minutes now. I think I like my quick shot Justin better!"

Justin slapped Lance's ass. Lance groaned out in ecstasy as he came on the bed.

"You like that, don't you?" Justin asked slapping his ass again.

Lance again moaned, this time louder.

Spurred by Lance's reaction, Justin started to slam into Lance, occasionally slapping his ass until the two were screaming in passion. With one final thrust, Justin unloaded the biggest load of his life into the condom. He was so exhausted he collapsed on top of Lance and drifted off to sleep. Lance reached behind himself and slowly withdrew Justin's member. He rolled the boy onto his back and removed the condom. He went to the bathroom to discard it and clean up. He brought a towel back out and wiped off Justin's still hard member. He put Justin under the covers, and got into bed himself, holding the love of his life in his arms.

As for the rest of the guys - Joey had a great night but returned to the hotel around midnight. Other than a goodnight kiss and an exchange of e-mail addresses nothing else happened. Chris and Sarah had a nice dinner but both retired to their rooms, feeling it was too soon to take things to the next level.

Kyle continued to massage JC. When he started to massage JC's legs, he had JC remove his pants. As he had figured, JC was so hard he was all but stabbing the mattress. A few jokes were exchanged, but nothing else. Kyle left for his room, and JC lay on his bed stroking himself as he drifted off to sleep. His dreams that night would be of Kyle.

Well, there you have it. The end of the Valentine's stuff. No more flowers and dinners for a while. The next few chapters will focus on one guy or the other so we can get to know them and what's going on in their lives a little better. Of course all the characters will be there - just a page or two focused on one person, then the rest on the group and/or couples! Hope you like it! I'm open to suggestion on where these budding relationships will go. Of course I have Justin and Lance's pretty much mapped out already - but the rest are open game. Let me know!!

Next: Chapter 13

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